I'm trying to iterate through a given list and put all the positive numbers into Y and all negatives into Z. My code works until I go to add a second element to either Y or Z. If I run the code like so "divide([1,-2],Y,Z)" the code executes with no errors its only if I were to enter "divide([1,-2,3],Y,Z)" it will fail when trying to add 3 to Y.
divide([],[Y],[Z]):- write(Y), write(Z).
divide([H|T],[Y],[Z]):- split(H,Y,Z), divide(T,Y,Z).
split(H,Y,Z):- (H>0 -> append([H],[],Y); append([H],[],Z)).
SWI-Prolog library(apply) offers partition/4, a builtin for your problem, but since I think that for learning you're better to correct your own code here is my advise. Keep it simpler: the base case, i.e. when you are given an empty list, would be just this simple clause:
Then you must handle a non empty list. If the value is positive, put it in the second list. Otherwise, put it in the third list. You see, we need two more clauses, I will show partially the second one:
divide([V|Vs],[V|Ps],Ns) :-
As you see, the head parameters act as both destructuring as well as constructing the relevant values. Put a recursive call instead of the three dots, and write the third clause to handle the case V<0.
I've attempted to use descriptive variables names: Vs stands for values, Ps for positives, Ns for negatives.
I see the other answer and I am confuse. I have been learning by copying others who know better than me my whole life. Maybe this is why I ended up as a teaching assistant intern, instead of a real job.
Here is what I get when I follow the instructions and try to learn by imitating:
list_pos_neg([], [], []).
list_pos_neg([H|T], P, N) :-
( H >= 0
-> P = [H|P0],
list_pos_neg(T, P0, N)
; N = [H|N0],
list_pos_neg(T, P, N0)
I usually try to avoid the cut and use -> ; instead. But in this case, I think it is clearer this way:
div_pos_neg([], [], []).
div_pos_neg([H|T], [H|P], N) :- H >= 0, !, div_pos_neg(T, P, N).
div_pos_neg([H|T], P, [H|N]) :- H < 0, div_pos_neg(T, P, N).
Note that the condition is still necessary in the last clause so that calls like div_post_neg([1,2], [], [1, 2]) return the right answer (failure!).
That seems ... complicated. How about just
partition( [] , [] , [] ) .
partition( [X|Xs] , [X|Ns] , Ps ) :- X < 0 , partition(Xs,Ns,Ps) .
partition( [X|Xs] , Ns , [X|Ps] ) :- X >= 0 , partition(Xs,Ns,Ps) .
I'm playing around with recursion in Prolog, and I'm confused. I am trying to write rules that can determine if a number is even or odd. I know that there are other stackoverflow questions about this, but I don't care about having a working solution, I am more interested in knowing why mine doesn't work.
Here are my rules:
even(N) :- N>0, N1 is N-1, odd(N1).
odd(N) :- N>0, N1 is N-1, even(N1).
When I query even(0), I get returned 2 results. The first result is true, the 2nd is false. This also happens with odd(1), even(2), odd(3), etc. Why am I getting 2 return results? Shouldn't I just get 1?
When you query even(0), it succeeds as you have seen. But you've also seen it prompts you for more results because it left a choicepoint, which is a place in the logic where Prolog decides it can come back and explore other alternatives for a potentially successful query. Upon going back to the choicepoint and attempting to find more solutions, it does not find more, so it comes back "false" since it found no more solutions. So it did just find one solution, but the choice point caused backtracking after which it found no additional solutions. This is the case with your other successful queries as well.
You'll note that if you make a more general query, it gives an error (example taken from GNU Prolog):
| ?- even(N).
N = 0 ? ;
uncaught exception: error(instantiation_error,(>)/2)
| ?-
This is because you are using specific arithmetic expression operators that require that the variables be instantiated. These are relational operators like (>)/2 and the is/2 operator. You can make the solution more relational by using the CLP(FD) operators which are designed for reasoning with integers:
even(N) :-
N #> 0,
N1 #= N-1,
odd(N) :-
N #> 0,
N1 #= N-1,
Then you get a more general solution, which is more complete and more useful:
| ?- even(N).
N = 0 ? ;
N = 2 ? ;
N = 4 ? ;
N = 6 ? ;
| ?- odd(N).
N = 1 ? ;
N = 3 ? ;
N = 5 ? ;
N = 7 ?
If you know there is at most one answer, or if you only care about the first possible answer, you can use once/1 (examples taken from SWI Prolog here):
2 ?- even(2).
true ;
3 ?- once(even(2)).
