How to go through the elements of a matrix, layer by layer - algorithm

It is difficult to explain what I want. Lets say I have a matrix of 0 and 1
I want to start from a certain group of ones (this is given in the beginning, and then I want to go outwards.
000000,,,,,,, 000000
011110 OR 001100
010010,,,,,,, 010010
011110,,,,,,, 001100
000000,,,,,,, 000000
The difference is not important, as long as I will go through everything, outwards.
The reason I want to do this is, this matrix of 1 and 0 corresponds to a matrix of some 2D function, and I want to examine the points in that function going outwards. I want to

If i understand the question correctly, basically what you want is to find a group of 1s inside a matrix and invert the group of 1s and all of it's surrounding. This is actually an image-processing problem, so my explanation will be accordingly. Sidenote: the term 'polygon' is here used for the group of 1s in the matrix. Some assumptions made: the polygon is always filled. The polygon doesn't contain any points that are directly at the outer bounds of the matrix (ex.: the point (0 , 2) is never part of the polygon). The solution can be easily found this way:
Step 1: search an arbitrary 1 that is part of the outer bound of the polygon represented by the 1s in the matrix. By starting from the upper left corner it's guaranteed that the returned coordinated will belong to a 1 that is either on the left side of the polygon, the upper-side or at a corner.
point searchArb1(int[][] matrix)
list search
search.add(point(0 , 0))
while NOT search.isEmpty()
point pt = search.remove(0)
//the point wasn't the searched one
if matrix[pt.x][pt.y] == 1
return pt
//continue search in 3 directions: down, right, and diagonally down/right
point tmp = pt.down()
if tmp.y < matrix.height
tmp = pt.right()
if tmp.x < matrix.width
tmp = pt.diagonal_r_d()
if tmp.x < matrix.width AND tmp.y < matrix.height
return null
Step 2: now that the we have an arbitrary point in the outer bound of the polygon, we can simply proceed by searching the outer bound of the polygon. Due to the above mentioned assumptions, we only have to search for 1s in 3 directions (diagonals are always represented by 3 points forming a corner). This method will search the polygon bound clockwise.
int UP = 0
int RIGHT = 1
int DOWN = 2
int LEFT = 3
list searchOuterBound(int[][] matrix , point arbp)
list result
point pt = arbp
point ptprev
//at each point one direction can't be available (determined using the previous found 1
int dir_unav = LEFT
//generate all possible candidates for the next point in the polygon bounds
map candidates
for int i in [UP , LEFT]
if i == dir_unav
point try
switch i
case UP:
try = pt.up()
case DOWN:
try = pt.down()
case RIGHT:
try = pt.right()
case LEFT:
try = pt.left()
break , try)
ptprev = pt
for int i in [0 , 2]
//the directions can be interpreted as cycle of length 4
//always start search for the next 1 at the clockwise next direction
//relatively to the direction we come from
//eg.: dir_unav = LEFT -> start with UP
int dir = (dir_unav + i + 1) % 4
point try = candidates.get(dir)
if matrix[pt.x][pt.y] == 1
//found the first match
pt = try
//direction we come from is the exact opposite of dir
dir_unav = (dir + 2) % 4
//no matching candidate was found
if pt == ptprev
return result
while pt != arbp
//algorithm has reached the starting point again
return result
Step 3: Now we've got a representation of the polygon. Next step: Inverting the points around the polygon aswell. Due to the fact that the polygon itself will be filled with 0s later on, we can simply fill up the surrounding of every point in the polygon with 1s. Since there are two options for generating this part of the matrix-state, i'll split up into two solutions:
Step 3.1: Fill points that are diagonal neighbours of points of the polygon with 1s aswell
void fillNeighbours_Diagonal_Included(int[][] matrix , list polygon)
for point p in polygon
for int x in [-1 , 1]
for int y in [-1 , 1]
matrix[p.x + x][p.y + y] = 1
Step 3.1: Don't fill points that are diagonal neighbours of points of the polygon
void fillNeighbours_Diagonal_Excluded(int[][] matrix , list polygon)
for point p in polygon
matrix[p.x - 1][p.y] = 1
matrix[p.x + 1][p.y] = 1
matrix[p.x][p.y - 1] = 1
matrix[p.x][p.y + 1] = 1
Step 4: Finally, last step: Invert all 1s in the polygon into 0s. Note: I'm too lazy to optimize this any further, so this part is implemented as brute-force.
