How to increment to next number - oracle

I have a field in my table which is of type NUMBER. It has values like the below,
Now I have a request to increment this to the next highest number of the same kind.
If the value is whole, say 1, i need to increment it to 2. If the value is decimal, say 1.1, i need to increment it to 1.2.
Any pointers on how to do it would be greatly helpful.

Building on BluShadow Jul 27, 2010 8:55 AM : # ...
Still may be a simpler way, but this seems to work.
select col1, case when floor(col1)=col1
then col1+1
else power(10,-1*
regexp_count(regexp_replace(col1,'[0-9]*\.([0-9])','\1'),'[0-9]'))+col1 end as nextNum
from (
select 1 as col1 from dual union all
Select 1.1 as col1 from dual union all
select 2 as col1 from dual union all
select 2.111 as col1 from dual union all
select 3 as col1 from dual union all
select 4.5 as col1 from dual) b
What this does:
uses a case statement to compare the floor of col1 to col1 (essentially finding out if there are decimals), if not simply add 1.
If there are decimals count how many. Use the power function and base 10 to identify the correct decimal position to add one to, and and add it back to col1 base.


reset index every 5th row - Oracle SQL

How can I make index column start over after reaching 5th row? I can't do that with a window function as there are no groups, I just need an index with max number of 5 like this:
and so on.
Appreciate any ideas.
You can use below solution for that purpose.
First, rank (row_number analytic function)the rows in your table within inline view
Then, use again the row_number function with partition by clause to group the previously ranked rows by TRUNC((rnb - 1)/5)
, row_number()over(PARTITION BY TRUNC((rnb - 1)/5) ORDER BY rnb) as "INDEX"
select "DATE", row_number()OVER(ORDER BY "DATE") rnb
from Your_table
) t
demo on db<>fiddle
Your comment about using analytic functions is wrong; you can use analytic functions even when there are no "groups" (or "partitions"). Here you do need an analytic function, to order the rows (even if you don't need to partition them).
Here is a very simple solution, using just row_number(). Note the with clause, which is not part of the solution; I included it just for testing. In your real-life case, remove the with clause, and use your actual table and column names. The use of mod(... , 5) is pretty much obvious; it looks a little odd (subtracting 1, taking the modulus, then adding 1) because in Oracle we seem to count from 1 in all cases, instead of the much more natural counting from 0 common in other languages (like C).
Note that both date and index are reserved keywords, which shouldn't be used as column names. I used one common way to address that - I added an underscore at the end.
alter session set nls_date_format = '';
sample_inputs (date_) as (
select date '2021-01-01' from dual union all
select date '2021-01-02' from dual union all
select date '2021-01-03' from dual union all
select date '2021-01-04' from dual union all
select date '2021-01-05' from dual union all
select date '2021-01-06' from dual union all
select date '2021-01-07' from dual
select date_, 1 + mod(row_number() over (order by date_) - 1, 5) as index_
from sample_inputs
-------- ----------
01.01.21 1
02.01.21 2
03.01.21 3
04.01.21 4
05.01.21 5
06.01.21 1
07.01.21 2
You can combine MOD() with ROW_NUMBER() to get the index you want. For example:
select date, 1 + mod(row_number() over(order by date) - 1, 5) as idx from t

Replace string in oracle

I have a number column, I need to replace the first number by 7 in oracle.
How to replace guys?
number want_number
4789654 7789654
2754678 7754678
1765689 7765689
For instance
REGEXP_REPLACE(number, '^\d', '7')
should work.
Or, a substring option with concatenation:
SQL> with test (num) as
2 (select 4789654 from dual union all
3 select 2754678 from dual union all
4 select 1765689 from dual
5 )
6 select num, '7' || substr(num, 2) wanted_num
7 from test;
---------- --------------------
4789654 7789654
2754678 7754678
1765689 7765689
You could manipulate as numbers, rather than converting to (and presumably later back from) strings:
with your_table (original) as (
select 4789654 from dual
union all select 2754678 from dual
union all select 1765689 from dual
union all select 999 from dual
union all select 1000 from dual
union all select 1001 from dual
select original,
- trunc(original, -floor(log(10, original)))
+ 7 * power(10, floor(log(10, original))) as wanted
from your_table;
---------- ----------
4789654 7789654
2754678 7754678
1765689 7765689
999 799
1000 7000
1001 7001
The floor(log(10, original) gives you the magnitude of the number. As an example, for your first original value 4789654 that evaluates to 6. If you then do trunc(original, -floor(log(10, original))) that is trunc(4789654, -6), which zeros the six least significant digits, giving you 4000000. Subtracting that from the original value gives you 789654. Then power(10, floor(log(10, original))) gives you power(10, 6) which is 1000000, multiplying that by 7 gives you 7000000, and adding that back on gives you 7789654.
(This won't work if your original value is <= zero, but that looks unlikely?)

