convert function type in Golang - go

// Each type have Error() string method.
// The error built-in interface type is the conventional interface for
// representing an error condition, with the nil value representing no error.
// type error interface {
// Error() string
// }
func (f binFunc) Error() string {
return "binFunc error"
func func_type_convert() {
var err error
err = binFunc(add)
I have two questions about the code above:
I don't know why the Error method executed, when add function was converted into binFunc type?
Why the add function converted result was able to assign to an err error interface variable?

error is an interface:
type error interface {
Error() string
This means that any type which has a method: Error() string fulfills the interface and can be assigned to a variable of type error.
binFunc has such a method:
func (f binFunc) Error() string {
return "binFunc error"
New developers in Go sometimes find this confusing because they don't realize it's possible to attach methods to more than just structs. In this case binFunc is defined liked this:
type binFunc func(int, int) int
So the way this works is you are allowed to convert any function which has the same signature: (from the spec)
A function type denotes the set of all functions with the same parameter and result types.
So if you create a function add:
func add(x, y int) int {
return x + y
You are allowed to convert this into a binFunc:
And because of the Error method on binFunc we defined above, we are then able to assign this new binFunc to a variable of type error:
var err error
var bf binFunc = binFunc(add)
err = bf
fmt.Println's behavior is to call .Error() on errors for you:
If an operand implements the error interface, the Error method will be invoked to convert the object to a string, which will then be formatted as required by the verb (if any).
So to answer your questions:
The Error method is executed because fmt.Println looks for arguments of type error, invokes .Error() and prints the resulting string.
You are allowed to assign binFuncs to err because binFunc has an Error method. You cannot assign add directly to err because it does not have an Error method. But you are allowed to convert add to a binFunc because they have the same function signature, and by doing so you can then assign it to the err variable.

go spec dependencies:
type casting or conversion -> assignability -> type identity
explicit type casting or conversion
binFunc and func(int, int) int have same underlying representation.
note, type casting can happen between 2 types that have the same underlying representation. However, their type can be totally different.
type MyInt int
func main() {
var b MyInt = 3
a := int(b)
fmt.Println(a, b)
variable assignment
check type identity
based on type identity rule, binFunc is identical to func(int, int) int. So you can do type casting as below:
A named type is always different from any other type. Otherwise, two types are identical if their underlying type literals are structurally equivalent; that is, they have the same literal structure and corresponding components have identical types.
func(int, int) int
is type literal, and it's unnamed.
type binFunc func(int, int) int
is a named type.
Predeclared types, defined types, and type parameters are called named types. An alias denotes a named type if the type given in the alias declaration is a named type.
named type is different from others. but here, binFunc is compared with the un-named type: their underlying type literals are structurally equivalent, both func(int, int) int.
var bfunc binFunc = add
check assignability
variable of named type can be assigned with a value of unnamed type providing their underlying type is identical.
You may call this an implicit type conversion here, but it's not accurate. At least golang doesn't call this type conversion because the underlying type/representation is the same.
inspired by this answer
extra words
type assertion only requires type identity. Therefore, the rule is simpler than type assignability.


Unable to assign untyped int to generic struct field [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Assigning a value literal to a struct field of a generic type without running into an IncompatibleAssign error
(1 answer)
Convert a type (int, float etc) to `T` [go1.18]
(2 answers)
How to declare and use a struct field which can store both string and int values?
(4 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
Given a generic struct:
type R2[IDTYPE comparable] struct {
IsActive bool
Implementing an interface:
type Storable interface {
Store(ctx context.Context) error
I would expect the following definition to work:
func (r R2[int]) Store(ctx context.Context) error {
r.ID = 123 // not allowed
// ...
return nil
However, the method definition is not allowed. The error is:
'123' (type untyped int) cannot be represented by the type IDTYPE (int)
Is it not yet possible to do this kind of generic field assignment in Go?
On go playground the error is:
cannot use 123 (untyped int constant) as int value in assignment
And converting to int(123) does not work. The error in this case is:
cannot use comparable(123) (untyped int constant 123) as int value in assignment
Instantiation must happen at the type level, not on a method level, and methods can't introduce new type parameters, see How to create generic method in Go? (method must have no type parameters)
This means when you want to use R2, you then have to choose type arguments for the type parameters, and the methods can't change those, you're "stuck" with the types you choose on R2's instantiation.
Also note that since the constraint for IDTYPE is comparable, which may be string for example, the integer 123 cannot be assigned to the ID field in all cases because it may have a type of string.
If you want / must handle multiple concrete types for the IDs, generics is not the right choice. Interfaces may be used instead:
type R2 struct {
ID any
IsActive bool
Also note that the receiver must be a pointer if you wish to modify the receiver (e.g. fields of a struct).
If you wish to restrict the values stored in ID to comparable, use a (generic) function for it.
Here's how you can do it:
type R2 struct {
ID any
IsActive bool
func (r *R2) Store(ctx context.Context) error {
setID(r, 123)
return nil
func setID[ID comparable](r *R2, id ID) {
r.ID = id
Testing it:
r := &R2{}
var s Storable = r
Which outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
&{123 false}
This provides flexibility (you can set any comparable values to the ID field using setID()), and provides compile-time safety: attempting to set an incomparable value will result in a compile-time error such as this:
setID(r, []int{1}) // Error: []int does not implement comparable