4 ?- even(N).
N = 0 ;
N = 2 ;
N = 4 ;
5 ?- once(even(N)).
N = 0.
6 ?-
As expected, once(even(N)) terminates after finding the first solution.
The return values you have are correct. The point is how Prolog is evaluating predicates. When you query i.e.
Prolog firstly evaluate that this predicate is Yes / true. When going through next possibility it return No / false, because it cannot find any more.
To check what exactly is performed under the hood go to:
on the left side type rules (i.e. odd/even) and on the query window type like 'odd(2)', but just before running click 'solutions'->'debug(trace)'. It will let you go step by step of what Prolog is doing.
Also please take a look at the successor example in tutorial below.
from a link above, try such code for a reversed example:
numeral(succ(X)) :- numeral(X).
Now evaluating numeral(0) for the first time return succ(0), another time succ(succ(0)) etc.
Each time next evaluation brings another possible solution for a query.
What Prolog does is a "depth-first search", which means Prolog walks through a decision tree until it either finds a solution and succeeds OR it fails. In either case a process called "backtracking" kicks in. Along the way, going through the tree of choices, Prolog keeps track of where it has MULTIPLE possible routes that could potentially satisfy the goal. Such a point in the decision tree is called a "choice point".
This means Prolog will
search ->
succeed or fail ->
go back to the last choice point ->
repeat until all possible paths have been tried
Given your program:
even(N) :- N>0, N1 is N-1, odd(N1).
odd(N) :- N>0, N1 is N-1, even(N1).
We can clearly see TWO ways to satisfy even(0).. The first is the fact even(0) and the second is the recursive rule even(N). Prolog reads top to bottom, left to right so the first encounter is even(0). which is true, and the second is even(N). which goes through N-1 making the result N1 = -1, then goes through odd(N) making the result N1 = -2, which in unequal to even(0). so it fails and then calls even(N) again. Your specific version of Prolog likely sees that it is an infinitely recursive predicate and doesn't even try to satisfy it even though it's a valid declarative path , but not a valid procedural path.
If you know that the mode is (+), you can place a cut,
to suppress the unnecessary choice point:
even(0) :- !.
even(N) :- N > 0, N1 is N-1, odd(N1).
odd(N) :- N > 0, N1 is N-1, even(N1).
The above is better than wrapping a query with
once/1 since it allows the Prolog interpreter to
use last call optimization. There is now no more
problem with an extra choice point:
?- even(3).
?- even(4).
But if the mode is not fixed, you have to be more careful
with cuts. Probably write a separate carefully crafted
predicate for each mode.
CLP(FD) itself seems not to help, it cannot avoid the need
to place cuts, but can sometimes avoid the need to code
different variants for different modes.
Kindly, could you help me in the following:
I am writing a Prolog program that takes two numbers digits then combine them as one number, for example:
Num1: 5
Num2: 1
Then the new number is 51.
Assume V1 is the first number digit and V2 is the second number digit. I want to combine V1 and V2 then multiply the new number with V3, so my question is how I can do it?
calculateR(R, E, V1, V2, V3, V4):-
R is V1 V2 * V3,
E is R * V4.
Your help is appreciated.
Here is another solution that is based on the idea of #aBathologist and that relies on ISO predicates only, and does not dependent on SWI's idiosyncratic modifications and extensions. Nor does it have most probably unwanted solutions like calculateR('0x1',1,1,17). nor calculateR(1.0e+30,0,1,1.0e+300). Nor does it create unnecessary temporary atoms.
So the idea is to restrict the definition to decimal numbers:
digit_digit_number(D1, D2, N) :-
number_chars(D1, [Ch1]),
number_chars(D2, [Ch2]),
number_chars(N, [Ch1,Ch2]).
Here is a version which better clarifies the relational nature of Prolog - using library(clpfd) which is available in many Prolog systems (SICStus, SWI, B, GNU, YAP). It is essentially the same program as the one with (is)/2 except that I added further redundant constraints that permit the system to ensure termination in more general cases, too:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
digits_radix_number(Ds, R, N) :-
digits_radix_numberd(Ds, R, 0,N).
digits_radix_numberd([], _, N,N).
digits_radix_numberd([D|Ds], R, N0,N) :-
D #>= 0, D #< R,
R #> 0,
N0 #=< N,
N1 #= D+N0*R,
digits_radix_numberd(Ds, R, N1,N).
Here are some uses:
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],10,N).
N = 142.
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,142).
R = 10.
