Free test environment (URL) to test my JMeter load tests? [closed] - jmeter

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there test environment (URL) which is available on the internet to practice my load tests?
I need to test my JMeter test simulating x2000 virtual users, is there a portal online which would enable me to test my newly created load test?

No. Running load tests against public URLs is considered a Denial-of-Service attack. Don't do it.
You should instead run tests against localhost or some other server you own, as long as this is just for "practicing" your tests.
In case you need to mock a specific response, it may be easiest to use a http mock server like wiremock, though simple request mocking can also easily be achieved with nodejs or similar.

There are some sites which are designed for practicing load testing, i.e.
According to the description
The is a sample site you can test with BlazeMeter!
There is also which is designed for practicing QTP and/or LoadRunner however I didn't find any explicit permission to test it with other tools.
In general it is better to use web application you own for exercises as this way you will be able to see the impact of your load using i.e. PerfMon plugin so you will be able to analyse your results having way more information from the application under test infrastructure.


load testing on form page [closed]

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Closed 3 days ago.
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Let's assume if I am doing 1000 users load testing using jmeter and blazemeter on a form page (survey form) is there any way those 1000users can reflect on submission page
I was getting entry on only one user
if this is the from i am filling and recording it with the help of blazeMeter
And I am only getting reflection of one user on the backend after load testing 1000users
This is how it's looking in jmeter
[what should I do so there will 1000 reflection of different id in my backend]
If you recorded your request using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder - you will have:
1 selected option
1 login
If you want to properly simulate 1000 different users you should:
Ensure that your JMeter test is configured to behave like a real browser
Ensure that each JMeter virtual user has its own username and password (or whatever is the way of identifying the user), the most commonly used test element for parameterization is CSV Data Set Config
It would also be a good idea to use different survey options for each user, you can either use the aforementioned CSV Data Set Config for this for pre-defined test data or if you prefer random - check out HTML Link Parser and Poll Example

Using only one credential to do load testing [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Im currently new to end to end testing and planning to do load testing for a website I am currently working on. Im currently looking into jmeter and studying how to use it. My question is, would it make sense to only use one credential for the test? So basically I will be using my credentials then would throwing same HTTP requests multiple times to the server to simulate several users logging in and using the website.
Also if there are other ways to do load testing without using more than one credentials would be helpful!
Thanks in advance for the help!
It depends on your use cases and your site implementation, possible problems could be:
The site may not allow multiple logins under the same credentials like subsequent login will "throw out" the previously logged in user(s)
Depending on how session is being established/maintained you may receive the same Cookies for the same login
Most probably you will be able to implement browsing, but CRUD operations can be a big question mark
From JMeter's perspective it is not a problem to use only one account, any constraints will be on the system under test side.
Ideally you should treat each JMeter thread (virtual user) as the real user and it worth creating that many users as you plan to simulate and use CSV Data Set Config to parameterize your JMeter test so each virtual user could have its own credentials

How to get started with microservices and Symfony [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a server with Symfony RESTful, I want to access from another server with Symfony.
I have seen some examples of php that are accessed with curl or file_get_contents, but I can't find a document for Symfony where it explains the configuration, class organization, bundle to use. There is a lot of documentation on the RESTful API, but not from the querying party.
I need to know how the query is made and how the response is handled, without reinventing the wheel.
Can you recommend a document that explains a standard organization or which bundle is usually used?
I am using Symfony 4.4
The documentation on how to access a RESTful API is written by the creator of said API. If that's you then only you know what requests to send to what route and what data to expect. You can use the API for your back end and you can have multiple front end applications that connect to it. They would all connect the same way - the way you determine. You can start of by setting up a standard RESTful API. From there it all depends on your needs. That's why you cannot find documentation for this.

SuiteCRM Integration With Graphql [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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I have integrate SuiteCrm with node JS using REST API but there is so many performance relates issue and for customisation need to add more custom endpoints so I have decided to integrate SuiteCRM with Graphql I have spent more times but still not getting proper documentation to integrate with Graphql.
Anyone please suggest helper library to integrate Graphql with Suitecrm ?
We had the same issues with the REST endpoint and we heavily rely (and like) graphql so we decided to create a helper library.
So far we have been using this in 5 not-so-small projects (5M record tables with 100s of users).
There are almost no custom queries everything works using SuiteCRM beans which respects logic-hooks and workflows and speed is similar to native SuiteCRM nevertheless, custom resolve methods can be created for specific scenarios (like reports or adding a large set of contacts to a target list)
Currently, its using the slim framework which allows you to write your own custom functions.
I am active on the github repo, open an issue if you have any trouble.

Amazon cloud web application performance testing [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am struggling to get through performance testing which are amazon cloud based web application. we are going to launch our application in amazon cloud soon and we are trying to run the performance / load testing. Basically, i am trying to get result of our application service request / response time when 10 / 25/ 100 / 225 users using it simultaneously and network load test. What kind of approach do i need to follow since i was in to manual testing so far! is there any tool, where i can run and monitor my service request / response time.
Thanks in advance!
JMeter is a common choice for this:
You can either set it up to test from one or more local machines or you can actually run it on AWS itself - there's a nice summary here:
I have done both in the past and there are pros and cons to both - basically running it from machines over regular internet connections means you are using 'real' access networks, as AWS will generally have dedicated networking between its Data Centers.
On the other hand, running JMeter in AWS allows you set it up to test from different regions and probably will allow you generate a much higher load (unless you have lots of real machines at your disposal).
