how to rename image file name while uploading on web folder - vbscript

i m using asp classic. i want to rename image file while i upload image on web folder created by me. please help me out of this issue.
If there is a file in targeted folder with same name (like lokesh.jpg) what i am uploading, than new file should b automatically renamed(like lokesh(1).jpg) instead of overwriting
my code is as below:
Class FileUploader
Public Files
Private mcolFormElem
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set Files = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set mcolFormElem = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If IsObject(Files) Then
Set Files = Nothing
End If
If IsObject(mcolFormElem) Then
Set mcolFormElem = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Public Property Get Form(sIndex)
Form = ""
If mcolFormElem.Exists(LCase(sIndex)) Then Form = mcolFormElem.Item(LCase(sIndex))
End Property
Public Default Sub Upload()
Dim biData, sInputName
Dim nPosBegin, nPosEnd, nPos, vDataBounds, nDataBoundPos
Dim nPosFile, nPosBound
biData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
nPosBegin = 1
nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(13)))
If (nPosEnd-nPosBegin) <= 0 Then Exit Sub
vDataBounds = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)
nDataBoundPos = InstrB(1, biData, vDataBounds)
Do Until nDataBoundPos = InstrB(biData, vDataBounds & CByteString("--"))
nPos = InstrB(nDataBoundPos, biData, CByteString("Content-Disposition"))
nPos = InstrB(nPos, biData, CByteString("name="))
nPosBegin = nPos + 6
nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(34)))
sInputName = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
nPosFile = InstrB(nDataBoundPos, biData, CByteString("filename="))
nPosBound = InstrB(nPosEnd, biData, vDataBounds)
If nPosFile <> 0 And nPosFile < nPosBound Then
Dim oUploadFile, sFileName
Set oUploadFile = New UploadedFile
nPosBegin = nPosFile + 10
nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(34)))
sFileName = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
oUploadFile.FileName = Right(sFileName, Len(sFileName)-InStrRev(sFileName, "\"))
Dim oFileExtension
If sFileName <> "" then
oFileExtension = (Right(sFileName, Len(sFileName)-InStrRev(sFileName, ".")))
If oFileExtension <> "jpg" AND oFileExtension <> "jpeg" AND oFileExtension <> "gif" AND oFileExtension <> "pdf" then
response.write("<h1>Post New File</h1><p><font color=#ff0000>An error has occurred while processing your request.<br><br>We are sorry, Extensions other than JPG, JPEG, Gif, PDF are not allowed to upload<p><b>Click <a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>here</a> to go back and address the error.</b></font>")
Exit Sub
End if
end If
nPos = InstrB(nPosEnd, biData, CByteString("Content-Type:"))
nPosBegin = nPos + 14
nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, CByteString(Chr(13)))
oUploadFile.ContentType = CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
nPosBegin = nPosEnd+4
nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, vDataBounds) - 2
oUploadFile.FileData = MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin)
If sfileName <> "" then
If oUploadFile.FileSize > 10000000 Then
response.write("<h1>Post New Image</h1><p><font color=#ff0000>An error has occurred while processing your request.<br><br>We are sorry, Upload file containing 10000000(10mb) bytes only.<p><b>Click <a href='javascript:window:history.go(-1);'>here</a> to go back and address the error.</b></font>")
Exit Sub
End if
End if
If oUploadFile.FileSize > 0 Then Files.Add LCase(sInputName), oUploadFile
nPos = InstrB(nPos, biData, CByteString(Chr(13)))
nPosBegin = nPos + 4
nPosEnd = InstrB(nPosBegin, biData, vDataBounds) - 2
If Not mcolFormElem.Exists(LCase(sInputName)) Then mcolFormElem.Add LCase(sInputName), CWideString(MidB(biData, nPosBegin, nPosEnd-nPosBegin))
End If
nDataBoundPos = InstrB(nDataBoundPos + LenB(vDataBounds), biData, vDataBounds)
End Sub
'String to byte string conversion
Private Function CByteString(sString)
Dim nIndex
For nIndex = 1 to Len(sString)
CByteString = CByteString & ChrB(AscB(Mid(sString,nIndex,1)))
End Function
'Byte string to string conversion
Private Function CWideString(bsString)
Dim nIndex
CWideString =""
For nIndex = 1 to LenB(bsString)