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,N).
R in 5..sup, 4+R#=_A, _A*R#=_B, _A in 9..sup, N#>=_A,
N in 47..sup, 2+_B#=N, _B in 45..sup.
That last query asks for all possible radices that represent [1,4,2] as a number. As you can see, not anything can be represented that way. The radix has to be 5 or larger which is not surprising given the digit 4, and the number itself has to be at least 47.
Let's say we want to get a value between 1450..1500, what radix do we need to do that?
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,N), N in 1450..1500.
R in 33..40, 4+R#=_A, _A*R#=_B, _A in 37..44,
N in 1450..1500, 2+_B#=N, _B in 1448..1498.
Gnah, again gibberish. This answer contains many extra equations that have to hold. Prolog essentially says: Oh yes, there is a solution, provided all this fine print is true. Do the math yourself!
But let's face it: It is better if Prolog gives such hard-to-swallow answer than if it would say Yes.
Fortunately there are ways to remove such extra conditions. One of the simplest is called "labeling", where Prolog will "try out" value after value:
?- digits_radix_number([1,4,2],R,N), N in 1450..1500, labeling([],[N]).
That is clear response now! There is no solution. All these extra conditions where essentially false, like all that fine print in your insurance policy...
Here's another question: Given the radix and the value, what are the required digits?
?- digits_radix_number(D,10,142).
D = [1,4,2]
; D = [0,1,4,2]
; D = [0,0,1,4,2]
; D = [0,0,0,1,4,2]
; D = [0,0,0,0,1,4,2]
; ... .
So that query can never terminate, because 00142 is the same number as 142. Just as 007 is agent number 7.
Here is a straight-forward solution that should work in any Prolog close to ISO:
digits_radix_to_number(Ds, R, N) :-
digits_radix_to_number(Ds, R, 0,N).
digits_radix_to_number([], _, N,N).
digits_radix_to_number([D|Ds], R, N0,N) :-
N1 is D+N0*R,
digits_radix_to_number(Ds, R, N1,N).
?- digits_radix_to_number([1,4,2],10,R).
R = 142.
Edit: In a comment, #false pointed out that this answer is SWI-Prolog specific.
You can achieve your desired goal by treating the numerals as atoms and concatenating them, and then converting the resultant atom into a number.
I'll use atom_concat/3 to combine the two numerals. In this predicate, the third argument with be the combination of atoms in its first and second arguments. E.g.,
?- atom_concat(blingo, dingo, X).
X = blingodingo.
Note that, when you do this with two numerals, the result is an atom not a number. This is indicated by the single quotes enclosing the the result:
?- atom_concat(5, 1, X).
X = '51'.
But 51 \= '51' and we cannot multiply an atom by number. We can use atom_number/2 to convert this atom into a number:
?- atom_number('51', X).
X = 51.
That's all there is to it! Your predicate might look like this:
calculateR(No1, No2, Multiplier, Result) :-
atom_concat(No1, No2, NewNoAtom),
atom_number(NewNoAtom, NewNo),
Result is NewNo * Multiplier.
Usage example:
?- calculateR(5, 1, 3, X).
X = 153.
Of course, you'll need more if you want to prompt the user for input.
I expect #Wouter Beek's answer is more efficient, since it doesn't rely on converting the numbers to and from atoms, but just uses the assumption that each numeral is a single digit to determine the resulting number based on their position. E.g., if 5 is in the 10s place and 1 is in the 1s place, then the combination of 5 and 1 will be 5 * 10 + 1 * 1. The answer I suggest here will work with multiple digit numerals, e.g., in calculateR(12, 345, 3, Result), Result is 1234 * 3. Depending on what you're after this may or may not be a desired result.
If you know the radix of the numbers involved (and the radix is the same for all the numbers involved), then you can use the reverse index of the individual numbers in order to calculate their positional summation.
:- use_module(library(aggregate)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
digits_to_number(Numbers1, Radix, PositionalSummation):-
reverse(Numbers1, Numbers2),
nth0(Position, Numbers2, Number),
PartOfNumber is Number * Radix ^ Position
Examples of use:
?- digits_to_number([5,1], 10, N).
N = 51.
?- digits_to_number([5,1], 16, N).
N = 81.
(The code sample is mainly intended to bring the idea across. Notice that I use aggregate_all/3 from SWI-Prolog here. The same could be achieved by using ISO predicates exclusively.)
I want to write a predicate that determines if a number is prime or not. I am doing this by a brute force O(sqrt(n)) algorithm:
1) If number is 2, return true and do not check any more predicates.
