autoweaving AspectJ fails during unit tests in IntelliJ - maven

We have a series of unit tests and they were passing fine prior to me trying to add some aspects for dependency injection and logging duration of methods being called in our rest end points.
In the unit tests prior to the tests failing, we get two odd errors:
[AppClassLoader#14dad5dc] error aspect 'com.lutherconsulting.aphirm.log.DurationLoggingAspect' woven into '' must be defined to the weaver (placed on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
[AppClassLoader#14dad5dc] error aspect 'com.lutherconsulting.aphirm.log.DurationLoggingAspect' woven into 'com.lutherconsulting.aphirm.log.DurationLoggingAspect' must be defined to the weaver (placed on the aspectpath, or defined in an aop.xml file if using LTW).
We are using the aspectj maven plugin to just let it autoweave the aspects into the web application. The configuration for that from our pom.xml for Maven is below.
The strange thing is that this all works perfectly fine if I build the war file and deploy it to a Tomcat instance, or if I run all of our cucumber feature tests. When I do either of those, The aspect weaves fine and I get data on the duration of the rest methods I annotated logged to a database correctly. If I run a specific test package from intelliJ or try to run all junit tests in intellij, it fails with those two errors
Is this something I'm just missing in Intellij as a run/debug configuration in the way it executes unit tests? I didn't think our structure of our app was different than any normal web app
- src
| - main
| - java
| - packages
| - resources
| - test
| - java
| - packages
| - resources
- pom.xml
I appreciate any ideas on

In the end, what turned out to fix this was to go into the project structure in IntelliJ, on the AspectJ settings there is a check box for Post-Compile Weave Mode. Checking this made sure weaving occurred in Intellij prior to the tests executing.

As far as I understand you are running your tests from IntelliJ using its own runner and not maven.
Therefore you have configured the weaver to be run using maven through the aspectj-maven-plugin. The problem is that your IntelliJ runner is not running maven, hence its weaver plugin is not being run either.
I can come up with an idea and you could run your maven test goal within IntelliJ to run all your tests with the maven configuration, so it will detect aspectj-maven-plugin and run the weaver too. Here you can check how to run maven goals:
On the other hand, according to this link you have to enable Load Time Weaving in IntelliJ
Quoting the link it says:
Open the "Run/Debug Configurations" dialog using the drop-down in the
toolbar. Click the "+" icon to create a new configuration and name it
e.g. "tests".
For this project, I've selected "All in package" and search for tests
"In whole project".
Now all you have to do is add the VM startup parameter that brings in
the AspectJ LTW agent:
The part after the ":" should be the path to your copy of aspectjweaver.jar. In this case, I've copied the
aspectjweaver.jar from the Spring distribution into the lib directory
of my project (it doesnt' need to be on the project's classpath). You
can use the jar from AspectJ 5 final release too if you want to.
Also, you can check to configure AspectJ facet, check this link to read about it


Execute application using mvn clean install

I am working on a simple spring boot application (created from spring initializr contains web mega-dependency).
I added also Cucumber dependencies for acceptance test.
When I run mvn clean install it runs directly the cucumber test, but me I want to run the app before tests (And why not stop the app after the tests terminate).
I tried maven exec plugin but it does not work:
Skipping tests
If there is a need to skip tests and just compile and package the application, you can set the skipTests property as follows:
mvn install -DskipTests
Application execution
If you want to run the application, you can use the exec plugin. There are two flavours ("goals" really): one runs the package application and the other runs a Java class. If you know the class name, you can run that plugin as follows:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="org.dhappy.test.NeoTraverse"
Integration testing
Finally, if you want to run the application first before you can run the tests, you are actually not doing unit testing. Your tests in this case are perhaps integration and not unit tests. The actual details would vary depending on whether your application has complex needs such as a database and a web server.
Integration testing happens at a different "phase" in maven lifecycle.
In short, you need to rename your Java test classes something other than * so that maven surefire plugin ignores your tests. You then need to include maven-failsafe-plugin so that integration testing happens.
You want to perform these steps:
Start the application
Run a set of tests
Stop the application
Starting and stopping the application is one thing and could be done in the <phase>pre-integration-test</phase> and <phase>post-integration-test</phase>. Integration testing is done in the <phase>integration-test</phase>
You want to read and understand Specifically, look at the Using jetty and maven-failsafe-plugin example.

Sharing common Springboot integration tests with jar?

Can I have a jar containing Springboot integration tests & use this jar in other modules to execute the common integration tests?
As stated here:
Maven projects already define a standard for a project's tests. And in
my opinion it doesn't make sense to make a project dependent on its
tests--if anything, tests would be dependent on the module under test,
since tests use the module, but not vice-versa.
Though if you wish to do this anyway, to answer your question: yes it is possible. As described here:
There is a new way of running a test in Maven from another jar. from
maven-surefire-plugin version 2.15 you can tell Maven to scan your
test jars for tests and run them. You don't need to extract the tests
jar. Just add a dependency to your test jar like so:

Maven + AspectJ/SpringAOP + Lombok + Surefire = test broken in a specific scenario

