exe command not recognised in win32 folder - vb6

I have placed a mycmd.exe file in system32 folder under windows directory.
Strange thing is that this is accessible from command prompt but when i access this file as a shell command from my VB6 application it shows is "not recognized as an internal or external command"
I am running VB project as run as administrator and using win8 64bit.
Thanks for the anticipated help!!

The WOW64 filesystem redirector is probably taking your program's path and changing it.
See: File System Redirector

Can you show the exact code you're using to run the EXE? The error you're getting makes it clear that VB isn't finding the file. Have you tried appending the path to the specific file you're trying to execute?


What does this error about a missing system 32 file mean?

Windows Script Host
Error: Cannot find script file
When I'm on my laptop, this error occurs every time I plug in the charger. What does it mean and how can I fix it?
I would run SFC /scannow in command prompt as an administrator.
This will verify that all key windows files are installed and working properly. .vbs scripts tent too be malicious however so if this doesn't find any problems with windows I would run and antivirus scan

Detecting wscript.exe Path

Where is wscript.exe located in Windows? Is is possible to locate the path by the help of Windows Registry?
I need this for my application and it would be great to have a common solution that would give correct location for ranging between XP to Windows 10.
It's in the system32 directory (+syswow64 for the 32bit exe)
You can verify this at the command line with where wscript.
Since its in the PATH environment variable you should never really need to know its path: it can be called from anywhere.

RCU.bat file not opening on virtual machine

I have installed a Windows 2008 Server on my VM. I am trying to run a .bat file (on my VM). This .bat file is stored on my local Windows 7 PC, and I'm using shared folders to access it.
The .bat file does not work on my virtual machine. There is no error shown. The command prompt window pops up and then goes away..
However this file works fine on my PC. What could be the reason for the file to run on one system and not run on the other?
How can I run this .bat using the command prompt of my virtual machine? To check if any error log shows up? What could be done? Please advise.
Are you double-clicking on the .bat file through windows explorer? Open the command prompt, then cd to where you have the file and just run it.
cmd cannot use UNC paths as the current path. I'm guessing your shared folders use a network share in the guest machine. Map that share to a drive letter and try again.

Cannot use jar command on windows

The jar command is not working on my box. I have downloaded the jdk, and set the envar "Path" to include the path to the jdk \bin directory. However, I still get that annoying message, "'jar' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this problem?
I think from the error message that you're using Windows?
If so, did you try it in a command prompt that you opened after changing your path using the GUI? And did you double check for typos in the path you added?
You can always try running "echo %PATH%" to check your path, and ensure your change is both showing up and error free
Can you paste the result of env command ? Or please launch new command prompt, then please try again if you think you configuration is Ok.

Accessing curl executable from Program files?

I have built an application which uses user executable through WScript com object.
Now the main program is located in C:\Program files\Myapp
Curl executable is located in C:\Curl
But it looks like my application is unable to execute curl if main application is in Program files.
If i move it to another location it can execute curl nicely.
Problem occurs only on Windows Xp on Vista and Win7 it works perfectly.
Is there any special permissions i have to give to my app or what?
Oh got it finally sorted out.
Actually everything was fine just missed that on Xp there is spaces between in path's just needed to add double quotes to my command and done.
