Copy database from site to new template; phpmyadmin? - joomla

Good day
I require some help with this issue. I'm not sure if it's possible.
I purchased a new template for my site. This template has a "quick start" option where it unpacks the full template into your local joomla install for easy configuration of the articles, modules etc. Everything is already in place.
My site has been live almost a year now so there is quite a lot of things in the database etc. I downloaded the site from cPanel and installed locally using Akeeba Backup. Now, instead of installing the new template on my old site, isn't there a way I can copy all the tables in the DB from the old site into the new quick start template?
I've tried it in phpmyadmin but it says I can't import the table from the site into the new template since they have the same name.
I hope this made sense. Basically I want to export old site database using phpmyadmin, then import into the database of the new quickstart template. Is this possible?

You can use SP Upgrade
for transfer your data into the new site with same version of joomla.


Will Jekyll import Virtuemart products as well as Joomla contnt?

I need to create static copies of some websites created in Joomla/Virtuemart combo because I want to keep the sites live but are no longer updated. Will Jekyll be able to do this with the database connection, or is there some other solution to successfully create the static copy of the full site?
There are a few ways to create a static copy of a Joomla website but these tools only take a copy of the html that is generated on each page. This does not include any of the PHP logic of a Joomla shopping cart or a connection to the database so is probably only suitable for a truly static website without interactive features.

Make a new site with Joomla

I just started a new job, where I have to make a Joomla landing page for a client in Joomla. I have never worked with Joomla before, so I have just seen some tutorials. I have set it up on my localhost, which is working fine, and I have access to the all the backend and CMS system.
But I would like to make a new practice site called "testpage". fx: http://localhost:8888/Joomla_3.5.1/testpage.php, so I can start from scratch and build up a site, instead of deleting things on the default template.
Does anyone knows how I can make a new site?
Best Regards
You can go several ways:
remove all files and flush the DB on you local computer and create a fresh install, but in the end of it you'll anyway have to choose the default template (Beez3 or alike)
get a simplistic template (like or add it to your current install and start customising it; plus remove menus/blocks/content manually

Joomla front end has no content after web server move

I am so stumped with this and I need some help from the community. I moved my joomla site over to a new server and now the content has disappeared from the front end, I am not getting an errors.... Can someone offer any suggestions on where to look for the problem? my config is fine and I am pretty sure my database is aswell because all my original articles are there.
I am running Joomla 1.5
The URL:
If you moved to a new server at a different hosting company, Joomla is probably either
not looking in the right place for the database, or
not using the right credentials (host, port, username, password, whatever) for the database.
That might also be true if you moved to a different server at the same hosting company, although it's a little less likely. Look at the configuration.php file.
Assuming you have shell access, make sure you can access the database through its command-line utility. Then make sure Joomla is using the same credentials.
This is a really odd one.
The database credentials are obviously correct otherwise the site wouldn't load at all and would result in a MySQL error. Try re-assigning a new temporary article to the homepage else download the K2 component, import your articles and assign the K2 article to the homepage.
If you have the demo package for the template you are using the follow these steps:
create a sub domain
install the demo package with sample data
export the #__content database table from the main website
replace the #__content table with the one you exported
Make sure your error reporting is on in your server's php.ini file so that you can see what errors php is giving i.e. error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED
In admin panel, can you see the articles in content menu?
If so, enter in each article and push the Save button.
After you save the article, it should appear again in frontpage (that worked for me).

cloning magento website issues

The idea is this: I have 2 dedicated servers (an old one and new one), I have to transfer a magento website from old server to new server via Plesk. Transferring is fine and the website works on a new server with a temporary domain ( for testing purposes, however I do have this issue:
When I try to log on to admin area of a clone:
I get redirected to
How do I log on to the cloned version ( I assume I have to edit some file, but I can't find which, since there are thousands, string searching through them is futile.
UPDATE: the new website has it's own (cloned) database
The table you are looking for is core_config_data. I am assuming the new has its own database.
This link tells you what to do.

Taking over a Joomla created site

So i have a client, who has a disc of an entire site. Root server files, all the way to /httphome/ files...
However, it looks like it was created using Joomla. Now, i know my HTMl and CSS but have never used a CMS like Joomla.
To get this site up and running, am i going to have to install Joomla on my clients server, and then upload the files?
i am going to assume its not that easy.... anyone got any insight into this process and what im looking at?
Keep in mind that Joomla content resides in a MySql database.
You need the following:
Database export
Create a DB on you MySQL server
Upload the files
Edit configuration.php to work with you db and also set your path there
Also, some components might need some more setup, as some of them have their own cfg files.
To get this site up and running (if the file is really the entire site) should be as simple as setting up a web server and pointing it to the directory with the index in it. Joomla should already be in that file. Let me know if i can elaborate on the process.
Since you are new to Joomla, you might want to try loading the disc contents up on your localhost first. Personally, when I'm trying something new, I hate for my first attempts to be somewhat public - I always feel a little safer if I do the first install someplace local where I'm the only person who can see it.
Best of luck with your project! If you run into any problems, or if you want to confirm that the site is definitely Joomla, let us know and we will get you sorted out.
Do you have the related database? The files that make up Joomla are useless without the database. You could install Joomla and upload your files over the top, but any database changes made by any installed extensions wouldn't be made to that install. You'd also be missing all of the actual site content without the database.
If you do have the database, then all you need to do is import the database in you your mySQL, then upload the files you have on the disc and edit configuration.php file with the new database user and password.
