How to migrate Joomla database to OpenCart? - joomla

How to migrate Joomla database to OpenCart?

You can cofigure manuel export to sql format all data what you need through phpmyadmin (like example).
Or you can use one of the plugins to export to cvs format.
search "cvs export" - use plugin for your component.


human readable URLs in Oracle APEX

how to make human readable URLs in oracle apex
currently my url seems like
what i want my database application url looks like.
i am using oracle apex 18.2
You can actually do that. Oracle Apex release 20.1 comes by default with readable URL structure while allows you to change back to older type URL
You can define DAD in the database, and provide name for the apex application in user-interface of application properties the url will have the name of application instead app number, aslo to mask the page numbers you can give alias to pages.
There is no such option till Apex 19.2.
In Apex 20.1 release there is an option to Modify the URL
Please refer the below link for detailed clarification
Oracle Apex 18.2 have no option like that.

Copy database from site to new template; phpmyadmin?

Good day
I require some help with this issue. I'm not sure if it's possible.
I purchased a new template for my site. This template has a "quick start" option where it unpacks the full template into your local joomla install for easy configuration of the articles, modules etc. Everything is already in place.
My site has been live almost a year now so there is quite a lot of things in the database etc. I downloaded the site from cPanel and installed locally using Akeeba Backup. Now, instead of installing the new template on my old site, isn't there a way I can copy all the tables in the DB from the old site into the new quick start template?
I've tried it in phpmyadmin but it says I can't import the table from the site into the new template since they have the same name.
I hope this made sense. Basically I want to export old site database using phpmyadmin, then import into the database of the new quickstart template. Is this possible?
You can use SP Upgrade
for transfer your data into the new site with same version of joomla.

access another database(mssqlserver) in codeigniter

I'm developing a CRM and i need to access customers database. whole CRM uses mysql to store data. but customers data stored in ms sqlserver.
by default to add another database in codeigniter,it should added from config file. but i want to add it using controller(like cms as wordpress,joomla,etc).
well you cannot update database settings dynamically, as they're loaded long before the controller is initialized.
However, what you could do is, add another set of database config, write into the database.php file using codeigniter file helper using this link.
write_file(APP_PATH.'/config/database.php', $data, 'r+');
Basically you open the file in write mode and set the database config into it.
This is one way of doing it. Just an idea.

MySQL data records need to show in Joomla page

I am new to Joomla . So far I have accomplished the following :
i need to add own custom PHP code file and fetch data using MySQL and display in Joomla web page article
Should i do with PHP and MySQL is there any recommended plugin available
Jockham Reports will do that.
If you want more flexibility, you could also use a plugin like Sourcerer to put PHP directly into the article, then use JDatabase. Here is a good tutorial on it: JDatabase, Using the Joomla Database

phpMyAdmin has two database tables under one heading

I am in the process of moving my local website onto a live webhost and am having some confusion while exporting my database tables from phpMyAdmin.
I attached a screenshot for reference.
It seems as if there are two database tables that are being used for my website, I'm not sure how this happened though. What I am trying to figure out is which database table is the one that I need to export along with all my Joomla files?
I went into my htdocs to check the configuration.php file and it says that the database prefix is xxx (i made this up) BUT when I go look into that database table (on phpMyAdmin) the dates of creation don't match up but are current in the "other database table."
Thank you for your help.
Screenshot for reference
To ascertain which is the correct database, create a new user via the Joomla interface, then have a look at the users Joomla table via phpMyAdmin, in both databases, to see in which database the user got created.
This information can be found in your site's admin at Site => Global Configuration => Server
