ehcache restful service methods override/extend - ehcache

my question may be vague to ask. I am trying to use ehcache restful service methods such as get or put. I am not sure how this works under hood, is there any way I can override these methods? I mean, get always looks up in cache, but I want to look up in database if not found in cache. I can implement this behavior by writing my own rest service methods, but is there anyway to use ehcache built-in rest functionality by overriding their methods or extend their methods to look up in database if not found in cache. Appreciate your help, thanks.


spring rest doc - service layer mocking

recently i saw the blog post say that "for documentation purpose, we use mocking for service layer (in environment using spring rest doc)", so this post use annotation like spring's #MockBean to service layer object.
but i think, if i mock service layer -> spring rest doc always success to test because mocked service object always return intended result and spring rest doc test always receives same intended result from mocked service object.
so i think that is not right but,
i want to know about what is better or how you use service object with spring rest doc
pleas answer
Whether or not it's a good idea to mock the service layer when using Spring REST Docs is largely down to personal preference.
A possible disadvantage of mocking the service layer is that it may be possible for the documentation to get out of sync with the service's actual behaviour. This undermines REST Docs' ability to help you to keep your documentation and service in sync.
An advantage of mocking the service layer is that it can make it easier to document error scenarios or scenarios that would otherwise require quite a lot of setup. In the case of errors, I think you are better adopting a common approach across your whole API and making consistent use of standard HTTP error codes. If you do this, the need to document error responses for each endpoint in a service is reduced.
This leaves documenting more complex scenarios that require a lot of setup. In this case, limited use of mocks may be worthwhile but I would still aim to produce as much of your documentation as possible without relying on mocks.

Implementing Caching for REST resource

I want to implement caching funtionality for Rest service that implemented in SpringBoot.
I found different way to implement this:
Use springs’s cache-abstraction(#cachable etc) that uses a internal in-memory caching using HashMap.
Use springs’s cache-abstraction(#cachable etc) with caching implementation like ehcache, caffeine etc.
HttpCaching where we need to set Cache-Control header and its different attribute.
HttpCaching using ETAG.
Difficult to decide which one is the best solution and why?
Are all these ways are related to each other or not?
Please help out me with this.

spring data neo4j - using server extension through repository

I read about the server extensions available in neo4j in server mode. I was wondering if it is possible to somehow annotate repository method to use this extension insted of allowing to create query based on method name or #Query annotation?
If not, is there easy way to invoke REST interface methods using Neo4jTemplate?
That's not possible right now, it would be cool though, feel free to raise a JIRA issue that describes your suggestion in more detail. Perhaps Spring-Data-REST Clients allow such a thing.

PUT method in jersey

I am new to Restful webservice. When I was going through the tutorials, I saw that PUT method can be used to create the resource. the creation means adding into the database or somewhere by implementing our own effort? or will Jersey take care of creating the resource its own?
Sorry for asking silly questions.. I did not get the way what PUT is doing..
Jersey won't do anything except you tell it to. A PUT request semantically should create or update a ressource, so if you plan to create some entity, thats the HTTP method to use. Use #PUT to annotate your method and implement your functionality (as your tutorials tell you).

Spring MVC Custom Authentication

What I am looking to accomplish is a filter (or similar) that would handle the authentication model for my Spring MVC application. My application is also hosted on Google App Engine.
The authentication on this application can tend to be very dynamic and the permissions are not something that would fit cleanly into a predefined Role structure. These permissions would be tied to the different action methods on my controllers. Ideally I would like to be able to annotate these permissions but I am open for other suggestions.
I am finding that there is not very much information around on how to accomplish this. Ideally I would like to be able to intercept the call to my controller actions and be able to read off the annotations and handle accordingly. What I am hoping is that someone here has a little bit more knowledge on Spring MVC and where I can inject some custom code, and would be able to point me in the right direction.
I would still use Spring Security to do this. It may not have a class that 100% fits your login scheme, but that's what inheritance is for. Write your own. You can easily get rid of the ROLE based DecisionManager and make it fit your paradigm.
Based on your comments have you checked out the MethodInterceptor in Spring? It creates a Proxy that will intercept calls to any method on the proxied class and allow you to run or disallow the method based on any code you want. In Spring Security there is an AbstractSecurityInterceptor, but I find it very hard to use and for most access decisions I think it's overkill.
So I would use Spring Security to authenticate the user (and populate the SecurityContext) and then use interceptors to wall off access to methods in your controllers that you want protected.
