Convert array to interface{} to slice, but the result can not use len() and other method - go

I tried :
var a [100]int
func fun1(src interface{}) interface{} {
src, _ = src.([100]int) // changed []int to [100]int
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(src)) // result: []int
dest := make([]int, len(src))
return dest
there is an error:
message: 'invalid argument src (type interface {}) for len'
But if I redefine a variable:
var a [100]int
func fun1(src interface{}) interface{} {
slice_src, _ := src.([100]int) //changed []int to [100]int
fmt.Println(reflect.TypeOf(slice_src)) // result: []int
dest := make([]int, len(slice_src))
return dest
it will be ok.
why reflect.TypeOf(src) will print []int after I used src.([]int) but error shows src is still interface{} ?
I have checked this convert interface{} to int, but I still don't understand how to use correct conversion.
There is another question:
I changed the []int to [100]int since the type assertion before will return [] and false.
But if I don't know the type of a, how can I use type assertion to transfer an array (like[99]int) as a interface{} to function and return slice ([]int)?

when you first declare src, in fun1(src interface{}) you are making a variable of type interface. Which, of course cannot have len called on it.
The reason reflect.TypeOf says []int is due to how TypeOf works.
It takes an interface{} and tells you the type of the thing in the interface{}
so, in the first example, you already had an interface
and in the second example, go automatically created an interface{} instance to hold your []int slice.

Quoting dynamic type from Variables :
The static type (or just type) of a variable is the type given in its declaration, the type provided in the new call or composite literal, or the type of an element of a structured variable. Variables of interface type also have a distinct dynamic type, which is the concrete type of the value assigned to the variable at run time (unless the value is the predeclared identifier nil, which has no type). The dynamic type may vary during execution but values stored in interface variables are always assignable to the static type of the variable.
In the first example, src has a dynamic type. Value of the src will be of type []int during execution but eventually, type will be interface since it is dynamic type & it was of type interface at the time of declaration. Hence, you need to change variable src to the new variable during type assertion.
Similar to what you did in second example: slice_src, _ := src.([]int)
You can not even do src, _ := src.([]int) as you will end up with error no new variables on left side of :=

There is a type switch method using reflect.TypeOf() : golang type assertion using reflect.Typeof()
How to get the reflect.Type of an interface?
Quote How to get the reflect.Type of an interface? :
You can't. Type assertions allow you to take advantage of the static type checking that the language gives you even if you have an interface, whose type isn't statically checked. It basically works something like this:
You have some statically typed variable s, which has type t. The compiler enforces the guarantee that s always has type t by refusing to compile if you ever try to use s as if it were a different type, since that would break the guarantee.


