Use cut in Prolog to define a once_member/2 function - prolog

Disclaimer: This is informal and non-assessed coursework to do in my own time. I have tried it myself, failed and am now looking for some guidance.
I am trying to implement a version of the member/2 function which will only return members for a list once.
For example:
| ?- member(X, [1,2,3,1]).
X = 1 ? ;
X = 2 ? ;
X = 3 ? ;
X = 1 ? ;
I would like it to only print out each number a maximum of once.
| ?- once_member(X, [1,2,3,1]).
X = 1 ? ;
X = 2 ? ;
X = 3 ? ;
We have been told to do this with the cut '!' operator but I have looked over the notes for my course for cut and more online and yet still can't make it click in my head!
So far I have managed to get:
once_member(E, [E | L]) :- !.
once_member(E, [_, L]) :-
once_member(E, L).
Which returns 1 and then nothing else, I feel like my cut is in the wrong place and preventing a backtrack for each possible match but I'm really not sure where to go with it next.
I have looked in my course notes and also at: and Programming in Prolog (Google Books)
Guidance on how to logically apply the cut would be most useful, but the answer might help me figure that out myself.
We have also been told to do another method which uses '\+' negation by failure but hopefully this may be simpler once cut has twigged for me?

Remove redundant answers and stay pure!
We define memberd/2 based on if_/3 and (=)/3:
memberd(X, [E|Es]) :-
if_(X = E, true, memberd(X, Es)).
Particularly with meta-predicates, a different argument order may come in handy sometimes:
list_memberd(Es, X) :-
memberd(X, Es).
Sample query:
?- memberd(X, [1,2,3,1]).
X = 1 ;
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;

The solution with cut... at first it sounds quite troublesome.
Assuming that the first argument will be instantiated, a solution is trivial:
but this will not have the behavior you want if the first arg is not instantiated.
If we know the domain of the lists elements (for example numbers between 1 and 42) we could instantiate the first argument:
but this is veeery inefficient
at this point, I started to believe that it's not possible to do with just a cut (assuming that we dont use + or list_to_set/2
oh wait! < insert idea emoticon here >
If we could implement a predicate (like list_to_set/2 of swi-prolog) that would take a list and produce a list in which all the duplicate elements are removed we could simply use the normal member/2 and don't get duplicate results. Give it a try, I think that you will be able to write it yourself.
%remove_all(X,L,S): S is L if we remove all instances of X
As you see we have to use a cut in remove_all/3 because otherwise the third clause can be matched by remove_all(X,[X|_],_) since we do not specify that H is different from X. I believe that the solution with not is trivial.
Btw, the solution with not could be characterized as more declarative than the solution with cut; the cut we used is typically called a red cut since it alters the behavior of the program. And there are other problems; note that, even with the cut, remove_all(1,[1,2],[1,2]) would succeed.
On the other hand it's not efficient to check twice for a condition. Therefore, the optimal would be to use the if-then-else structure (but I assume that you are not allowed to use it either; its implementation can be done with a cut).
On the other hand, there is another, easier implementation with not: you should not only check if X is member of the list but also if you have encountered it previously; so you will need an accumulator:

once_member(X, Xs) :-
sort(Xs, Ys),
member(X, Ys).
Like almost all other solutions posted, this has some anomalies.
?- X = 1, once_member(X, [A,B]).
X = A, A = 1
; X = B, B = 1.
?- X = 1, once_member(X, [A,A]).
X = A, A = 1.

Here's an approach that uses a cut in the definition of once_member/2 together with the classic member/2 predicate:
once_member(X,[H|T]) :-
once_member(X,[_|T]) :-
Applied to the example above:
?- once_member(X,[1,2,3,1]).
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 1 ;
Note: Despite the odd-appearing three clause definition, once_member/2 is last-call/tail-recursive optimization eligible due to the placement of the cut ahead of its first self-invocation.


How can Prolog derive nonsense results such as 3 < 2?

