How to send and receive data multiple times using TCPSocket in Ruby - ruby

How do I send and receive data multiple times using TCPSocket?
require 'socket'"", 80) {|s|
s.send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", 0
s.send "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", 0
# Here is no data. PS: Without reconnect.
I searched but did not find the answer.

the short answer is that you cannot easily do that using a TCPSocket (it can probably be done but not worth your trouble).
In case of HTTP the server will close the connection after sending the response.
What you want to do is use something that does HTTP and also understands how to do keep-alive's (i.e. persistent) on the connection so that you can reuse the connection. For some background:
Look at:
slide 30. may be outdated but will give you a good starting point.


Read entire message from a TCPSocket without hanging

I'm putting together a TCPServer in Ruby 3.0.2 and I'm finding that I can't seem to read the entire packet without blocking (until the socket is closed).
Edit: There was some confusion on what I was trying to do - my bad - so just to help clarify: I wanted to read everything that had been sent over the TCP connection so far. (end edit)
My first try was:
require 'socket'
server ='localhost', 4200)
loop {
Thread.start(server.accept) do |connection|
puts connection.gets # The important line
But that hangs until the client closes the connection. Okay, so I take a look at connection.methods, and the ruby docs and try a bunch of options that seem promising. Basically, there is two types of read methods: blocking and nonblocking.
The blocking methods that I tried are .read, .gets, .readlines, .readline, .recv, and .recvmsg. Now .read, .readlines, and .gets all hang (until the socket is closed) - so that's not helpful. The other ones (eg. .readline, the recv methods) don't read the entire message. Now, I could read each line until I see an empty line and parse the HTTP header from there. But there's got to be a better way; I don't want to have to worry about getting a corrupted message and hanging because I didn't read an empty line at the end of the header.
So I went looking at the non-blocking options. Specifically .recv_nonblock and .recvmsg_nonblock. Both of these throw errors (Resource temporarily unavailable - recvfrom(2) would block and Resource temporarily unavailable - recvmsg(2) respectively).
Any ideas on what could be going on? I think it has something to with me using Ruby 3, because trying out the code on Ruby 2.5, client.gets returns a line (doesn't hang), although .readlines does hang - so not sure what's going on.
Ideally, I could just call something along the lines of client.get_message and I would get the entire message that has been sent, but I'd also be okay with working at the TCP level and getting the packet size, reading that size, and reconstructing the message from there.
TCP just transmits the bytes that you write to the socket, and guarantees that the are received in the order they were sent. If you have the concept of a 'message' then you'll need to add that into your server and client.
.gets specifically will block until it reads a new 'line', or whatever you define as the separator for the string - see the docs IO#gets. This means that until your server receives that byte from the client, it will block.
In your client have a look at how you're writing your data - if you're using ruby then puts would work, as it will terminate the string with a new line. If you're using write then it will only write the string without a new line
# client.rb
c = 'localhost', 5000
c.puts "foo"
c.write "bar"
c.write "baz\n"
# server.rb
s = 5000
loop do
client = s.accept
puts client.gets
puts client.gets
will output
Thanks to everyone who commented/answered, but I found the solution that I think was intended by the creators of the Socket class!
The recv_nonblock method takes some optional arguments - one of which is a buffer that the Socket will store what it has read to. So a call like client.recv_nonblock(1000, 0, buffer) stores up to 1000 characters from the Socket into buffer and then exits instead of blocking.
Just to make life easy, I put together a monkey patch to the TCPSocket class:
class TCPSocket
def eat_buffer
contents = ''
buffer = ''
loop {
recv_nonblock(256, 0, buffer)
contents += buffer
rescue IO::EAGAINWaitReadable
The point that Steffen makes in the comments is well taken - TCP isn't designed to be used this way. This is a hacky (in the bad sense) method, and should be avoided.

