Kendo scheduler timeline time interval - kendo-ui

Is there a way to change the size of kendo timeline header cells. I need to create a condensed scheduler like the prototype below.

Simplest way is to use height and views/eventHeight like so:
views: [
type: "timeline",
eventHeight: 10
height: 280,
Tell me what exacly do you need if you need something more.

If you need to reduce the number of columns you can adjust the minorTickCount option:


How can I add multiple tooltips on kendo ui grid.

I want to have different tooltips in different columns on a kendo ui grid.
I am examine the example
but I can't find the way to do it.
Do you require Angular syntax as in example? - I don't speak Angular, but here is basic solution where I do not need to.
Dojo example
Also there is content function where you can catch and react according to attributes - in that case Title. So if you need calculate some equation (for example) you can create condition if(title == Tooltip1) and do what you need.
You can do like below:
filter: "td:nth-child(2),td:nth-child(3)", //comma separated multiple columns
position: "bottom", //possible values: bottom,top,left,right,center
content: function(e){
var content =;
return content;
This works for me!!!

How to set the alignment and width of all cells of a large Handsontable?

How to set the alignment and width of all cells the easy way?
Edit: Here my modified question - How to set the alignment and width of all cells of a large Handsontable? Is it possible to access all cells at once or to iterate over the cells?
For the alignment, just add the the className parameter to the json instance
var hot = new Handsontable(container, {
className: "htCenter", //htCenter or htRight
If you want to set the same width and same alignment for every cell in your table, then you simply want to add the following to your options object:
"colWidths": 200, // where 200 is an example width in pixels
"className": "htRight" // this is an example; you can choose from
"htRight", "htLeft", "htMiddle", "htBottom", and "htTop"
If using a type other than text, the text-align property is given high priority. Therefore, to override this using CSS, you could add the following rule; this is an example on whatever className you used and assuming you want to stick it to the right.
.htCenter {
And at any point in your code, you can update these settings using updateSettings().

JQPLOT - How to use breakpoints

I am trying to implement a horizontal bar graph using jqplot library.
In my case, some of the bars of the graph might show extraordinary spike so for example if the 3 bars of my graph have data value of 150(max), the spiked bar might have a data value of 1000.
To accomodate this requirement, I went through the documentation of jqplot and found out that they have something called "breakpoint" to break the axes at some particular place.$.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer.breakPoints
Now suppose my data for the series looks like this :
[100, 150, 50, 250, 1200, 100]
How in the above case can i make sure that jqplot inserts a breakpoint after 250 and continues the axes ticks at 1200?
[Edited] Ok, so after using the below code I am able to get the breakpoints working:
(i also went through the jqplot source and found out that for breakpoints to work, we need to manually set the ticks, which I did)
But my original problem is still at large!
Suppose my series looks like
[100, 200, 300, 20000]
In this case, even if I use breakpoints, my 3 bars which are of considerably lesser weight seems very tiny as compared to the 4th bar (20000 weight)
this makes the graph unreadable.
Can some one please suggest a way out of this?
"How to implement breakpoints": A replot of data as mentioned above, is not the right way to use breakpoints:
chart.axes.xaxis.breakPoints=[10,100]; chart.replot();
Hava a look on that piece of code, I solved the breakpoint issue:
Having all data values of my barchart < 200 exept of one bar value > 850 i would like to set a breakpoint between 250 and 850.
And here it's how this can be done:
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: ticks
yaxis: {
ticks: [0,50,100,150,200,250,275,825,850,900,950],
tickOptions: {
formatString: '%.0d'
renderer: $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
breakPoints: [275,825],
breakTickLabel: "≈",
forceTickAt0: true
Use the LinearAxisRenderer.
add your ticks manually in an array.
set the breakpoint with the rendererOptions.
The Array with the ticks, HAS TO CONTAIN the values, which you like to set the breakpoints in the rendererOptions.
P.S.: I also have a picture of the graph, but you don't allow me to post images until I get 10 reputations.

