open and write 2 files - vbscript

I need create one script for open one file (Server.txt → content all servers names) and create logfile with ServerName (example: Server1.txt). After that I need WriteLine in this logfile result of the script retrieve registry values.
I have one script working retrieve all registry values but I need to create each FileLog with ServerName.
I think cannot use two Opentextfile before close one.
Can we help me?
This is code I'm using for test:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile("Servers.txt")
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
strComputer = objFile.ReadLine
Set objFile2 = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strComputer & ".txt",True)
set objHtml=objFSO.OpenTextFile(objFile2,8,true)
objHtml.WriteLine Now() & VbTab & RegResultQuery

You can call OpenTextFile twice, but you can't open the same file twice without closing it first. From what I see you don't need to open the file twice, though. CreateTextFile already returns a handle to the file, so you can simply use objFile2 throughout the loops.


Why is my readall function popping up a error? [duplicate]

I have 3 scripts wherein they all must be run in the right order repeatedly.
1st script - performs a process on a list of PCs (listed on a textfile input) depending if they are online/offline. It outputs a list of the PCs which were online and another list of the offline ones
2nd script - gets the PC difference from the original list and the output of the 1st script to know which machines have run the process from the 1st script
3rd script - using the differences, updates the input list
The script below is the 3rd script. Whenever I run it, it ends with an error "input past end of file". I've tried several modifications and it always ends that way.
My idea for the 3rd script is that the Differences.txt output from the 2nd file are the ones that still need to run the process form the first script, so I simply delete the original input file and rename this one into the new output file. However, I have to also keep track of the ones that were already done with the process so I have to list/append them to another text file.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Option Explicit
Dim objFso
Dim Fso
Dim firstfile,secondfile,file,fileText
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists("Machines.ini") Then objFSO.DeleteFile("Machines.ini")
Set Fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Fso.MoveFile "Differences.txt", "Machines.ini"
Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file=fso.OpenTextFile(firstfile)
fileText = fileText & file.ReadAll() & vbCrLf
Set file=fso.OpenTextFile(secondfile)
fileText=filetext & file.ReadAll()
set file=fso.CreateTextFile(secondfile,true)
file.Write fileText
You get that error when you call ReadAll on an empty file. Check the AtEndOfStream property and read the content only if it's false:
If Not file.AtEndOfStream Then fileText = fileText & file.ReadAll

Replace text within a file

Hello I've tried a lot of researching but cant find what I need and haven't been able to successfully piece this together myself.
Each of my users have a XML file within their profile that I would like to edit. The file contains a reference to their computer name and clientname, which are out of date each time they login to a new terminal. I need to replace these with the current computername and clientname. The bit I cannot figure out how to do is how to search the XML for the computername when I only know the first few characters, then replace it.
my XML will have any entry something like this
"InstalledPrinter name="\WHBCVDI0109\LabelPrinter650 (from IGEL-00E0C533943E)"
I need to search the file and replace the WHBCVDI0109 and the IGEL-00E0C533943E with the correct entries. My script successfully gets those entries I just dont know how to find and replace them in the file.
My script looks like this:
Const ForReading = 1
Const ForWriting = 2
Set oShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
'Get Variables
strComputerName = oshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%COMPUTERNAME%" )
'Set XML location
strfile = appdata & "\Smart Label Printer\SlpUserConfig.xml"
Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filetxt = objfso.OpenTextFile(strfile, ForWriting)
strTemp = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ICA\Session\ClientName"
WScript.Echo "client name is : " & oShell.RegRead(strTemp)
An pointers would be much appreciated.
You shouldn't use the FileSystemObject and String/RegExp operations to edit an XML file. Using the canonical tool - msxml2.domdocument - is less error prone and scales much better.
See here for an example (edit text); or here for another one (edit attribute).
If you publish (the relevant parts of) your .XML file, I'm willing to add same demo code specific for your use case here.

VBscript error input past end of file

I have 3 scripts wherein they all must be run in the right order repeatedly.
1st script - performs a process on a list of PCs (listed on a textfile input) depending if they are online/offline. It outputs a list of the PCs which were online and another list of the offline ones
2nd script - gets the PC difference from the original list and the output of the 1st script to know which machines have run the process from the 1st script
3rd script - using the differences, updates the input list
The script below is the 3rd script. Whenever I run it, it ends with an error "input past end of file". I've tried several modifications and it always ends that way.
My idea for the 3rd script is that the Differences.txt output from the 2nd file are the ones that still need to run the process form the first script, so I simply delete the original input file and rename this one into the new output file. However, I have to also keep track of the ones that were already done with the process so I have to list/append them to another text file.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Option Explicit
Dim objFso
Dim Fso
Dim firstfile,secondfile,file,fileText
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If objFSO.FileExists("Machines.ini") Then objFSO.DeleteFile("Machines.ini")
Set Fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Fso.MoveFile "Differences.txt", "Machines.ini"
Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file=fso.OpenTextFile(firstfile)
fileText = fileText & file.ReadAll() & vbCrLf
Set file=fso.OpenTextFile(secondfile)
fileText=filetext & file.ReadAll()
set file=fso.CreateTextFile(secondfile,true)
file.Write fileText
You get that error when you call ReadAll on an empty file. Check the AtEndOfStream property and read the content only if it's false:
If Not file.AtEndOfStream Then fileText = fileText & file.ReadAll