CWideString = CWideString & Chr(AscB(MidB(bsString,nIndex,1)))
End Function
End Class
Class UploadedFile
Public ContentType
Public FileName
Public FileData
Public Property Get FileSize()
FileSize = LenB(FileData)
End Property
Public Sub SaveToDisk(sPath)
Dim oFS, oFile
Dim nIndex
If sPath = "" Or FileName = "" Then Exit Sub
If Mid(sPath, Len(sPath)) <> "\" Then sPath = sPath & "\"
Set oFS = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not oFS.FolderExists(sPath) Then Exit Sub
Set oFile = oFS.CreateTextFile(sPath & FileName, True)
For nIndex = 1 to LenB(FileData)
oFile.Write Chr(AscB(MidB(FileData,nIndex,1)))
End Sub
Public Sub SaveToDatabase(ByRef oField)
If LenB(FileData) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If IsObject(oField) Then
oField.AppendChunk FileData
End If
End Sub
End Class
<!-- #include file="upload.asp" -->
response.buffer = true
Dim Uploader, File, i, j
Set Uploader = New FileUploader
Dim brandnm, filename
brandnm = Uploader.form("brandname")
Dim objRSa, objCmda, stra
Set objCmda = server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
Set Objrsa = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") MM_connDUdirectory_STRING
stra = "SELECT * FROM brand"
Objrsa.Open stra,objCmda,1,2
if Uploader.Files.count <> 0 then
File = Uploader.Files.Items()
File(0).SavetoDisk Server.MapPath("upload/brands") 'Folder path where image will save
filename = File(0).Filename
filename = ""
End if
Objrsa.fields("brand_name") = brandnm
Objrsa.fields("brand_createddt") = now()
if filename <>"" then Objrsa.fields("brand_picpath") = filename
For Each File In Uploader.Files.Items
Objrsa("brand_ctype") = File.ContentType
Set Objrsa = Nothing
set objCmda = Nothing
Please help me out of this issue.

If you want to rename it to follow a known pattern as in your example ("filename(number).ext"), you must to use a pseudo-code like this:
let counter = 1
let original = file(0).Filename
let current = file(0).Filename
while(current file exists)
current = original-without-extension + (counter) + original-extension
counter = counter + 1
However, I think that would be better to store the user provided filename into your database and choose a random-like filename to store the actual file into the filesystem.
let current = userLogin + (currentTime as yyyyMMddHHmmss) + ".uploaded"
By using a bogus file extension you make your application way more secure, as your file will not be interpretable/executable -- imagine a malicious user uploading an .ASP file and executing it.
If this break the image MIME type, you should consider creating another .ASP page read the database to discover the appropriate MIME type based on the user provided file extension, write that content-type and the binary file content.
TL;DR: don't use the user provided file name, create a new one. This will avoid server hacking.


VBScript ADODB.Stream type mismatch

I am writing an HTA application to manage Hyper-V, and I am stuck on the GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage script. I took the VBScript example from:
but that script never actually calls the sub to write the image file. I tried calling the SaveThumbnailImage sub with the arguments being (objOutParams.ImageData), and I get a "Type Mismatch" error on the stream.WriteText line 81. For some reason, the ADODB is rejecting the binary data? I would appreciate any help with this.
option explicit
dim objWMIService
dim managementService
dim fileSystem
const wmiStarted = 4096
const wmiSuccessful = 0
' Main
Sub Main()
dim computer, objArgs, strArgs, vmName, vm
set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
if WScript.Arguments.Count = 1 then
computer = Split(objArgs.Unnamed.Item(0),",")(0)
vmName = Split(objArgs.Unnamed.Item(0),",")(1)
WScript.Echo "usage: cscript GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage.vbs hostName,vmName"
end if
set fileSystem = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & computer & "\root\virtualization\v2")
set managementService = objWMIService.ExecQuery("select * from Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService").ItemIndex(0)
set vm = GetComputerSystem(vmName)
if StartVm(vm) then
if GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage(vm) then
WriteLog "Done"
End if
end if
WriteLog "GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage Failed."
