Use Exchange Web Services on Android - exchange-server

there is a microsoft API for Java to connect to Micrsoft Exchange Webservices. Unfortunately it doesn't work on Android as mentioned in the Microsoft tutorial.
Has anybody an idea how to connect to Microsoft Exchange with Android? There is a solution using WebDav, but WebDav is only supported by Microsoft up to Exchange 2007.
Can anybody help me?

You can use microsoft's EWS api which is open source for android by doing the following steps,
Download the source code available in the URL,
Make the changes to above api to work for JDK 1.4 in eclipse like remove override annotations etc
Download source code of javax.* package available in below URL,
Download source code of stax api available in below URL,
Keep all the sources under the single java project in eclipse
Open the project explorer and select the package which are starts with "javax" and rename to your company name eg: com. Note: Eclipse will ask for all the naming contexts will change then click OK.
Export all the java sources to one single jar file.
You are good now to go to use the jar in Android application with out any problems.
I used the same way explained above and it worked in android application 100% perfectly.

There is a JAVA version of the EWS Managed API. Perhaps you can use that as a starting point.


ASP .NET 5 WEB API creating help page

I just got started working on ASP.NET 5. I want to have a help page for my methods, I have seen few examples for creating help pages but most of them are MVC specific. I have gone through Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.HelpPage package, it creates an Area for help page but I am not using MVC pattern.
Any suggestions how can I create help page other than this area approach?
I would suggest looking at Swagger and SwaggerUI. Swagger is an open standard, using JSON to document an API, used by the likes of PayPal and Microsoft (check out Logic apps in the azure portal).
There are some open source implementations for .Net (both of which I have used), which will self document your API, just by adding the NuGet packages to your project and a little bit of configuration:
Swashbuckle is the original project and Ahoy is the new version targeting ASPNET5. When downloading the package from NuGet you will still get Swashbuckle, just make sure you tick "include pre-release", and if you need any documentation look at the original GitHub project.
SwaggerUI (which is also included in Swashbuckle) adds an interface which you can use to navigate and test your API, by default this is available from "/swagger/ui" when your project is running.
Here is a sample repo in GitHub I put together showing how it can be used:

Trouble building V8 on Windows 7

I have a need to build a desktop app using embedded V8. The online documentation says I need to use gyp. OK, but I can't seems to download gyp. Keep getting an "unable to connect to repository at URL" message. Is there another way to build V8? Is there another URL besides the one published by Google that I can use?

olingo-odata4-js project setup

I'm trying to follow the directions to setup olingo-odata4-js on a windows 8 machine.
First Problem
After installing the main modules navigate into the folder /grunt- config/browserify_transforms/stripheader and call again npm install
But there is no such directory anywhere in the cloned repo.
Second Problem
When I open up the solution in Visual Studio, the gnuget package manager asked to restore the packages. However, the following error occurs: "unable to find version 6.0.0-beta1 of package Microsoft.Odata.Service"
Anyone successfully go through the setup? Everything looks clean and well written. I'm sure I'm just missing something.
it is a bit long story about the missing Microsoft.OData.Service 6.x, it does exist but is not officially released to public. unlike Its previous version that is for odata V3 protocol, 6.x library is for odata V4 protocol, since Microsoft OData team decided to move away from WCF Data service, and instead wanted to recommend RESTier for OData V4, so 6.x's service dll was not released.
that is why Apache Olingo doesn't make it public either. but if you need, we can provide private bits to you for running olingo-js tests (as a temp solution).

Export files from meteor project

I am developing a meteor project which requires a deck-offline function.
The idea of deck-offline means you can download a group of files to local pc from server side.
I found a similar js file which provide an solution for it, the url is
So I want to ask if there is some package or api can implement the download file function from server side.
I have found great use for CollectionFS:
How to install packages from atmosphere can be found here:
Hope this suits your needs.

CRM 2011 Online Plugin Uploader to support CI

I'm involved in developing a sandboxed Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Online plugin and have a set of tests that I can drive from a xUnit front end on my local machine given that I right-click the Package and select the Deploy option (and resort to using the plugin loader sample when that doesn't work).
I'd like to be able to automate the running of my tests on my CI rig, where I'll need it to upload a fresh binary as part of each run.
We've looked at but it has bugs that prevent it working for Online and in short looks like it's no longer being maintained and I'm not keen to take ownership of what should be a fundamental tool that a platform/ecosystem should just have.
Is anyone using that tool or another plugin uploader non-interactively? Am I missing something?
I know I'm late with my answer and I`m pretty sure that you already have found a solution which is working for you.
However I felt the same pain and I have hacked a small application which could be used to simply update the plugin assembly, without doing any configuration work.
PluginAssemblyLoader -f "C:\MyPlugin.dll" -c "Url=http://crmserver/org;"
Please see
There isn't an easy OOB experience with this but the CRM 2011 Developer Toolkit just uses a set of MSBuild targets that you can call yourself. It's just MSBuild, so you could hook it into your CI build if required. If you install or just extract the Developer Toolkit MSI in the SDK you'll find the following two files in there...
As an aside it would be nice if MS would open source this as the current implementation uses predominantly sealed and internal classes within the custom tasks.
