Can't authenticate to YouTube Data API anymore - youtube-data-api

We have two sites setup using the same API Key for uploading videos, one is the public server, another is on my local machine.
Even though they both use exactly the same credentials, the one on the public server is not working anymore (we're using, throwing an error that credentials are incorrect.
Weirdly, I don't know where can be the problem.
There was one thing on our server, though, we changed the location so the IP address has changed.
Might it be this?
The IP list on the Server Key settings on Google Console is empty, and on the APIs requests graph I can see requests but can't find any log associated with them or something like this to see what's wrong.

Anyway, I guess the access is somehow blocked and there is no way to unblock it.
If anyone experiencing same issue, just create a new YouTube account! The only way of solving it, apparently.


Telegram Weird Server names

I am from Iran. All Mtproto proxies have been banned by the GWF (the great firewall) and It's impossible to use them, although somehow someone made a weird Mtproto proxy with even weirder server name!
The Server name:
It is the only way that we can access Telegram. Does anyone know how to make such proxies with this kind of Domain?
enter image description here
As you can see on the attached image, It is written unknown in the server name box, but when you connect to the proxy, you will see the following domain name.
Please help to create such proxies. I really need this.

Jdbc connection error from Google Apps Script

I have created a Google Cloud Project MySQL database to use in conjunction with the Jdbc service provided by Google Apps Script. Everything went as planned with the connection. I am basically connecting as it does in the docs.
var conn = Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection(dbUrl, user, userPwd);
I shared the file with another account and all of a sudden I am seeing a red error saying:
'Failed to establish a database connection. Check connection string, username and password.'
Nothing changed in the code, but there is an error. When I go back to my original account and run the same bit of code, there is no error. What is happening here? Any ideas?
Jdbc.getConnection works from both: my account and another account:
var conn = Jdbc.getConnection('jdbc:mysql://' + IP + ':3306/' + database_name, user, password)
I'm really confused because the recommended method did not work.
There are two ways of establishing a connection with a Google Cloud
SQL database using Apps Script's JDBC service:
(Recommended) Connecting using Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection(url)
Connecting using Jdbc.getConnection(url)
IP is a Public IP address from the OVERVIEW tab in your database console:
I've allowed any host when created a user:
I am not sure whether this question has been resolved or not, but let me add this answer.
I also faced the same problem but I found the resolution. What I did is:
First, go to the console.
Then, open IAM.
and add the account as a member and add this permission: "Cloud SQL Client".
I think this is a permission issue in your second account. Necessary information are missing in your question. But, the secound account, if run as a another user, won't necessarily have your sqlservice authorization. The permission,
Manage the data in your Google SQL Service instances
is required to use Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection(url), while Jdbc#getConnectionUrl() just requires external link connection permission
I believe that you can only connect to sql instances owned by you with getCloudSqlConnection() which doesn't even require external connection permission. This method probably calls your sql instance internally.
To connect to any external service, you need external_request permission. But, You don't need that permission to connect to your own documents say, Spreadsheets owned by you/have edit access permission - through SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(). I believe it's the same thing with Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection(). It calls your Google sql internally - So, even if you grant external request permission, It won't work. What will work for this method is
Installable triggers (which runs as you).
Add the second account also as owner in GCP-IAM (may not work though) See this answer
I'd double-check once again all IP ranges which should be whitelisted. According to your description it worked fine in first account, probably in second account Apps Script uses another IP for connection, which was not whitelisted or whitelisted with some typo. Could you share screenshot how did you exactly whitelist the ranges from this article?
I have a GAS Add-On that uses a Google cloud dB. I initially set this up by:
Whitelisting Google Cloud IP ranges in my SQL instance
Getting the script.external_request scope approved for OAuth Consent screen
This all works great from GAS for the add-on, but I suspect that if this whitelist is not comprehensive and volatile (which I expect it is), I will see intermittent connectivity issues.
I recently added a Firebase web app that needs access to the same dB. I had issues, because Firebase does not conform to those Google IP ranges and does not expose its IP for whitelisting. So I had to create a socket layer connection as if Firebase was an external service.
Which got me thinking, should I put a socket layer in my GAS Add-On? But nothing in the GAS JBDC Class documentation indicates a socket parameter.
Which leads me to a question that was not really answered in this thread:
Does anyone know why Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection(url) is the "Recommended" approach? The documentation seems to imply that because the IP whitelisting is not required, Jdbc.getCloudSqlConnection(url) is using a socket (or some other secure method) to connect to the dB?
It also seems silly that if that is the case, that I would need two have two sensitive scopes to manage a dB connection. I would rather not go through another OAuth const audit and require my users to accept another scope unless there is a benefit to doing so.