void invertPolygon(int[][] matrix , list polybounds)
//go through each line of the matrix
for int i in [0 , matrix.height]
sortedlist cut_x
//search for all intersections of the line with the polygon
for point p in polybounds
if p.y == i
//remove ranges of points to only keep lines
int at = 0
while at < cut_x.size()
if cut_x.get(at - 1) + 1 == cut_x.get(at)
AND cut_x.get(at) == cut_x.get(at + 1) - 1
//set all points in the line that are part of the polygon to 0
for int j in [0 , cut_x.size()[ step = 2
for int x in [cut_x.get(j) , cut_x.get(j + 1)]
matrix[x][i] = 0
I hope you understand the basic idea behind this. Sry for the long answer.


Number of ways to form a string from a matrix of characters with the optimal approach in terms of time complexity?

We need to find the number of ways a given string can be formed from a matrix of characters.
We can start forming the word from any position(i, j) in the matrix and can go in any unvisited direction from the 8 directions available across every cell(i, j) of the matrix, i.e
(i + 1, j)
(i + 1, j + 1)
(i + 1, j - 1)
(i - 1, j)
(i - 1, j + 1)
(i - 1, j - 1)
(i, j + 1)
(i, j - 1)
Sample test cases:
(1) input:
N = 3 (length of string)
string = "fit"
matrix: fitptoke
output: 7
(2) input:
N = 5 (length of string)
string = "pifit"
matrix: qiq
output: 5
num of ways to make 'fit' are as given below:
I approach the solution as a naive way, go to every possible position (i,j) in the matrix and start forming the string from that cell (i, j) by performing DFS search on the matrix and add the number of ways to form the given string from that pos (i, j) to total_num_ways variable.
W = 0
for i : 0 - n:
for j: 0 - m:
visited[n][m] = {false}
W += DFS(i, j, 0, str, matrix, visited);
But it turns out that this solution would be exponential in time complexity as we are going to every possible n * m position and then traversing to every possible k(length of the string) length path to form the string.
How can we improve the solution efficiency?
Suggestion - 1: Preprocessing the matrix and the input string
We are only concerned about a cell of the matrix if the character in the cell appears anywhere in the input string. So, we aren't concerned about a cell containing the alphabet 'z' if our input string is 'fit'.
Using that, following is a suggestion.
Taking the input string, first put its characters in a set S. It is an O(k) step, where k is the length of the string;
Next we iterate over the matrix (a O(m*n) step) and:
If the character in the cell does not appear in the S, we continue to the next one;
If the character in the cell appears, we add an entry of cell position in a map of > called M.
Now, iterating over the input (not the matrix), for each position where current char c appears, get the unvisited positions of the right, left, above and below of the current cell;
If any of these positions are present in the list of cells in M where the next character is present in the matrix, then:
Recursively go to the next character of the input string, until you have exhausted all the characters.
What is better in this solution? We are getting the next cell we need to explore in O(1) because it is already present in the map. As a result, the complexity is not exponential anymore, but it is actually O(c) where c is the total occurrences of the input string in the matrix.
Suggestion - 2: Dynamic Programming
DP helps in case where there is Optimal Substructure and Overlapping Subproblems. So, in situations where the same substring is a part of multiple solutions, using DP could help.
Ex: If we found 'fit' somewhere then if there is an 'f' in an adjacent cell, it could use the substring 'it' from the first 'fit' we found. This way we would prevent recursing down the rest of the string the moment we encounter a substring that was previously explored.