End Sub
' Retrieve Msvm_VirtualComputerSystem from base on its ElementName
Function GetComputerSystem(vmElementName)
' On Error Resume Next
dim query
query = Format1("select * from Msvm_ComputerSystem where ElementName = '{0}'", vmElementName)
set GetComputerSystem = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query).ItemIndex(0)
if (Err.Number <> 0) then
WriteLog Format1("Err.Number: {0}", Err.Number)
WriteLog Format1("Err.Description:{0}",Err.Description)
end if
End Function
' Save the thumbnail
Sub SaveThumbnailImage(thumbnailBytes)
dim stream
Const adTypeText = 2
Const adSaveCreateOverWrite = 2
set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
stream.Type = adTypeText
Redim text(ubound(thumbnailBytes) \ 2)
Dim i
for i = lbound(thumbnailBytes) to ubound(thumbnailBytes) step 2
text(i\2) = ChrW(thumbnailBytes(i + 1) * &HFF + thumbnailBytes(i))
stream.WriteText text
stream.SaveToFile ".\thumbnail.png", adSaveCreateOverWrite
End Sub
' Start the virtual machine
Function StartVm(computerSystem)
dim objInParam, objOutParams
StartVm = false
if computerSystem.OperationalStatus(0) = 2 then
StartVm = true
Exit Function
end if
set objInParam = computerSystem.Methods_("RequestStateChange").InParameters.SpawnInstance_()
objInParam.RequestedState = 2
set objOutParams = computerSystem.ExecMethod_("RequestStateChange", objInParam)
if objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiStarted then
if (WMIJobCompleted(objOutParams)) then
StartVm = true
end if
elseif objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiSuccessful then
StartVm = true
WriteLog Format1("StartVM failed with ReturnValue {0}", wmiStatus)
end if
End Function
' Print the thumbnail data
Sub PrintThumbnailImage(thumbnailBytes)
dim index
dim i
for index = lbound(thumbnailBytes) to ubound(thumbnailBytes)
WriteLog Format2("{0}:{1} ", index, thumbnailBytes(i))
End Sub
' Define a virtual system
Function GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage(computerSystem)
dim query, objInParam, objOutParams, virtualSystemsetting
GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage = false
query = Format1("ASSOCIATORS OF {{0}} WHERE resultClass = Msvm_VirtualSystemsettingData", computerSystem.Path_.Path)
set virtualSystemsetting = objWMIService.ExecQuery(query).ItemIndex(0)
set objInParam = managementService.Methods_("GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage").InParameters.SpawnInstance_()
objInParam.HeightPixels = 150
objInParam.WidthPixels = 100
objInParam.TargetSystem = virtualSystemsetting.Path_.Path
set objOutParams = managementService.ExecMethod_("GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage", objInParam)
if objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiStarted then
if (WMIJobCompleted(objOutParams)) then
GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage = true
end if
elseif objOutParams.ReturnValue = wmiSuccessful then
Dim strData : strData = objOutParams.ImageData
' PrintThumbnailImage(strData)
GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage = true
WriteLog Format1("GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage failed with ReturnValue {0}", wmiStatus)
end if
End Function
' Handle wmi Job object
Function WMIJobCompleted(outParam)
dim WMIJob, jobState
set WMIJob = objWMIService.Get(outParam.Job)
WMIJobCompleted = true
jobState = WMIJob.JobState
while jobState = JobRunning or jobState = JobStarting
WriteLog Format1("In progress... {0}% completed.",WMIJob.PercentComplete)
set WMIJob = objWMIService.Get(outParam.Job)
jobState = WMIJob.JobState
if (jobState <> JobCompleted) then
WriteLog Format1("ErrorCode:{0}", WMIJob.ErrorCode)
WriteLog Format1("ErrorDescription:{0}", WMIJob.ErrorDescription)
WMIJobCompleted = false
end if
End Function
' Create the console log files.
Sub WriteLog(line)
dim fileStream
set fileStream = fileSystem.OpenTextFile(".\GetVirtualSystemThumbnailImage.log", 8, true)
' WScript.Echo line
fileStream.WriteLine line
End Sub
' The string formatting functions to avoid string concatenation.
Function Format2(myString, arg0, arg1)
Format2 = Format1(myString, arg0)
Format2 = Replace(Format2, "{1}", arg1)
End Function
' The string formatting functions to avoid string concatenation.
Function Format1(myString, arg0)
Format1 = Replace(myString, "{0}", arg0)
End Function

Excel VBA Copying Pic/Chart to another workbook

I currently have code written to take the fields of one workbook and copy into another workbook. I currently take a range and 'snapshot' it then save that as a separate .bmp file.
I also would like to take this snapshot and attach it into a cell of the workbook I'm copying everything over into. Anybody have any advice, or see here i can add code for this?
Sub Macro4()
' Record and File report
Dim Model As String
Dim IssueDate As String
Dim ConcernNo As String
Dim IssuedBy As String
Dim FollowedSEC As String
Dim FollowedBy As String
Dim RespSEC As String
Dim RespBy As String
Dim Timing As String
Dim Title As String
Dim PartNo As String
Dim Block As String
Dim Supplier As String
Dim Other As String
Dim Detail As String
Dim CounterTemp As String
Dim CounterPerm As String
Dim VehicleNo As String
Dim OperationNo As String
Dim Line As String
Dim Remarks As String
Dim ConcernMemosMaster As Workbook
Dim LogData As String
Dim newFile As String
Dim fName As String
Dim Filepath As String
Dim DTAddress As String
Dim pic_rng As Range
Dim ShTemp As Worksheet
Dim ChTemp As Chart
Dim PicTemp As Picture
'Determines if any required cells are empty and stops process if there are. displays error message.
