How to remove all resharper keybindings? - visual-studio

I like resharper fine, but with the new pricing, the trial ran out and I want to try life without it.
Except after disabling all the Resharper commands are still bound in my keyboard options! So ctrl+, doesn't fall back to the standard VS behavior because its bound to Resharper.Resharper_GotoRecentEdits which is, of course, disabled.
Even clicking Reset in the keyboard options does not remove the keybindings.
So what the heck. How do I get rid of all the resharper stuff? It is currently suspended and doesn't have a menu item.
This is Visual Studio 2015 with Resharper Ultimate trial

The following steps worked for me:
Disable ReSharper
In ReSharper's options -> Keyboard & Menus, select the Visual Studio scheme and click on Apply Scheme.
Mind the note under the Apply Scheme button: Click save to close the ReSharper Dialog and...
In TOOLS --> Options | Keyboard, make sure the right mapping scheme is selected (Visual C# 2005 for me) and click Reset and finally, Ok
That did the trick for me. opening the keyboard dialog once again and hitting Ctrl+, in the Press shortcut keys was no longer showing the key mapping to be bound to Resharper.Resharper_GotoRecentEdits

As per my comment on the initial post - it seems sometimes you have to uninstall ReSharper to remove the key bindings.


Keyboard shortcuts starting with Alt don't work in VS

Keyboard shortcuts which start with Alt (such as Peek Definition Alt+F12) stopped working on Visual Studio 2015.
When I press Alt key, those underscores appear under menu items (which is default behavior of windows) as shown on image
Other keyboard shortcuts such as F5, and all the ones starting with Ctrl are working properly.
I've found a lot of answers about keyboard shortcut conflicts after installing ReSharper, but I haven't installed it.
Any suggestions?
In my case it was Nvidia's "In-Game Overlay". In case you are running this software, try disabling this in the "Geforce Experience".
The image below shows where to do this:
After long troubleshoting and googling I've combined multiple things and it worked:
Updated the Visual Studio
Resetted keyboard layout with following steps:
2.1. Make sure you have no additional keyboard and displays connected (this could be optional step, but without this the solution was not
working for me)
2.2. From menu open "Tools" and select "Options"
2.3. From left side select "Environment" and click on "Keyboard"
2.4. Change the mapping scheme to "Default"
2.5. Click on "Reset" (You'll be promted something then click on "Yes") and OK
2.6. And now restart the application
Also by the way installed ReSharper and uninstalled (this also plays keyboard shortcuts of Visual Studio) and retried second step
DevExpress Coderush overrides some of the Alt key bindings which prevent Visual Studio using them (ie: Alt Left & Right).
They can be disabled selectively via Extensions -> CodeRush -> Options -> IDE -> Shortcuts -> untick Enabled on right.
I can confirm that it's due to GeForce Experience. Of course, not exactly GeForce Experience's fault since it's meant for gamers. After disabling the In-game overlay under Options (wheel), General, In-game Overlay, alt+F7 worked immediately.

