logcheck command does not work but log check-test works - macos

I am trying to listen to log file changes and trigger emails in case certain errors happen, currently testing this on mac.
i have executed
brew install logcheck
this worked, i am also able to test by executing
logcheck-test -l backend/test.log -r /usr/local/etc/logcheck/violations.d/ticket
but when i try to execute the logcheck command itself, i get error as command not found
Any ideas, thanks.


gitlab CI/CD xxx.tmp/TRIGGER_PAYLOAD: No such file or directory

On my window computer, I use git bash to register and start gitlab runner. gitlab-runner.exe stored in C:Runner directory. I open git-bash terminal, cd /c/Runner to register and run gitlab runner as following:
If I use CI/CD>>Schedules UI to start pipelines, everything works fine. But when I use trigger command like following, pipeline job failed.
curl -X POST \
-F token=xxxxxxx \
-F ref=develop \
Error message is:
It seems that “/c/Runner/C:/Runner/builds...” is a wrong path. Does anyone know how to fix it? Thank you very much.
BTW: For some reason, I have to use bash terminal on window to start gitlab-runner.

unrecognized arguments when executing script via crontab

I have my crontab set up as follows (this is inside a docker container).
5 * * * * bash /usr/local/bin/process-logs > /proc/1/fd/1 2>/proc/1/fd/
The /usr/local/bin/process-logs is designed to expose some MongoDB logs using mtools to a simple web server.
The problematic part of the script is fairly simple. raw_name is archive_name without the file extension.
aws s3 cp "s3://${s3_bucket}/${file_name}" "${archive_name}"
gunzip "${archive_name}"
mlogvis --no-browser "${raw_name}"
If I manually run the command as specified in the crontab config above
bash /usr/local/bin/process-logs > /proc/1/fd/1 2>/proc/1/fd/2
It all works as expected (this is the expected output from mlogvis)
copying /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/mtools/data/index.html to /some/path/mongod.log-20190313-1552456862.html
When the script gets triggered via crontab it throws the following error
usage: mlogvis [-h] [--version] [--no-progressbar] [--no-browser] [--out OUT]
[--line-max LINE_MAX]
mlogvis: error: unrecognized arguments: mongod.log-20190313-1552460462
The mlogvis command that caused the following error (actual values not parameters)
mlogvis --no-browser "mongod.log-20190313-1552460462"
Again if I run this command myself it all works as expected.
mlogvis: http://blog.rueckstiess.com/mtools/mlogvis.html
I don't believe this to be an issue with the file not having correct permissions or not existing as mlogvis produces a different error in these conditions. I've also tested with removing '-' from the file name thinking it might be trying to parse these as arguments but it made no difference.
I know cron execution doesn't have the same execution environment as the user I tested the script as. I've set the PATH to be the same as the user and when the container starts up I execute env >> /etc/environment so all the environment vars and properly set.
Does anyone know of a way to debug this or has anyone encountered similar? All other components of the script are functioning except mlogvis which is core to the purpose of this job.
Summary of what I've tried as a fix:
Set environment and PATH for cron execution to be the same as the user I tested the script as
Replace - in file name(s) to see if it was parsing the parts as arguments
hardcode a filename with full permissions to see if it was permissions related
Manually run the script -> this works
Manually run the mlogvis command in isolation -> this works
try to load /home/user/.bash_profile before executing script and try again. I suspect that you have missing PATH or other environment variable which is not set.
source /home/user/.bash_profile
Please post your complete script, because while executing via crontab,
you have to be sure your raw_name variable was properly created. As
it seems to depend on archive_name, posting some more context can
help us to help you.
In any case, if you are using bash, you can try something like :
aws s3 cp "s3://${s3_bucket}/${file_name}" "${archive_name}"
gunzip "${archive_name}"
# here you have to be sure that archive_name is correct
mlogvis --no-browser "${raw_name_2}"
It is not going to solve your issue, but probably will take you closer to the right path.

Bash exits after successfully running docker-compose

I can ssh onto a machine and run the following script
echo testing
docker-compose exec -T meteor php artisan down
echo done
which returns
Application is now in maintenance mode.
However it I try and run that command over ssh it exits immediately after the docker-compose call.
ssh me#me.com << EOF
echo testing
docker-compose exec -T meteor php artisan down
echo done
Application is now in maintenance mode.
ie done is missing
I can get it to continue by adding && after the docker-compose command but i've got a long script and it makes it ugly and error prone if I have to explicity state this.
Any idea why this is happening and what I can change to fix it.
I removed the -T from docker-compose and the script ran to completion however it gave the message the input device is not a TTY. It appears it can't allocate the interactive console. After a bit more googling I found that I can call
And then it will run to completion without giving error messages.
Thanks all for the help :)
The issue was being caused by the -T flag to docker-compose.
This was added because an error message was being printed if it wasn't there. the input device is not a TTY
I found you could prevent docker-compose from creating an interactive terminal if you use
Then the script runs correctly without the -T option.

Cannot clone an aegir site

I am getting this error while cloning the site on aegir
Unknown option: --profile. See drush help provision-backup for available >options. To suppress this error, add the option --strict=0. [2.39 sec, 21.19 MB]
I am using aegir3 on ubuntu 14.04.4. Can anyone please help me solve this. I have searched on web but there is no solution regarding this issue. This issue also occurs while migrating.
you might find more Aegir users at the new community support forum
I had a similar issue and found a solution there
I found that debugging Aegir issues was a lot easier if you executed the Drush commands directly.
You can find the command by looking through the Log Messages keeping an eye out for entries like
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runti... (Expand)
Below entries like the above you will find the command that was executed, expand that by clicking the (Expand) and copy the command (I found sometimes the expand did not work, in cases like this I just use chrome tools to look at the source and copy it)
/usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off /var/aegir/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php --php-options=' -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off' --backend=2 --yes #centosintranet provision-install-backend --client_email='this.email#is.invalid' 2>&1
All you need to do now is run this as the Aegir user via bash. If you use the apt-get package to install Aegir you should be able to open a terminal and enter
sudo su - aegir -s /bin/bash
You will be prompted for your password, after entering it you will have a bash shell as the Aegir user. Paste in the above drush command and press enter.
Watch it execute, I found it easier to work out what was going on by removing the --backend=2 option. If you still can't see what the issue is try adding -vvv or --debug to the drush command.
Using this method I have solves all issues I have run into thus far when Aegir falls over.

Resuming curl download that goes through some bash script

I am trying to download a huge file via curl. As far as I can see it there is some bash script hooked in between to deliver the correct file (in that case a virtual machine that runs IE10):
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdissent/ievms/master/ievms.sh | IEVMS_VERSIONS=10 bash
Due to a wobbly internet connection the download fails constantly so I need a way to resume the download at its current position. I've tried resuming the download like so:
curl -s -C - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xdissent/ievms/master/ievms.sh | IEVMS_VERSIONS=10 bash
However, all I get is some MD5 check failed error...am I missing something?
The curl command you're running there doesn't download the VM images. It downloads a bash script called ievms.sh and then pipes the script to bash, which executes it.
Looking at the script, it looks like the file it downloads for IE10 is here:
I think if you download that file (you could use your browser or curl) and put it in ~/.ievms, and then run the command again, it should see that the file has already been downloaded and finish the installation.
If the partially-downloaded file is already there, then you could resume that download with this command:
curl -L "http://virtualization.modern.ie/vhd/IEKitV1_Final/VirtualBox/OSX/IE10_Win8.zip" \
-C - -o ~/.ievms/IE10_Win8.zip
(Then run the original IEVMs curl command to finish installation.)
