download files using document extension iOS - ios8

Can we download and upload files from server using document extension in iOS ? I read there is a method documentStorageURL , originalURL in UIDocumentPickerExtensionViewController class. But in my case I have a C++ SDK that downloads a file from a server. So it is possible to integrate a SDK in the extension target of my application and use the SDK to download the file from another third party application. Has anyone tried to download a file via iOS NSURLSession or NSURLConnection classes in a UIDocumentPickerExtensionViewController class? or is their any limitations for extension not being able to integrate normal iOS app functionality ? Any sample code or references will be great.


How to use the Plugin.Storereview for requesting reviews on Appstore in Xamarin forms Application?

I am a beginner in Xamarin forms. I have installed the plugin
I haven't found any usage documents on how to initialize/ how to do the setup for using the plugin when i looked on the web.
How can I display the prompt to the user using this plugin?
I just did a test and you do not need any additional steps to use this plugin.
Install this plugin through manage nuget packages and the in your project:
Use the namespace:
using Plugin.StoreReview;
Use the method:
You need to test with a real device instead of a simulator.
The Store Review Nuget plugin has been updated to v3 recently thanks to the new (August 2020) Android native Play Core library so that it displays an In-App Review on both iOS & Android:
So now, initializing and setup is a lot easier and you don't need to pass the appid anywhere, it will be shown directly in the app

Download a zip file using xamarin forms app

I Am Newbie in Xamarin. Our Xamarin forms app supports Android and IOS. Most of the app functionality is written in PCL class library which is referred in the above platforms.
Now we need to download a zip file using this app. Some posts are suggesting to handle it in common PCL library and some are suggesting to handle it in respective native projects. I am bit confused, which is the better approach of the two. Are there any limitations in this approaches?
If possible could you please share a sample app. Thanks in advance.
You can write the code to download the file in PCL. For downloading file you can make use of HTTPClient. At the same time you have to call dependency service and write the dependent code in corresponding android/ios projects to specify the file output path. uses webClient which is written in android. You can use HTTPClient to get same result in PCL

Using the Nativescript platform-specific project

To my understanding, Nativescript takes the javascript (or typescript) + nativescript code and creates project files for both android and ios in order to be able to run them as native apps. I also know that these files all seem to be located in the Resources directory. However when I try to run a simulator from the xcode project that is created, it fails.
I don't want to know how to fix the simulator failure, I just want to know if it's possible for a swift developer to take the xcode project created by Nativescript and continue developing as a regular native app.
If so, is this possible with the android project as well?
Please check this out
The two articles explain in detail how you can embed the NativeScript runtimes in native Objective-C and Android applications.

Packaging NPAPI plugin for Mac App Store

I have a Safari extension built using NPAPI plugin. It was built by a contractor but I was asked to package it up for the Mac App Store.
Now I don't even know if this is possible as it was not built using Cocoa and when I use xcode to Archive it, I get a Generic Xcode Archive as the Archive Type instead of a Mac App Archive, that wont validate.
1. Can this be done in the first place?
2. If so, how do I go about creating the right Archive?
You can't distribute an NPAPI plugin via the App Store:
2.15: Apps must be self-contained, single application installation bundles, and cannot install code or resources in shared locations
An NPAPI plugin isn't an application, and in order to work must be installed in a shared location (the system or user plugin directory), so doesn't meet the App Store criteria.

Use Exchange Web Services on Android

there is a microsoft API for Java to connect to Micrsoft Exchange Webservices. Unfortunately it doesn't work on Android as mentioned in the Microsoft tutorial.
Has anybody an idea how to connect to Microsoft Exchange with Android? There is a solution using WebDav, but WebDav is only supported by Microsoft up to Exchange 2007.
Can anybody help me?
You can use microsoft's EWS api which is open source for android by doing the following steps,
Download the source code available in the URL,
Make the changes to above api to work for JDK 1.4 in eclipse like remove override annotations etc
Download source code of javax.* package available in below URL,
Download source code of stax api available in below URL,
Keep all the sources under the single java project in eclipse
Open the project explorer and select the package which are starts with "javax" and rename to your company name eg: com. Note: Eclipse will ask for all the naming contexts will change then click OK.
Export all the java sources to one single jar file.
You are good now to go to use the jar in Android application with out any problems.
I used the same way explained above and it worked in android application 100% perfectly.
There is a JAVA version of the EWS Managed API. Perhaps you can use that as a starting point.
