JAR file not visible in Java Request sampler of Jmeter - jmeter

I am using JAVA Request sample in Jmeter to do performance testing of my Selenium TestNG script.
I have created JAR file of my selenium project using maven plugin :
Kept JAR file under Jmeter/lib/ext folder.
Create Java request sample in Jmeter and check JAR files in Java request Class name but JAR file not reflected.
Also added Selenium Java JAR & Selenium standalone JAR files in Jmeter/lib folder.
Please guide me to resolve this issue.

I run into the same problem when i compiled the jar with a newer version of java. JVM is 1.7 (jmeter.JMeter: java.version=1.7.0_75) and jar made with 1.8 for example. Try using your java -version level for compileing the jar.

If you intent to use Java Request Sampler your class should inherit from AbstractJavaSamplerClient class and override runTest method. Something like:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.java.sampler.AbstractJavaSamplerClient;
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.java.sampler.JavaSamplerContext;
public class Mytest extends AbstractJavaSamplerClient {
public SampleResult runTest(JavaSamplerContext context) {
//your Selenium code here
return null;
If your tests are in JUnit format you can use JUnit Request Sampler instead. Just put your jars under /lib/junit folder of your JMeter installation and JMeter should pick them up. See How to Use JUnit With JMeter guide for comprehensive information on the integration
Are you aware of the WebDriver Sampler which provides Selenium integration almost out of the box?
Remember that you need to restart JMeter after adding or updating any .jar in its classpath or installing a plugin.


External library load time weaving as library

I have a jar with a main class.
I execute it with command java -jar my.jar
This main jar depends on another.jar (e.g. joda-time.jar).
Now I want to intercept a method of another.jar and say I want to print log.
By the way, I want to use my.jar as usual, I mean I'll call it as always: java -jar my.jar.
I have found a very nice example on github about external library weaving.
This example, intercepts a method of joda time library.
It has an aspect for toString() method of joda time.
However, it uses a unit test to intercept and demonstrate.
I've compiled and packed the given example as my_aspect.jar.
After that, I've moved my_aspect.jar to the execution directory, which contains my.jar, joda-time.jar.
Finally, I've also added aspectjrt.jar, and aspectjweaver.jar to the same directory.
When I call java -jar my.jar, intercepiton doesn't happen.
I think I have to tell the my_aspect.jar something to intercept but I don't know what to say.
Below is the main class of my.jar.
It simply makes a call to intercepted method.
package com.github.example;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(new DateTime().toString());
Both aspectjrt.jar and my_aspect.jar need to be on the class path if you use compile time weaving or binary weaving.
For load-time weaving you need to use java -javaagent:/path/to/aspectjweaver.jar -cp my_aspect.jar -jar my.jar. The project you use as a template also does it like that, see here.
If you don't want to use the Java agent and also don't want any AspectJ reference on the Java command line, then your only option is binary weaving for another.jar, creating a new version of it, and then creating an uber JAR (fat JAR), zipping up your whole application including dependencies and AspectJ runtime using a tool like One-JAR (there is also a Maven plugin for it).
Your question is lacking detail, so I cannot answer more precisely.
Update: Because you said you prefer the OneJar solution, you can search for my related posts. The group ID in those posts org.dstovall is outdated, though. That version was out of maintenance long ago, so I switched to the com.jolira fork, using it e.g. like this for AspectJ-enabled applications, of course in combination with AspectJ Maven plugin:

Auto-Restart for Spring Boot Tests

I am currently writing unit and integration tests for a Spring Boot application. I'm using Spring Tool Suites 4 for development.
When I run the application using Spring Tool Suites, the auto-restart works fine when I modify and save a file. I'm trying to find a similar way to run my tests.
I currently run the tests using a separate Windows CMD terminal using Maven:
mvn test
This runs one time and terminates. Is there anyway to have the tests run every time a test file is saved?
Edit: Here's an example of a test I am running that uses JUnit and Spring to run the tests. This is taken straight from the Spring.io website https://spring.io/guides/gs/testing-web/
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
public class ControllerTest {
private Controller controller;
public void contexLoads() throws Exception {
I found this Maven plugin https://github.com/fizzed/maven-plugins#watcher-fizzed-watcher-maven-plugin that will watch files and let you run specific Maven goals on file changes.
I added the plugin to my POM and changed the goal to "test".
I opened a terminal within Spring Tool Suites (ctrl + alt + t) and docked it next to my console and ran the following:
mvn fizzed-watcher:run
So far this seems to be working exactly like I want.

