Safari 9: Web inspector highlights every event - macos

that's somewhat embarrassing, but I seem to have changed something in my inspector in Safari 9/El Capitan. Each event, be it browser resizing or CSS transitions, is highlighted red while the event occurs. And I can't find a way to turn it off. Can someone give me a hint? :-)
As far as I understand this should not be a default setting, as one of my Macs has it, the other does not.
Cheers and thanks in advance

"Fixed" it. In the elements browser, there is a button "Disable colored blinking" (or similar, mine is German "Farbiges Blinken aktivieren/deaktivieren").


Windows scrolling function distorts view

This isn't really related to coding or programming, but when I scroll in a Windows Application, such as Microsoft Word or Notepad++, the view becomes very distorted. Please refer to the preview below.
The problem has been occurring for several days now but was never an issue previously. It seems to occur in all text editors I use, seen in Microsoft Word in the above preview but also observed in Notepad++.
If someone has experienced similar issues or can advise me with this problem, I would be very grateful. System specs are as below.
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: This seems to be an issue with my scrollpad. The problem does not occur if I scroll by dragging the scrollbar or if I scroll using a USB mouse with a scroll wheel. Any suggestions?

Page scrolling is not smooth in firefox

When I use Firefox I have noticed when I'm using my mouse to scroll the page I'm on the page tends to stick or not move for a moment. I just tried IE and no problem there. I was even on the same page and Firefox still tends to hang up. Anyone can help me out?
Note that the website is mad with classic asp.
I found a similar post here but not any specific solution.
Okay, did some experimenting and found a setting in about:config that makes Smooth Scrolling both smooth and fast: look in about:config for mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount. By default that has a value of 5. I changed that into 50 and now the Smooth Scrolling looks and feels like before.
But I need a way to do it programmatic. I mean if the website detect that the browser is FF then it will do the above manual things programmatic.
an alternate and more efficient solution is this:
How to programatically change the about:config dom.max_script_run_time value in Firefox?

jQuery Marquee - Resets after four entries in Firefox

Good evening everyone.
I am puzzling over the oddity that the jQuery Marquee plugin, which was working fine, suddenly resets itself after showing only four of six entries here: (click on the Upcoming Events tab in the lower-right hand corner).
This works correctly in IE and Chrome on a PC, but in Firefox on a Mac and PC it resets after four.
Any ideas why it resets?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Doesn't seem to be a problem for me in Chrome 5. What browser are you seeing this bug in?
Ah, I got it in Firefox. Could be any number of things. Looks like it might be an edge detection thing. Or the height they pull from the page isn't the proper height needed for the animation. Chrome displays this properly, so you might want to check the "hitedge" and "height" variables to make sure they are properly assigned and defined. It could also be a timing thing or some sort of event delay with Firefox. Try upgrading to the latest version of jquery 1.4.2 to see if that resolves anything.

which delegate method will be invoked when click the tab of safari?

As we know , When we load frame from webpage of safari, we will invoke the delegate methods of webkit informal protocol(WebFrameLoadDelegate):
and When we click or change the tabs of safari,which delegate methods will be invoked? Thank you very much!
"We" don't know since this is entirely up to Safari what it fancies doing. At a guess, Safari encloses a WebView for each tab in a tabless NSTabView and switches between them. But again, that's just what it chooses to do at the moment, and might change its mind at any time.
As ever to your incessant questions, Safari has no plug-in API. WebKit does, but anything outside of that defined API is unknown, dangerous, and just asking for trouble. Please don't try it.
Well it's very likely that each tab in safari is using it's own webkit control, as they don't reload when you switch between them.
So I'd have to venture a guess and say neither unless you're actually loading a page.

Xcode Developer Documentation Link Hover Jumps To Top

I don't know how I got into this state, but the Xcode documentation window has been exhibiting this strange behavior of "jumping to top" whenever I hover over a link in one of the doc files.
For example, I'll be scrolling down to, say, the methods of a Class Reference, and as soon as I hover over one of them, the doc window jumps right back to the top.
Has anyone else encountered this? If so, is there a fix for within Xcode?
Meanwhile, opening up the doc in a browser works around the problem.
Thanks for the replies everyone!
Meanwhile, I have just stumbled upon a workaround.
To preface, I have to clarify/correct two things for my particular case:
The problem only occurs when hovering over the links in the Tasks section.
The jump doesn't necessarily go to the top-of-page. Rather, it goes to wherever the original landing spot was when you opened the doc. (In URL parlance this is the fragment, e.g. #//apple_ref...).
On to the workaround:
In the Xcode doc viewer (and even in Safari), there should be a "Jump To..." drop-down in the "developer-documentation" window located to the right (and as a peer) of the "table of contents" expander when this problem occurs. You only need click on it once, dismiss it, and then the jumping problem goes away!
I've encountered it (only when viewing the docs in Safari, not the doc viewer itself), and I believe it's a known bug fixed in Xcode 3.2 (for Snow Leopard).
