spring data neo4j - using server extension through repository - spring

I read about the server extensions available in neo4j in server mode. I was wondering if it is possible to somehow annotate repository method to use this extension insted of allowing to create query based on method name or #Query annotation?
If not, is there easy way to invoke REST interface methods using Neo4jTemplate?

That's not possible right now, it would be cool though, feel free to raise a JIRA issue that describes your suggestion in more detail. Perhaps Spring-Data-REST Clients allow such a thing.


Spring design pattern for common update service or module

I have a use case where I would like build a common interface or service which can update entities of application. Example case is shown as below:
Now every application has to handle update functionality of entities. Rather than implementing update functionality in n application module. I would like to build a common interface or server in spring boot.
Service will be like below:
My question is how to design service/interface which can used for above scenario. Any api or tool which can help me to achieve this. I dont want to write code for update in every application module.
Thanks in advance.
Last year I was thinking about the similar concept to yours, but in Apache Camel framework context. I haven't got enough time and motivation to do so, but your post encouraged me to give it a try - perhaps mostly because I've found your concept very similar to mine.
This is how I see it:
So basically I considered an environment with application that might uses N modules/plugins that enriches application's features, i.e. processing feature etc. Application uses module/plugin when it is available in the classpath - considering Java background. When the module is not available application works without its functionality like it was never there. Moreover I wanted to implement it purely using framework capabilities - in this case Spring - without ugly hacks/ifs in the source code.
Three solutions come to my mind:
- using request/response interceptors and modifying(#ControllerAdvice)
- using Spring AOP to intercept method invocations in *Service proxy classes
- using Apache Camel framework to create a routes for processing entities
Here's the brief overview of POC that I implemented:
I've chosen Spring AOP because I've never been using it before on my own.
simple EmployeeService that simulates saving employee - EmployeeEntity
3 processors that simulates Processing Modules that could be located outside the application. These three modules change properties of EmployeeEntity in some way.
one Aspect that intercepts "save" method in EmployeeService and handles invocation of available processors
In the next steps I'd like to externalize these Processors so these are some kind of pluggable jar files.
I'm wondering if this is something that you wanted to achieve?
link to Spring AOP introduction here: https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/5.0.5.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/core.html#aop
link to repository of mentioned POC: https://github.com/bkpawlowski/spring-aop

Spring boot , Elasticsearch

Searched over the net but unable to find the satisfying approach.
I am new to spring boot and aware of starter dependancies,
I want to develop a springboot app using elastic search as a storage system.
Wherever i searched i found that somewhere my service class will have to implement some interface from springframework for ES crud operations.
Is there any other way without implementing or extending the components.
I myself want to create transport client and want to query ES by my code or methods not by overidden ones.
Please if you ahve ever seen any projects you can redirect me to that link .
Assuming I understand you correctly, you can use the Elasticsearch REST client: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/client/java-rest/current/java-rest-low.html
You supply the JSON entities for the queries and parse the responses yourself. Its pretty basic in what it does, so you're not dependent on a lot of third party stuff to perform operations.

Spring-Boot Custom Repository

I have been reading about Spring Boot custom repository. I have dozens of blogs explaining how to implement those but none of them explained scenario when we actually need it?
I mean one example where we cannot live without custom repo. I mean if there is case of complex query, we can anyhow achieve it using #Query.
Please explain.
Lets say I want strongly typed query instead of #Query. I would create a custom repo, autowire EntityManager and use QueryDSL with it so I can use strongly typed references.
You can use it to extend the repository with other libraries that aren't part of Spring.
I find them useful when working with a program generator like jHipster. They keep your code separate from the generated code.
The xxxRepositoryCustom.java xxxRepositoryImpl will not be overwritten when the entities are re-generated by a dumb programmer (me.) The queries themselves have some complex logic that can not be expressed in a simple #Query

Spring repository vs Dao

I've a question about Spring.
I've some repositories in my app (that extend JpaRepository) and I'm using that in my client (JavaFx) to transfer data.
In every repository I've a #PreAuthorize("hasAnyRole('ROLE')") tag that prevents the client to invoke these method without an authentication.
Until here, all perfect, but I've a design question. Now I should invoke some methods that works on DB inside a task into my server.
I can't call a method of the repository because otherwise I have an Exception due to the fact that the server can't login into itself.
So I read something about the difference between repositories and Dao, and I'm asking if the only way is to create a Dao without #PreAuthorize tag.
I don't love very much this solution because in this way the code that interact with the db is two different places. So if you have CustomerRepository, then you have also to have CustomerDao.
Have you some better idea? Thanks!
In order to invoke your repository methods from the server, you need a SecurityContext.
Here's how to create it:

ClassBridge called by MassIndexer and access to spring service

I wonder whether it is possible to use any spring services from within hibernate search ClassBridge.
My entity does not have all information i'd like to put into indexed document. I can not get it by #IndexedEmbeded too. This data comes from external data source, and I have service to provide this. This is only needed when reindexing. When indexing single object save service provide this information in transient entity field.
For reindex I use MassIndexer.
My application is working in Spring MVC environment. I use annotation driven configuration. So to access my service I need only use #Autowired annotation and service is ready to be used.
When using Hibernate Search life is not so easy (or I have no idea how it could be).
To get additional information I decided to use ClassBridge. I also implement simple MassIndexer procedure called from within my spring service.
In my ClassBridge spring does not autowire service. When I try do quick workaround and use static field in ClassBridge and pass service reference from MassIndexer caller the other problem occurred. Service reports exception "no session" (sessionFactory.getCurrentSession() throws exception)... I have no idea where to go further.
What is recommended way to access Spring service from within ClassBridge code?
How can I get active hibernate Session (or SessionFactory) from within ClassBridge?
Thanx for you time & hope your help.
The recommended way is through compile time weaving and #Configurable
A comment on this page (http://guylabs.ch/2014/02/22/autowiring-pring-beans-in-hibernate-jpa-entity-listeners/) provides a much simpler way of handling this that might be useful. You can have Spring autowire an object for you, more explicitly by calling:
Doc: http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/context/support/SpringBeanAutowiringSupport.html
