Magento block user email extension - magento

Hi how can i block an user email extension for being registered? For example i don't want users register using this email extension Is there a default way in magento to get this done?

You can add one new class with regex to validate domain enter by customer.
Just add it to your validation.js like this
is true if the string ends in (plus optional whitespace).
hope this will sure help you.


Add First name and last name option in newsletter registration popup in magento extension

At the backend of newsletter there are options for first name and last name , but the first name and last name appears only if the customer has signed up, I want to make it for guest as well, and want to add first name and last name in the popup which appears at the start of my landing page.
Can any one help ☺.
its not possible out of the box. you would need to save the names of a guest somewhere. Maybe you could use some newsletter extentions:

Hide product options in email template for customer only not for admin

I want to customize email template for new order mail. I want to hide product options in mail for customers only, but want to show these product options in administrator mail.
I am attaching a scrren-shot.
Please help me anyone who can get done this task.
Thanks in advance!
This isn't going to provide a full, free answer, you'll still have to work for it after this; but this should point you in the right direction.
First you have to set up Mage to send e-mail to more than one user
Second, you're going to have fun with the transnational e-mails:
Create another depend (this works like a psuedo if statement) to work on the sender e-mail address
use the default layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order for admin e-mails
use a custom call or adjustment to layout handle="sales_email_order_items" order=$order and display quantity and title, but no details.

custom contact form not working with magento installation

I want to implement this Contact form from inside a separate folder (named "custom-contact-form") on my Magento root directory.
Now, gives you whole package with html, php and css files to make and run your custom contact form. Here is the package.
One of the files that they give out is test.php to send a test mail to a given email address to see if everything works all right or not. This file is has a pretty simple php script to send an email to a secific email address. Now, it doesn't work! And I can't figure out why? Is it because of some kind of PHP conflict with magento installation?
Infact, I have tried many other simple contact form scripts and none of them seem to work.
I want to know the reason causing it not to work. Also, is there a way to add a custom contact form in magento WITHOUT creating a new extenshion?
oh, why do you want use that contact form?
the magento connect has this very nice webforms extension.

Customer IP address on Magento Order Email

The customer's IP address is stored against the order record in the back end of Magento (ver but it is not available as a variable to add to the New Order Confirmation Email.
Can anyone help me change the email template so that I can get this field added to the email?
Many thanks
6 months late maybe, but is this what you're looking for?
I've not tried it in the context of an email template but I'd guess this:
{{var remote_ip}}
or failing that, try:
{{var order.getRemoteIp()}}
FWIW I found the getRemoteIp() function used in app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/view/info.phtml.

Magento - How to rewrite /app/design/frontend/default/default/template/customer/form/register.phtml

I want to add new field in registration form, should I rewrite /app/design/frontend/default/default/template/customer/form/register.phtml
If yes, how can I do this ??
Well if you want simple, then you can use this module from AITOC - It allows you to add fields to the registration and store the information in the users profile.
If you're going to do it yourself, you'll have to do more than rewrite the phtml file, you'll have to create a whole extension that allows you to save the data somewhere and associate it with the users profile.