# Checking if the given (x,y) coordinates are within the boundaries
# of the matrix
def in_bounds(x, y, rows, cols):
return x >= 0 and x < rows and y >= 0 and y < cols
# Finding all possible moves from the current (x,y) position
def possible_moves(position, path_set, rows, cols):
moves = []
move_range = [-1,0,1]
for i in range(len(move_range)):
for j in range(len(move_range)):
x = position[0] + move_range[i]
y = position[1] + move_range[j]
if in_bounds(x,y,rows,cols):
if x in path_set:
if y in path_set[x]:
return moves
# Deterimine which of the possible moves lead to the next letter
# of the goal string
def check_moves(goal_letter, candidates, search_space):
moves = []
for x, y in candidates:
if search_space[x][y] == goal_letter:
return moves
# Recursively expanding the paths of each starting coordinate
def search(goal, path, search_space, path_set, rows, cols):
# Base Case
if goal == '':
return [path]
x = path[-1][0]
y = path[-1][1]
if x in path_set:
results = []
moves = possible_moves(path[-1],path_set,rows,cols)
moves = check_moves(goal[0],moves,search_space)
for move in moves:
result = search(goal[1:], path + [move], search_space, path_set, rows, cols)
if result is not None:
results += result
return results
# Finding the coordinates in the matrix where the first letter from the goal
# string appears which is where all potential paths will begin from.
def find_paths(goal, search_space):
results = []
rows, cols = len(search_space), len(search_space[0])
# Finding starting coordinates for candidate paths
for i in range(len(search_space)):
for j in range(len(search_space[i])):
if search_space[i][j] == goal[0]:
# Expanding path from root letter
results += search(goal[1:],[(i,j)],search_space,dict(),rows,cols)
return results
goal = "fit"
matrix = [
paths = find_paths(goal, matrix)
for path in paths:
print('# of paths:',len(paths))
Instead of expanding the paths from every coordinate of the matrix, the matrix can first be iterated over to find all the (i,j) coordinates that have the same letter as the first letter from the goal string. This takes O(n^2) time.
Then, for each (i,j) coordinate found which contained the first letter from the goal string, expand the paths from there by searching for the second letter from the goal string and expand only the paths that match the second letter. This action is repeated for each letter in the goal string to recursively find all valid paths from the starting coordinates.

Print the elements which making min cost path from a start point to end point in a grid

We can calculate min cost suppose take this recurrence relation
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
for calculating min cost using the above recurrence relation we will get for min-cost(1,2)=0+1+2+6=9
i am getting min cost sum, that's not i want to print the elements 0,1,2,6 bcz this elements are making min cost path.
Any help is really appreciated.
Suppose, your endpoint is [x, y] and start-point is [a, b]. After the recursion step, now start from the endpoint and crawl-back/backtrack to start point.
Here is the pseudocode:
# Assuming grid is the given input 2D grid
output = []
p = x, q = y
while(p != a && q != b):
min = infinity
newP = -1, newQ = -1
if(p - 1 >= 0 && mat[p - 1][q] < min):
min = matrix[p -1][q]
newP = p - 1
newQ = q
if(q - 1 >= 0 && mat[p][q - 1] < min):
min = mat[p][q - 1]
newP = p
newQ = q - 1
p = newP, q = newQ
# print output
Notice, here we used mat and grid - two 2D matrix where grid is the given input and mat is the matrix generated after the recursion step mat[i][j] = min(mat[i - 1][j], mat[i][j - 1]) + grid[i][j]
Hope it helps!
Besides computing the min cost matrix using the relation that you mentioned, you can also create a predecessor matrix.
For each cell (i, j), you should also store the information about who was the "min" in the relation that you mentioned (was it the left element, or is it the element above?). In this way, you will know for each cell, which is its preceding cell in an optimal path.
Afterwards, you can generate the path by starting from the final cell and moving backwards according to the "predecessor" matrix, until you reach the top-left cell.
Note that the going backwards idea can be applied also without explicitly constructing a predecessor matrix. At each point, you would need to look which of the candidate predecessors has a lower total cost.

Finding the Number of paths in a table

Tere is a table of size R×C; R rows and C columns.
A sub-rectangle of the table is blocked.
We are only able to move right or down. What is the number of paths from the upper-left cell to the lower-right cell while not passing the blocked sub-rectangle?
My approach:
Calculate the path from for rows r2 C={0 to c1-1} and paths from row r1 C={c2+1,C}
r1, c1, r2, and c2, the upper-left cell and the lower-right cell of the blocked rectangle.
Cal Calculate C(n,k)
My Code:
int R = in.nextInt()-1;
int C = in.nextInt()-1;
int r1 = in.nextInt()-1;
int c1= in.nextInt()-1;
int r2 = in.nextInt()-1;
int c2 = in.nextInt()-1;
long ans=0;
long temp=0;
temp+= Cal(R-r2+C-c1,C-c1);
for(int i=0;i<c1 && r2!=R;i++){
for(int i=c2+1;i<=C;i++){
ans+= (Cal(i+r1,r1)-temp)*Cal(C-i+R-r1,C-i);
I am not getting the correct answer for my above algorithm. Please Help me if i am doing something Wrong.