Forwarding Raw Encrypted HTTPS Data in Ruby for MITM

I'm investigating man-in-the-middle attacks and trying to pipe raw HTTPS data (that is, before decryption) to and from a pair of sockets. For now, I just want to listen to the encrypted traffic, so I want any data going out to go from my web browser, through my script, and out to the intended recipient, and any data coming in to do the reverse. Ideally I'd just like to connect the incoming and outgoing sockets together and have them transfer data between each other automatically, but I haven't seen a way to do it in Ruby so I have been using the following, which I took from How can I create a two-way SSL socket in Ruby .
Here is my code:
def socketLoop(incoming, outgoing)
loop do
puts "selecting"
ready =[outgoing, incoming])
if ready[0].include?(incoming)
data_to_send = incoming.read_nonblock(32768)
puts "sent out"
puts data_to_send
if ready[0].include?(outgoing)
data_received = outgoing.read_nonblock(32768)
puts "read in"
puts data_received
break if outgoing.nil? || outgoing.closed? || outgoing.eof?
server =
loop {
Thread.start(server.accept){ |incoming|
outgoing =, TARGET_PORT)
socketLoop(incoming, outgoing)
outgoing.close # Disconnect from target
incoming.close # Disconnect from the client
It works beautifully for HTTP but for HTTPS, my browser keeps spinning, and the output seems to indicate that at least part of a certificate has been sent over, but not much more. I presume I was being naïve to think that it would work for SSL, but as far as I know it uses TCP as the transport layer so I'm not sure why it doesn't work. Is it possible to get the raw data in this way? Is it an issue with my Ruby or have I made some wrong assumptions? I'd prefer not to use a system-wide packet sniffer if possible. If it would not be easy in Ruby, I'd be very grateful for any pointers in another language too.
Thanks a lot for your help!
EDIT: It seems that I can do this easily with netcat -
sudo nc -l 443 0<backpipe | nc $TARGET_IP 443 >backpipe
so I am rather embarassed that I didn't think of something so simple in the first place, however I would still be interested to see what I was not doing right in Ruby.