get reflect.struct from interface

hi a have this func for get type of value, but i try this and never can get reflect.struct:
type Test struct {
Code int
Name string
func main(){
test := getTest()
data, err := getBytes(slice...)
sanitizedFile := bytes.Split(data, []byte("\r\n"))
err = Unmarshal(sanitizedFile[0], &test)
func getTest() interface{} {
return Test{}
With this code i don't can get the reflecet.struct from v params in Unmarshall func
func Unmarshal(data []byte, v interface{}) error {
rv := reflect.ValueOf(v)
if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
rvElem := rv.Elem()
switch rvElem.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
// implement me
return ErrInvalid
I would like to know if I can somehow find out if an interface is of type struct or access the values ​​of that struct.
I think the real problem here is illustrated by this quote:
I would like to know if I can somehow find out if an interface is of type struct or access the values ​​of that struct.
An interface value isn't "of type struct". Never! An interface value can contain a value whose type is some structure, but it is not a value of that type. It just contains one. This is similar to the way that a box1 you get from Amazon can contain a corkscrew, but the box is not a corkscrew, ever.
Given a non-nil value of type interface I for some interface type I, you know that you have a value that implements the methods of I. Since {} is the empty set of methods, all types implement it, so given a (still non-nil) value of type interface{}, you have a value that implements no methods. That's not at all useful by itself: it means you can invoke no methods, which means you can't do anything method-like.
But just because you can't do anything method-y doesn't mean you can't do anything at all. Any interface value, regardless of the interface type, can have a type-assertion used on it:
iv := somethingThatReturnsAnInterface()
cv := iv.(struct S) // assert that iv contains a `struct S`
If iv does in fact contain a struct S value—if that's what's inside the box once you open it—then this type-assertion doesn't panic, and cv winds up with the concrete value of type struct S. If panic is undesirable, we can use the cv, ok := iv.(struct S) form, or a type switch. All of these—including the version that panics—work by checking the type of the value inside the interface.
What this—or, more precisely, the way the Go language is defined—tells us is that the interface "box" really holds two things:
a concrete type, and
a concrete value.
Well, that is, unless it holds a <nil, nil> pair, in which case iv == nil is true. Note that the iv == nil test actually tests both parts.
If Go had a syntax for this, we could write something like iv.type and iv.value to get at the two separate parts. But we can't do that. We have to use type assertions, type-switch, or reflect. So, going back to this:
I would like to know if I can somehow find out if an interface is of type struct
we can see that the question itself is just a little malformed. We don't want to know if an interface value has this type. We want to know if a non-nil interface's held value is of this type, as if we could inspect iv.type and iv.value directly.
If you have a limited set of possible types, you can use the type-switch construct, and enumerate all your allowed possiblities:
switch cv := iv.(type) {
case struct S:
// work with cv, which is a struct S
case *struct S:
// work with cv, which is a *struct S
// add more cases as appropriate
If you need more generality, instead of doing the above, we end up using the reflect package:
tv := reflect.TypeOf(iv)
vv := reflect.ValueOf(iv)
The latter is actually the more useful form, since vv captures both the iv.type pseudo-field and the iv.value pseudo-field.
As mkopriva notes in a comment, test, in your sample code, has type interface{}, so &test has type *interface{}. In most cases this is not a good idea: you just want to pass the interface{} value directly.
To allow the called function to set the object to a new value, you will want to pass a pointer to the object as the interface value. You do not want to pass a pointer to the interface while having the interface hold the struct "in the box" as it were. You need a reflect.Value on which you can invoke Set(), and to get one, you will need to follow an elem on the reflect.Value that is a pointer to the struct (not one that is a pointer to the interface).
There's a more complete example here on the Go Playground.
1This is partly an allusion to "boxed values" in certain other programming languages (see What is boxing and unboxing and what are the trade offs?), but partly literal. Don't mistake Go's interfaces for Java's boxed values, though: they are not the same at all.
Maybe what you need is type assertion?
t, ok := v.(myStruct)
In any case this code prints "struct":
type tt struct {}
var x tt
var z interface{}
z = x
v := reflect.ValueOf(z).Kind()
fmt.Printf("%v\n", v)
And see this for setting the value of a struct field using reflection:
Using reflect, how do you set the value of a struct field?

How to check variable declared as map[string]interface{} is actually map[string]string?