Sample input:
8 12
5 5 8 8 ANS:7008
I suggest a dynamic programming approach to solving this problem. Each "unblocked" cell in the board will have a number associated with it, the number of ways of getting to the bottom right; currently that number is undefined in every cell.
It might be best to explain this with an example. Suppose we have
as our board, where X represents an obstacle and O is a square into which we have not yet filled the number of paths to the bottom right. We now work from the bottom right corner backwards. We'll start by filling in the number 1 in the bottom right, although that might not make total sense.
Now the two squares closest to the bottom right can be filled in. They're easy.
Now we can fill in 3 more squares:
In each case what we are doing is just adding together the number to the right of a square and the number below a square, where we imagine zeros to be off the right and bottom sides of the board. Next step:
So far, we're getting the binomial coefficients, which is what we'd expect in a problem like this. Next step:
More binomial coefficients. Next step:
I'm using the letter A for 10. It's like the binomial coefficients but we're missing a few off the board. Soon that will change, however. Next step:
Note the use of F for 15. Now things get interesting. Since we can't pass through the obstacle, we associate 0 with the cells in the obstacle. To fill in the blank at the top right, we add F + 0 = F. Similarly, 0 + 6 = 6.
Next step:
Last step:
Here I'm using U for 21 = F + 6. That's the answer to the question.
The procedure works in general. We can fill in any cell for which we know the numbers to the right and below, and gradually we fill in the whole rectangle.
I find it hard to understand the description of your algorithm so I'm not sure how to help with that. However, I think one way to find the number of paths could be to subtract those paths that include cells in the sub-rectangle from the total possible paths.
The number of paths that include a particular cell equals the number of paths from the top left to that cell, multiplied by the number of paths from that cell to the bottom right. And since you can only move down or to the right, accounting for the left column and top row of the sub-rectangle is enough to account for all of it.
If you started at the top left corner of the sub-rectangle, you could proceed as in the following example (ABCDEF constitute the sub-rectangle):
start X X X X
X X X X end
The sum of paths that include A,B,C,D,E or F equals:
Paths to A * Paths from A to end = 2 choose 1 * 5 choose 2 = 20
+ (Paths to cell above B) * Paths from B to end = 1 * 4 choose 2 = 6
+ (Paths to cell above C) * Paths from C to end = 1 * 3 choose 1 = 3
+ (Paths to cell left of D) * Paths from D to end = 1 * 4 choose 1 = 4
Solution equals: total paths - the number of paths that include A,B,C,D,E or F
= 7 choose 3 - (20 + 6 + 3 + 4) = 2
JavaScript code:
function f(Rows,Cols,r1,c1,r2,c2){
var r = Rows - r1,
total = C(Rows + Cols - 2,Rows - 1),
s = C(r1 + c1 - 2,r1 - 1) * C(Cols - c1 + r,r);
if (c2 > c1 && r1 > 1){
for (var i=c1+1; i<=c2; i++){
s += C(i + r1 - 3,i - 1) * C(Cols - i + r,r);
if (r2 > r1 && c1 > 1){
for (var i=r1+1; i<=r2; i++){
s += C(i + c1 - 3,i - 1) * C(Rows - i + Cols - c1,Rows - i);
return total - s;
function C(n,k){if(k==0||n==k)return 1;var p=n;for(var i=2;i<=k;i++)p*=(n+1-i)/i;return p}

Sort polygon's points for drawing

I have a matrix (0 means nothing, 1 means terrain) that represents a level in my game. The matrix corresponds to a grid that my screen is broken up into, and indicates where my terrain goes.
My terrain is actually composed of 4 points in the corners of each block within the grid. When you have multiple blocks that are connected, I use a merge-cell algorithm that removes the duplicate points and any interior points. The result is that I end up with a list of points representing only the outer edges of the polygon.
To draw this polygon, I need the points to be in some sort of order (either clockwise or counter-clockwise) such that each point is followed by it's neighboring point. Obviously the first and last points need to be neighbors. Since this is all in a grid, I know the exact distance between neighboring points.