If IsEmpty(Range("c2")) Or IsEmpty(Range("AT3")) Or IsEmpty(Range("BI2")) Or IsEmpty(Range("M7")) Or IsEmpty(Range("C10")) Or IsEmpty(Range("AP14")) Or IsEmpty(Range("C14")) Or IsEmpty(Range("C23")) Or IsEmpty(Range("C37")) Or IsEmpty(Range("J51")) Or IsEmpty(Range("AA51")) Or IsEmpty(Range("C55")) Or IsEmpty(Range("AR51")) Then
MsgBox "Please fill out all required fields and retry.", vbOKOnly
Exit Sub
End If
If Dir("N:\") = "" Then '"N" drive not found, abort sub
MsgBox "Error: Drive, path or file not found. Please email copy of file to: "
Exit Sub
End If
'assigns fields
Model = Range("c2")
IssueDate = Range("AT3")
ConcernNo = Range("BC3")
IssuedBy = Range("BI2")
FollowedSEC = Range("BA9")
FollowedBy = Range("BD9")
RespSEC = Range("BG9")
RespBy = Range("BJ9")
Timing = Range("M7")
Title = Range("C10")
PartNo = Range("AP14")
Block = Range("AP16")
Supplier = Range("AP18")
Other = Range("AZ14")
Detail = Range("C14")
CounterTemp = Range("C23")
CounterPerm = Range("C37")
VehicleNo = Range("J51")
OperationNo = Range("AA51")
Remarks = Range("C55")
Line = Range("AR51")
LogData = Format(Now(), "mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mmAMPM")
fName = Range("BC3").Value
newFile = fName & "_" & Format(Now(), "mmddyyyy_hhmmAMPM")
Filepath = "N:\Newell K\Concern_Memo\Concern_Memo_File_Drop\Concern_Memo_Records\" & fName & "_" & Format(Now(), "mmddyyyy_hhmmAMPM")
DTAddress = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & Application.PathSeparator
'asks user is they are ready to send to database
If MsgBox("Are you ready to send record to database?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set pic_rng = Worksheets("ConcernMemo").Range("AK22:BK49")
Set ShTemp = Worksheets.Add
'Takes snapshot of image/sketch and saves to sharedrive
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=ShTemp.Name
Set ChTemp = ActiveChart
pic_rng.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture
Set PicTemp = Selection
With ChTemp.Parent
.Width = PicTemp.Width + 8
.Height = PicTemp.Height + 8
End With
ChTemp.Export fileName:="N:\Newell K\Concern_Memo\Concern_Memo_File_Drop\Concern_Memo_Images\" & newFile & ".bmp", FilterName:="bmp"
'opens db file on sharedrive and copies fields over
Set ConcernMemosMaster = Workbooks.Open("N:\Newell K\Concern_Memo\concern_memos_DBMASTER.xlsx")
RowCount = Worksheets("sheet1").Range("a1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With Worksheets("sheet1")
.Range("a1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Model
.Range("b1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = IssueDate
.Range("c1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = ConcernNo
.Range("d1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = IssuedBy
.Range("e1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = FollowedSEC
.Range("f1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = FollowedBy
.Range("g1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = RespSEC
.Range("h1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = RespBy
.Range("i1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Timing
.Range("j1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Title
.Range("k1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = PartNo
.Range("l1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Block
.Range("m1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Supplier
.Range("n1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Other
.Range("o1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Detail
.Range("p1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = CounterTemp
.Range("q1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = CounterPerm
.Range("r1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = VehicleNo
.Range("s1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = OperationNo
.Range("t1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Remarks
.Range("U1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = PicTemp
.Range("V1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = LogData
.Range("w1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Filepath
.Range("x1").Offset(RowCount, 0) = Line
'saves a copy to of entire file to sharedrive
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs fileName:="N:\Newell K\Concern_Memo\Concern_Memo_File_Drop\Concern_Memo_Records\" & newFile & ".xlsm"
'Saves copy to desktop
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
ThisWorkbook.SaveCopyAs DTAddress & newFile & ".xlsm"
MsgBox "A copy has been saved to your desktop"
ThisWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:="", _
Subject:="New Concern Memo"
End With
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
MsgBox "Please close out file without saving"
End Sub
Try this out :
Range("A1:D4").CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap
It will paste a copy of the "snapshot" of Range("A1:D4") at the cell A6.
