Cannot clone an aegir site - hosting

I am getting this error while cloning the site on aegir
Unknown option: --profile. See drush help provision-backup for available >options. To suppress this error, add the option --strict=0. [2.39 sec, 21.19 MB]
I am using aegir3 on ubuntu 14.04.4. Can anyone please help me solve this. I have searched on web but there is no solution regarding this issue. This issue also occurs while migrating.

you might find more Aegir users at the new community support forum
I had a similar issue and found a solution there

I found that debugging Aegir issues was a lot easier if you executed the Drush commands directly.
You can find the command by looking through the Log Messages keeping an eye out for entries like
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runti... (Expand)
Below entries like the above you will find the command that was executed, expand that by clicking the (Expand) and copy the command (I found sometimes the expand did not work, in cases like this I just use chrome tools to look at the source and copy it)
/usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off /var/aegir/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php --php-options=' -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off' --backend=2 --yes #centosintranet provision-install-backend --client_email='' 2>&1
All you need to do now is run this as the Aegir user via bash. If you use the apt-get package to install Aegir you should be able to open a terminal and enter
sudo su - aegir -s /bin/bash
You will be prompted for your password, after entering it you will have a bash shell as the Aegir user. Paste in the above drush command and press enter.
Watch it execute, I found it easier to work out what was going on by removing the --backend=2 option. If you still can't see what the issue is try adding -vvv or --debug to the drush command.
Using this method I have solves all issues I have run into thus far when Aegir falls over.


How to run a tmux session as startup_script in google cloud?

I want to run a python script in a tmux session on startup when launching my google cloud vm. I have searched around stack overflow and found this piece of code.
#! /bin/bash
sudo -H -u MyUser tmux new-session -d -s discord 'python3'
I placed this in the meta data part of my vm where startup_scripts go but it doesn't launch when i start my vm. However when I run this code in the terminal after my vm has started it does exactly what I want it to do. What am I missing here?
After digging around for I while I found the problem. The command runs in the root directory so, before your piece of code, you have to add:
Add: cd home/username
Before your code.

curl -s | bash is asking for a Uri

When if follow the Laravel getting started docs it says to use
curl -s | bash
But it then asks me for a URI which the Laravel documentation does not tell me about.
If I try and put in something like:
The console comes back saying
Cannot recognize "D:laravel-test" as a System.Uri due to a format error.
I'm quite new to web development so please go easy on me.
You must use the build command from a linux (Bash) command line, not the powershell.
In the Windows command line (powershell), navigate to the folder where your Laravel projects are to be stored.
C:\Users\username>cd PATH TO FOLDER
Open the windows subsystem for linux by typing 'wsl' at the prompt
C:\Users\username\path to folder>wsl (This part isn't clear in the docs)
This will open the Linux/BASH command line where you should paste the Laravel curl build command
username#computer:/filepath$ curl -s | bash
This will launch the installation. Note that it will take a long time the first time but will be much faster the next time. The Docker environment will continue to run in this terminal.
Not an expert but this worked for me.
curl -s | bash

logcheck command does not work but log check-test works

I am trying to listen to log file changes and trigger emails in case certain errors happen, currently testing this on mac.
i have executed
brew install logcheck
this worked, i am also able to test by executing
logcheck-test -l backend/test.log -r /usr/local/etc/logcheck/violations.d/ticket
but when i try to execute the logcheck command itself, i get error as command not found
Any ideas, thanks.

Why does following command work in the bash but not from script

I'm experiencing this really weird issue which I just can't understand why it is happening. When I execute following command from my shell manually it works.
sudo -u some-user echo "$SSH_KEY" | /home/some-user/.ssh/authorized_keys
however from a bash script it fails with a message we don't have any permissions.
sudo -u some-user echo "$SSH_KEY" | /home/some-user/.ssh/authorized_keys
Is there any bash option to configure, or can someone explain this behavior?
It looks a bit like a bash security thingy for non interactive terminals or something like that, but I lost my creativity to google for the solution.
I'm running Ubuntu 16.04.
After hours of investigation it seems sudo commands where not executed because of the password prompt which does not occur from the script.
The solution was to first run a sudo command before runnning the script or just runnning the whole script as sudo so you can enter the password one time and the other sudo commands are running without password prompts.

Resuming curl download that goes through some bash script

I am trying to download a huge file via curl. As far as I can see it there is some bash script hooked in between to deliver the correct file (in that case a virtual machine that runs IE10):
curl -s | IEVMS_VERSIONS=10 bash
Due to a wobbly internet connection the download fails constantly so I need a way to resume the download at its current position. I've tried resuming the download like so:
curl -s -C - | IEVMS_VERSIONS=10 bash
However, all I get is some MD5 check failed I missing something?
The curl command you're running there doesn't download the VM images. It downloads a bash script called and then pipes the script to bash, which executes it.
Looking at the script, it looks like the file it downloads for IE10 is here:
I think if you download that file (you could use your browser or curl) and put it in ~/.ievms, and then run the command again, it should see that the file has already been downloaded and finish the installation.
If the partially-downloaded file is already there, then you could resume that download with this command:
curl -L "" \
-C - -o ~/.ievms/
(Then run the original IEVMs curl command to finish installation.)