The problem is that I am having trouble coming up with an algorithm that allows me to "walk" around the edge of the polygon while putting the points in order. I believe there should be a way to utilize the fact that I have the matrix representing the geometry, meaning there is only 1 possible way to draw the polygon (even if it is concave).
I have tried several approaches using greedy-type algorithms, but can't seem to find a way to know, in every case, which direction I want to travel in. Given that any particular point can have up to 3 neighbors (the fourth isn't included because it is the "starting" point, meaning that I have already sorted it) I need a way of knowing which way to move.
Another approach that I have been trying is to sort the points by their X (with tiebreaker of Y) which gives me the topmost/leftmost edge. It also guarantees that I am starting on an outer edge. However, I'm still struggling to find an algorithm that guarantees that I stay on the outside without crossing over.
Here is an example matrix:
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
Which corresponds to this (black dots represent my points):
First of all please consider that for a general matrix the output can be composed of more than one closed loop; for example boundaries of the matrix
form three distinct loops, one of them placed inside another.
To extract these loops the first step is to build a map of all "walls": you have a vertical wall each time the content of one cell is different from the next cell on the same row; you have instead an horizontal wall when the content is different from the same cell in the next row.
data = [[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]]
rows = len(data)
cols = len(data[0])
walls = [[2*(data[r][c] != data[r][c+1]) + (data[r][c] != data[r+1][c])
for c in range(cols-1)]
for r in range(rows-1)]
In the example above I'm using two bits: 0x01 to mark horizontal walls and 0x02 to mark vertical walls. For a given (r, c) cell the walls are the right and bottom wall of the cell.
For simplicity I'm also assuming that the interesting areas are not touching the limits of the matrix; this can be solved by either adding extra rows and cols of zeros or by wrapping matrix access in a function that returns 0 for out-of-matrix virtual elements.
To build the list of boundaries you need to simply start from any point on a wall and move following walls, removing the walls from the map as you process them. When you cannot move any more a cycle has been completed (you're guaranteed to complete cycles because in a graph built in this way from a matrix of inside/outside flags the degree is guaranteed to be even in all vertices).
Filling all those cycles simultaneously using odd-even filling rules is also guaranteed to reproduce the original matrix.
In the code following I'm using r and c as row/col index and i and j instead to represent points on the boundary... for example for cell (r=3, c=2) the schema is:
where the red wall corresponds to bit 0x02 and the green wall to bit 0x01. The walls matrix has one row and one column less than the original data matrix because it's assumed that no walls can be present on last row or column.
result = []
for r in range(rows-1):
for c in range(cols-1):
if walls[r][c] & 1:
i, j = r+1, c
cycle = [(i, j)]
while True:
if i < rows-1 and walls[i][j-1] & 2:
ii, jj = i+1, j
walls[i][j-1] -= 2
elif i > 0 and walls[i-1][j-1] & 2:
ii, jj = i-1, j
walls[i-1][j-1] -= 2
elif j < cols-1 and walls[i-1][j] & 1:
ii, jj = i, j+1
walls[i-1][j] -= 1
elif j > 0 and walls[i-1][j-1] & 1:
ii, jj = i, j-1
walls[i-1][j-1] -= 1
i, j = ii, jj
cycle.append((ii, jj))
Basically the code starts from a point on a boundary and the checks if it can move on a wall going up, down, left or right. When it cannot move any more a cycle has been completed and can be added to the final result.
The complexity of the algorithm is O(rows*cols), i.e. it's proportional to the input size and it's optimal (in big-O sense) because you cannot compute the result without at least reading the input. This is easy to see because the body of the while cannot be entered more times than the total number of walls in the map (at each iteration a wall is removed).