Compare table content

I have 2 tables and I need to do a table compare:
Basically I want:
Records in where the values are not equal on matching labels
Records in TABLE A that are not in TABLE B
Records in TABLE B that are not in TABLE A
With that information, I can record the proper historical data I need to. It will show me where the value has changed, or where a label was added or can say TABLE A is the "new" set of data, and TABLE B is the "old" set of data. So I can see what is being added, what was deleted, and what was changed.
Been trying with UNION & MINUS, but no luck yet.
Something like:
If the labels and values are the same, I do not need them in the result set.
Here is one way (and possibly the most efficient way) to solve this problem. The main part is the subquery that does a UNION ALL and GROUP BY on the result, keeping only groups consisting of a single row. (The groups with two rows are those where the same row exists in both tables.) This method was invented by Marco Stefanetti - first discussed on the AskTom discussion board. The benefit of this approach - over the more common "symmetric difference" approach - is that each base table is read just once, not twice.
Then, to put the result in the desired format, I use a PIVOT operation (available since Oracle 11.1); in earlier versions of Oracle, the same can be done with a standard aggregate outer query.
Note that I modified the inputs to show the handling of NULL in the VALUE column also.
Important: This solution assumes LABEL is primary key in both tables; if not, it's not clear how the required output would even make sense.
table_a ( label, value ) as (
select 'AAA', 3 from dual
union all select 'CCC', null from dual
union all select 'XXX', 5 from dual
union all select 'WWW', 7 from dual
union all select 'YYY', 2 from dual
union all select 'HHH', null from dual
table_b ( label, value ) as (
select 'ZZZ', 4 from dual
union all select 'AAA', 3 from dual
union all select 'HHH', null from dual
union all select 'WWW', 8 from dual
union all select 'XXX', 3 from dual
union all select 'CCC', 1 from dual
-- End of test data (NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION!) SQL query begins below this line.
select a_label, a_value, b_label, b_value
from (
select max(source) as source, label as lbl, label, value
from (
select 'A' as source, label, value
from table_a
union all
select 'B' as source, label, value
from table_b
group by label, value
having count(*) = 1
pivot ( max(label) as label, max(value) as value for source in ('A' as a, 'B' as b) )
------- ------- ------- -------

Oracle 11g - How to calculate the value of a number in range minimum or max

i need a help to get solution to my problem, Please.
I have a table like this :
ID Number
|6 |20.90 |
|7 |45.00 |
|8 |52.00 |
|9 |68.00 |
|10 |120.00 |
|11 |220.00 |
|12 |250.00 |
The first range is 0 - 20.90.
When the value is in the half, the value id is for the max range.
When i got value 20.91, i want to get "ID = 6".
If the value is 31.00, i want to get "ID = 6"
If the value is
33.95, i want to get "ID = 7".
if the value is 44.99, i want to get ID = 7
How i can do it? Is there a function that will do what I need?
If you want the record with a number that is closest to your input, then you can use this:
select *
from (
select *
from mytable
order by abs(number - my_input_number), id
where rownum < 2
The inner query selects all records, but orders them by the distance they have from your input number. This distance can be calculated with number - my_input_number. But that could be negative, so we take the absolute value of that. This result is not output; it is just used to order by. So records with smaller distances will come first.
Now we need just the first of those records, and that is what the outer query does with the typical Oracle reserved word rownum: it represents a sequence number for every record of the final result set (1, 2, 3, ...). The where clause will effectively filter away all records we do not want to see, leaving only one (with smallest distance).
As mathguy suggested in comments, the order by now also has a second value to order by in case the input value is right at the mid point between the two closest records. In that case the record with the lowest id value will be chosen.
This is a good illustration of the power of analytic functions:
with mytable ( id, value ) as (
select 6, 20.90 from dual union all
select 7, 45.00 from dual union all
select 8, 52.00 from dual union all
select 9, 68.00 from dual union all
select 10, 120.00 from dual union all
select 11, 220.00 from dual union all
select 12, 250.00 from dual
inputs ( x ) as (
select 0.00 from dual union all
select 20.91 from dual union all
select 31.00 from dual union all
select 33.95 from dual union all
select 44.99 from dual union all
select 68.00 from dual union all
select 32.95 from dual union all
select 400.11 from dual
-- End of test data (not part of the solution). SQL query begins BELOW THIS LINE
select val as x, new_id as closest_id
from (
select id, val,
last_value(id ignore nulls) over (order by val desc) as new_id
from (
select id, (value + lead(value) over (order by value))/2 as val
from mytable
union all
select null, x
from inputs
where id is null
order by x -- if needed
------ ----------
0 6
20.91 6
31 6
32.95 6
33.95 7
44.99 7
68 9
400.11 12

