plugin:elasticsearch service not available in kibana - elasticsearch

In order to use sense plugin, I have some problems when integrating kibana with elastic search. Everyting goes well. Elastic search and kibana installed properly in my machine.
When I run this command :
cd elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch.bat
and then I go to http://localhost:9200/,
I got success message.
When I run this command :
cd kibana/bin/kibana.bat
and then I go to http://localhost:5601/app/sense
I got notification that
plugin:elasticsearch is not available.
this is prove that my elastic already running
this is my kibana.yml
this is my elastic.yml
What's going wrong?


ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster

I am running Elasticsearch and kibana, I am not sure of the status of my elasticsearsh cluster (if its red, yellow, or green) but it seems I need to get a token generated by elasticsearch as in the screenshot when I ran bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token --scope kibana from the right directory it errors out ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster..
According Ioannis Kakavas in discuss.elastic, "CLI tools extending BaseRunAsSuperuserCommand should only connect to the local node". When I run in a local node, it works. But when I run in the elasticsearch container in a cluster, it doesn't work. The solution was execute the elastic-search-reset-password and elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token scripts, respectively, like this (inside the elasticsearch container):
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -i -u elastic --url https://localhost:9200
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-create-enrollment-token -s kibana --url https://localhost:9200
I encountered the same problem, and I just redid the process - unzipped the ES and kibana zip files again, and ran bin/elasticsearch in the newly created directory. Look for a message that is encapsulated in a formatted box that contains both the password for the elastic user, and the enrollment token for Kibana (the token is only valid for 30 minutes). This message will only appear once, the first time you run elasticsearch.
I proceeded to run bin/kibana for Kibana and configured it in the browser, and everything worked out from there. Hope this helps!
I have the exact issue:
$ sudo /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic
ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster.
But after I restart the elasticsearch service:
$ sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch.service
then it works:
This tool will reset the password of the [elastic] user to an autogenerated value.
The password will be printed in the console.
Please confirm that you would like to continue [y/N]y
Password for the [elastic] user successfully reset.
New value: xxxxxx
Two possible solutions:
Make sure that you have enough disk space.
Your VPN might be causing the issue.
The enrollment Token will be present in the terminal itself. You just need to scroll up till you find it when you are installing.
The reason for the error - ERROR: Failed to determine the health of the cluster is due to the fact that Elastic has not been installed yet and running that command is like calling a function without defining it.

Installing X pack on elasticsearch, logstash and kibana

I am new to elasticsearch, logstash and kibana .
I am using Windows
i recently install x-pack plugin by folowing this tutorial :
the main point is :
elasticsearch-plugin install x-pack
Go to Kibana PATH
kibana-plugin install x-pack
everything goes well, until i try to verify my x-pack instalation.
i go to kibana url. http://localhost:5601/
if everything is right, based on documentation, i should be prompted to login to kibana.
but, all i got is this message:

Kibana not working after x-pack uninstalled

I had installed x-pack earlier and used it, and hosted Kibana through Nginx.
I yesterday uninstalled x-pack from both elasticsearch and kibana, via
sudo bin/elasticsearch-plugin remove x-pack
sudo bin/kibana-plugin remove x-pack
Now, when I try to start elastic, elastic is started, but Kibana does not start when I start kibana.
The Kibana.stdout log says,
{"type":"log","#timestamp":"2017-04-27T06:23:39Z","tags":["info","optimize"],"pid":49497,"message":"Optimizing and caching bundles for kibana, timelion and status_page. This may take a few minutes"}
And Kibana is never started.
The sudo service kibana status says it is running, but sudo netstat -ntlp, I can not find the port 5601.
It is never started. Why so ?
What can be the possible issue ?
Try deleting the kibana/optimize/bundles directory as well as the kibana/optimize/.babel-cache.json file and restarting Kibana. That will trigger a completely fresh rebuild of the Kibana source without x-pack.
Note: If you're using kibana as a system daemon, run the kibana process through the command line once to re-compile the optimize bundle before starting the daemon.

Error Marvel plugin Elastic

I'm not able to access marvel in my browser.
http://localhost:9200/_plugins/marvel/ returns
{"error": "ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[No feature for name [marvel]]","status": 400}
I have installed elastic search 1.7.1 and its up and running running at http://localhost:9200/
I'm running on a window 2008R2 server with chrome and java 1.7.0_79
I did (and tried) the following things:
I installed the marvel plugin marvel ( The
folder marvel folder is created in the plugins folder
The log shows the plugin is started ([INFO ][plugins ]
[MY_01_dev] loaded [marvel], sites [marvel])
tried giving in teh path to the index page manually (http://localhost:9200/_plugins/marvel/_site/kibana/index.html#/dashboard)
Changed the config with: localhost:9200
No luck so far, all commands with cURL seems to work, but as much as I'm fond of command lines, my colleagues aren't, so i realy would like to get the plugin up and running
The url is not with _plugins, but with _plugin (singular):
Marvel and sense plugin should be installed to Kibana and then access it using marvel agent on elastic node.

Elasctic Search is working at port 9200 but Kibana is not working

Hello I am starting work with kibana and elasticsearch. I am being able to run elasticsearch at port 9200 but kibana is not running at port 5601. The following two images are given for clarification
Kibana is not running and showing the page is not available
Kibana doesn't support space in the folder name. Your folder name is
GA Works
Remove the space between those two words kibana will then run without errors and you will be able to access at
You can rename the folder with
Have you
a) Set the elasticsearch_url to point at your Elasticsearch instance in file kibana/config.yml?
b) Run ./bin/kibana (or bin\kibana.bat on windows) (after setting the above config)
If you tried all of the above and still it doesn't work make sure that the kibana process is running first. I found that /etc/init.d/kibana4_init doesn't start the process. If that is the case then try: opt/kibana/bin/kibana.
I also made kibana user:group owner of the folder/files.