Question regarding Golang interfaces and Composite struct [duplicate]

There are already several Q&As on this "X does not implement Y (... method has a pointer receiver)" thing, but to me, they seems to be talking about different things, and not applying to my specific case.
So, instead of making the question very specific, I'm making it broad and abstract -- Seems like there are several different cases that can make this error happen, can someone summary it up please?
I.e., how to avoid the problem, and if it occurs, what are the possibilities? Thx.
This compile-time error arises when you try to assign or pass (or convert) a concrete type to an interface type; and the type itself does not implement the interface, only a pointer to the type.
Short summary: An assignment to a variable of interface type is valid if the value being assigned implements the interface it is assigned to. It implements it if its method set is a superset of the interface. The method set of pointer types includes methods with both pointer and non-pointer receiver. The method set of non-pointer types only includes methods with non-pointer receiver.
Let's see an example:
type Stringer interface {
String() string
type MyType struct {
value string
func (m *MyType) String() string { return m.value }
The Stringer interface type has one method only: String(). Any value that is stored in an interface value Stringer must have this method. We also created a MyType, and we created a method MyType.String() with pointer receiver. This means the String() method is in the method set of the *MyType type, but not in that of MyType.
When we attempt to assign a value of MyType to a variable of type Stringer, we get the error in question:
m := MyType{value: "something"}
var s Stringer
s = m // cannot use m (type MyType) as type Stringer in assignment:
// MyType does not implement Stringer (String method has pointer receiver)
But everything is ok if we try to assign a value of type *MyType to Stringer:
s = &m
And we get the expected outcome (try it on the Go Playground):
So the requirements to get this compile-time error:
A value of non-pointer concrete type being assigned (or passed or converted)
An interface type being assigned to (or passed to, or converted to)
The concrete type has the required method of the interface, but with a pointer receiver
Possibilities to resolve the issue:
A pointer to the value must be used, whose method set will include the method with the pointer receiver
Or the receiver type must be changed to non-pointer, so the method set of the non-pointer concrete type will also contain the method (and thus satisfy the interface). This may or may not be viable, as if the method has to modify the value, a non-pointer receiver is not an option.
Structs and embedding
When using structs and embedding, often it's not "you" that implement an interface (provide a method implementation), but a type you embed in your struct. Like in this example:
type MyType2 struct {
m := MyType{value: "something"}
m2 := MyType2{MyType: m}
var s Stringer
s = m2 // Compile-time error again
Again, compile-time error, because the method set of MyType2 does not contain the String() method of the embedded MyType, only the method set of *MyType2, so the following works (try it on the Go Playground):
var s Stringer
s = &m2
We can also make it work, if we embed *MyType and using only a non-pointer MyType2 (try it on the Go Playground):
type MyType2 struct {
m := MyType{value: "something"}
m2 := MyType2{MyType: &m}
var s Stringer
s = m2
Also, whatever we embed (either MyType or *MyType), if we use a pointer *MyType2, it will always work (try it on the Go Playground):
type MyType2 struct {
m := MyType{value: "something"}
m2 := MyType2{MyType: &m}
var s Stringer
s = &m2
Relevant section from the spec (from section Struct types):
Given a struct type S and a type named T, promoted methods are included in the method set of the struct as follows:
If S contains an anonymous field T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T. The method set of *S also includes promoted methods with receiver *T.
If S contains an anonymous field *T, the method sets of S and *S both include promoted methods with receiver T or *T.
So in other words: if we embed a non-pointer type, the method set of the non-pointer embedder only gets the methods with non-pointer receivers (from the embedded type).
If we embed a pointer type, the method set of the non-pointer embedder gets methods with both pointer and non-pointer receivers (from the embedded type).
If we use a pointer value to the embedder, regardless of whether the embedded type is pointer or not, the method set of the pointer to the embedder always gets methods with both the pointer and non-pointer receivers (from the embedded type).
There is a very similar case, namely when you have an interface value which wraps a value of MyType, and you try to type assert another interface value from it, Stringer. In this case the assertion will not hold for the reasons described above, but we get a slightly different runtime-error:
m := MyType{value: "something"}
var i interface{} = m
Runtime panic (try it on the Go Playground):
panic: interface conversion: main.MyType is not main.Stringer:
missing method String
Attempting to convert instead of type assert, we get the compile-time error we're talking about:
m := MyType{value: "something"}
To keep it short and simple, let say you have a Loader interface and a WebLoader that implements this interface.
package main
import "fmt"
// Loader defines a content loader
type Loader interface {
load(src string) string
// WebLoader is a web content loader
type WebLoader struct{}
// load loads the content of a page
func (w *WebLoader) load(src string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("I loaded this page %s", src)
func main() {
webLoader := WebLoader{}
func loadContent(loader Loader) {
The above code will give you this compile time error
./main.go:20:13: cannot use webLoader (type WebLoader) as type Loader
in argument to loadContent:
WebLoader does not implement Loader (Load method has pointer receiver)
To fix it you only need to change webLoader := WebLoader{} to following:
webLoader := &WebLoader{}
Why this will fix the issue? Because you defined this function func (w *WebLoader) Load to accept a pointer receiver. For more explanation please read #icza and #karora answers
Another case when I have seen this kind of thing happening is if I want to create an interface where some methods will modify an internal value and others will not.
type GetterSetter interface {
GetVal() int
SetVal(x int) int
Something that then implements this interface could be like:
type MyTypeA struct {
a int
func (m MyTypeA) GetVal() int {
return a
func (m *MyTypeA) SetVal(newVal int) int {
int oldVal = m.a
m.a = newVal
return oldVal
So the implementing type will likely have some methods which are pointer receivers and some which are not and since I have quite a variety of these various things that are GetterSetters I'd like to check in my tests that they are all doing the expected.
If I were to do something like this:
myTypeInstance := MyType{ 7 }
... maybe some code doing other stuff ...
var f interface{} = myTypeInstance
_, ok := f.(GetterSetter)
if !ok {
Then I won't get the aforementioned "X does not implement Y (Z method has pointer receiver)" error (since it is a compile-time error) but I will have a bad day chasing down exactly why my test is failing...
Instead I have to make sure I do the type check using a pointer, such as:
var f interface{} = new(&MyTypeA)
myTypeInstance := MyType{ 7 }
var f interface{} = &myTypeInstance
Then all is happy with the tests!
But wait! In my code, perhaps I have methods which accept a GetterSetter somewhere:
func SomeStuff(g GetterSetter, x int) int {
if x > 10 {
return g.GetVal() + 1
return g.GetVal()
If I call these methods from inside another type method, this will generate the error:
func (m MyTypeA) OtherThing(x int) {
SomeStuff(m, x)
Either of the following calls will work:
func (m *MyTypeA) OtherThing(x int) {
SomeStuff(m, x)
func (m MyTypeA) OtherThing(x int) {
SomeStuff(&m, x)
Extend from above answers (Thanks for all of your answers)
I think it would be more instinctive to show all the methods of pointer / non pointer struct.
Here is the playground code.
To summarize all the example.
Pointer struct type would include all non pointer / pointer receiver methods
Non pointer struct type would only include non pointer receiver methods.
For embedded struct
non pointer outer struct + non pointer embedded struct => only non pointer receiver methods.
non pointer outer struct + pointer embedded struct / pointer outer struct + non pointer embedded struct / pointer outer struct + pointer embedded struct => all embedded methods