The algorithm can be modified to generate as output only simple cycles (i.e. paths in which each vertex is visited only once).
result = []
index = [[-1] * cols for x in range(rows)]
for r in range(rows-1):
for c in range(cols-1):
if walls[r][c] & 1:
i, j = r+1, c
cycle = [(i, j)]
index[i][j] = 0
while True:
if i > 0 and walls[i-1][j-1] & 2:
ii, jj = i-1, j
walls[i-1][j-1] -= 2
elif j > 0 and walls[i-1][j-1] & 1:
ii, jj = i, j-1
walls[i-1][j-1] -= 1
elif i < rows-1 and walls[i][j-1] & 2:
ii, jj = i+1, j
walls[i][j-1] -= 2
elif j < cols-1 and walls[i-1][j] & 1:
ii, jj = i, j+1
walls[i-1][j] -= 1
i, j = ii, jj
cycle.append((ii, jj))
ix = index[i][j]
if ix >= 0:
# closed a loop
for i_, j_ in cycle[ix:]:
index[i_][j_] = -1
cycle = cycle[:ix+1]
index[i][j] = len(cycle)-1
This is implemented by adding to the output a separate cycle once the same vertex is met twice in the processing (the index table stores for a given i,j point the 0-based index in the current cycle being built).
This seems like it would work to me:
For every filled square, check which of its neighbours are filled. For those that aren't, add the appropriate edges to a list of edges. Generate those edges as directed, either clockwise or anticlockwise as you prefer.
To construct a full path, start by pulling any edge from the set and add it to the path. It has an order so look at the second vertex. Find the edge in the set with the first vertex that is equal to that second vertex. Pull that edge from the set and add it to the path. Continue until the path is closed.
Repeat to generate a list of paths. A simple polygon should end up as one path. A complex polygon — one with holes in the middle in this case — will be several.
I guess there are different ways to do this, I suppose there is quite simple one for case when diagonal connected cells counted as different contours:
You just need too keep cell and corner direction. For example you started from upper right corner of some earth cell (it supposed that either upper or right cell, or both are nothing if it is bourder) and want to go clockwise.
If cell to the right is earth, than you change current cell to it and change corner to upper left (it is the same point). Then you go to next iteration.
In other case, if you started from upper right corner of some earth cell and want to go clockwise. If cell to the right is NOT earth than you don't change current cell and change corner to bottom right, (it's next point)
So you also have symmetrical situation for other three possible corners, and you can go to next iteration until returning to start point.
So here is pseudo-code I wrote, it uses the same indexing as picture uses, and supposes that all cells along borders are free, otherwise you will need to check if index id not out of range.
I will also need additional array with almost the same dimensions as matrix to mark processed contours, it need to be 1 cell wider than matrix cause I'm going to mark vertical lines, and each vertical line is supposed to have coordinates of cell to the right of it. Note that there are only 2 cases midst 8 dwscribed above when you need to mark vertical line.
int mark[,] = new int[height,width+1]
start_i = i = 0;
start_j = j = 0;
direction = start_direction = top_left;
index = 0;
//outer cycle through different contours
//scanning for contours through all the matrix
//continue from the same place, we stopped last time
for(/*i = i*/; i < n; i++)
for(/*j = j*/; j < n; j++)
//if we found earth
if(m[i,j] == 1)
//check if previous cell is nothing
//check if line between this and previous contour doesn't already added
if(m[i,j - 1] == 0 && mark[i,j] == 0)
direction = bottom_left;
//the same for next cell
if(m[i,j + 1] == 0 && mark[i,j+1] == 0)
direction = top_right;
//break if we found contour
if(i != start_i || j != start_j)
//stop if we didn't find any contour
if(i == start_i && j == start_j)
polygon = new polygon;
start_i = i;
start_j = j;
start_direction = direction;
//now the main part of algorithm described above
if(direction == top_left)
if(n(i-1,j) == 1)
direction = bottom_left;
position = (i-1,j)
direction = top_right;
if(direction == top_right;)
if(n[i,j + 1] == 1)
direction = top_left;
position = (i,j + 1)
direction = bottom_right;
mark[i, j + 1] = index;//don't forget to mark edges!
if(direction == bottom_right;
if(n[i+1,j] == 1)
direction = top_right;
position = (i+1,j)
direction = bottom_left;
if(direction == bottom_left)
if(n[i,j - 1] == 1)
direction = bottom_right;
position = [i,j - 1]
direction = top_left;
mark[i, j] = index;//don't forget to mark edges!
//and we can stop as we reached the starting state
}while(i != start_i || j != start_j || direction != start_direction);
//stop if it was last cell
if(i == n-1 && j == n- 1)
Also you may need to know which contour is inside which, and you mat need a stack to keep what contours you are inside while you are scanning, so every time you are crossing the existing contour you need to add it to the stack or remove if it is already at the top of the stack.