A paper I'm reading says the following:
Plaisted [3] showed that it is possible to write formally correct
PROLOG programs using first-order predicate-calculus semantics and yet
derive nonsense results such as 3 < 2.
It is referring to the fact that Prologs didn't use the occurs check back then (the 1980s).
Unfortunately, the paper it cites is behind a paywall. I'd still like to see an example such as this. Intuitively, it feels like the omission of the occurs check just expands the universe of structures to include circular ones (but this intuition must be wrong, according to the author).
I hope this example isn't
smaller(3, 2) :- X = f(X).
That would be disappointing.
Here is the example from the paper in modern syntax:
three_less_than_two :-
less_than(s(X), X).
less_than(X, s(X)).
Indeed we get:
?- three_less_than_two.
?- less_than(s(X), X).
X = s(s(X)).
Specifically, this explains the choice of 3 and 2 in the query: Given X = s(s(X)) the value of s(X) is "three-ish" (it contains three occurrences of s if you don't unfold the inner X), while X itself is "two-ish".
Enabling the occurs check gets us back to logical behavior:
?- set_prolog_flag(occurs_check, true).
?- three_less_than_two.
?- less_than(s(X), X).
So this is indeed along the lines of
arbitrary_statement :-
I believe this is the relevant part of the paper you can't see for yourself (no paywall restricted me from viewing it when using Google Scholar, you should try accessing this that way):
Ok, how does the given example work?
If I write it down:
sm(s(s(s(z))),s(s(z))) :- sm(s(X),X). % 3 < 2 :- s(X) < X
sm(X,s(X)). % forall X: X < s(X)
?- sm(s(s(s(z))),s(s(z)))
That's an infinite loop!
Turn it around
sm(X,s(X)). % forall X: X < s(X)
sm(s(s(s(z))),s(s(z))) :- sm(s(X),X). % 3 < 2 :- s(X) < X
?- sm(s(s(s(z))),s(s(z))).
true ;
true ;
true ;
true ;
true ;
The deep problem is that X should be Peano number. Once it's cyclic, one is no longer in Peano arithmetic. One has to add some \+cyclic_term(X) term in there. (maybe later, my mind is full now)

Prolog Array Pipe Meaning

Can anybody explain the following code? I know it returns true if X is left of Y but I do not understand the stuff with the pipe, underscore and R. Does it mean all other elements of the array except X and Y?
left(X,Y,[_|R]) :- left(X,Y,R).
If you are ever unsure about what a term "actually" denotes, you can use write_canonical/1 to obtain its canonical representation.
For example:
| ?- write_canonical([X,Y|_]).
and also:
| ?- write_canonical([a,b|c]).
and in particular:
| ?- write_canonical([a|b]).
This shows you that [a|b] is the term '.'(a,b), i.e., a term with functor . and two arguments.
To reinforce this point:
| ?- [a|b] == '.'(a,b).
#mat answered the original question posted quite precisely and completely. However, it seems you have a bigger question, asked in the comment, about "What does the predicate definition mean?"
Your predicate, left(X, Y, L), defines a relation between two values, X and Y, and a list, L. This predicate is true (a query succeeds) if X is immediately left of Y in the list L.
There are two ways this can be true. One is that the first two elements in the list are X and Y. Thus, your first clause reads:
left(X, Y, [X,Y|_]).
This says that X is immediately left of Y in the list [X,Y|_]. Note that we do not care what the tail of the list is, as it's irrelevant in this case, so we use _. You could use R here (or any other variable name) and write it as left(X, Y, [X,Y|R]). and it would function properly. However, you would get a singleton variable warning because you used R only once without any other references to it. The warning appears since, in some cases, this might mean you have done this by mistake. Also note that [X,Y|_] is a list of at least two elements, so you can't just leave out _ and write [X,Y] which is a list of exactly two elements.
The above clause is not the only case for X to be immediately left of Y in the list. What if they are not the first two elements in the list? You can include another rule which says that X is immediately left of Y in a list if X is immediately left of Y in the tail of the list. This, along with the base case above, will cover all the possibilities and gives a complete recursive definition of left/3:
left(X, Y, [_|R]) :- left(X, Y, R).
Here, the list is [_|R] and the tail of the list is R.
This is about the pattern matching and about the execution mechanism of Prolog, which is built around the pattern matching.
Consider this:
1 ?- [user].
|: prove(T):- T = left(X,Y,[X,Y|_]).
|: prove(T):- T = left(X,Y,[_|R]), prove( left(X,Y,R) ).
|: ^Z
Here prove/1 emulates the Prolog workings proving a query T about your left/3 predicate.
A query is proven by matching it against a head of a rule, and proving that rule's body under the resulting substitution.
An empty body is considered proven right away, naturally.
prove(T):- T = left(X,Y,[X,Y|_]). encodes, "match the first rule's head. There's no body, so if the matching has succeeded, we're done."
prove(T):- T = left(X,Y,[_|R]), prove( left(X,Y,R) ). encodes, "match the second rule's head, and if successful, prove its body under the resulting substitution (which is implicit)".
Prolog's unification, =, performs the pattern matching whilst instantiating any logical variables found inside the terms being matched, according to what's being matched.
Thus we observe,
2 ?- prove( left( a,b,[x,a,b,c])).
true ;
3 ?- prove( left( a,b,[x,a,j,b,c])).
4 ?- prove( left( a,b,[x,a,b,a,b,c])).
true ;
true ;
5 ?- prove( left( a,B,[x,a,b,a,b,c])).
B = b ;
B = b ;
6 ?- prove( left( b,C,[x,a,b,a,b,c])).
C = a ;
C = c ;
The ; is the key that we press to request the next solution from Prolog (while the Prolog pauses, awaiting our command).