EDIT : Since you have already set an object of that "target" workbook, you can use it to easily paste into it. Try this :
ConcernMemosMaster.Worksheets("sheet1").Range("A1:X1").CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap

Export pictures from excel file into jpg using VBA

I have an Excel file which includes pictures in column B and I want like to export them into several files as .jpg (or any other picture file format). The name of the file should be generated from text in column A. I tried following VBA macro:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim oTxt As Object
For Each cell In Ark1.Range("A1:A" & Ark1.UsedRange.Rows.Count)
' you can change the sheet1 to your own choice
saveText = cell.Text
Open "H:\Webshop_Zpider\Strukturbildene\" & saveText & ".jpg" For Output As #1
Print #1, cell.Offset(0, 1).text
Close #1
Next cell
End Sub
The result is that it generates files (jpg), without any content. I assume the line Print #1, cell.Offset(0, 1).text. is wrong.
I don't know what I need to change it into, cell.Offset(0, 1).pix?
Can anybody help me? Thanks!
If i remember correctly, you need to use the "Shapes" property of your sheet.
Each Shape object has a TopLeftCell and BottomRightCell attributes that tell you the position of the image.
Here's a piece of code i used a while ago, roughly adapted to your needs. I don't remember the specifics about all those ChartObjects and whatnot, but here it is:
For Each oShape In ActiveSheet.Shapes
strImageName = ActiveSheet.Cells(oShape.TopLeftCell.Row, 1).Value
'Picture format initialization
Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Contrast = 0.5: Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.Brightness = 0.5: Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.ColorType = msoPictureAutomatic: Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.TransparentBackground = msoFalse: Selection.ShapeRange.Fill.Visible = msoFalse: Selection.ShapeRange.Line.Visible = msoFalse: Selection.ShapeRange.Rotation = 0#: Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropLeft = 0#: Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropRight = 0#: Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropTop = 0#: Selection.ShapeRange.PictureFormat.CropBottom = 0#: Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft: Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 1#, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
'/Picture format initialization
Set oDia = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, oShape.Width, oShape.Height)
Set oChartArea = oDia.Chart
With oChartArea
.Export ("H:\Webshop_Zpider\Strukturbildene\" & strImageName & ".jpg")
End With
oDia.Delete 'oChartArea.Delete
This code:
Option Explicit
Sub ExportMyPicture()
Dim MyChart As String, MyPicture As String
Dim PicWidth As Long, PicHeight As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo Finish
MyPicture = Selection.Name
With Selection
PicHeight = .ShapeRange.Height
PicWidth = .ShapeRange.Width
End With
ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="Sheet1"
Selection.Border.LineStyle = 0
MyChart = Selection.Name & " " & Split(ActiveChart.Name, " ")(2)
With ActiveSheet
With .Shapes(MyChart)
.Width = PicWidth
.Height = PicHeight
End With
With ActiveChart
End With
.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Export Filename:="MyPic.jpg", FilterName:="jpg"
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "You must select a picture"
End Sub
was copied directly from here, and works beautifully for the cases I tested.
''' Set Range you want to export to the folder
Workbooks("your workbook name").Sheets("yoursheet name").Select
Dim rgExp As Range: Set rgExp = Range("A1:H31")
''' Copy range as picture onto Clipboard
rgExp.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlBitmap
''' Create an empty chart with exact size of range copied
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(Left:=rgExp.Left, Top:=rgExp.Top, _
Width:=rgExp.Width, Height:=rgExp.Height)
.Name = "ChartVolumeMetricsDevEXPORT"
End With
''' Paste into chart area, export to file, delete chart.
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("ChartVolumeMetricsDevEXPORT").Chart.Export "C:\ExportmyChart.jpg"
Dim filepath as string
Sheets("Sheet 1").ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.Export filepath & "Name.jpg"
Slimmed down the code to the absolute minimum if needed.
New versions of excel have made old answers obsolete. It took a long time to make this, but it does a pretty good job. Note that the maximum image size is limited and the aspect ratio is ever so slightly off, as I was not able to perfectly optimize the reshaping math. Note that I've named one of my worksheets wsTMP, you can replace it with Sheet1 or the like. Takes about 1 second to print the screenshot to target path.
Option Explicit
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Sub weGucciFam()
Dim tmp As Variant, str As String, h As Double, w As Double
Application.PrintCommunication = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If Application.StatusBar = False Then Application.StatusBar = "EVENTS DISABLED"
keybd_event vbKeyMenu, 0, 0, 0 'these do just active window
keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, 0, 0, 0
keybd_event vbKeySnapshot, 0, 2, 0
keybd_event vbKeyMenu, 0, 2, 0 'sendkeys alt+printscreen doesn't work
Const dw As Double = 1186.56
Const dh As Double = 755.28
str = "C:\Users\YOURUSERNAMEHERE\Desktop\Screenshot.jpeg"
w = wsTMP.Shapes(1).Width
h = wsTMP.Shapes(1).Height
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set tmp = Charts.Add
On Error Resume Next
With tmp
.PageSetup.PaperSize = xlPaper11x17
.PageSetup.TopMargin = IIf(w > dw, dh - dw * h / w, dh - h) + 28
.PageSetup.BottomMargin = 0
.PageSetup.RightMargin = IIf(h > dh, dw - dh * w / h, dw - w) + 36
.PageSetup.LeftMargin = 0
.PageSetup.HeaderMargin = 0
.PageSetup.FooterMargin = 0
.Export Filename:=str, Filtername:="jpeg"
End With
On Error GoTo 0
Do Until wsTMP.Shapes.Count < 1
Application.PrintCommunication = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub
Thanks for the ideas! I used the above ideas to make a macro to do a bulk file conversion--convert every file of one format in a folder to another format.