I have a variable that needs to be either a string or map[string]string (will be deserializing from JSON). So I declare it as interface{}. How can I check that the value is map[string]string?
This question How to check interface is a map[string]string in golang almost answers my question. But the accepted answer only works if the variable is declared as a map[string]string not if the variable is interface{}.
package main
import (
func main() {
var myMap interface{}
myMap = map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
_, ok := myMap.(map[string]string)
if !ok {
fmt.Println("This will be printed")
I can use two type assertions though. One on the map and one on the map value.
package main
import (
func main() {
var myMap interface{}
myMap = map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
valueMap, ok := myMap.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
fmt.Println("will not be printed")
for _, v := range valueMap {
if _, ok := v.(string); !ok {
fmt.Println("will not be printed")
Question: is there a better way?
If you declare a variable as type interface{}, it is type interface{}. It is not, ever, some map[keytype]valuetype value. But a variable of type interface{} can hold a value that has some other concrete type. When it does so, it does so—that's all there is to it. It still is type interface{}, but it holds a value of some other type.
An interface value has two parts
The key distinction here is between what an interface{} variable is, and what it holds. Any interface variable actually has two slots inside it: one to hold what type is stored in it, and one to hold what value is stored in it. Any time you—or anyone—assign a value to the variable, the compiler fills in both slots: the type, from the type of the value you used, and the value, from the value you used.1 The interface variable compares equal to nil if it has nil in both slots; and that's also the default zero value.
Hence, your runtime test:
valueMap, ok := myMap.(map[string]interface{})
is a sensible thing to do: if myMap holds a value that has type map[string]interface, ok gets set to true and valueMap contains the value (which has that type). If myMap holds a value with some other type, ok gets set to false and valueMap gets set to the zero-value of type map[string]interface{}. In other words, at runtime, the code checks the type-slot first, then either copies the value-slot across to valueMap and sets ok to true, or sets valueMap to nil and sets ok to false.
If and when ok has been set to true, each valueMap[k] value is type interface{}. As before, for myMap itself, each of these interface{} variables can—but do not have to—hold a value of type string, and you must use some sort of "what is the actual type-and-value" run-time test to tease them apart.
When you use json.Unmarshal to stuff decoded JSON into a variable of type interface{}, it is capable of deserializing any of these documented JSON types. The list then tells you what type gets stuffed into the interface variable:
bool, for JSON booleans
float64, for JSON numbers
string, for JSON strings
[]interface{}, for JSON arrays
map[string]interface{}, for JSON objects
nil for JSON null
So after doing json.Unmarshal into a variable of type interface{}, you should check what type got put into the type-slot of the variable. You can do this with an assertion and an ok boolean, or you can, if you prefer, use a type switch to decode it:
var i interface
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &i); err != nil {
switch v := i.(type) {
case string:
... code ...
case map[string]interface{}:
... code ...
... add some or all of the types listed ...
The thing is, no matter what you do in code here, you did have json.Unmarshal put something into an interface{}, and interface{} is the type of i. You must test at runtime what type and value pair the interface holds.
Your other option is to inspect your JSON strings manually and decide what type of variable to provide to json.Unmarshal. That gives you less code to write after the Unmarshal, but more code to write before it.
There's a more complete example here, on the Go playground, of using type switches to inspect the result from a json.Unmarshal. It's deliberately incomplete but, I think, has enough input and output cases to let you work out how to handle everything, given the quote above about what json.Unmarshal writes into a variable of type interface{}.
1Of course, if you assign one interface{} from some other interface{}:
var i1, i2 interface{}
... set i1 from some actual value ...
// more code, then:
i2 = i1
the compiler just copies both slots from i1 into i2. The two-separate-slots thing becomes clearer when you do:
var f float64
... code that sets f to, say, 1.5 ...
i2 = f
for instance, as that writes float64 into the type-slot, and the value 1.5 into the value-slot. The compiler knows that f is float64 so the type-setting just means "stick a constant in it". The compiler doesn't necessarily know the value of f so the value-setting is a copy of whatever the actual value is.

Does type assertion change the value in go?

Go newbie here.
I have a map where the key arguments should be []string.
However, if I try to use the value directly arguments := m["arguments"] it doesn't seem to be the right type. When used later to append to another slice with arguments... I get Cannot use 'arguments' (type interface{}) as type []string.
I fixed this by chaning the assignment to a type check arguments, _ := m["arguments"].([]string). That works, but I'm not sure why. Is type assertion doing conversion as well?
The full example is below:
import (
var playbookKeyDict = map[string]string{
"Playbook": "",
"Limit" : "--limit",
"ExtraVars" : "--extra-vars",
type Playbook struct {
Playbook string `json:"playbook" xml:"playbook" form:"playbook" query:"playbook"`
Limit string `json:"limit" xml:"limit" form:"limit" query:"limit"`
ExtraVars string `json:"extra-vars" xml:"extra-vars" form:"extra-vars" query:"extra-vars"`
Arguments []string `json:"arguments" xml:"arguments" form:"arguments" query:"arguments"`
Args []string
func (p *Playbook) formatArgs() {
// is it worth iterating through directly with reflection instead of using structs import?
m := structs.Map(p)
// direct assignment has the wrong type?
// arguments := m["arguments"]
arguments, _ := m["arguments"].([]string)
delete(m, "arguments")
for k, v := range m {
// Ignore non-strings and empty strings
if val, ok := v.(string); ok && val != "" {
key := playbookKeyDict[k]
if key == "" {
p.Args = append(p.Args, val)
} else {
p.Args = append(p.Args, playbookKeyDict[k], val)
p.Args = append(p.Args, arguments...)
Type assertion is used to get a value wrapped around using interface.
m := structs.Map(p)
Map(v interface{}){}
Map function is actually taking interface as its argument in the case stated. It is wrapping the type which is []string and its underlying value which is slice. The type can be checked using Relection reflect.TypeOf().
func TypeOf(i interface{}) Type
According to Russ Cox blog on Interfaces
Interface values are represented as a two-word pair giving a pointer
to information about the type stored in the interface and a pointer to
the associated data.
As specified in Golang spec
For an expression x of interface type and a type T, the primary
asserts that x is not nil and that the value stored in x is of type T.
The notation x.(T) is called a type assertion.
For the error part:-
Cannot use 'arguments' (type interface{}) as type []string
We first needs to get the underlying value of type []string from interface using type assertion.

