Amazon cloud web application performance testing [closed] - performance

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am struggling to get through performance testing which are amazon cloud based web application. we are going to launch our application in amazon cloud soon and we are trying to run the performance / load testing. Basically, i am trying to get result of our application service request / response time when 10 / 25/ 100 / 225 users using it simultaneously and network load test. What kind of approach do i need to follow since i was in to manual testing so far! is there any tool, where i can run and monitor my service request / response time.
Thanks in advance!

JMeter is a common choice for this:
You can either set it up to test from one or more local machines or you can actually run it on AWS itself - there's a nice summary here:
I have done both in the past and there are pros and cons to both - basically running it from machines over regular internet connections means you are using 'real' access networks, as AWS will generally have dedicated networking between its Data Centers.
On the other hand, running JMeter in AWS allows you set it up to test from different regions and probably will allow you generate a much higher load (unless you have lots of real machines at your disposal).


Free test environment (URL) to test my JMeter load tests? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there test environment (URL) which is available on the internet to practice my load tests?
I need to test my JMeter test simulating x2000 virtual users, is there a portal online which would enable me to test my newly created load test?
No. Running load tests against public URLs is considered a Denial-of-Service attack. Don't do it.
You should instead run tests against localhost or some other server you own, as long as this is just for "practicing" your tests.
In case you need to mock a specific response, it may be easiest to use a http mock server like wiremock, though simple request mocking can also easily be achieved with nodejs or similar.
There are some sites which are designed for practicing load testing, i.e.
According to the description
The is a sample site you can test with BlazeMeter!
There is also which is designed for practicing QTP and/or LoadRunner however I didn't find any explicit permission to test it with other tools.
In general it is better to use web application you own for exercises as this way you will be able to see the impact of your load using i.e. PerfMon plugin so you will be able to analyse your results having way more information from the application under test infrastructure.

Azure Web Application Gateway performance with load test [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a Visual Studio load test that runs through the pages on a website, but have experienced big differences in performance when using a load balancer. If I run the tests going straight to Web Server 1 bypassing the load balancer I get an average page load time of under 1 second for 100 users as an example. If I direct the same test at the load balancer with 2 web servers behind it then I get an average page load time of about 30seconds - it starts quick but then deteriorates. This is strange as I now have 2 web servers load balanced instead of using 1 direct so I expect to be able to increase load. I am testing this with Azure Web Application Gateway now, and Azure VMs. I have experienced the same problem previously with an NGinx setup, I thought it was due to that setup but now I find I have the same on Azure. Any thoughts would be great.
I had to completely disable the firewall to get the consistent performance. I also ran into other issues with the firewall, where it gave us max entity size errors from a security module and after discussing with Azure Support this entity size can not be configured so keeping the firewall would mean some large pages would no longer function and get this error. This happened even if all rules were disabled, I spent a lot of time experimenting with different rules on/off. The SQL injection rules didn't seem to like our ASP.NET web forms site. I have now simulated 1,000 concurrent users split between two test agents and the performance was good for our site, with average page load time well under a second.
Here are a list of things that helped me to improve the same situation:
Add non-SSL listener and use that (e.g. HTTP instead of HTTPS). Obviously this is not the advised solution but maybe that can give you a hint (offload SSL to the backend pool servers? Add more gateway instances?)
Disable WAF rules (slight improvement)
Disable WAF + Added more gateway instances (increased from 2 to 4 in my case) - SOLVED THE PROBLEM!

PaaS/hosted PaaS without restrictions [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for nice PaaS that could run applicatons which:
Listens to non-80 external port (25th, its a SMTP server)
Writes to the persisting filesystem
(its 2 different applications, so PaaS I'm looking for dont have to have both features)
I tried different PaaS and IaaS:
Heroku: no/no
OpenShift: no/yes
AppFog: apparently no/no
AWS: yes/yes - but its IaaS
I understand, that listening to 25th port is not really popular feature, so I'm open to host some PaaS without strict restrictions on say AWS. Is there is such?
I don't think OpenShift is going to give you exactly what you are looking for however as you have denoted you will have persistent storage.
As you have denoted port 25 is not one of the external ports that your application can bind to with OpenShift. The reason for this is because in too many situation the use of port 25 leads to accounts not complying with the Acceptable Use Policy.
However there are mail alternatives for SMTP such as the use of mailgun, this service works over port 80 and service as an SMTP service.
In this way OpenShif can meet both of your requirements (kinda).
If you are open to hosting the PaaS yourself, you can try out Cloudify. It's open-source, and your application not limited in what it can do on your instance.
Disclaimer: I work for Gigaspaces, which develops Cloudify,
You may check out It's a comparative list of current PaaS vendors that I have compiled.
As for persistent storage select 'Filesystem' under Services. Possible PaaS include Clever Cloud, HP Cloud Application Platform as a Service, Stackato and Static.
I'm not aware which do allow listening on port 25. I suggest using a addon service (e.g. mailgun), like SFERICH suggested.
Cheers Stefan
I just got into the following article and your question. I hope it can solve your demand for flexibility:
Dokku on Digital Ocean

Good System monitoring tool with AWS Auto-Scaling Service [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am finding a good System monitoring tool using with AWS Auto scaling service. What i need is when My new instance is launched the monitoring Agent should be registered itself automatically to the Monitoring server. I have tried nagios, sensu for testing but there is no more facility i have found that provides agent to be auto register on monitoring server. There are other couple of suggestions like HypricHQ, OpenNMS but I failed to find that flexibility. Is there any other tool which provides that facility?
Zabbix uses an active agent capable of autoregistering whithin zabbix server, other systems that use the same phylosophy may be capable of the same. But you have to find a way to remove stale downscaled servers
In traditional server centric monitoring systems an external script should be used to get from aws api the server list and perhaps roles of these servers via tags like the one in shinken
There's a way to get in sync monitoring servers each time you scale or downscale. Autoscaling in amazon can post SNS notifications when it launch or destroy machines, you can create a topic in SNS and assing the autoscaling notifications and put a HTML endpoint able to "refresh" the monitoring server hosts lists.
After some R&D on this topic, i go with CloudWatch service provided by AWS. What I have done is made my own monitoring program which fetch data from AWS CloudWatch.

web service client in GAE production is too slow [closed]

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Closed 8 days ago.
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I have a Java based web application that is hosted in google app engine. There is a simple web service call to the Amazon Product and Advertising API to look up for books when the user inputs a title. Everything runs fine on my local development environment. However, the web service call is annoyingly slow on production.
E.g. When I invoke the web service call in my dev environment, it takes about 3-4 seconds to get the response back. In production, the same call to the same API would take 15-16 seconds. There is no datastore activity involved at this moment, just a web service call and display the results.
I am pretty sure that this is not the initial load issues others are talking about regarding GAE in production. It has been consistently slow no matter if the load is warmed up. I have tried to search everywhere but nobody seems to be complaining about the same issue. Does anyone have any clue what this might be? Is there any good tool to tackle this kind of performance issue? Thank you!
Here is my update as of 01/23/2012:
I have identified the bottleneck - it takes about 10 seconds to get the port from Amazon Service (I was using SOAP based web service client). My solution is to use RESTful client and the performance is greatly improved. Now it only takes 1 sec to get the information back from Amazon.
The speed of response of Amazon APIs has nothing to do with the performance of GAE.
It's more likelly that Amazon throttles access to their APIs per IP. Since GAE is a shared service, having a set of common IPs, it might be that there are other apps on GAE calling Amazon contributing to delay. If this continues to be a problem then you might want to setup a proxy server somewhere (Amazon EC2?).