It will cause the next changes in code:
//continue from the same place, we stopped last time
for(/*i = i*/; i < n; i++)
for(/*j = j*/; j < n; j++)
if(mark[i,j] != 0)
if( == mark [i,j])
stack.push(mark [i,j]);
//if we found earth
if(m[i,j] == 1)
If your matrix can contain random patterns, the answer is far more complicated than it seems.
For one thing they may be an arbitrary number of distinct polygons, and each of them might be hollow.
Besides, finding the contour of a region (even with no holes) is of little help for drawing the surface. Your GPU will eventually need triangles, which means you will need to decompose your polygons into rectangles.
Finding an optimal decomposition of a hollow bunch of squares (i.e. the smallest set of rectangles that will cover them all) is a well studied NP-complete problem with no known solution.
There exist algorithms to find an optimal decomposition of such shapes with no holes, but they are very complex.
A greedy algorithm is much easier to implement and usually yields acceptable results.
So I would do a greedy search on your matrix, collecting rectangles until all "1" values have been visited. Turning these rectangles into coordinates should be easy enough, since you know exactly where the top left and bottom right corners are.
The greedy scan will look like:
while your matrix is not empty
move to first "1" value. This is the rectangle top left corner
from this corner, extend the rectangle in x and y to maximize its surface
store the rectangle in a list and clear all corresponding "1" values

No of ways to walk M steps in a grid

You are situated in an grid at position x,y. The dimensions of the row is dx,dy. In one step, you can walk one step ahead or behind in the row or the column. In how many ways can you take M steps such that you do not leave the grid at any point ?You can visit the same position more than once.
You leave the grid if you for any x,y either x,y <= 0 or x,y > dx,dy.
1 <= M <= 300
1 <= x,y <= dx,dy <= 100
x y
dx dy
no of ways
6 6
12 12
6 6
12 12
If you are at position 6,6 then you can walk to (6,5),(6,7),(5,6),(7,6).
I am stuck at how to use Pascal's Triangle to solve it.Is that the correct approach? I have already tried brute force but its too slow.
C[i][j], Pascal Triangle
C[i][j] = C[i - 1][j - 1] + C[i - 1][j]
T[pos][stp] = T[pos + 1][stp - 1] + T[pos - 1][stp - 1]
You can solve 1d problem with the formula you provided.
Let H[pos][step] be number of ways to move horizontal using given number of steps.
And V[pos][step] be number of ways to move vertical sing given number of steps.
You can iterate number of steps that will be made horizontal i = 0..M
Number of ways to move so is H[x][i]*V[y][M-i]*C[M][i], where C is binomial coefficient.
You can build H and V in O(max(dx,dy)*M) and do second step in O(M).
EDIT: Clarification on H and V. Supppose that you have line, that have d cells: 1,2,...,d. You're standing at cell number pos then T[pos][step] = T[pos-1][step-1] + T[pos+1][step-1], as you can move either forward or backward.
Base cases are T[0][step] = 0, T[d+1][step] = 0, T[pos][0] = 1.
We build H assuming d = dx and V assuming d = dy.
EDIT 2: Basically, the idea of algorithm is since we move in one of 2 dimensions and check is also based on each dimension independently, we can split 2d problem in 2 1d problems.
One way would be an O(n^3) dynamic programming solution:
Prepare a 3D array:
int Z[dx][dy][M]
Where Z[i][j][n] holds the number of paths that start from position (i,j) and last n moves.
The base case is Z[i][j][0] = 1 for all i, j
The recursive case is Z[i][j][n+1] = Z[i-1][j][n] + Z[i+1][j][n] + Z[i][j-1][n] + Z[i][j+1][n] (only include terms in the sumation that are on the map)
Once the array is filled out return Z[x][y][M]
To save space you can discard each 2D array for n after it is used.
Here's a Java solution I've built for the original hackerrank problem. For big grids runs forever. Probably some smart math is needed.
long compute(int N, int M, int[] positions, int[] dimensions) {
if (M == 0) {
return 1;
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (positions[i] < dimensions[i]) {
sum += compute(N, M - 1, positions, dimensions);
if (positions[i] > 1) {
sum += compute(N, M - 1, positions, dimensions);
return sum % 1000000007;