I have an interesting problem in a project where all of the technologies mentioned in the title are used. I've been able to track it down up to the diagnosis (the test classpath prepared by Surefire), but I don't understand whether it can be fixed and how. It's not a showstopper, indeed it's a minor issue for me, but I'd like to solve it anyway.
First a rough description.
The problem is related to executing tests in a specific module of the project, and only in a specific way.
Everything works (tests pass) when I run from the master pom level:
cd ${projHome}
mvn install
Everything works (tests pass) when I run:
cd ${projHome}/modules/CoreImplementation/
mvn test
That means that I can build and test with no problems, the same for my Jenkins, and NetBeans can run tests from the IDE when I need them.
But that module fails testing when I run from the master pom level:
cd ${projHome}
mvn test
with this error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: it.tidalwave.northernwind.profiling.RequestProfilerAspect.aspectOf()Lit/tidalwave/northernwind/profiling/RequestProfilerAspect;
at it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.spi.DefaultSiteViewController.processRequest( ~[classes/:na]
at it.tidalwave.northernwind.frontend.ui.spi.DefaultSiteViewControllerTest.must_call_some_RequestProcessors_when_one_breaks( ~[test-classes/:na]
Running mvn test as a second pass (after a mvn install -DskipTests) happens to be the way and Travis do their job. While I could change their configuration, I'd like to stay with the standard configuration and fix the problem if possible.
The diagnosis in short and my question.
Now, the question in short (details are further below). I was able to track down the problem to different ways in which Surefire prepares the classpath to execute the tests.
When I run mvn install the classpath is:
When I run mvn test (from the project home) the classpath is:
The different portions are the indented ones. In the former case, SureFire uses the classes directory (forget for a moment that in my case they are named unwoven-classes) only for the module under test, and the installed jar files for every dependency. In the latter case, it seems to be using classes for all dependencies in the reactor.
The reason for which this difference in the classpaths gives me troubles is explained below in the "Gory details" section. In short, that unwoven means that they contain bytecode not augmented by AspectJ, hence the methods that can't be found at runtime.
I'm running with SureFire 2.16, but I've also tried the latest 2.19 with no changes. Being able to force SureFire to always use jar files for dependencies would fix my problems. If you have the answer, you can stop reading my post here.
Gory details (just for curiosity).
The faulty module artifactId is it-tidalwave-northernwind-core-default and it depends on aspects available in it-tidalwave-northernwind-core-profiling - that's where the offending RequestProfilerAspect is. The aspect library dependency is both in the regular dependencies of the faulty module and in the configuration of the aspectj plugin:
<aspectLibraries combine.children="append">
AspectJ integration is by means of the following profile in a Super POM, which is activated in the build, whose relevant part is:
The aspectj plugin is configured in the profile to statically weave binaries in the unwoven-test-classes directories. The reason for this approach is that it's the only feasible solution AFAIK to have both Lombok and AspectJ work together.
Now, back to the two classpaths described above: the fact that SureFire is using unwoven-classes means that it's pointing to bytecode that has not been augmented with AspectJ methods, hence the error.
The project is a FLOSS one and can be found at
A changeset where the problem can be reproduced is f98e9a89ac70138c1b6bd0d4570a22d59ed71be6. JDK 1.8.0 is required to build the project (even though it doesn't use Java 8 code yet).
The SuperPOM can be found here:

System brokes when start single test in InteliJ

I have complex web application using Spring,Hibernate, Maven joint build(Java+Groovy) with test in Spock and different Maven profiles. All source files are in Java. I have Maven configuration(part of it) for local testing:
So when I have changes in the bytecode maven contextReloadable triggers redeploy of the app. That is the desire state. When I run some test with maven configuration usingin InteliJ, in my system I see that redeploy is triggered.
I have no changes in the files or in the tests. But redeploy is triggered and everything is OK. But there is a problem for the same test when I click right button and click run on UploadTest using InteliJ 14.0.3 Community Edition
Redeploy happens but the profiles are not taken under consideration and the environment variables are not set. If I add them
org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase backgroundProcess WARNING: Exception processing loader WebappLoader[/services] background process java.util.ConcurrentModificationExceptio
And my backendSystem crashes. So my questions are:
Why InteliJ triggers redeploy when run Spock test without changes in the code/tests?
Why starting a single Spock test using InteliJ, cause my backednSystem brokes(I need to restart it)(what can be the source of the problems?? InteliJ runs the test with diferent parameters, profiles are not taken or ...).
Does inteliJ start compilation of the test with different eviroment variables set? (I see that inteliJ start its own launcher for the test).

Generated project with gwt-maven-plugin : eclipse

I created a GWT project with
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo -DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.0
Imported the project in eclipse juno.
First error I get is this :
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-
plugin:2.5.0:i18n (execution: default, phase: generate-sources)
In the pom file.
<!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see
gwt-maven-plugin documentation at -->
Also the code contains a GreetingServiceAsync that can not be found.
private final GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT.create(GreetingService.class);
You have two options:
You can add special (non-trivial) org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping plugin
configuration to your POM. See here: Why am I receiving a "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration with GWT" error?
Or mark this issue as to be ignored in Eclipse POM editor, and then call mvn gwt:i18n. You can create a handy short cut launcher for it. Eclipse remembers your decisions what to ignore, it stores it into .settings directory permanently for the project.
In course of typical development localization messages do not change often so the second option is usually more convenient and speeds up build.
This applies for most GWT plugin goals! Even GWT compilation is rarely necessary as DevMode works directly with Java code and not generated JavaScrips. So in practice, you have to call all the goals at least once on the beginning and then live weeks without them; basic Eclipse JDT compilation is sufficient.
If you later decide not to use GWT localization framework in your real app then you can remove goal i18n completely from POM. Calling goal i18n generates file {project}/target/generated-sources/gwt/my/code/client/ which is required by (vanilla)
Also the code contains a GreetingServiceAsync that can not be found.
Run the build mvn install from command line or Eclipse Run as -> Maven install menu.
In case of command line mvn gwt:generateAsync should be enough. This goal generates {project}\target\generated-sources\gwt\my\code\client\ and that is what you missing. Eclipse did not do it for you automatically because it was blocked by previous issue of i18n not being covered by lifecycle configuration. So yes, issues you mention are correlated.