2) If the number is even, return false and do no more checking predicates.
3) If the number is not even, check the divisors of the number up to the square root. Note that
we need only to check the odd divisors starting at 3 since if we get to this part of
the program the number is not even. Evens were eliminated in step 2.
4) If we find an even divisor, return false and do not check anything else.
5) If the divisor we are checking is larger than the square root of the number,
return true, we found no divisors. Do no more predicate checking.
Here is the code I have:
oddp(N) :- M is N mod 2, M = 1.
evenp(N) :- not(oddp(N)).
prime(2) :- !.
prime(X) :- X < 2, write_ln('case 1'), false, !.
prime(X) :- evenp(X), write_ln('case 2'), false, !.
prime(X) :- not(evenp(X)), write_ln('calling helper'),
prime_helper(X, Divisor) :- K is X mod Divisor, K = 0,
write_ln('case 3'), false, !.
prime_helper(X, Divisor) :- Divisor > sqrt(X),
write_ln('case 4'), !.
prime_helper(X, Divisor) :- write_ln('case 5'),
Temp is Divisor + 2, prime_helper(X,Temp).
I am running into problems though. For example, if I query prime(1). the program is still checking the divisors. I thought that adding '!' would make the program stop checking if the prior conditions were true. Can someone tell me why the program is doing this? Keep in mind I am new at this and I know the code can be simplified. However, any tips would be appreciated!
#Paulo cited the key issues with the program that cause it to behave improperly and a couple of good tips. I'll add a few more tips on this particular program.
When writing a predicate, the focus should be on what's true. If your
predicate properly defines successful cases, then you don't need to explicitly
define the failure cases since they'll fail by default. This means your statements #2 and #4 don't need to be specifically defined as clauses.
You're using a lot of cuts which is usually a sign that your program
isn't defined efficiently or properly.
When writing the predicates, it's helpful to first state the purpose in logical language form (which you have done in your statements 1 through 5, but I'll rephrase here):
A number is prime if it is 2 (your statement #1), or if it is odd and it is not divisible by an odd divisor 3 or higher (your statement #3). If we write this out in Prolog, we get:
prime(X) :- % X is prime if...
oddp(X), % X is odd, AND
no_odd_divisors(X). % X has no odd divisors
prime(2). % 2 is prime
A number X is odd if X module 2 evaluates to 1.
oddp(X) :- X mod 2 =:= 1. % X is odd if X module 2 evaluates to 1
Note that rather than create a helper which essentially fails when I want success, I'm going to create a helper which succeeds when I want it to. no_odd_divisors will succeeds if X doesn't have any odd divisors >= 3.
A number X has no odd divisors if it is not divisible by 3, and if it's not divisible by any number 3+2k up to sqrt(X) (your statement #5).
no_odd_divisors(X) :- % X has no odd divisors if...
no_odd_divisors(X, 3). % X has no odd divisors 3 or above
no_odd_divisors(X, D) :- % X has no odd divisors D or above if...
D > sqrt(X), !. % D is greater than sqrt(X)
no_odd_divisors(X, D) :- % X has no odd divisors D or above if...
X mod D =\= 0, % X is not divisible by D, AND
D1 is D + 2, % X has no odd divisors D+2 or above
no_odd_divisors(X, D1).
Note the one cut above. This indicates that when we reach more than sqrt(X), we've made the final decision and we don't need to backtrack to other options for "no odd divisor" (corresponding to, Do no more predicate checking. in your statement #5).
This will yield the following behavior:
| ?- prime(2).
| ?- prime(3).
(1 ms) yes
| ?- prime(6).
(1 ms) no
| ?- prime(7).
| ?-
Note that I did define the prime(2) clause second above. In this case, prime(2) will first fail prime(X) with X = 2, then succeed prime(2) with nowhere else to backtrack. If I had defined prime(2) first, as your first statement (If number is 2, return true and do not check any more predicates.) indicates:
prime(2). % 2 is prime
prime(X) :- % X is prime if...
oddp(X), % X is odd, AND
no_odd_divisors(X). % X has no odd divisors
Then you'd see:
| ?- prime(2).
true ? a
| ?-
This would be perfectly valid since Prolog first succeeded on prime(2), then knew there was another clause to backtrack to in an effort to find other ways to make prime(2) succeed. It then fails on that second attempt and returns "no". That "no" sometimes confuses Prolog newcomers. You could also prevent the backtrack on the prime(2) case, regardless of clause order, by defining the clause as:
prime(2) :- !.