showLabel in jqplot series

is there a way to not display a series label in the legend when label is entered in the series options (something like a showLabel:false) ?
Reason : I actually need a more explicit identifier that 1,2... to know which series I'm checking within a python script that will build the different buttons used to display or not some series.
Any help will by really appreciated.
If no such options is present for series I could just enter a brand new one option and fill it with the identifier anyway to perform the check in my python script afterward.
You can use the showLabel option for each series. For example if you have 3 series and you want to not display the label of the second serie you can use something like the following :
series: [
{showLabel: true},
{showLabel: false},
{showLabel: true}
Please see an example on jsfiddle here
An alternative can be to define a variable with your own labels and to use it then in jqplot (example n°2 here:
var mylabels = ["This", "particular", "way"];
var plot = jQuery.jqplot('chart', [data], {...
legend: {
labels: mylabels

Resize last column in jqgrid

There seems to be a bug in jqgrid, where one can not resize the last column.
This seems to be a quite old issue raised in 2009. I had a look and the latest jqGrid sample seems to have this issue...
What I found however was that last column can be dragged to resize the grid itself.
See here Go to section what is new in 3.6.
Any pointers if this is already fixed.
Seems I found a solution.
Resizing of the last column can be done only within the area of the header wrapper (div.ui-jqgrid-hbox). In the outer space resizing process losing focus.
Because of existing some padding-right area with default 20 pixels, increasing the size can be done in this small part only.
In addition, we need to temporarily cancel table wrapper influence, because he also cause to stop resizing process.
Here is my solution. I assume, that your table wrapper id is gbox_DataTable_u:
CSS: define new wide padding-right area:
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-hbox {float: left; padding-right: 10000px;}
Append 2 events to your grid:
resizeStart:function(event, index){ $('#gbox_DataTable_u').width($('#gbox_DataTable_u').outerWidth() + 10000);}
resizeStop: function(width, index) {$('#gbox_DataTable_u').width($('#DataTable_u').outerWidth());}
Example of working table:
I found that the best way is to add an empty unresizable column in the end of the grid.
I'm just doing it manually, by extending the colModel right before the execution of jqgrid constructor. Only problem being - I wasn't able to make it not draggable so far.
Here's an example:
colModel.push({align: "left", editable: false, hidden: false, index: "ghostCol", label: " ", name: "ghostCol", resizable: false, sortable: false, type: "text", width: 50});
Hope this helps.
It is resizing fine for me as well, although you have to resize from the right on the "RTL Support" example, which seems to make sense.
Also be aware that if you are using Chrome, there is a jqGrid bug that causes horizontal scroll bars to appear - see jqgrid-does-not-render-correctly-in-chrome-chrome-frame. This issue has since been resolved, but the demo page has not been updated yet. And it certainly gives the appearance of the last column's resizing not working because you have to scroll all the way over to the right before you can resize the last column.
I have tried to resize the last column with resizeStop, i do some trick like the other guy said. hope it help.
resizeStop(width, index) { var amGrid = $("#jsonmap"), colModel =
$("#jsonmap").jqGrid('getGridParam','colModel'); var oW =
$oldWidths[index]; var cW = colModel[index+1].width+
downCalSize(oW,width); $oldWidths[index+1] = cW; $oldWidths[index] =
$('.ui-jqgrid-labels > th:eq('+(index+1)+')').css('width',cW);
$('#jsonmap .jqgfirstrow > td:eq('+(index+1)+')').css('width',cW);
var w = amGrid.jqGrid('getGridParam', 'width');
$('.ui-jqgrid-btable').css("width",w); }
i still looking for a common way, can do on more tables in one page and don't affect to each other.
After 2 days of struggling...I finally found a way to work around.
It seems that jqGrid calculates the resizing object in the dragMove event, where it uses passed event object to get the position of mouse and calculates the new width of resizing column. However when dragging exceeds the grid's boundry, the dragMove event stop shooting...
So my work around is simply modifying jqGrid to calculates resizing object again in the dragEnd event. Here's the modified code
first find the dragEnd event.
dragEnd: function(e) { // add a new input parameter = "default";
if(this.resizing) {
this.dragMove(e); // call dragMove event to calculate resize object
then find the mouseup event where dragEvent is triggerd...
$(document).mouseup(function (e) { // get the event object
if(grid.resizing) { grid.dragEnd(e); return false;}// pass event to dragEnv
return true;
Then columns should be able to resize to wherever mouse points.
Hope this would help.
