Parse verification email with image - parse-platform

I am currently using Parse email verification to validate the user. Parse has given the option to send custom email for verification. My question is:
Is it possible to include an image in that email? I would like to show an image at the end of the text.
Thanks in advance.

Please use parse-mailgun-adapter for custom email templates From Here
Place your html files for custom templates in your root directory
you can use tag to place your images but don't forget to give it an absolute url with for example
< img src="" />


Is it possible to use DV360 API for youtube campaigns?

I am trying to modify line items through DV360 API. I am able to do it for Display campaigns but while using the same code for Youtube campaigns its returning 404 content not found even when LI exists with the same LI ID.
Yes its possible through SDF v5.2 and above. You can download SDF programatically and modify line items in csv file and upload it back to DV360.
But there is only catch is you cannot upload it programatically you have to upload it through dashboard only. You can do anything create, update and all.
URL for Format reference:
URL for downloading SDF:

How to get relative URL path for an image uploaded on Oracle WebCenter

We are working on a requirement where we have to show a signature image on an RTF Template. This signature changes for one bank to other, so we are thinking to upload them in UCM server and use the URL's relative path concatenated with Bank Account ID/Number to fetch the image into RTF.
But, when we upload image by following Note 1605094.1 we are not able to get a relative path to hard code in our template file.
Uploaded one image (5486173210.gif), and the URL generated is as below
And the second image (11223344.gif) got the URL like below
We are looking for a common relative URL path, so that we can hard code that in our RTF Template.
URL something like below helps us.
How about using the GET_FILE service URL?

Use custom image path for different stores in email template in Magento

I have created Transactional email template for sending emails for different stores.I have used an extension which allows admin to upload logo for his store.That logo is uploaded in folder media/uploaddir/stores/ for example media/uploaddir/stores/1/abc.gif for storeid 1.Now i want to use the store id and image name dynamically for different stores so that I can send store logo using same template for all stores.How can I do this?

custom contact form not working with magento installation

I want to implement this Contact form from inside a separate folder (named "custom-contact-form") on my Magento root directory.
Now, gives you whole package with html, php and css files to make and run your custom contact form. Here is the package.
One of the files that they give out is test.php to send a test mail to a given email address to see if everything works all right or not. This file is has a pretty simple php script to send an email to a secific email address. Now, it doesn't work! And I can't figure out why? Is it because of some kind of PHP conflict with magento installation?
Infact, I have tried many other simple contact form scripts and none of them seem to work.
I want to know the reason causing it not to work. Also, is there a way to add a custom contact form in magento WITHOUT creating a new extenshion?
oh, why do you want use that contact form?
the magento connect has this very nice webforms extension.

Magento block user email extension

Hi how can i block an user email extension for being registered? For example i don't want users register using this email extension Is there a default way in magento to get this done?
You can add one new class with regex to validate domain enter by customer.
Just add it to your validation.js like this
is true if the string ends in (plus optional whitespace).
hope this will sure help you.