How can I return a subtype of the specified return value (in this case interface{})?

I have an interface that defines one parameter to have type func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{} and I'm trying to pass something of type func reduceMsg(a interface{}, b proto.Message) []*PersistentData to it. This results in the following compiler error:
Cannot use reduceMsg (type func(a interface{}, b proto.Message) []*PersistentData as type func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{}
What is the reason for this error, and how can I work around it? It seems like returning a more specific type than interface{} should be legal. Here's a simple complete example that illustrates the issue:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
var t func() interface{} = func() []string { return []string{} }
The type of the object is the whole function signature. If the signature don't match, then it's not the same type and can't be assigned that way.
Anything can be assigned to the empty interface, because all types satisfy the interface, but in your problem neither type is the empty interface, you just have a function that returns an empty interface.
Not because a part of the function can be assigned to another it makes it the same. The type is the whole function signature. I think it's the same logic behind not being able to assign an int to an int8. You can cast them if you want, but for go, they are separate types and you need to deal with making the necessary conversions to be able to assign them.
What you can do is change your second function signature to return an empty interface like this:
func(interface{}, proto.Message) interface{}
func reduceMsg(a interface{}, b proto.Message) interface{} {
var a []*PersistentData
// do something here
return a
This way the function signature is the same, so it's consider the same type and you are returning an []*PersistentData. Of course you will need to do a type assertion before using it as such because the program will treat it as an {}interface because that is the type that the function returned.
Referencing the spec,
In assignments, each value must be assignable to the type of the operand to which it is assigned, with the following special cases:
Any typed value may be assigned to the blank identifier.
If an untyped constant is assigned to a variable of interface type or the blank identifier, the constant is first converted to its default type.
If an untyped boolean value is assigned to a variable of interface type or the blank identifier, it is first converted to type bool.
A value x is assignable to a variable of type T ("x is assignable to T") in any of these cases:
x's type is identical to T.
x's type V and T have identical underlying types and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
T is an interface type and x implements T.
x is a bidirectional channel value, T is a channel type, x's type V and T have identical element types, and at least one of V or T is not a named type.
x is the predeclared identifier nil and T is a pointer, function, slice, map, channel, or interface type.
x is an untyped constant representable by a value of type T.
In general, Go doesn't allow you to implicitly convert values from one type to another, with the exception of being able to use concrete-typed objects as though they were interfaces (that they implement).
In this particular case, since your function doesn't actually return an interface{}, the compiler would have to do some extra work to wrap up the return value as an interface{} and return it; if you really want to accomplish what you're trying you can do this explicitly yourself:
type Foo struct {
X int
func create(x int) Foo {
return Foo{X: x}
func main() {
var f func(int) interface{} = func(x int) interface{} {
return create(x)
which is basically doing (explicitly) the wrapping operation that you want the runtime to do implicitly.

In golang, how to type assert an interface{} to a type specified by a reflect.Type?

For example, I have an interface{} named a, and I also have an reflect.Type called elemType. Now, I want to type assert a to elemType, but a.(elemType) can't be compiled successfully. How to fix it?
Sorry for my confusing expression. My meaning is that I get a type from a function, and I want to type assert an interface{} to this type, but this type is stored in a reflect.Type variable.
What I want to do is similar to the code below:
var a interface{}
//do something
func getType() reflect.Type {
var ret reflect.Type
//do something
return ret
targetType := getType()
result := a.(targetType)
Consider a standard type assertion in Go:
v := a.(typeName)
Here the compiler can determine the type of the variable v at compile time, and make use of that knowledge when compiling any further statements involving the variable.
With your example of using a refltect.Type variable in the assertion, it would be impossible to determine the type of v, so the code could not be compiled.
If you need to check that a particular interface variable is of a particular type at runtime, you can still do that with the reflect package. For example:
// if elemType is a normal type
if reflect.ValueOf(a).Type() == elemType {
fmt.Println("type matches")
// if elemType is an interface, can check if the value implements it
if reflect.ValueOf(a).Type().Implements(elemType) {
fmt.Println("value implements interface")
But you will need a concrete type to return back to standard variables. If you've only got a small selection of possible types, perhaps using a type switch might do what you want.