Resharper 8 - Quickfix shortcut Alt+Enter gone

In Visual Studio 2012/2013, I want to reassign the Alt+Enter ↵ key combination to the "Quickfix" (triggering the menu from the light bulb) because it is not working anymore. I can't. I have tried the following (I am aware that some of the suggestions refer to VS 2010 and older R# versions):
Tried to change manually in Tools - Options - Keyboard: the former ReSharper_QuickFix entry is gone, see ReSharper_QuickFix gone
Tried Resharper_AltEnter as suggested in What is the name of the ReSharper's Quick Fix command - nothing, no shortcut
Switched back and forth settings in ReSharper -> Options -> Keyboard & Menus as described in Resharper Alt Enter not working - nothing
Switched back and forth settings in ReSharper -> Options -> IntelliSense -> General as also described in Resharper Alt Enter not working to no avail
Tried other suggestions from the same page
Sledgehammer approach: run devenv.exe /ResetSettings - nope
Search SO and the web up and down - found nothing
I have not yet had the nerve to re-install R# or even VS.
How can I get a standard set of R# keyboard shortcuts into Visual Studio? I'd gladly wipe out everything that is there just to get back my Alt+Enter Quickfix..
Please try this:
remove all mapping for Alt+Enter ↵ shortcut here Tools | Options | Environment | Keyboard (to find out mapped actions, press Alt+Enter ↵ in "Press shortcut keys" field and look at the list in "Shortcut currently used by" dropdown);
After removing:
Type ReSharper_AltEnter in "Show command containing" field;
Select "Text Editor" in "Use new shortcut in" dropdown;
Press Alt+Enter in "Press shortcut keys" field | Assign;
Select "XAML UI Designer" in "Use new shortcut in" dropdown;
Press Alt+Enter in "Press shortcut keys" field | Assign;
They changed the name of this shortcut to Resharper_AltEnter.
I had the same problem. I'd upgraded to VS Professional 2013 (update 3) about a week ago. I then installed Resharper and was re-tooling a few projects with Resharper for a few days. All was going well, then things went haywire. I tried all the suggestions in this post and elsewhere. This included un-installing and re-installing resharper. Un-installing and re-installing VS. Nothing seemed to be fixing it
Until at some point I tried what turned out to be the fix: uninstalling a couple of the R# extensions: Resharper.ExternalAnnotations, Nuget Support for Resharper and Resharper Razor Plugin.
Not sure which was causing the issue. But things seem to be working normally now.
I also went further and installed the latest ReSharper 8.2.3 -
Things are still ok [crossing fingers].
I have NOT installed any R# extensions. I will try to figure out which was the offending extension after I have had a few days of rest for this issue. So, in retrospect, it seems this problem started after I installed some offending R# extension.
Merge Visual Studio Light Bulb actions into ReSharper bulb - set checkbox in R# settings

How to enable C-U/C-D with ReSharper installed

I have recently installed VsVim and ReSharper into VS 2010. The ReSharper hotkeys seem to override those of VsVim.
Is there a way to make VsVim commands higher priority than those of ReSharper?
More specifically, I would like Ctrl+U and Ctrl+D to work like in Vim.
When I press Ctrl+D the shortcut conflict window appears and there doesn't seem to be a PgDown option.
On the window in the image select Visual Studio. Then open a text file (.cs, .cshtml, whatever) and in the bottom right of the window is an "options" button to the far right of the vsVim cmd line you type into. Click the options button and you will get a list. It will say "Ctrl_D handle with" and your options will be Visual Studio or vsVim; just switch it. You can come back and undo it later. I have VS2010, Resharper and vsVim and don't have the issue, but it may also be a .vimrc config setting where you need to disable the msvim options.
You need to tell ReSharper that you want Visual Studio to handle those keyboard shortcuts instead of ReSharper (in the window you show in your question), and tell VsVim that you want it to handle them instead of Visual Studio.
In up-to-date versions of VsVim, you do this by going to Tools -> Options -> VsVim -> Keyboard (by "Tools" I mean the menu in the Visual Studio menu bar). There you can configure what you want VsVim to handle. There used to be an "Options" button at the end of Vim's status bar, as John's answer says, but that is no longer true.
I have CTRL-d and CTRL-u set up to scroll in my VsVim configuration so I can vouch for it working.