how to combine multiple rows into one row in table in oracle and store result in other table

sample data: table consists of 96000 rows and i want to combine them into 16000 rows
row 1:1255467861 40825825 IDF+0149502016010615210300000396000026+0000651+ 00000000000000+|
row 2:000000000+0000000+0000000+000000677+02 YY 0444410100000 00 0001000000054+10001EB4200002+00000+0000052+0000000+0000000+|
row 3:00000 00000+00000+0000000+0000000+0000000+00000 00000+00000+0000000+0000000+0000000+00000 00000+00000+0000000+0000000+|
row 4:0000000+00000 00000+00000+0000000+0000000+0000000+00 004 1 000000000000 0000000000 M5|
row 5: 00000000 +00000000000000000000000000000000000000+00000000001011 Y 000000000+|
row 6:0000000+0000000+0000000+AB0002210000000000FIABMM81 15067195 0000000000009403228870|
Assuming that you know what the criteria (column1, column2 in the example) for grouping your rows is, I suggest you to use aggregate functions functions such as SUM(), MAX(), and COUNT() to aggregate data, Group by the criteria, and insert into the target table.
insert into my_target_table
Select column1, column2, sum(column3), max(column4), count(1) as column5
from my_source_table
group by column_1, column2
Assuming "row 1, row 2, row 3" has some meaning, you must have another column somewhere that shows the order. In my setup below, I assume you have an "id" (not necessarily consecutive numbers starting from 1; it can be number, or it can be date, etc. - for illustration I use some random numbers, they can also be fractional, or negative etc. - I build "row numbers" form that). If you don't have ANY kind of ordering, in the "order by" clause for the row_number() function you can simply "order by 1". However, I assume you also want to capture the minimum value of the "id" from each group of six (again, the id may be a date or timestamp or whatever).
The strategy is to create "row numbers". It works better if everything starts from 0, so I subtract 1 from the row_number() values. Then group by trunc(rn/6) and order by mod(rn, 6).
To concatenate the strings use listagg. I assume you wanted the strings concatenated with NO separator between them; if you do want them separated, for example, by #, then change the second argument to listagg from '' to '#'.
Query (including setup data, I shortened the input strings and I added a few more to show how everything works):
with test_data(id, input_str) as (
select 1, '12554861 40825825 IDF+0140000000+|' from dual union all
select 2, '0000000+00052+0000000+0000000+|' from dual union all
select 4, '00000 000+00000+0+00000+000+0000000+|' from dual union all
select 9, '00000+0000000+000000000000 M5|' from dual union all
select 14, '000000 +000000000011 Y 000000000+|' from dual union all
select 23, '000000IABMM81 15067195 0000003228870|' from dual union all
select 31, '125508825 IDF+0143333300000+|' from dual union all
select 32, '0000+052+0000AXZC000+0000000+|' from dual union all
select 37, '000MMDOQ000+0+00000+0000000+0000000+|' from dual union all
select 45, '000000 +00000000001011 Y 000000000+|' from dual union all
select 46, '00000+0000FIAB1 15067195 000CCV70|' from dual
has_rn (id, input_str, rn) as (
select id, input_str, row_number() over (order by id) - 1
from test_data
select min(id) as id,
listagg(input_str, '') within group (order by mod(rn, 6)) as output_str
from has_rn
group by trunc(rn/6);
Output (using the sample inputs in the test_data cte):
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 12554861 40825825 IDF+0140000000+|0000000+00052+0000000+0000000+|00000 000+00000+0+00000+000+0000000+|00000+0000000+000000000000 M5|000000 +000000000011 Y 000000000+|000000IABMM81 15067195 0000003228870|
31 125508825 IDF+0143333300000+|0000+052+0000AXZC000+0000000+|000MMDOQ000+0+00000+0000000+0000000+|000000 +00000000001011 Y 000000000+|00000+0000FIAB1 15067195 000CCV70|