Clarification of the Ruby Socket Library Gets Method

I am working on an assignment where I have to develop a web server in Ruby using the socket library. I was able to get a simple web server up and running as seen in this thread here .
I am currently working on getting and storing the body of an HTTP request into a variable in my web server. The problem I am running into is trying to define a while loop that gets the entire body of a HTTP request.
I am attempting to get the body of a HTTP request by using the gets method. I could not find any documentation on this method (I saw it being used here)
and was wondering if there were more documentation online.
In my first post here, someone suggested that I use the Content-Length header to determine the size of the body and how much data to read from the socket. I don't really understand how I would go about implementing this because I am unsure how the gets method functions.
Since this is for an assignment, I don't think posting code would be a good idea. I am looking for more information on the gets method and any tips to point me towards the right direction.
You shouldn't be using gets. gets tries to read complete lines (ie it reads up to a line separator), but there is no guarantee that an http request body ends with a line separator.
Instead you should be using read - this allows you to read an arbitrary amount of data (as you mentioned you can use the content length header to know how much to read)
Your ultimate problem isn't related to gets, or even really anything in your code. But before we get to that, let's answer this question & explore sockets a little bit.
If you follow the chain up, you find that Ruby's TCPSocket class inherits from its IO class. It's IO that provides gets. gets will read, line-by-line, until there's nothing more to read. Let's create a simple client that connects to a port, spits out 4 lines of poetry, and then quits:
# poetry_sender.rb
require 'socket'
poem = ["'God save thee, ancient Mariner!",
"From the fiends, that plague thee thus!—",
"Why look'st thou so?'—With my cross-bow",
"I shot the ALBATROSS."]
puts "Client establishing connection..."
s = 'localhost', 2000
puts "Client sending poetry..."
poem.each { |line| s.puts line } # Print each line out on the socket
s.close # Close our socket
puts "All done."
And a simple server, that displays what the client sends us:
# poetry_receiver.rb
require 'socket'
server = 2000 # Server bind to port 2000
loop do
puts "Server now awaiting some poetry..."
socket = server.accept # Wait for a client to connect
while line = socket.gets
puts "A client sent us this beautiful line: #{line}"
puts "They had nothing more to say; let's disconnect them."
If you run the server (poetry_receiver.rb) first, and then the client, you'll see some output like this:
Server now awaiting a connection...
A client sent us this beautiful line: 'God save thee, ancient Mariner!
A client sent us this beautiful line: From the fiends, that plague thee thus!—
A client sent us this beautiful line: Why look'st thou so?'—With my cross-bow
A client sent us this beautiful line: I shot the ALBATROSS.
They had nothing more to say; let's disconnect them.
Server now awaiting a connection...
The last two lines are the important ones; they indicate that socket.gets returned nil and we exited the while loop.
So, how can we modify our poetry_sender.rb so the server doesn't detect the end of the poem? You might think it's got something to do with blank lines, but if you set poem = [] or poem = ["", "", ""] then you'll find that it still gets disconnected OK. But what if we added a delay before closing the socket in poetry_sender.rb?
sleep 60
s.close # Close our socket
puts "All done."
Now you'll see a big delay in the server output. The TCP server doesn't break out of its while loop until the TCP client closes its socket.
Now we can turn to your broader problem: you're trying to implement a simple HTTP server, but your server is getting hung up in a while loop when you try to connect via your web browser. It's because your web browser is keeping that socket open; but it has to, otherwise it has no way to send you back a response. So, how do we know when a client has finished sending us a response? The HTTP 1.1 spec says:
A client sends an HTTP request to a server in the form of a request message... followed by header fields... an empty line to indicate the end of the header section, and finally a message body containing the payload body (if any).
Let's not worry about the message body; how could we write a while loop that terminates if it has no more impact, or if it receives a blank line? Here's one way, in a simple HTTP server that just sends back "Hello world" no matter what request it receives:
require 'socket'
server ='localhost', 2345)
http_request = [] # We'll store the lines of our incoming request here.
loop do
socket = server.accept
while (line = socket.gets) && line.chomp != '' # While the client is connected, and hasn't sent us a blank line yet...
http_request << line
# Send response headers
socket.print "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" +
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n" +
# Send response body
socket.print "Hello world!"
Quite late to the party, but I'm currently implementing my own rack app server (for fun).
Here you can see how I do it:
The first line of a HTTP request is always the request line, which is basically something like GET /test HTTP/1.1
After the request line until \r\n you get the headers.
After that you are able to read the body (if PUT / POST request) with just using the CONTENT_LENGTH you parsed from the headers.

How can I properly handle persistent TCP socket connections (to simulate an HTTP server)?