autoweaving AspectJ fails during unit tests in IntelliJ

We have a series of unit tests and they were passing fine prior to me trying to add some aspects for dependency injection and logging duration of methods being called in our rest end points.
In the unit tests prior to the tests failing, we get two odd errors:
[AppClassLoader#14dad5dc] error aspect 'com.lutherconsulting.aphirm.log.DurationLoggingAspect' woven into 'com.lutherconsulting.aphirm.rest.ClientRest' must be defined to the weaver (placed on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
[AppClassLoader#14dad5dc] error aspect 'com.lutherconsulting.aphirm.log.DurationLoggingAspect' woven into 'com.lutherconsulting.aphirm.log.DurationLoggingAspect' must be defined to the weaver (placed on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
We are using the aspectj maven plugin to just let it autoweave the aspects into the web application. The configuration for that from our pom.xml for Maven is below.
The strange thing is that this all works perfectly fine if I build the war file and deploy it to a Tomcat instance, or if I run all of our cucumber feature tests. When I do either of those, The aspect weaves fine and I get data on the duration of the rest methods I annotated logged to a database correctly. If I run a specific test package from intelliJ or try to run all junit tests in intellij, it fails with those two errors
Is this something I'm just missing in Intellij as a run/debug configuration in the way it executes unit tests? I didn't think our structure of our app was different than any normal web app
- src
| - main
| - java
| - packages
| - resources
| - test
| - java
| - packages
| - resources
- pom.xml
I appreciate any ideas on
In the end, what turned out to fix this was to go into the project structure in IntelliJ, on the AspectJ settings there is a check box for Post-Compile Weave Mode. Checking this made sure weaving occurred in Intellij prior to the tests executing.
As far as I understand you are running your tests from IntelliJ using its own runner and not maven.
Therefore you have configured the weaver to be run using maven through the aspectj-maven-plugin. The problem is that your IntelliJ runner is not running maven, hence its weaver plugin is not being run either.
I can come up with an idea and you could run your maven test goal within IntelliJ to run all your tests with the maven configuration, so it will detect aspectj-maven-plugin and run the weaver too. Here you can check how to run maven goals:
On the other hand, according to this link you have to enable Load Time Weaving in IntelliJ
Quoting the link it says:
Open the "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog using the drop-down in the
toolbar. Click the "+" icon to create a new configuration and name it
e.g. "tests".
For this project, I've selected "All in package" and search for tests
"In whole project".
Now all you have to do is add the VM startup parameter that brings in
the AspectJ LTW agent:
The part after the ":" should be the path to your copy of aspectjweaver.jar. In this case, I've copied the
aspectjweaver.jar from the Spring distribution into the lib directory
of my project (it doesnt' need to be on the project's classpath). You
can use the jar from AspectJ 5 final release too if you want to.
Also, you can check to configure AspectJ facet, check this link to read about it

Configure Maven to use CXF wsdl2java with Basic Authentication

I have an application that needs to integrate with one of SharePoint's web services. This web service cannot be accessed freely and needs authentication.
As such, the standard wsdl2java Maven plugin in my application gives an HTTP 401 error when the generate-sources phase is executed.
Is there a way to setup Maven/POM so that I can provide a user/password that will generate the stubs?
I have come across some answers saying this is not possible but all answers are older than 1 year. I haven't found if Maven have issued an update on this. One option is to save a local copy of the WSDL (as suggested here) but I would like to avoid having local copies.
Because you mentioned CXF then I suppose you meant cxf-codegen-plugin. It's a bit of a hack but it works.
HTTP authentication credentials can be provided using java.net.Authenticator. One need to just define his own Authenticator class which overrides getPasswordAuthentication(..) method. Then it has to be set as default Authenticator. As far as I know it can't be done declaratively (for instance using environment properties) only programatically using Authenticator.setDefault(..).
In order to call Authenticator.setDefault(..) I would use CXF extension mechanism. Create separate maven project with similar class:
public class AuthenticatorReplacer {
public AuthenticatorReplacer(Bus bus) {
java.net.Authenticator.setDefault(new java.net.Authenticator() {
protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
return new PasswordAuthentication("test", "test123"
and file src\main\resources\META-INF\cxf\bus-extensions.txt with contents:
Then add newly created project as a dependency to cxf-codegen-plugin:
This way AuthenticatorReplacer is initialized by CXF extension mechanism and replaces default Authenticator with ours.
An clean alternative to #Dawid Pytel's solution would be to run this class during lifecycle of wsdl class auto generation:
Important: your AuthenticatorReplacer has to be a main(String[] args) class and running the code inside.
I verified that Dawid's solution works. Alternatively, you can use SoapUI to pull down and cache the wsdl and then use SoapUi code generation support to use cxf to generate the code.
Dawid's solution works for me too. It is a little tricky though. In Eclipse, the pom.xml keeps complaining that "wsdl2java failed: Could not load extension class AuthenticatorReplacer". You have to ignore this error message and use the command line:
mvn generate-sources
The Java classes will then be generated successfully.

how to let maven war plugin to create multiple war file

i used selenium-mave-plugin for integration test, which require the war file named: project.artifactId-version(say: myproj-0.1-SNAPSHOT.war) while the default war created by maven-war-plugin is project.artifactId.war(say myproj-SNAPSHOT.war).
in order to let selenium plugin, i override the maven-war-plugin in that selenium profile as:
now when i build the project, it failed at rpm:rpm, complaining:
source location ..../myProj.war does not exist
my question is if it's possible to create 2 war files: myProj.war and myProj-0.1-SNAPSHOT.war so both rpm and selenium plugins are happy? Thanks
For rpm plugin, please make sure you use the location directive. If you need further help, please post your full pom.xml.
As for selenium, it doesn't really need to know where your .war file resides. Only the web application server needs to know. Sadly, you didn't provide information in which phase of maven the "does not exist" error occured. So I can only guess it's while starting jetty, tomcat or another web application server.
You should run your full build (including tests) with: mvn clean verify integration-test rpm:prm.