Backspace doesn't work in Visual Studio

I keep getting a very annoying problem in Visual Studio. When I try to delete some text by pressing backspace it doesn't work. Why is this? What is going on? Sometimes I have to close and open Visual Studio to make this problem go away but I just tried that right now and it didn't work. Backspace works in Notepad in case you are wondering.
In Visual Studio go to:
Find "Edit.DeleteBackwards" command.
In "Use new shortcut in:" dropdown select "Text Editor".
In "Press shortcut keys:" click backspace so it would show "Bkspce"
Click "OK".
Backspace should start working for you again.
This seems to happen to me when I open a solution and there are files already open. I used to close the files, then close and re-open the solution to fix it, but now I just hit Alt + Enter.
Here is the blog where I found this trick.
I solved this issue resetting keyboard mapping scheme.
Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Keyboard -> Reset.
A quick fix for me is to simply open any menu from the menu bar. Once the menu is closed the non-character keys start to work again.
Except for the above methods.
You should also check the shortcut key settings:
File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts -> 'Then check the item: deleteLeft'.
I get this from time to time in VS2010 as well and simply just using the mouse to change tabs/files seems to always fix it now. Nothing more.
This method is working at 100%.
Go to "File-> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts" and search for deleteLeft and add keybinding "Backspace".
Odd that this is still an issue even in VS 2019. Both the backspace and delete keys didn't work. Quick fix, I just ran the project and it seemed to give it the kick it needed.
All I did was exit visual studio and restart it.None of the above options worked for me.
In my case the problem was the "When" Condition in "File-> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts".
I removed "textInputFocus && !editorReadonly" and it works now as expected.
I'm looking forward to the side effects ;).
Try resetting your Visual Studio Settings
Go to :
All Program > Visual Studio 20xx > Visual Studio Tools
Run Developer Command Prompt for VS20xx as Administrator and this command:
devenv.exe /resetsettings
A quick work-around for me is locking the pc (Windows+L) and logging in again.
You can reset keyboard mapping scheme like this
Options => Environment => Keyboard then select (Default) in the comboBox and click Reset button and then Ok button to confirm
Visual studio 2019 : Keyboard mapping sheme
Tested in Visual Studio 2019
This problem happened for me when I used a different version of resharper at home and then took that project to my employment. Backspace works for me now after I deleted the bin and obj and resharper directories.
I have this problem after I install Vim, uninstall Vim Backspace works fine.
When this issue has happened to me, I've found that hitting delete or backspace is unresponsive only within a portion of my code. This portion happened to be some code that I've pasted in from the internet somewhere.
To fix this issue, I cut out the recently pasted problematic code and then pasted it into a text editor like Notepad++. Then copying and pasting that same code out of the text editor and back into Visual Studio fixed the problem.
Using Visual Studio Community 2019 (16.4.3)
I just searched this issue because I could click in my document, type, et cetera, but I could not use backspace, delete, ctrl+z, or the arrow keys.
Opening the "File" menu, I noticed the Save option referred to a different file. I checked that file and found that all of the keys that seemed not to work were actually editing that other file.
Switching between the file in half-focus and the file I intended to edit worked and, luckily, undo was able to fix the file I unknowingly butchered.
If you wound up here, check your "File" menu to make sure the correct file is referenced, since the fix is quick and easy to try.
Just had this exact issue (along with 'Enter', 'Ctrl+X', 'Ctrl+C', 'Ctrl+V', 'Ctrl+Z' keyboard mappings seemingly doing nothing) in the latest VS preview version below:
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - Preview
Version 17.2.0 Preview 6.0
The fix for me was to move to another tab (I had multiple open) use the backspace key which worked fine, then move back to the original tab with which it wasn't working, save the file (as it had outstanding changes) and then I found backspace and all other shortcuts then worked!
I can only think that VS got in a locked (to keyboard mappings) state for that particular tab.
A few notes on this:
I knew it wasn't a keyboard issue as I was able to use those
keys/mappings fine in other apps.
I found closing and reopening VS didn't work.
Also resetting the keyboard mappings (through Options menu as others have described) didn't work.
I had multiple tabs open.
Resharper was disabled.
I just had this happen in one instance of Visual Studio 2022, caused by the debug settings editor window being open in another instance of Visual Studio 2022 in the background where I couldn't see it.
Closing that window resolved it.
I've had this issue for a long time. I'm not sure what causes it, but Alt + Enter works.
The extensions that I'm running include AnkhSVN, MySQL Tools, and Productivity Power Tools.

Visual Studio 2010 Intellisense annoyances

In VS2010 when my intellisense (for C#) pops up the first selected item is not highlighted. This means i have to press down/up-arrow before i press dot/enter/parenthesis to get the full word.
This only happens with the new intellisense (the one that searches everywhere and not only in the beginning).
Also, how do i switch between the old and new intellisense? This seems to happen automatically sometimes so i guess there's some hotkey i keep pressing all the time without knowing.
You can go to Edit -> IntelliSense -> Toggle Completion Mode. I thought there was a keyboard shortcut for it, but it appears not on my current installation... that may be a side-effect of installing ReSharper though. You can always set a shortcut if you want one, of course.