Prolog: Counting occurrences of an element in a list returning multiple answers

I'm having a bit of trouble with something. I've wrote a function that returns the number of occurrences of an element in a list. Here is the code:
occurencesHelp(X,[X|T],N,Y) :-
N1 is N+1,
occurencesHelp(X,[H|T],N,Y) :-
occurences(X,List,N) :-
This works fine, the first answer I get is:
N = 5 ?
but then there are multiple answers such as:
N = 4 ? ;
N = 4 ? ;
N = 3 ? ;
N = 4 ? ;
N = 3 ? ;
and so on. I've tried tracing through to see if I can see why this is the case but can't figure it out. I think using a cut would help me, but we have been specifically told not to use cut, so that isn't an option. Any help would be appreciated.
When I load your code in SWI-Prolog, I get the following warnings:
Warning: /home/isabelle/
Singleton variables: [X]
Warning: /home/isabelle/
Singleton variables: [H]
These warnings are important. Singleton variables are very often a sign that you have made a serious logical error. In your case, let's look at line 7. It's in this clause:
occurencesHelp(X,[H|T],N,Y) :-
Prolog tells us that H is a singleton variable. This means that it only occurs once in this clause, and this means that we forgot to put H in a relation with the other variables.
The previous clause says (procedurally): "if the head of the list is X, increment the counter". Conversely, this clause should say: "if the head of the list is not X, keep the counter unchanged". But it does not say that about the head of the list: In fact, it doesn't say anything about H (hence the warning).
So what you need to add is a goal expressing the fact that X and H should be unequal. Two ways to express this are X \= H and dif(X, H). In your case, the choice depends on what you have already learned in your course.
(The singleton warning for line 1 is benign in this case; you can just replace X by _X to tell Prolog that you explicitly want to ignore that variable.)

