How to give multiline & single line comment in translation PO file? - comments

How to give multiline & single line comment in translation PO file ?
I am not able to give multiline comment in po translation file in odoo , I have to comment 2000 line code at once
So how can it done ?

According to these docs, multi-line comments aren't possible in PO files.


How to handle improper Data Coming from CSV in Informatica

I have source file (CSV) and need to load into target (Oracle). But I got an error
FR_3065 ROW[4],Filed [Student_rollnumber]:Invalid Number:[.].The row will be skipped
I found that in line number 4 the qouts and comma(",) are in the next line how to concat that both ("Java",) And make it single column(Subject)
MatchQuotesPastEndOfLine mentioned by Koushik should work.
Alternatively you may use sed with below pattern to replace newline+" with simply just a " - as a result removing the new line at the end of quoted string.
sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n"/"/g'
Feel free to test this gist.
This however will remove just the ending new line and will not help if it's anywhere in the middle. As said, the MatchQuotesPastEndOfLine mentioned by Koushik is the best possible solution.
Above has been based on this question.

Multiple Line comment in .ini file

I am looking for a way to comment on multiple lines in .ini file.
For single-line comments, we use ; or # in the .ini file. But how to comment on multiple lines in one go?
Like in python we use
in between this
is considered as
and c++ we use
/* Anything
in between this
is considered as
comment */
Comment blocks don't exist for .ini files, you will have to put a ';' or '#' for each line

PTC Integrity edit multiline field in issue

How do I add a line break while editing a field via CLI?
im editissue --field=comment="first line\nsecond line" ISSUE_NUMBER just saves the whole string in one line with a "\n"
The comment field is a multiline field and it is possible to insert a line break in GUI.
OS is Windows 7, integrity version is 10.6
I think it has more to do with the shell rather than the im utility itself. ANSI-C Quoting appears to work on Git Bash/Windows:
im editissue --field=FieldName=$'test\ntest' 123456
The $ causes the \n character in ''-delimited text to be interpolated - see this question for more details.

Add <br> to end of each lines in a file via bash

I am trying to add "<br>" to the end of each line in a .log file, and create a HTML file of the results.
I have tried
sed 's/$/<br><br>/' latest.log >> latest.html
After 395 lines, it cuts out. I would just make the .log file a .html file, but the line breaks don't cross over. Sorry if any of this seems weird, I'm fairly new to this.
Well, hard to say bcaus it might be smth wrong with your input file (for example some unwanted white characters).
but you can insert it out the milion ways, the simplest one:
sed 's/.*/&<br><br>/'
do you need to explain it?
I'll just use tags at the beginning of the first line and the ending. Thank you, Walter A.

Self Extraction Directive file comment?

I'm using IExpress 2.0 to create the deployment for my Visual Studio project, and it has generated an SED file that I'd like to document.
What's the syntax for me to place a comment inside the SED file?
SED files share the same syntax as INI files. As such, you can place comments in them by prefixing the comment with a semi-colon. Comments can also be placed at the end of lines using the same mechanism.
An example:
;this is a comment
PackagePurpose=InstallApp ;this is another comment
NOTE: If you then edit the SED file using IExpress, it does keep comments that you have added (so long as you then re-save the SED file when done), but only those that are on a line of their own - comments at the end of lines are lost.
