Error Marvel plugin Elastic - elasticsearch

I'm not able to access marvel in my browser.
http://localhost:9200/_plugins/marvel/ returns
{"error": "ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[No feature for name [marvel]]","status": 400}
I have installed elastic search 1.7.1 and its up and running running at http://localhost:9200/
I'm running on a window 2008R2 server with chrome and java 1.7.0_79
I did (and tried) the following things:
I installed the marvel plugin marvel ( The
folder marvel folder is created in the plugins folder
The log shows the plugin is started ([INFO ][plugins ]
[MY_01_dev] loaded [marvel], sites [marvel])
tried giving in teh path to the index page manually (http://localhost:9200/_plugins/marvel/_site/kibana/index.html#/dashboard)
Changed the config with: localhost:9200
No luck so far, all commands with cURL seems to work, but as much as I'm fond of command lines, my colleagues aren't, so i realy would like to get the plugin up and running

The url is not with _plugins, but with _plugin (singular):

Marvel and sense plugin should be installed to Kibana and then access it using marvel agent on elastic node.


Kibana 7.13.4 is not running in windows 10

Am using Elastic Search 7.13.4 and Kibana 7.13.5 for my work. In windows 10 am running elasticsearch.bat file given in bin folder and it running fine. In my browser http://localhost:9200/ i see its running without any error.
And when I try to run kibana.bat file in bin folder of kibana, it exits without any info or error. At http://localhost:5601/, i dont se any logs. I ran kibana.bat as administrator also, but all the batch files in bin folder exits within a second. Because of this I started using Elastic Search and Kibana 5.6.5 version and its working fine.
Issue is only with 7.13.4 version. Should I do any extra configuration for this version?
Here is the kibana.yml file link

Kibana not working after x-pack uninstalled

I had installed x-pack earlier and used it, and hosted Kibana through Nginx.
I yesterday uninstalled x-pack from both elasticsearch and kibana, via
sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove x-pack
sudo bin/kibana-plugin remove x-pack
Now, when I try to start elastic, elastic is started, but Kibana does not start when I start kibana.
The Kibana.stdout log says,
{"type":"log","#timestamp":"2017-04-27T06:23:39Z","tags":["info","optimize"],"pid":49497,"message":"Optimizing and caching bundles for kibana, timelion and status_page. This may take a few minutes"}
And Kibana is never started.
The sudo service kibana status says it is running, but sudo netstat -ntlp, I can not find the port 5601.
It is never started. Why so ?
What can be the possible issue ?
Try deleting the kibana/optimize/bundles directory as well as the kibana/optimize/.babel-cache.json file and restarting Kibana. That will trigger a completely fresh rebuild of the Kibana source without x-pack.
Note: If you're using kibana as a system daemon, run the kibana process through the command line once to re-compile the optimize bundle before starting the daemon.

unable to start kibana process

I am trying to install kibana using rpm kibana-4.5.0-1.x86_64.rpm.
However when i try to start the Kibana process, i am getting below prompt
Starting kibana....... unable to start process kibana.
To check the reason i have enabled log file by setting the below parameter in kibana.yml :
logging.dest: /opt/kibana/kibana.log
However no log file is getting created and i am unable to identify why kibana process is not starting.
Any suggestion would be appreciated..
Please check ---
RPM install is not supported on distributions with old versions of RPM, such as SLES 11 and CentOS 5.
My suggetion you can install Kibana with .tar.gz
Can follow the link :

Connecting to ElasticSearch plugin under proxy settings

I have a problem with connecting to Elasticsearch under proxy settings. I have installed Bigdesk plugin manually with bin/plugin -DproxyPort=80 --install lukas-vlcek/bigdesk, everything went all right with it.
I run my Elasticsearch on docker, it generated some private IP.
After http://[GeneratedIP]:9200/_plugin/bigdesk/ I have error 504, Proxy Timeout in web browser console.
After running ElasticSearch locally with service elasticsearch start and then in browser http://localhost:9200/_plugin/bigdesk/ it stops loading and I can see just white screen, no output in inspect-console.
Any ideas?

plugin:elasticsearch service not available in kibana

In order to use sense plugin, I have some problems when integrating kibana with elastic search. Everyting goes well. Elastic search and kibana installed properly in my machine.
When I run this command :
cd elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch.bat
and then I go to http://localhost:9200/,
I got success message.
When I run this command :
cd kibana/bin/kibana.bat
and then I go to http://localhost:5601/app/sense
I got notification that
plugin:elasticsearch is not available.
this is prove that my elastic already running
this is my kibana.yml
this is my elastic.yml
What's going wrong?