Convert array to interface{} to slice, but the result can not use len() and other method

I tried :
var a [100]int
func fun1(src interface{}) interface{} {
src, _ = src.([100]int) // changed []int to [100]int
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(src)) // result: []int
dest := make([]int, len(src))
return dest
there is an error:
message: 'invalid argument src (type interface {}) for len'
But if I redefine a variable:
var a [100]int
func fun1(src interface{}) interface{} {
slice_src, _ := src.([100]int) //changed []int to [100]int
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(slice_src)) // result: []int
dest := make([]int, len(slice_src))
return dest
it will be ok.
why reflect.TypeOf(src) will print []int after I used src.([]int) but error shows src is still interface{} ?
I have checked this convert interface{} to int, but I still don't understand how to use correct conversion.
There is another question:
I changed the []int to [100]int since the type assertion before will return [] and false.
But if I don't know the type of a, how can I use type assertion to transfer an array (like[99]int) as a interface{} to function and return slice ([]int)?
when you first declare src, in fun1(src interface{}) you are making a variable of type interface. Which, of course cannot have len called on it.
The reason reflect.TypeOf says []int is due to how TypeOf works.
It takes an interface{} and tells you the type of the thing in the interface{}
so, in the first example, you already had an interface
and in the second example, go automatically created an interface{} instance to hold your []int slice.
Quoting dynamic type from Variables :
The static type (or just type) of a variable is the type given in its declaration, the type provided in the new call or composite literal, or the type of an element of a structured variable. Variables of interface type also have a distinct dynamic type, which is the concrete type of the value assigned to the variable at run time (unless the value is the predeclared identifier nil, which has no type). The dynamic type may vary during execution but values stored in interface variables are always assignable to the static type of the variable.
In the first example, src has a dynamic type. Value of the src will be of type []int during execution but eventually, type will be interface since it is dynamic type & it was of type interface at the time of declaration. Hence, you need to change variable src to the new variable during type assertion.
Similar to what you did in second example: slice_src, _ := src.([]int)
You can not even do src, _ := src.([]int) as you will end up with error no new variables on left side of :=
There is a type switch method using reflect.TypeOf() : golang type assertion using reflect.Typeof()
How to get the reflect.Type of an interface?
Quote How to get the reflect.Type of an interface? :
You can't. Type assertions allow you to take advantage of the static type checking that the language gives you even if you have an interface, whose type isn't statically checked. It basically works something like this:
You have some statically typed variable s, which has type t. The compiler enforces the guarantee that s always has type t by refusing to compile if you ever try to use s as if it were a different type, since that would break the guarantee.