This code requires a sheet with cells named "FilePath" (which must end in a "\"), "StartExt" (original file extension), and "EndExt" (desired file extension). Warning: it doesn't ask for confirmation before replacing existing files with the same name and extension.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim path As String
Dim pathExt As String
Dim file As String
Dim oldExt As String
Dim newExt As String
Dim newFile As String
Dim shp As Picture
Dim chrt As ChartObject
Dim chrtArea As Chart
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Get settings entered by user
path = Range("FilePath")
oldExt = Range("StartExt")
pathExt = path & "*." & oldExt
newExt = Range("EndExt")
file = Dir(pathExt)
Do While Not file = "" 'cycle through all images in folder of selected format
Set shp = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(path & file) 'Import image
newFile = Replace(file, "." & oldExt, "." & newExt) 'Determine new file name
Set chrt = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Add(0, 0, shp.Width, shp.Height) 'Create blank chart for embedding image
Set chrtArea = chrt.Chart
shp.CopyPicture 'Copy image to clipboard
With chrtArea 'Paste image to chart, then export
.Export (path & newFile)
End With
chrt.Delete 'Delete chart
shp.Delete 'Delete imported image
file = Dir 'Advance to next file
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Here is another cool way to do it- using en external viewer that accepts command line switches (IrfanView in this case) :
* I based the loop on what Michal Krzych has written above.
Sub ExportPicturesToFiles()
Const saveSceenshotTo As String = "C:\temp\"
Const pictureFormat As String = ".jpg"
Dim pic As Shape
Dim sFileName As String
Dim i As Long
i = 1
For Each pic In ActiveSheet.Shapes
sFileName = saveSceenshotTo & Range("A" & i).Text & pictureFormat
Call ExportPicWithIfran(sFileName)
i = i + 1
End Sub
Public Sub ExportPicWithIfran(sSaveAsPath As String)
Const sIfranPath As String = "C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe"
Dim sRunIfran As String
sRunIfran = sIfranPath & " /clippaste /convert=" & _
sSaveAsPath & " /killmesoftly"
' Shell is no good here. If you have more than 1 pic, it will
' mess things up (pics will over run other pics, becuase Shell does
' not make vba wait for the script to finish).
' Shell sRunIfran, vbHide
' Correct way (it will now wait for the batch to finish):
call MyShell(sRunIfran )
End Sub
Private Sub MyShell(strShell As String)
' based on:
' by Nate Hekman
Dim wsh As Object
Dim waitOnReturn As Boolean:
Dim windowStyle As VbAppWinStyle
Set wsh = VBA.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
waitOnReturn = True
windowStyle = vbHide
wsh.Run strShell, windowStyle, waitOnReturn
End Sub

Export sheet as UTF-8 CSV file (using Excel-VBA)

I would like to export a file I have created in UTF-8 CSV using VBA. From searching message boards, I have found the following code that converts a file to UTF-8 (from this thread):
Sub SaveAsUTF8()
Dim fsT, tFileToOpen, tFileToSave As String
tFileToOpen = InputBox("Enter the name and location of the file to convert" & vbCrLf & "With full path and filename ie. C:\MyFolder\ConvertMe.Txt")
tFileToSave = InputBox("Enter the name and location of the file to save" & vbCrLf & "With full path and filename ie. C:\MyFolder\SavedAsUTF8.Txt")
tFileToOpenPath = tFileToOpen
tFileToSavePath = tFileToSave
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"): 'Create Stream object
fsT.Type = 2: 'Specify stream type – we want To save text/string data.
fsT.Charset = "utf-8": 'Specify charset For the source text data.
fsT.Open: 'Open the stream
fsT.LoadFromFile tFileToOpenPath: 'And write the file to the object stream
fsT.SaveToFile tFileToSavePath, 2: 'Save the data to the named path
End Sub
However, this code only converts a non-UTF-8 file to UTF-8. If I were to save my file in non-UTF-8 and then convert it to UTF-8, it would have already lost all the special characters it contained, thus rendering the process pointless!
