How to make Cesium billboard with plugin jQuery? - jquery-plugins

I want to make billboard in Cesium using my plugin jQuery. I don't need PinBuilder or Images.
I am using plugin jQuery in html5:
How can I use this plugin like billboard in Cesium?
Please help me! Thank you!

Cesium Billboards are based on WebGL textures, and unfortunately there's no quick way to turn HTML DOM elements into WebGL textures. There have been some efforts to integrate HTML content in a 3D scene, but these revolve around the use of 3D CSS Transforms, not real WebGL texturemaps, so are not applicable to Cesium Billboards.
The best thing to do is probably to use Billboard.computeScreenSpacePosition to compute the position of the billboard every frame, and then position your DOM element at that screen location. This won't give you the correct depth if you have multiple overlapping billboards, but does allow the DOM elements to appear to be anchored to a spot on the globe.


three.js: Render 2d projection

I want to render a cube similar to .
My problem is how to render the face projections.
I tried using Reflector, but it is tricky to size and position so it captures just the face that I want, and also shows the sides.
I also saw I can use a separate canvas to render (I imagine using an orthographic camera), but I wish for everything to be in the same canvas. I saw an example with multiple views, but it seems that they can't be positioned behind.
So, is there a way to achieve this?
One possible approach to solve the issue:
Setup an orthographic camera such that its frustum encloses the cube. You can then position the camera in front of each side of the cube, use lookAt( cube.position ) to orient it properly and then render the scene into a render target. You need one render target per side. You can then use it as a texture for the respective plane mesh.
There is an official live example that demonstrates how RTT (render-to-texture) is done with three.js. Try to use it as a code template for your own app.

Perspective transform in THREE JS

I found few incomplete threads regarding Perspective Transform using Three JS.
I was looking to have a rectangle with video texture on it, and each corner one after another will animate to fullscreen or in reverse. As each corner animates the texture should stretch. Something like this demo but in Three JS.
It will be great help if someone can point to an example, docs or resources to get this effect.

Adding text in three.js

I am visualizing a graph using Three.js and for each node of the graph I add a label using TextGeometry. It is a pretty small graph but when I add text my application gets really slow. What should I do about it?
TextGeometry is more suitable for cases when you are really interested in rendering the text in 3D. It will create complex geometry that will surely slow your app down specially when there is a lot of text or you use CanvasRenderer.
For labels, it is generally better to use 2D labels, which are way faster to render. There are many different approaches to this. These can go on top of the Three.js rendering canvas, on a separate canvas, or even normal HTML nodes positioned using CSS properties. Alternatively, you can dynamically create small canvases of your label texts, and use them as sprite textures always facing camera - this might be the easiest way as the labels would be part of the 3D scene as your other objects. For a separate layer approach, you need to use unprojectVector or such to figure out screen XY coordinates to match your 3D scene positions.
See these SO posts for example:
- Dynamically create 2D text in three.js
- Canvas and SpriteMaterial
- How do I add a tag/label to appear on top of several objects so that the tag always faces the camera when the user clicks the object?

Three.js Canvas rendering

I have a question about Three.js with Canvas rendering:
I use Canvas rendering for be full compatible, the speed is not important for me, but i have two viewport, each with same scene, and a textured object render only in one view, depending of the rendering order :( I am block on it since one week , so ,it si normal "feature" ?
You need to set up two separate renderers, attach them to separate HTML elements, and use CSS z-index to layer them on top of each other. As Mr. Doob commented, it won't save you any computation memory.
It is cool because you can use the same scene (mesh, material, lights), but different cameras.

Particles vs ParticleSystem in three.js

I'm struggling with a visualization I'm working on that involves a stream of repeated images. I have it working with a single sprite with a ParticleSystem, but I can only apply a single material to the system. Since I want to choose between textures I tried creating a pool of Particle objects so that I could choose the materials individually, but I can't get an individual Particle to show up with the WebGL renderer.
This is my first foray into WebGL/Three.js, so I'm probably doing something bone-headed, but I thought it would be worth asking what the proper way to go about this is. I'm seeing three possibilities:
I'm using Particle wrong (initializing with a mapped material, adding to the scene, setting position) and I need to fix what I'm doing.
I need a ParticleSystem for each sprite I want to display.
What I'm doing doesn't fit into particles at all and I really should be using another object type.
All the examples I see using the canvas renderer use Particle directly, but I can't find an example using the WebGL renderer that doesn't use ParticleSystem. Any hints?
Ok, I am going from what I have read elsewhere on this github issues page. You should start by reading it. It seems that the Particle is simply for the Canvas Renderer, and it will become Sprite in a further edition of Three.JS. ParticleSystem, however is not going to fulfill your needs either it seems. I don't think these classes are going to help you accomplish this in WebGL in 3D. Depending on what you are doing you might be better off with the CanvasRenderer anyway. ParticleSystem will only allow you to apply a single material which will serve as the material for each particle in the system as you suggested.
Short answer:
You can render THREE.Particle using THREE.CanvasRenderer only.