VBS WScript.Run fails after passing Exists test

In a couple of place in my code I check if the file exists (it does) then I try to Run the file as above, or get the DateLastModified, and get errors about file not found or invalid path. How can the script NOT see a file after confirming it exists?
I'm working up a .vbs script that tries to run an Access .mdb file. The WScript.Run command seems to choke on the filename, but putting a MsgBox() before that call to display the path allows Run to work properly. I don't want to display a popup.
Error is:
The directory name is invalid.
How is this possible and how can I get around it?
Here is code:
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
SET ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
path = Chr(34) & LocalPath & AccessFileName & Chr(34)
if (fso.FileExists(LocalPath & AccessFileName)) THEN
'MsgBox(path) 'Uncommenting this line removes the error
ws.Run path 'This line errors
End If
Try to open your file with shell .InvokeVerb method:
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
If CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(LocalPath & AccessFileName) Then
End If
UPD: Both ActiveX WScript.Shell and Shell.Application uses native windows shell to perform a file execution.The first one launches new process via WSH core located in wscript.exe, cscript.exe, wshom.ocx, jscript.dll, vbscript.dll, ets, .Run and .Exec methods of WsShell object provides wide control on the launched process, and second one located in Shell32.dll, uses .InvokeVerb method of IShellDispatch object, called without name, runs default verb equals to the windows explorer "open" command.In case of any issues connected to WSH, explorer might still works without any proplems. If it does, that is just a work-around, I can't say what's wrong definetely without close look.
Hello the following code worked for me.
Basically this code gets a folder object and loops through all files in a folder and checks if its the one that you named. This it runs the application.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
Set myFolder = fso.GetFolder(LocalPath)
For each myFile in myFolder.Files
If myFile.Name = AccessFileName Then
'Wscript.Echo myFile.Name
ws.Run myFolder.Path & "\" & myFile.Name
End If
You can give this a shot. You probably do not need the quotes around the path, but I included it as a comment if you want to give it a shot. You just put quotes twice if you need to include a quote character in a string:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' path = """" & LocalPath & AccessFileName & """" <-- probably unnecessary
path = LocalPath & AccessFileName
If (fso.FileExists(path)) Then
Set file = fso.GetFile(path)
'MsgBox(path) 'Uncommenting this line removes the error
ws.Run file.Path 'This line errors
End If
This does not make any sense. Having a MsgBox line is altering the behavior of the program!!!
I feel it is probably some weird invisible character somewhere which is getting activated when you comment the line.
Try retyping the If block without the MsgBox in between.

VB Do While only works for one iteration

I've never done anything before with VB and am trying to work out a little problem with this script. Basically the script should look for all jpgs in a folder, if the file name exists already remove it from the target folder, add the value to a table and then rename the source file so it exists in the target folder.
This script works to an extent, for example it will rename any file if the file doesn't exist already but for any files that do already exist it processes only one then then ends. I can run it multiple times to clear the rest but would rather it cleared them all in one go. I have done quite a bit of reading but can't see what is going wrong. Can anyone shed any light on this?
Public Function GetLPUFileAddress()
Dim strSourceFolder As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strTargetFolder As String
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rstMgr As DAO.Recordset
strSourceFolder = "C:\Users\Images\LPU-HOLDING\"
strFile = Dir(strSourceFolder & "*.JPG")
strTargetFolder = "C:\Users\Images\LPU\"
Do While strFile <> ""
If Dir(strTargetFolder & strFile) <> "" Then Kill strTargetFolder & strFile
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO TBL_LPU ( File_Name, Import_Date ) VALUES ('" & strFile & "',Date())"
Name strSourceFolder & strFile As strTargetFolder & strFile
strFile = Dir
End Function
By calling the Dir() function with an appropriate filter, such as "C:\Users\Images\LPU\*.JPG", you start enumeration and get the first file name.
After that, repeatedly calling the Dir() function without any parameters, you will get all *.JPG file names, one for each call.
If you at any point call Dir() with a parameter, this will reset the current enumeration and start a new one.
You therefore can't use Dir() to check existance of a file in a folder while you're enumerating with Dir(). This resets the enumeration.
You have to either use some other way of checking existance of the file, or just try to kill it without checking, ignoring the error.
