Spring Boot application - build process with Angular does not update Angular part - maven

My Spring Boot application contains a Java part and an Angular part. The Angular part (with an index.html,etc) is generated into the folder src/main/resources/static. Works fine. I noticed that when building the final JAR often (?) the static part is lost.
How come? What can I do to get the static / HTML part into the final Spring Boot JAR?
My <build> part of the pom.xml is shown below. All not-interesting parts (like unit testing, etc) is removed.
<id>npm install</id>
<id>build Angular production code</id>

Thank you #Carlos Cavero! You pointed me in the right direction. Thank you so much!
The problem was that the npm build was done in the 'compile' phase. On some machines the 'compile' phase of the Java code was done before that 'compile' with the Angular 'npm build'.
The solution was to put the Angular (typescript) npm phase BEFORE the compile phase. That is: in the generate-resource phase. It could not be the 'validate' phase, because that one is done before the 'install' with the 'npm install'.
This is now the correct Angular / npm build phase.
<id>npm install</id>
<id>build Angular production code</id>

I am using validate phase to copy the static angular resources to spring:
mvn clean install
Using a parent pom to split angular from Spring project:
Where phs-frontend project is an angular project with a pom file and maven clean plugin:
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>npm run build</id>
<arguments>run build</arguments>
And the phs-frontend-web is the Spring project:


spring boot vuejs aplication can't show unicode charecters correctly in the tomcat server

Hi I am developing a full stack application using spring boot and vuejs the app works normally when I run it in the ide. but when I deploy it on the tomcat server the unicode charecters are not shown correctly.
my pom.xml for building app is:
<id>Install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<id>npm build</id>
<arguments>run build</arguments>
<id>Copy Vue frontend into Spring Boot target static folder</id>
I tried to solve the problem by adding
to the tomcat server config.
please help me to figure this out.
this is the webpage in running on the tomcat:
and this is same webpage running in the ide:

exec-maven-plugin with npm install

I try to use exec-maven-plugin in my project.
Here is the code
<id>npm install</id>
<echo message="Npm install" />
Here is my directory structure
And the mentioned error is
/Users/admin/Application-Marwen/workspace/Tourism/Tourism-Web/node/npm: line 34: node: command not found
Could you please help me
I use know frontend-maven-plugin
Here is the code
<!-- where to install npm -->
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<!-- Optional configuration which provides for running any npm command -->
<arguments>run-script build</arguments>
And the assembly.xml file
<assembly xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.3"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-assembly-plugin/assembly/1.1.3 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/assembly-1.1.3.xsd">
The objective is to prepare a zip file containing the compiled code to deploy it on server
Here is the obtained directory structure
1) I don't understand why the dist folder does not contain the compiled code (I wonder furthermore what it must contain exactly)
2) node and npm are installed in the directory tourisml/node, why
3) there is an error stating that
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (cfg-main-resources) on project tourism-web: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive distribution: You must set at least one file. -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (cfg-main-resources) on project tourism-web: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive distribution: You must set at least one file.
Normally I should obtaine one zip file (${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.zip) and I suppose it failed because there is no files in. Is that correct ?
Instead of using exec-maven-plugin, I suggest you to take a look at the frontend-maven-plugin to build your Node sources using npm install.
Using that plugin, you don't need to have npm or node installed on your machine : the plugin manages all by itself, so you should not encounter issues like command not found. Configuration like the following should work :
<!-- where to install npm -->
I have installed node and moved the installed folder under ${project.baseUri}/node/.
That error got resolved now and I can able to do npm install using below command in Command Prompt.
c:\main\prjt\apphost_prjt>mvn frontend:npm
Finally, I used frontend-maven-plugin
Here is an extract of the pom.xml
<!-- where to install npm -->
<id>install node and npm</id>
<id>npm install</id>
<!-- Optional configuration which provides for running any npm command -->
<arguments>run-script build</arguments>
Thank you for your answers

