Magento checkout stuck with Submitting Order Information (using custom theme ) - magento

Magento checkout stuck with “Submitting Order Information”
Magento Version Magento ver.
The entire process works in the checkout (Billing info, shipping info, shipping method, etc.) except when one finally decides to submit the order, (hit "place order” button) it just hangs at "submitting order information”. After sitting there for a few minutes, the shopper will be returned to the shopping cart, and the order never makes it through!
I hope and assume others have had the same problem? How to fix it? I’m worried that it might be the theme because I’ve haven’t had much luck finding the solution on the internet. (2checkout extension i m using for payment )

Just downgrade your extension version to 2.3.3


Missing Cart Information in Magento

Bit of a strange one but when I go to add products to the cart on my Magento website (I'm using the product information (image, name, etc) no longer shows up in the cart, either the preview when you hover over it or when in the cart itself. (Images in links)
The product is in there as the prices are there and customers have still been able to checkout and go ahead with their orders. But obviously, not having the product information there may confused some so it would be great to get it fixed.
The website has been targeted in a couple of phishing attacks recently so I have password protected some folders and added htaccess files to the affected folders denying access, I don't know if my above problem is anything to do with this but my worry is that in doing this I have accidentally broken the cart and have no idea how to fix it. I have gone back and removed some of the htaccess files but nothing has seemed to fix it.
Any help pointing me in the right direction would be extremely appreciated.
Some time ago, I met the same case, the information about the product has disappeared on the cart. I changed the base theme to test. I compare the current version with a fresh one. I see some code gone. So, you need to enable the Magento's path hint to correctly check the PHP code in Phtml files. Maybe they are gone.

Turning a Magento website into an online catalouge without Prices and a shopping basket

Hey im just looking for some advice, my project is to create a website on magento without the price option. This means no shopping basket either but just the option for users to view all the products without having the option to buy it online. Its important that i still keep the feature of selling online for the future but if it was possible to just disable it all.
Id love for some insight onto what people think the best option is for me to do.
You should do three things:
Remove all inclusions for the prices from your theme (just comment them out)
Remove the button in the addtocart.phtml files
Disable onepage checkout via the backend

Why is Magento forcing me to log in before I can add a product to cart?

I'm developing an ecommerce site using Magento v. and for some reason,
every time I try to add a product to cart on the front end, the system requires
that I log in before it will let me add it.
I have Guest Checkout enabled and none of my test products are downloadable.
Interestingly, it only happens on Windows. I clear the cache in all my browsers on Windows
and try it and I get the log in / register screen whenever I try to add a product to cart.
If I test it on the Mac, though, it works perfectly.
Why is this happening and how do I fix it?
Many thanks!
It depends:
on your config if guest checkout is enabled from system > configuration > checkout
on your products, if they are downloadable then they only can be purchased by registered users
Well, I solved the problem. Believe it or not, it was a CSS error on my part.
I had the wishlist link div overlapping the add to cart button, in effect
covering it up w/ the wishlist link.
So while it looked like I was clicking on Add to Cart, I was actually adding
the item to my wishlist, which cannot be done w/o being a logged in, registered
Sigh...big DOH! on my part.
The moral of this story is: always check your code!

Magento 1.6 - Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time

I'm having an issue with my Magento install where it won't display any shipping methods on checkout. The weird thing is that the quote functionality in the cart works fine. Looking at the UPS log, I can see that it gets the shipping info fine from UPS during checkout, but it's just breaking down somewhere along the line and not displaying it. The entry for this checkout in the UPS log is here
I also have flat-rate shipping enabled, and that won't show up either. Any thoughts? This may or may not make a difference, but I have the multi-warehouse extension installed as well. If you need more inform

Paypal Express option is missing at checkout - Magento 1.4.2

I've copied new Paypal and Checkout template folders into my site from all sorts of magento versions, and I still can't get the icon to show at my checkout. It works on a few other sites I've created.
Does anyone have any ideas why I can't get any instance of paypal express to show up on my site? I want it mainly in the checkout/cart area-
Magento 1.4.2
Things I have checked:
Base Currency is USD.
Replaced all files in Checkout(template) folder with different version, no changes.
Replaced all files in Paypal(template) folder with different version, no changes.
Replaced XML files for Checkout/Paypal with Newer, and older versions.
Verified my Paypal Express (and paypal pro) settings in the backend, these are identical to another working installation I have.
My head aches from this. Any ideas?
I have found a temporary solution to this issue-
I added the express checkout button myself in the checkout, and linked it to
If they have items in their cart, this URL will proceed into the paypal express checkout.
Hope this helps someone out there.
I'm not completely aware about Paypal Express but in your configuration, the value of "Enable Paypal Guest Checkout" is set to "No".
During the checkout process, at the cart page, the customer may not be yet logged, then Paypal is not shown. But if you are already logged, I think it will be shown.
If you set the config to yes, guest customer could use it but they won't create an account or log in ! Depends on your needs!
