Apache Derby (JavaDB) fails silently at start from Windows command line - windows

I'm trying to start database with:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\db\bin>NetworkServerControl start
No error messages, prompt returns immediately.
And derby.log contains only old messages. As nothing happened.
WTF? How can I debug this?
UPD: I have added tracing from https://blogs.oracle.com/wittyman/entry/debug_tracing_in_apache_derby, but derby.log is still empty.
I'm using java.exe from the same JDK (1.8.0 x64)

The solution was to switch to x86 Java version. I've tried several x64 JDKs from 6 to 8, all had failed silently. I think it's Derby bug.

Try running
java -Dderby.debug.true=AssertFailureTrace -jar %DERBY_HOME%\lib\derby.jar server start
It may show some details.


Error while installing Weblogic in windows 10

While installing the Weblogic in windows 10 using jar file, I am getting the error message as Unable to access or modify the system registry. Select Run as Administrator when opening the Command Prompt and try again. though am executing as Administrator. From the log file I got the below error.
WARNING [1] com.oracle.cie.common.jni.WinRegistryHelper - Create Key Failed: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle
2017-10-06 11:19:54,972 SEVERE [1] com.oracle.cie.nextgen.launcher.PlatformHelper - createRegistry to add a value failed
2017-10-06 11:19:54,972 SEVERE [1] com.oracle.cie.nextgen.launcher.Launcher - Unable to access or modify the system registry. Select Run as Administrator when opening the Command Prompt and try again.
I understood that on making the System Registry entry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle, it is failing because the same entry already exists in my system as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE. Though system registry is case-insensitive, weblogic is failing on making entries to this registry. Is there any solution to overcome this? The same issue has been already posted in different sites but not yet answered.Any help to solve this issue will be really appreciable.
I had the same problem, the next lines works to solve the problem.
Open cmd like administrator.
java -d64 -jar fmw_12. If you don't have correctly configured the JAVA_HOME, you can replace the word "java", for the path where you have installed de JDK. Something like this:

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError while integrating Epson JavaPOS for printing

I need help resolving this error.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no jp_co_epson_upos_firm_FirmNativeAccess_1_14_0001 in java.library.path
I want to use EpsonJavaPOS for printing.
Following are the steps I've succeeded so far.
Tried to install JavaPOS in windows 10(64 bit), But was partially successful
and hence copied the installation folder in windows 7 to windows 10.
I've configured the printer in setupPOS.exe application.
And as a next step I'm trying to run checkup health from checkuphealth.bat file
But receiving the above mentioned exception.
If I try to use the System.setProperty(JposPropertiesConst.JPOS_POPULATOR_FILE_PROP_NAME, "/path of jpos.xml");
as solution to the above mentioned exception, It's throwing null pointer exception.
Can anyone help on these issues?
Your process can't find the file "jp_co_epson_upos_firm_firmnativeaccess.dll"
One solution is to add the folder containing the file to the Windows PATH environment variable.
I found this file in my prior version of Java:
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80\jre\bin
It was not installed in my Java 8 jre when I reinstalled the ADK driver after adding Java 8 to my system.
I have added it as a library in my application and it resolved this issue.

Error in sonar startup, Unable to start JVM: No such file or directory (2)

I am facing strange issue with sonarqube 5.0.1 , one one of the machine it is not starting. Here is the error log - sonar.log -
--> Wrapper Started as Daemon
Launching a JVM...
Unable to start JVM: No such file or directory (2)
JVM exited while loading the application.
JVM Restarts disabled. Shutting down.
<-- Wrapper Stopped
Machine is x86_64 GNU/Linux - Centos 5.1.
this box has java installed -
$java -version
java version "1.6.0_45"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_45-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.45-b01, mixed mode)
The same sonarqube package works on another machine.
Any idea what could be the issue here?
Issue was in the wrapper.conf where the java wrapper command was not getting resolved. It worked if I give the absolute path - ‘wrapper.java.command=/path/to/my/jdk/bin/java’
This could be an issue with an environment on a host.. not sure.
Few things that helped me in troubleshooting this -
log level changed to DEBUG in wrapper.conf
comments given in the wrapper.conf!
Thanks all for chiming in! Appreciate your inputs.
1.Just close all running jvm from task manager
2. Change the port of the sonar runner from the properties
I had the same symptoms (wrapper starts then immediately stops).
I tried these steps and finally succeeded (on a windows 10 pc):
1) in wrapper.conf, specified the java command:
wrapper.java.command=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7...\bin\java.exe
That did not help.
2) Finally this fixed the problem. In the windows Services, open the Sonar service and then open Log On tab.
Changed the Log On to myself as follows:
I was facing the same issue on sonar startup. After reading this post , i modified the JDK path in below file and it works.
Modify the JDK path in wrapper.conf
Install jdk 11
sudo yum install java-11-openjdk -y
sudo alternatives --config java
Select the JDK 11 version
Set the JDK 11 version in wrapper.conf
vi /opt/sonar/conf/wrapper.conf
Could you verify the Java version on the machine starting?
Java 6 is no more supported http://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SONAR/Requirements#Requirements-Prerequisite but from your error message, I don't know if this is the problem you meet.
Solution 1
Set java path globally
Solution 2
Go to sonarqube-{version}/conf directory
Edit wrapper.conf file
Replace wrapper.java.command=java with wrapper.java.command= {path-to-your-java-bin-directory}/java
eg: wrapper.java.command=/usr/java/bin/java
Try using a relative path, if your Sonar Folder is located in the same root folder as your jdk. For me my sonar and jdk are both under "Program Files", which has restrictive permission, hence the error.

