JQPLOT - How to use breakpoints - jqplot

I am trying to implement a horizontal bar graph using jqplot library.
In my case, some of the bars of the graph might show extraordinary spike so for example if the 3 bars of my graph have data value of 150(max), the spiked bar might have a data value of 1000.
To accomodate this requirement, I went through the documentation of jqplot and found out that they have something called "breakpoint" to break the axes at some particular place.
Now suppose my data for the series looks like this :
[100, 150, 50, 250, 1200, 100]
How in the above case can i make sure that jqplot inserts a breakpoint after 250 and continues the axes ticks at 1200?
[Edited] Ok, so after using the below code I am able to get the breakpoints working:
(i also went through the jqplot source and found out that for breakpoints to work, we need to manually set the ticks, which I did)
But my original problem is still at large!
Suppose my series looks like
[100, 200, 300, 20000]
In this case, even if I use breakpoints, my 3 bars which are of considerably lesser weight seems very tiny as compared to the 4th bar (20000 weight)
this makes the graph unreadable.
Can some one please suggest a way out of this?

"How to implement breakpoints": A replot of data as mentioned above, is not the right way to use breakpoints:
chart.axes.xaxis.breakPoints=[10,100]; chart.replot();
Hava a look on that piece of code, I solved the breakpoint issue:
Having all data values of my barchart < 200 exept of one bar value > 850 i would like to set a breakpoint between 250 and 850.
And here it's how this can be done:
axes: {
xaxis: {
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: ticks
yaxis: {
ticks: [0,50,100,150,200,250,275,825,850,900,950],
tickOptions: {
formatString: '%.0d'
renderer: $.jqplot.LinearAxisRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
breakPoints: [275,825],
breakTickLabel: "≈",
forceTickAt0: true
Use the LinearAxisRenderer.
add your ticks manually in an array.
set the breakpoint with the rendererOptions.
The Array with the ticks, HAS TO CONTAIN the values, which you like to set the breakpoints in the rendererOptions.
P.S.: I also have a picture of the graph, but you don't allow me to post images until I get 10 reputations.


Ensure value labels are displayed

I want to keep value labels outside my amChart graph. The problem is that when value label value is over 9999 then I cant display it's all content.
In this example values should be:
First digit is missing. I am dealing with this only by setting panel's margin
"panelsSettings": {
"marginLeft": 40,
"marginRight": 20,
Is there any more convienient way to be sure that labels are fitting? hardcoding margin seems to be overkill.
This is my example chart: https://jsfiddle.net/29w35txy/1/
As I mentioned in the comments above, it seems that this issue is depending on the default Browser font.
So it is working in Chrome (left), but does not work in Firefox (right) for me:
Beside that you can prevent this by increasing marginLeft of your panelsSettings which you are already using:
"panelsSettings": {
"marginLeft": 60,
// ...
Here I forked you fiddle to show the result.

AmCharts. Aligning balloons

I've spent a lot of time finding the solution, but i can't see any property in AmChatrts documentation that can align balloons not vertically. Actually, I just want to see all balloons, but not in one column. Can anybody help me?
There is currently no way to make the balloons stack in any different way than in once column. However, there are a few alternatives you can consider.
1) Displaying just one balloon.
To do that, set oneBalloonOnly to true:
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv",{
"chartCursor": {
"oneBalloonOnly": true
This will make the cursor display just one balloon of the closest graph.
2) Disable balloons and use a legend instead.
To disable balloons, simply set [valueBalloonsEnabled][3] in chart cursor's settings to false.
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv",{
"chartCursor": {
"valueBalloonsEnabled": false
"legend": {}
The legend will show relative value next to each graph title when you hover over the chart.
3) Consolidate values from multiple graphs into a single balloon.
To do that, use graph's balloonText property. It lets you reference to any field in data, so you can make it display values from any graph.
Here's a good example of the above.
Here's a good demo on how to do that.

Setting jqplot minimum bar height

I want to set a minimum height on a stacked bar so that it always shows no matter how small the value.
If the stacked values are relatively close, the bars show no problem:
But if the values differ by a lot, then the smaller bar is not visible on the graph:
I tried reading through the docs but didn't find any options for this. Help is appreciated!
Try to assing the smaller values to an other yaxis, so the graph will show 2 different yaxes, the first with a big interval, the second with an interval that permits to show correctly the smaller values (if you want to show the difference between the two kind of data, you could use min and max on the smaller yaxis).
axes: { [...], yaxes: { -big values- }, y2axes: { -small values-, min: -10, max: 10 }}
Don't know if that answer would be useful to you.

jqplot - x-axis

I have a long list of data for x-axis data when drawing a line chart (about 800 entries). The problem is it will not display correctly and overwrite each other. I am thinking a way to show (for example, every one hundred for a grid) and don't know how to do it. Please help me out.
You can specify an array of ticks to display on your chosen axis :
var xTicks = new Array(1,101,201,301,401,501,601,701,800);
--In your plot, add ticks option to your chosen axis :
axes: {
xaxis: {
ticks: xTicks --my ticks array
renderer: $.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
autoscale: false
It should do the trick.

Pointlabels not displaying when data point is at maximum

I have the following graph: http://synicworld.com/media/graph.png
Is there a way to get the pointlabel to show on the bars that have maximum value?
pointLabels {
edgeTolerance: 100
Looks like it's just edgeTolerance, which I had tried before, but not with a value high enough.
pointLabels {
edgeTolerance: -20
This will allow rendering of point labels even if they're too close to the edge. The negative value means there might be overlap onto the chart.