What I'm looking to do is save an open file in UTF-8 (CSV). Is there any way of doing this with VBA?
n.b. I have also asked this question on the 'ozgrid' forum. Will close both threads together if I find a solution.
Finally in Office 2016, you can simply savs as CSV in UTF8.
Sub SaveWorkSheetAsCSV()
Dim wbNew As Excel.Workbook
Dim wsSource As Excel.Worksheet, wsTemp As Excel.Worksheet
Dim name As String
Set wsSource = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
name = "test"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False 'will overwrite existing files without asking
Set wsTemp = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
Set wsTemp = wbNew.Worksheets(1)
wbNew.SaveAs name & ".csv", xlCSVUTF8 'new way
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
This will save the worksheet 1 into csv named test.
Update of this code. I used this one to change all .csv files in a specified folder (labeled "Bron") and save them as csv utf-8 in another folder (labeled "doel")
Sub SaveAsUTF8()
Dim fsT As Variant, tFileToOpen As String, tFileToSave As String
Dim Message As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim fileName As String
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
End With
Message = "Source folder incorrect"
SourceFolder = wb.Worksheets("Menu").Range("Bron") & "\"
If Dir(SourceFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Or IsEmpty(SourceFolder) Then GoTo errorhandler
Message = "Target folder incorrect"
TargetFolder = wb.Worksheets("Menu").Range("Doel") & "\"
If Dir(TargetFolder, vbDirectory) = "" Or IsEmpty(TargetFolder) Then GoTo errorhandler
fileName = Dir(SourceFolder & "\*.csv", vbNormal)
Message = "No files available."
If Len(fileName) = 0 Then GoTo errorhandler
Do Until fileName = ""
tFileToOpen = SourceFolder & fileName
tFileToSave = TargetFolder & fileName
tFileToOpenPath = tFileToOpen
tFileToSavePath = tFileToSave
Set fsT = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream"): 'Create Stream object
fsT.Type = 2: 'Specify stream type – we want To save text/string data.
fsT.Charset = "utf-8": 'Specify charset For the source text data.
fsT.Open: 'Open the stream
fsT.LoadFromFile tFileToOpenPath: 'And write the file to the object stream
fsT.SaveToFile tFileToSavePath, 2: 'Save the data to the named path
fileName = Dir()
Message = "Okay to remove all old files?"
If QuestionMessage(Message) = False Then
GoTo the_end
On Error Resume Next
Kill SourceFolder & "*.csv"
On Error GoTo errorhandler
End If
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
Exit Sub
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
End With
CriticalMessage (Message)
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function CriticalMessage(Message As String)
MsgBox Message
End Function
Function QuestionMessage(Message As String)
If MsgBox(Message, vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
QuestionMessage = False
QuestionMessage = True
End If
End Function
Here's my solution based on Excel VBA - export to UTF-8, which user3357963 linked to earlier. It includes macros for exporting a range and a selection.
Option Explicit
Const strDelimiter = """"
Const strDelimiterEscaped = strDelimiter & strDelimiter
Const strSeparator = ","
Const strRowEnd = vbCrLf
Const strCharset = "utf-8"
Function CsvFormatString(strRaw As String) As String
Dim boolNeedsDelimiting As Boolean
boolNeedsDelimiting = InStr(1, strRaw, strDelimiter) > 0 _
Or InStr(1, strRaw, Chr(10)) > 0 _
Or InStr(1, strRaw, strSeparator) > 0
CsvFormatString = strRaw
If boolNeedsDelimiting Then
CsvFormatString = strDelimiter & _
Replace(strRaw, strDelimiter, strDelimiterEscaped) & _
End If
End Function
Function CsvFormatRow(rngRow As Range) As String
Dim arrCsvRow() As String
ReDim arrCsvRow(rngRow.Cells.Count - 1)
Dim rngCell As Range
Dim lngIndex As Long
lngIndex = 0
For Each rngCell In rngRow.Cells
arrCsvRow(lngIndex) = CsvFormatString(rngCell.Text)
lngIndex = lngIndex + 1
Next rngCell
CsvFormatRow = Join(arrCsvRow, ",") & strRowEnd
End Function
Sub CsvExportRange( _
rngRange As Range, _
Optional strFileName As Variant _
Dim rngRow As Range
Dim objStream As Object
If IsMissing(strFileName) Or IsEmpty(strFileName) Then
strFileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename( _
InitialFileName:=ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & rngRange.Worksheet.Name & ".csv", _
FileFilter:="CSV (*.csv), *.csv", _
Title:="Export CSV")
End If
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.Type = 2
objStream.Charset = strCharset
For Each rngRow In rngRange.Rows
objStream.WriteText CsvFormatRow(rngRow)
Next rngRow
objStream.SaveToFile strFileName, 2
End Sub
Sub CsvExportSelection()
CsvExportRange ActiveWindow.Selection
End Sub
Sub CsvExportSheet(varSheetIndex As Variant)
Dim wksSheet As Worksheet
Set wksSheet = Sheets(varSheetIndex)
CsvExportRange wksSheet.UsedRange
End Sub

Where is Outlook's save FileDialog?