So, I'm trying to simulate some basic HTTP persistent connections using sockets and Ruby - for a college class.
The point is to build a server - able to handle multiple clients - that receives a file path and gives back the file content - just like an HTTP GET.
The current server implementation loops listening for clients, fires a new thread when there's an incoming connection and reads the file paths from this socket. It's very dumb, but it works fine when working with non-presistent connections - one request per connection.
But they should be persistent.
Which means the client shouldn't worry about closing the connection. In the non-persistent version the servers echoes the response and close the connection - goodbye client, farewell.
But being persistent means the server thread should loop and wait for more incoming requests until... well until there's no more requests. How does the server knows that? It doesn't! Some sort of timeout is needed. I tried to do that with Ruby's Timeout, but it didn't work.
Googling for some solutions - besides being thoroughly advised to avoid using Timeout module - I've seen a lot of posts about the method, that should handle this socket waiting issue way better than using threads and stuff (which really sounds cool, considering how Ruby threads (don't) work). I'm trying to understand here how works, but still wasn't able to make it work in the current scenario.
So I aske basically two things:
how can I efficiently work this timeout issue on the server-side, either using some thread based solution, low-level socket options or some magic?
how can the client side know that the server has closed its side of the connection?
Here's the current code for the server:
require 'date'
module Sockettp
class Server
def initialize(dir, port = Sockettp::DEFAULT_PORT)
#dir = dir
#port = port
def start
puts "Starting Sockettp server..."
puts "Serving #{#dir.yellow} on port #{}"
Socket.tcp_server_loop(#port) do |socket, client_addrinfo|
handle socket, client_addrinfo
def handle(socket, addrinfo) do |client|
log "New client connected"
loop do
if client.eof?
puts "#{'-' * 100} end connection"
input = client.gets.chomp
body = content_for(input)
response = {}
if body
status: 200,
body: body
status: 404,
body: Sockettp::STATUSES[404]
log "#{addrinfo.ip_address} #{input} -- #{response[:status]} #{Sockettp::STATUSES[response[:status]]}".send(response[:status] == 200 ? :green : :red)
def content_for(path)
path = File.join(#dir, path)
return if File.file?(path)
return Dir["#{path}/*"] if
def log(msg)
puts "#{Thread.current} -- #{} -- #{msg}"
I was able to simulate the timeout behaviour using the method, but the implementation doesn't feel good when combining with a couple of threads for accepting new connections and another couple for handling requests. The concurrency makes the situation mad and unstable, and I'm probably not sticking with it unless I can figure out a better way of using this solution.
Update 2
Seems like Timeout is still the best way to handle this. I'm sticking with it till find a better option.
I still don't know how to deal with zombie client connections.
I endend up using (got inspired when looking at the webrick code). You cha check the final version here (lib/http/server/client_handler.rb)
You should implement something like heartbeat packets.Client side should send special packets to after few secs/mins to ensure that server doesn't time out the connection on the client end.You just avoid doing anything in this call.

How to prevent "The connection was reset" error?

I have a very basic TCP server implemented in Ruby. In general it does what it's supposed to, but every once in a while I get "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading" error. I have a feeling that it has something to do with close terminating the connection too soon. If so, how do I wait for all the data to be sent? Or is it something else?
require 'socket'
server ='', 80)
loop do
session = server.accept
I'm not an expert in this area, but here is what I believe is happening....
The browser sends a GET request with the header field "Connection: keep-alive". So the browser is expecting to keep the connection alive at least until it receives a complete chunk of the response. Under this protocol, the server response must include a header specifying the length of the response, so that the browser knows when it has received the complete response. After this point, the connection can be closed without the browser caring.
The original example closes the connection too quickly, before the browser can validate that a complete response was received. Curiously, if I run that example and refresh my browser several times, it will load about every 1 in 10 tries. Maybe this erratic behavior is due to the browser occasionally executing fast enough to beat my server closing the connection.
Below is a code example that executes consistently in my browser:
require 'socket'
response = %{HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text;charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 12
Hello World!
server =
loop do
client = server.accept
client.puts response
sleep 1
I suspect it's because the browser is expecting an HTTP response with headers &c. Curiously, you can make the "reset" error happen every time if you put before the "ensure" a sleep of, say, one second.
How to fix it depends upon what you are after. If this is not to be an HTTP server, then don't use the browser to test it. Instead, use telnet or write a little program. If it is to be an HTTP server, then take a look at webrick, which is built into Ruby MRI >= 1.8. Here's how:
require 'webrick'
# This class handles time requests
class TimeServer < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
def do_GET(request, response)
response.status = 200
response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
response.body =
# Create the server. There are many other options, if you need them.
server =>8080)
# Whenever a request comes in for the root page, use TimeServer to handle it
server.mount('/', TimeServer)
# Finally, start the server. Does not normally return.
Also, should note that including Connection: close in the response header doesn't seem to help me at all with this connection reset error in my browser (FFv3.6). I have to include both the content-length header field, and include the sleep method to put some delay in the connection closing in order to get a consistent response in my browser.