How can I return a subtype of the specified return value (in this case interface{})?

I have an interface that defines one parameter to have type func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{} and I'm trying to pass something of type func reduceMsg(a interface{}, b proto.Message) []*PersistentData to it. This results in the following compiler error:
Cannot use reduceMsg (type func(a interface{}, b proto.Message) []*PersistentData as type func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{}
What is the reason for this error, and how can I work around it? It seems like returning a more specific type than interface{} should be legal. Here's a simple complete example that illustrates the issue:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var t func() interface{} = func() []string { return []string{} }
The type of the object is the whole function signature. If the signature don't match, then it's not the same type and can't be assigned that way.
Anything can be assigned to the empty interface, because all types satisfy the interface, but in your problem neither type is the empty interface, you just have a function that returns an empty interface.
Not because a part of the function can be assigned to another it makes it the same. The type is the whole function signature. I think it's the same logic behind not being able to assign an int to an int8. You can cast them if you want, but for go, they are separate types and you need to deal with making the necessary conversions to be able to assign them.
What you can do is change your second function signature to return an empty interface like this:
func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{}
func reduceMsg(a interface{}, b proto.Message) interface{} {
var a []*PersistentData
// do something here
return a
This way the function signature is the same, so it's consider the same type and you are returning an []*PersistentData. Of course you will need to do a type assertion before using it as such because the program will treat it as an {}interface because that is the type that the function returned.
Referencing the spec,
In assignments, each value must be assignable to the type of the operand to which it is assigned, with the following special cases:
Any typed value may be assigned to the blank identifier.
If an untyped constant is assigned to a variable of interface type or the blank identifier, the constant is first converted to its default type.
If an untyped boolean value is assigned to a variable of interface type or the blank identifier, it is first converted to type bool.
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
In general, Go doesn't allow you to implicitly convert values from one type to another, with the exception of being able to use concrete-typed objects as though they were interfaces (that they implement).
In this particular case, since your function doesn't actually return an interface{}, the compiler would have to do some extra work to wrap up the return value as an interface{} and return it; if you really want to accomplish what you're trying you can do this explicitly yourself:
type Foo struct {
X int
func create(x int) Foo {
return Foo{X: x}
func main() {
var f func(int) interface{} = func(x int) interface{} {
return create(x)
which is basically doing (explicitly) the wrapping operation that you want the runtime to do implicitly.

Go: Variable to a function, returning an interface

In Go, why can I not have a variable to a function, which returns an interface type?
Here's a minimal test case:
type DummyInterface interface {
Method(string) string
// Dummy implements the DummyInterface interface
type Dummy struct{}
func (d Dummy) Method(i string) string {
return i
// DummyFunc returns a Dummy pointer (which implements the DummyInterface interface)
var DummyFunc (func() *Dummy) = func() *Dummy {
a := Dummy{}
return &a
// DummyInterfaceFunc is declared as returning function returning an object which implements DummyInterface -- it
// is set to DummyFunc, which does return a conforming object
var DummyInterfaceFunc (func() DummyInterface) = DummyFunc
This fails to compile (Playground example here), stating:
cannot use DummyFunc (type func() *Dummy) as type func() DummyInterface in assignment
Yet, as you can see, a *Dummy does implement DummyInterface.
Why is this?
Because *Dummy is not the same type as DummyInterface. The rule that you can assign an object to something of an interface type that object implements only applies in that literal case. If the interface type appears in one of the parameters of a type (i.e. the return type of a function), assignment is not possible.
Refer to the assignability rules for more information.
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to
T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not
a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
This is a similar concept to: Can I convert a []T to an []interface{}?
Basically func() *Dummy is a different type from func() DummyInterface, and conversion between them is not possible.
You will need to use the interface throughout to make the function signature the same.
