How to generate report for sonarQube6.7 - sonarqube

Is there a way to generate report using SonarQube6.7.
I tried using sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 plugin, sonar server started - but while running sonar-scanner throws,
How can i get a report????

You can download report plugin here
and add it to sonarqube_folde/extensions/plugins/
If you have older version you can Click on "More versions" under By SonarSource – SonarSource – Issue Tracker – Supported by SonarSource
Note: You have to buy Enterprise license

As #George312 alludes, the Enterprise Edition gives you the ability to produce (and have automatically emailed) PDFs of your Portfolio homepages. I suspect that's not what you're after.
There is no functionality compatible with modern SonarQube versions which will generate PDF reports of project homepages or any other (non-Portfolio) portion of the interface or data.
However, web services are available to extract data from your instance. You'll find a link to the on-board Web API documentation in the footer of each page. Once you've extracted the data you should presumably be able to construct your reports.


SonarQube Specific Build and Report Generation

I am currently using SonarQube Enterprise Edition - Version 8.7.
Is there an option to somehow get a specific sonar report as opposed to just "latest"?
And is it possible to have scan or SAST reports generated/exported in pdf or html format?
For audit reasons, it would be nice to get a link or report that's specific for the codebase at that snapshot in time.
Any ideas?
You can get the aggregated details of projects using:

How to download PDF reports in SonarQube 7.1 Comunity Editon

I'm using sonarqube-7.1 version. I want to make report from sonarqube either as csv, xml or pdf. I have googled it and found that we can make pdf report using sonar-pdfreport-plugin. I have dowload the version sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 and pasted it in the extension/pluggin folder. But I can't restart the server. Anyone please provide a solution for getting report for the version provided above.
sonar-pdf-report is dead. The last change has been made in 2015. This plugin is of course incompatible with SonarQube 5, 6, 7 etc.
Reporting is available only in Enterprise Edition:
Executive reporting
Gain visibility into health factors such as operational risks and security risks. Generate, export and schedule reports in PDF format to ensure visibility of key metrics to all stakeholders. Get fast reporting and up-to-date information, no matter the number of projects.

Sonar Qube report generation either as csv,xml or pdf

I'm using sonarqube-7.3 version. I want to make report from sonarqube either as csv, xml or pdf. I have googled it and found that we can make pdf report using sonar-pdfreport-plugin. I have dowload the version sonar-pdfreport-plugin-1.4 and pasted it in the extension/pluggin folder. But I can't restart the server. Anyone please provide a solution for getting report for the version provided above.
In general, SonarQube is not meant to be used as some reporting tool, but more as part of CI pipeline and users can use it's UI to manage code quality issues.
However, PDF reporting is available in the commercial Enterprise Edition of SonarQube for portfolios (groups of projects) as part of Governance. You can find details here
The plugin you are mentioning is most likely not updated for the 7.3 version

Does SonarQube still have demo site that shows analysis on major open source projects?

I've haven't looked at SonarQube for some time. The latest version looks quite interesting.
The last time I checked out this product, they had a site where they had pushed various popular open source libraries (like Tomcat, ActiveMQ etc) through the SonarQube process. It was a great way of seeing how the product works.
Is this facility still available for the latest versions?
Have a look at (and click on "browse").
It is not a demo site - it is a globally available SonarQube server, managed by SonarSource (the company behind SonarQube). Many huge open source projects are managed there for free, but you can also host your own, private projects for closed source.
It gets updated every couple of weeks and for public releases.
Besides that, there is , the publicly visible SonarQube server for SonarQube itself and related projects (yes: SonarQube for SonarQube).
This instance gets updated every couple of days. If you want to have a look at what features SonarQube's next version will look like: have a look there.

SonarQube Pre-commit analysis for JavaScript

I need to find a way to do a pre-commit incremental analysis with rules supplied by SonarQube 5.4 hosted on a server. The most important files to analyze are JavaScript files, and we are working in C# using ASP.NET framework, so installing Eclipse for a large team is not feasible.
I have tried Sonar-Scanner 2.8, but it does not pick up the analysis already done on the server (shows all issues as new), and it also does not react to exclusions. Documentation on that matter is outdated, as, for example, incremental analysis is not supported anymore, and issues analysis is not documented properly regarding what it does,
Some relevant parts from
#Enable HTML
#Enable console output
#Enable incremental analysis
Maybe one day SonarLint for Visual Studio will be extended to cover more languages than just C#.
But as of today you can take a look at:
SonarLint for Command Line
GitHub Plugin
All those links are available in SonarQube documentation on page "Local and Branch Analysis".
