Build waits at Jetty start when running integration tests - maven

I'm trying to run some integration / acceptance tests.
I want to run these tests only when passed an environment variable, and so I use the following command:
mvn clean install -Denv="acceptance"
But the build stops at
2015-09-28 18:56:19.273:INFO:oejsh.ContextHandler:main: Started o.e.j.m.p.JettyWebAppContext#4bbc9862{/,file:///home/stephane/dev/java/projects/kahoot-rest/src/main/webapp/,AVAILABLE}{file:///home/stephane/dev/java/projects/kahoot-rest/src/main/webapp/}
2015-09-28 18:56:19.419:INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:main: Started ServerConnector#26b4acf4{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
2015-09-28 18:56:19.423:INFO:oejs.Server:main: Started #171829ms
[INFO] Started Jetty Server
I'm using Java 1.8.
My pom.xml file:
<connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

and add daemon option


Spring Boot application - build process with Angular does not update Angular part

My Spring Boot application contains a Java part and an Angular part. The Angular part (with an index.html,etc) is generated into the folder src/main/resources/static. Works fine. I noticed that when building the final JAR often (?) the static part is lost.
How come? What can I do to get the static / HTML part into the final Spring Boot JAR?
My <build> part of the pom.xml is shown below. All not-interesting parts (like unit testing, etc) is removed.
<id>npm install</id>
<id>build Angular production code</id>
Thank you #Carlos Cavero! You pointed me in the right direction. Thank you so much!
The problem was that the npm build was done in the 'compile' phase. On some machines the 'compile' phase of the Java code was done before that 'compile' with the Angular 'npm build'.
The solution was to put the Angular (typescript) npm phase BEFORE the compile phase. That is: in the generate-resource phase. It could not be the 'validate' phase, because that one is done before the 'install' with the 'npm install'.
This is now the correct Angular / npm build phase.
<id>npm install</id>
<id>build Angular production code</id>
I am using validate phase to copy the static angular resources to spring:
mvn clean install
Using a parent pom to split angular from Spring project:
Where phs-frontend project is an angular project with a pom file and maven clean plugin:
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>npm run build</id>
<arguments>run build</arguments>
And the phs-frontend-web is the Spring project:

Why Jetty Not Start After Mvn Install

I use follow config pom.xml
Then I use mvn clean install, All build success, But the jetty not start not run.
I find the error.My config is error.
Use this is OK!
<connector implementation="org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

Inegration test using maven

I am trying to create something like integration tests - i am using groovy to send requests and to parse answers. I'd also want starting of jboss and deploying of .ear to be automatically. Using cargo plugin i was able to start jboss. By using exec plugin i am trying to execute perl script that puts ear to deploy folder. Next phase - execute groovy tests, but this phase starts without waiting for ear to be deployed. Is it possible to make phase to wait for server to be deployed to jboss? My pom:
<timeout>6000000</timeout> <!--in ms-->
<!-- corresponds to -Djboss.bind.address= under jboss -->
<commandlineArgs>${} -x redeploy</commandlineArgs>
setup and tear down your server before and after integration test phase, something like that:
Rename your unit tests to be skipped by surefire but executed by maven-failsave-plugin to *

"exec-maven-plugin" does not execute

I have the following profile which I am executing successfully ("mvn exec:exec -DrunMule"):
<!-- automatically creates the classpath using all project dependencies, also adding the project build directory -->
I am trying to convert it to run at a specific stage when performing a maven build within the same pom.xml:
This new plugin does not execute when I perform a "mvn clean install". It is unclear to me why it would not.
-------------- update --------------
Once suggestion was to put the configuration inside the execution. This is what I tried and it still did not execute.
'configuration' should be under 'execution':
The plugin was defined under another, much larger profile. I thought I was adding it to the general build when I really was not. I moved it out of the profile and it worked. Lesson learned. Thank-you for the responses.

Maven: How do I configure tests to run in integration-test phase?

I'm using Maven 3.0.3. I want to run some Junit tests in my test phase and others in my integration-test phase. Problem is nothing is running during the integration-test phase. I run the command
mvn clean install
to kick everything off. Here is how I've configured my surefire-plugin ...
<value>-out \${webAppDirectory}</value>
I have two JUnit tests in my "integration" directory. I'm using the Maven Cargo plugin to spin up a server during the integration phase. Here is that configuration ...
Any ideas how I change/enhance my configuration so that my integration tests will run? - Dave
Have a look at Maven Failsafe Plugin