Which method you choose depends ultimately on the purpose of your predicate relations. The danger in using cuts is that you might unintentionally prevent alternate solutions you may actually want. So it should be used very thoughtfully and not as a quick patch to reduce outputs.
There are several issues on your program:
Writing a cut, !/0, after a call to false/0 is useless and as the cut will never be reached. Try exchanging the order of these two calls.
The first clause can be simplified to oddp(N) :- N mod 2 =:= 1. You can also apply this simplification in other clauses.
The predicate not/1 is better considered deprecated. Write instead evenp(N) :- \+ oddp(N).. The (\+)/1 is the standard operator/control construct for negation as failure.
Disclaimer: This is informal and non-assessed coursework to do in my own time. I have tried it myself, failed and am now looking for some guidance.
I am trying to implement a version of the member/2 function which will only return members for a list once.
For example:
| ?- member(X, [1,2,3,1]).
X = 1 ? ;
X = 2 ? ;
X = 3 ? ;
X = 1 ? ;
I would like it to only print out each number a maximum of once.
| ?- once_member(X, [1,2,3,1]).
X = 1 ? ;
X = 2 ? ;
X = 3 ? ;
We have been told to do this with the cut '!' operator but I have looked over the notes for my course for cut and more online and yet still can't make it click in my head!
So far I have managed to get:
once_member(E, [E | L]) :- !.
once_member(E, [_, L]) :-
once_member(E, L).
Which returns 1 and then nothing else, I feel like my cut is in the wrong place and preventing a backtrack for each possible match but I'm really not sure where to go with it next.
I have looked in my course notes and also at: and Programming in Prolog (Google Books)
Guidance on how to logically apply the cut would be most useful, but the answer might help me figure that out myself.
We have also been told to do another method which uses '\+' negation by failure but hopefully this may be simpler once cut has twigged for me?
Remove redundant answers and stay pure!
We define memberd/2 based on if_/3 and (=)/3:
memberd(X, [E|Es]) :-
if_(X = E, true, memberd(X, Es)).
Particularly with meta-predicates, a different argument order may come in handy sometimes:
list_memberd(Es, X) :-
memberd(X, Es).
Sample query:
?- memberd(X, [1,2,3,1]).
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
The solution with cut... at first it sounds quite troublesome.
Assuming that the first argument will be instantiated, a solution is trivial:
but this will not have the behavior you want if the first arg is not instantiated.
If we know the domain of the lists elements (for example numbers between 1 and 42) we could instantiate the first argument:
but this is veeery inefficient
at this point, I started to believe that it's not possible to do with just a cut (assuming that we dont use + or list_to_set/2
oh wait! < insert idea emoticon here >
If we could implement a predicate (like list_to_set/2 of swi-prolog) that would take a list and produce a list in which all the duplicate elements are removed we could simply use the normal member/2 and don't get duplicate results. Give it a try, I think that you will be able to write it yourself.
%remove_all(X,L,S): S is L if we remove all instances of X
As you see we have to use a cut in remove_all/3 because otherwise the third clause can be matched by remove_all(X,[X|_],_) since we do not specify that H is different from X. I believe that the solution with not is trivial.
Btw, the solution with not could be characterized as more declarative than the solution with cut; the cut we used is typically called a red cut since it alters the behavior of the program. And there are other problems; note that, even with the cut, remove_all(1,[1,2],[1,2]) would succeed.
On the other hand it's not efficient to check twice for a condition. Therefore, the optimal would be to use the if-then-else structure (but I assume that you are not allowed to use it either; its implementation can be done with a cut).
On the other hand, there is another, easier implementation with not: you should not only check if X is member of the list but also if you have encountered it previously; so you will need an accumulator:
once_member(X, Xs) :-
sort(Xs, Ys),
member(X, Ys).
Like almost all other solutions posted, this has some anomalies.
?- X = 1, once_member(X, [A,B]).
X = A, A = 1
; X = B, B = 1.
?- X = 1, once_member(X, [A,A]).
X = A, A = 1.
Here's an approach that uses a cut in the definition of once_member/2 together with the classic member/2 predicate:
once_member(X,[H|T]) :-
once_member(X,[_|T]) :-
Applied to the example above:
?- once_member(X,[1,2,3,1]).
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 1 ;
Note: Despite the odd-appearing three clause definition, once_member/2 is last-call/tail-recursive optimization eligible due to the placement of the cut ahead of its first self-invocation.