Have integration tests in jacoco-it directory

I have integration tests and they are executed fine, but Jacoco considers them as unit tests. How to tell Jacoco to see them as integration tests and display their graph coverage, not in the jacoco-ut directory, but it the jacoco-it directory ?
Here in the Maven configuration:
UPDATE: I was missing this bit in the maven-failsafe-plugin plugin:
After having added it as in:
the integration tests report shows the integration tests.
The final full configuration is:
You misunderstood the pattern for the include tag of maven-failsafe-plugin. The pattern is used for the package name of the classes within the test classpath (see also https://maven.apache.org/surefire/maven-failsafe-plugin/examples/inclusion-exclusion.html).
The build-helper-maven-plugin includes all classes in src/it/java to the test classpath. Then the pattern of include tag in both test plugins (surefire, failsafe) filters the classes within this test classpath. These filtered classes are executed by the test plugins.
So the workflow is
Build-Helper-Plugin extends the set of the test classes that have to be compiled and executed. Therefore the source directive is used. The path location defined in this source directive is related to the Maven project path.
Compiler Plugin compiles the java classes.
Jacoco-Plugin should measure the coverage in the production classes with unit tests. Therefore, the normal agent has to be prepared before the tests are executed. You can specify which production code should be included or excluded in the coverage measurment (include/exclude directive). The pattern in these directives are package-based (shlashes are used instead of dots).
Surefire-Plugin executes the tests whose full-qualified class name match the pattern of the include directive. The pattern uses slashes instead of dots.
Now the Jacoco-Plugin should measure the coverage in the production classes with integration tests. Therefore, the integration agent has to be prepared before the tests are executed. And again, you can specify which production code should be included or excluded in the coverage measurment (include/exclude directive). The pattern in these directives are package-based (shlashes are used instead of dots).
The same for the Failsafe-Plugin. It executes the tests whose full-qualified class name match the pattern of the include directive. The pattern uses slashes instead of dots.

Using Maven to build c++ in eclipse

My Project consists of multiple Java-Projects, one Java-JNI-C++ Project as a Bridge and one pure C++ Project keeping an algorithm library. I managed to write Maven build configurations for all 3 project kinds. So when I'm calling them on the commandline (Windows 7, 64bit) everything works great.
I do not use any make files or something like this. I use exec-maven-plugin to call my mingw 64bit installation without cygwin (and I also didn't at least knowingly install msys). So 2 pure commandline g++ commands each for the JNA and Library Project.
What I need now for a smooth development workflow is to be able to build and debug the this projects from within Eclipse but using the maven build scripts, since I don't want to put work into my poms and additionally configure the eclipse builder. This should be consistent! Furthermore should the error parsing in Eclipse be konsistent with the output of the maven build.
For my Java projects this works greatly out of the box. Eclipse picks up the maven config and CLEAN and BUILD produces exactly what it should. (Though I see that the Java Builder is still active in the project's properties. Why??). But I cannot get it to work with the CDT.
When I disable the C++ Builder Eclipse just builds with maven (what I want), but the clean commands do not work correctly. Also I get errors marked which are not errors by the compiler. Of course this should be consistent.
Are there tutorials for this use case?
I did not find information on that subject. I'm not sure if I'm generally going into a wrong direction missing best practices or something?!
Since this is my first s.o. question, please feel free to give me also feedback on my question. What I can provide I will ;-)
Some Information:
System Windows 7, 64bit
Eclipse Juno, m2e
Library POM:
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
Eclipse does not use the Maven build. Instead it configures the JDT according to your POM. This is done through an M2E (Maven to Eclipse) connector. If you want the same to work for CDT, then you would need an M2E connector for that. I'm not aware of an existing one, so you would have to write an Eclipse plugin for that. See http://wiki.eclipse.org/M2E/Extension_Development for details on how to do that.
Of course, you could also use "execute" instead of "ignore" in your lifecycleMapping in the pom. But that would probably make for a pretty slow build, because the whole build would be triggered on each change. And still this wouldn't "magically" make the errors from Maven appear in your files.

"exec-maven-plugin" does not execute

I have the following profile which I am executing successfully ("mvn exec:exec -DrunMule"):
<!-- automatically creates the classpath using all project dependencies, also adding the project build directory -->
I am trying to convert it to run at a specific stage when performing a maven build within the same pom.xml:
This new plugin does not execute when I perform a "mvn clean install". It is unclear to me why it would not.
-------------- update --------------
Once suggestion was to put the configuration inside the execution. This is what I tried and it still did not execute.
'configuration' should be under 'execution':
The plugin was defined under another, much larger profile. I thought I was adding it to the general build when I really was not. I moved it out of the profile and it worked. Lesson learned. Thank-you for the responses.