Appending lists in Prolog with functor

I am trying to use Prolog's append and length predicates for the first time in order to split a list, and I believe it requires a recursive solution. I am new to Prolog, and would like some help with this starter problem! :)
Here is the expected code output:
?- splits([1,2,3],S).
S = [1]/[2, 3] ;
S = [1, 2]/[3] ;
It takes a list and splits it, but it does so by creating a structure with the functor /, this is what confuses me so far... I know that I need to use append for this, but how would one do so?
Here is my code so far:
splits([H | T], S) :-
length(T, len), len > 0,
It will run until the tail of the list is empty, and then stop, but I can't quite figure out how to add in the append function or make it recursive... Could someone give me a tip? :)
I would say that you are almost at a working implementation with your remark that append/3 can be used for splitting lists. This is indeed what append/3 in the instantiation (-,-,+) does.
The only added requirement that seems to occur in your question is to exclude cases in which either of the splits is empty. This can be achieved by checking for inequivalence between terms using \==/2.
This results in the following code:
splits(List, X/Y):-
append(X, Y, List),
X \== [],
Y \== [].
PS: Notice that your use of len in your code snippet is wrong, since len is not a Prolog variable but an atom. Handing an atom to the second argument of length/2 produces a type error, and an arithmetic error in len > 0 (provided that len is not defined as a function). (Both observations relate to SWI-Prolog.)
Hope this helps!
Here is a recursive approach:
splits([A,B|T], [A]/[B|T]).
splits([A|T], [A|R]/S) :-
splits(T, R/S).
The first clause provides the base case of splitting a list with at least 2 elements ([A,B|T]) into [A]/[B|T] (it just splits out the first element).
The second clause says that [A|R]/S is the split of [A|T] if R/S is the split of T. So it will "generate" the other solutions recursing down to the base case. If the first list has only two elements, the base case will be successful, and backtrack to the recursive case will fail on the first try (which is what you want - no more solutions to that case) because the recursive case only succeeds when the first list has 3 or more elements (A plus the two enforced on T in the recursive query).
| ?- splits([1], S).
| ?- splits([1,2], S).
S = [1]/[2] ? ;
| ?- splits([1,2,3], S).
S = [1]/[2,3] ? ;
S = [1,2]/[3] ? ;

prolog function returning memory locations instead of values

just started programming with prolog and I'm having a few issues. The function I have is supposed to take a value X and copy it N number of times into M. My function returns a list of N number of memory locations. Here's the code, any ideas?
duple(N,_,M):- length(M,Q), N is Q.
duple(N,X,M):- append(X,M,Q), duple(N,X,Q).
Those are not memory adresses. Those are free variables. What you see is their internal names in your prolog system of choice. Then, as #chac pointed out (+1 btw), the third clause is not really making sense! Maybe you can try to tell us what you meant so that we can bring light about how to do it correctly.
I'm going to give you two implementations of your predicate to try to show you correct Prolog syntax:
duple1(N, X, L) :-
length(L, N),
maplist(=(X), L).
Here, in your duple1/3 predicate, we tell prolog that the length of the resulting list L is N, and then we tell it that each element of L should be unified with X for the predicate to hold.
Another to do that would be to build the resulting list "manually" through recursion:
duple2(0, _X, []).
duple2(N, X, [X|L]) :-
N > 0,
NewN is N - 1,
duple1(NewN, X, L).
Though, note that because we use >/2, is and -/2, ie arithmetic, we prevent prolog from using this predicate in several ways, such as:
?- duple1(X, Y, [xyz, xyz]).
X = 2,
Y = xyz.
This worked before, in our first predicate!
Hope this was of some help.
I suppose you call your predicate, for instance, in this way:
?- duple(3,xyz,L).
and you get
L = [_G289, _G292, _G295] ;
ERROR: Out of global stack
If you try
?- length(X,Y).
X = [],
Y = 0 ;
X = [_G299],
Y = 1 ;
X = [_G299, _G302],
Y = 2 ;
X = [_G299, _G302, _G305],
Y = 3 ;
X = [_G299, _G302, _G305, _G308],
Y = 4 .
you can see what's happening:
your query will match the specified *M*, displaying a list of M uninstantiated variables (memory locations), then continue backtracking and generating evee longer lists 'til there is stack space. Your second rule will never fire (and I don't really understand its purpose).
A generator is easier to write in this way:
duple(N,X,M) :- findall(X,between(1,N,_),M).
?- duple(3,xyz,L).
L = [xyz, xyz, xyz].