Google API Testing on non 'localhost' named local server

I'm currently running MAMP Pro (osX 10.9.4) with several different virtual servers on my local machine, one for each of my client's projects. I've been trying to connect to the Google API use OAuth and have everything working just fine when 'REDIRECT URIS' is set to:
However, as mentioned I've got several of these servers running,
e.g. 'https://clientname1:8890' or 'https://clientname2:8890'
Whenever I enter those into the API console I just get a 'Whoops' message telling me something has gone wrong Google's end:
"Server Error: Whoops! Our bad."
It seems as though only 'localhost' is allowed via the API for local testing, is there anyway I can set it up so I can test off any of my local servers?
I had to add my localhost to the allowed referrers list to test locally. Without that inclusion, I get 403 Forbidden errors. You probably just need to add clientname1 and clientname2 or clientname1:8890 and clientname2:8890 to the allowed referrers list in the Google Developers Console. Mine's set under public api access, so maybe it's going to be another problem for you depending what API you're using and how you're using it. Hope it helps -

How to identify computer which I have redirected

I have the following problem to solve:
I few months ago I startet a website where you can watch youtube videos which aren't available in your country. Everythings works fine but now I want to offer a new method where I route all the requests directly over my server. Therefore I will later use a custom DNS-Server. Right now I use the hosts file for testing but I have really no idea how i can identify the user. I can promp the user user to login on a website but I will that it works systemwide so if he use a youtube downloader for example it have to work there either and not only in the browser where I could use a session system with cookies. I want a solution where the user can identify himself once in a time like a website or something like this but how can my server detect if this is a user which is logged in or if he is not?
There are several ways that this could be accomplished with varying levels of difficulty.
standard proxy server over https. Your service could simply be a proxy server and then every "client" would update their browser to point to your proxy server. You could also simplify this by using a proxy PAC file (proxy auto config).
An anonomyzing interface. The end user would not be able to use their standard search tools etc, instead they would have to use a web page much like what google translate does.
A browser plugin. There are already firefox plugins which do something similar to this. They change the way that the browser resolves DNS. This may be the best bet for you but would require development work.
An actual install utility that you have your users install on their machines which update the dns servers.

What is the best way to restrict access to a development website?

I have a site i am working on that i would like to display only to a few others for now. Is there anything wrong with setting up windows user names and using windows auth to prompt the user before getting into the development site?
There are several ways, with varying degrees of security:
Don't put it on the internet - put it on a private network, and use a VPN to access it
Restrict access with HTTP authentication (as you suggest). The downside to this is it can interfere with the actual site, if you are using HTTP auth, or some other type of authentication as part of the application.
Restrict access based on remote IP. Just allow the IPs of users you want to be able to access it.
Use a custom hostname. Have it on a public IP, but don't publish the hostname. This means make an entry in your HOSTS file (or configure your own DNS server, if possible) so that "" goes to the site, but that is not available on the internet. Obviously you'd only make the site accessible when using that hostname (and not the IP).
That depends on what you mean by "best": for example, do you mean "easiest" or "most secure"?
The best way might be to have it on a private network, which you attach to via VPN.
I do this frequently. I use Hamachi to allow them to access my dev box so they can see whats going on. they have access to it when they want , and/or when I allow. When they are done I evict them from my Hamachi network and change the password.
Hamachi is a software VPN. Heres a link to Hamachi - AKA LogMeIn
They have a free version which works quite well.
Of course, there's nothing wrong with Windows auth. There are couple of (not too big) drawbacks, though:
your website auth scheme is different from the final product.
you are giving them more access to the box they really need.
you automatically reimaging the machine and redeploying the website is more complex, as you have to automate the windows account creation.
I would suggest two alternatives:
to do whatever auth you plan on doing in the final website and make sure all pager require auth
do a token cookie based auth - send them a link that sets a particular token in a cookie and in your website code add quick check for that token before you even go to the regular user auth
If you aren't married to IIS, and you need developers to be able to change the content, I would consider Apache + SSL + WebDav (aka Web Folders). This will allow you to offer a secure sandbox where developers can change and view the content without having user accounts on the server.
This setup requires some knowledge of Apache so it only makes sense if you are already using Apache or if you frequently need to provide outsiders access to your web server.
First useful link I found on the topic:
Why don't you just set up an NTFS user and assign it to the website (and remove anonymous access)