I'm working on an Outlook add-in that requires the Office specific FileDialog to interoperate with a Sharepoint site; the common file dialog doesn't have the interoperability. I know that both Word and Excel have a get_fileDialog method under Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Application, but Outlook doesn't seem to. How do I launch an Outlook FileDialog? Is it even possible?
Microsoft Common Dialog
If you have COMDLG32.OCX ("Common Dialog ActiveX Control") installed, then you can use this - it's explained here, with an example. (Scroll down just past the screenshot entitled "FIGURE 2: Don't try to select more than one file in Word! ").
It appears that Outlook's Application object does not offer FileDialog. But a simple workaround, if you are willing to have an Excel reference, is:
Dim fd As FileDialog
Set fd = Excel.Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
Dim folder As Variant
If fd.Show = -1 Then
For Each folder In fd.SelectedItems
Debug.Print "Folder:" & folder & "."
End If
'Add a "Module". Then add the declarations like this to it.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName _
Lib "comdlg32.dll" _
Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Public Function MyOpenFiledialog() As String
OFName.lStructSize = Len(OFName)
'Set the parent window
OFName.hwndOwner = Application.hWnd
'Set the application's instance
OFName.hInstance = Application.hInstance
'Select a filter
OFName.lpstrFilter = "Text Files (*.txt)" + Chr$(0) + "*.txt" + Chr$(0) + "All Files (*.*)" + Chr$(0) + "*.*" + Chr$(0)
'create a buffer for the file
OFName.lpstrFile = Space$(254)
'set the maximum length of a returned file
OFName.nMaxFile = 255
'Create a buffer for the file title
OFName.lpstrFileTitle = Space$(254)
'Set the maximum length of a returned file title
OFName.nMaxFileTitle = 255
'Set the initial directory
OFName.lpstrInitialDir = "C:\"
'Set the title
OFName.lpstrTitle = "Open File - VB"
'No flags
OFName.flags = 0
'Show the 'Open File'-dialog
If GetOpenFileName(OFName) Then
MsgBox "File to Open: " + Trim$(OFName.lpstrFile)
MyOpenFiledialog = Trim$(OFName.lpstrFile)
MsgBox "Cancel was pressed"
MyOpenFiledialog = vbNullString
End If
End Sub 'Usage:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Text1.Text = MyOpenFiledialog
End Sub
Public Sub TestFileDialog()
Dim otherObject As Excel.Application
Dim fdFolder As office.FileDialog
Set otherObject = New Excel.Application
otherObject.Visible = False
Set fdFolder = otherObject.Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
Debug.Print fdFolder.SelectedItems(1)
Set otherObject = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub multiEML2MSG()
Const PR_ICON_INDEX = &H10800003
Dim objPost As Outlook.PostItem
Dim objSafePost As Redemption.SafePostItem
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Set objNS = Outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objInbox = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
Set objPost = objInbox.Items.Add(OlItemType.olPostItem)
Set objSafePost = New Redemption.SafePostItem
Dim xlObj As Excel.Application
Dim fd As Office.FileDialog
Set xlObj = New Excel.Application
Set fd = xlObj.Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With fd
.Title = "Select your PST File"
.ButtonName = "Ok"
If fd.SelectedItems.Count <> 0 Then
xDirect$ = fd.SelectedItems(1) & "\"
xFname$ = Dir(xDirect$, 7)
licznik = 1
Do While xFname$ <> ""
XPathEML = xDirect$ & xFname$
XPathMSG = Replace(XPathEML, ".eml", ".msg", , , vbTextCompare)
Debug.Print XPath, Replace(XPath, ".eml", ".msg", , , vbTextCompare)
objSafePost.Item = objPost
objSafePost.Import XPathEML, Redemption.RedemptionSaveAsType.olRFC822
objSafePost.MessageClass = "IPM.Note"
objSafePost.Fields(PR_ICON_INDEX) = none
objSafePost.SaveAs XPathMSG, Outlook.OlSaveAsType.olMSG
xFname$ = Dir
licznik = licznik + 1
End If
End With
Set xlObj = Nothing
Set objSafePost = Nothing
Set objPost = Nothing
Set objInbox = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
End Sub