How to install Tomcat 7 as a Windows service using command line install

I need to install Tomcat 7 as a Windows service and to start the service manually.
Referring to How to install Tomcat as a Windows service, I believe I would need to specify the following on the command line:
tomcat7 //IS//Tomcat7 --DisplayName="Apache Tomcat 7" --Install="C:\Tomcat7\bin\tomcat7.exe
Do I also need to specify all or some of the following on the command line like in the example? If only some, please specify which ones. If anything in the example is incorrect, please specify.
What I need for sure is to specify the following because I need to tell Tomcat to use a specific java home and not the java home set by the environment variable JAVA_HOME on the server where this will be installed.
--JavaHome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51
The reason: the server already has a different version of Tomcat (5.5) and it uses an older version of the JDK (1.5). I must not change JAVA_HOME on the server. I simply need to ensure Tomcat 7 uses JDK 1.7 and I have tried this line:
C:\tomcat7\bin>tomcat7 //IS//Tomcat7 --DisplayName="Apache Tomcat 7" --Install="C:\Tomcat7\bin\tomcat7.exe" --JavaHome="C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51"
When I attempt to Start the service, the following error message is displayed:
Windows could not start the Apache Tomcat 7 on Local Computer. For
more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a
non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to
service-specific error code 1.
I had a look at the System Event Viewer and it provides the following information:
The Apache Tomcat 7 service terminated with service-specific error Incorrect function..
I need to figure out these steps because I then need to provide the support team with the information to install this service on the production server. So any help would be greatly appreciated!
Use Chocolatey from Powershell command line:
first install Chocolatey
PS:\> iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
To install Tomcat
PS:\> choco install tomcat
To upgrade
PS:\> choco upgrade tomcat
Seems like a mismatch in your java JVM and tomcat version.
The tomcat7.exe wrapper program actually
"runs" the JVM, it must match the type of JVM that it runs, in terms
of 32bit/64bit version. If you try to start a 64-bit JVM with a 32-bit
tomcat7.exe, it won't work, and vice-versa.
This is because of shortage in physical RAM.
Check the Minimum System Requirements on Tomcat docs and try to close unnecessary programs if possible.
Use Chocolatey from Powershell command line:
PS> iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
To install Tomcat:
PS> choco install tomcat
To upgrade:
PS> choco upgrade tomcat

"The system cannot find the path specified." error message when trying to start GlassFish with asadmin

I tried to follow The Java EE 6 Tutorial and start GlassFish with the command below. But I got an error message. How to solve this?
C:\glassfish3\bin>asadmin start-domain --verbose
The system cannot find the path specified.
Go to asenv.bat file in config directory
remove line set AS_JAVA="C:/Program Files(x86)/Java/"
retry asadmin.
It will work this time!.
I fixed this issue by editing glassfish3\glassfish\config\asenv.bat as described in domain1 not configured -- The system cannot find the path specified
then I got an error because no domains existed, that was solved by editing glassfish3\bin\asadmin.bat as described in Oracle Glassfish "There is no Domain" Issue Fix Solution
Hi I was facing the same issue. I am able to resolve the same issue by following below steps:
Go to \glassfish\config (Note: In my case it is c:\glassfish3\glassfish\config)
Now open asenv.bat in notepad.
Make the value of AS_JAVA same as JAVA_HOME environment variable.
Now open command prompt and go to the bin folder and run asadmin start-domain domain1.
If you are getting error that no domain exist then create new domain by following below link:
I got this error, when installing Java EE (which includes GlassFish) using 64 bit windows 7. As a reference installing same Java EE latest to my 64 bit Linux worked well and I could see how it set default domain up.
It seems that in my 64 bit Window 7 asadmin.bat looks my java from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\bin\java" even if I have installed 64 bit version in "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_10\bin".
asadmin.bat runs first "%~dp0..\glassfish\config\asenv.bat" and then studies where if guesses java is. There is something odd in this, almost in my configuration, but I can't fix this nicely
%JAVA% -jar "%~dp0..\glassfish\modules\admin-cli.jar" %*
I could manually set %JAVA% right, but how to set nicer correction?
Set your correct Java path in:
set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80
Note: follow Oracle glassfish's release notes for the supported JDKs
