VBS WScript.Run fails after passing Exists test - vbscript

In a couple of place in my code I check if the file exists (it does) then I try to Run the file as above, or get the DateLastModified, and get errors about file not found or invalid path. How can the script NOT see a file after confirming it exists?
I'm working up a .vbs script that tries to run an Access .mdb file. The WScript.Run command seems to choke on the filename, but putting a MsgBox() before that call to display the path allows Run to work properly. I don't want to display a popup.
Error is:
The directory name is invalid.
How is this possible and how can I get around it?
Here is code:
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
SET ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
path = Chr(34) & LocalPath & AccessFileName & Chr(34)
if (fso.FileExists(LocalPath & AccessFileName)) THEN
'MsgBox(path) 'Uncommenting this line removes the error
ws.Run path 'This line errors
End If

Try to open your file with shell .InvokeVerb method:
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
If CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").FileExists(LocalPath & AccessFileName) Then
End If
UPD: Both ActiveX WScript.Shell and Shell.Application uses native windows shell to perform a file execution.The first one launches new process via WSH core located in wscript.exe, cscript.exe, wshom.ocx, jscript.dll, vbscript.dll, ets, .Run and .Exec methods of WsShell object provides wide control on the launched process, and second one located in Shell32.dll, uses .InvokeVerb method of IShellDispatch object, called without name, runs default verb equals to the windows explorer "open" command.In case of any issues connected to WSH, explorer might still works without any proplems. If it does, that is just a work-around, I can't say what's wrong definetely without close look.

Hello the following code worked for me.
Basically this code gets a folder object and loops through all files in a folder and checks if its the one that you named. This it runs the application.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
Set myFolder = fso.GetFolder(LocalPath)
For each myFile in myFolder.Files
If myFile.Name = AccessFileName Then
'Wscript.Echo myFile.Name
ws.Run myFolder.Path & "\" & myFile.Name
End If

You can give this a shot. You probably do not need the quotes around the path, but I included it as a comment if you want to give it a shot. You just put quotes twice if you need to include a quote character in a string:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
AccessFileName = "App.mdb"
LocalPath = "C:\Folder\"
Set ws = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' path = """" & LocalPath & AccessFileName & """" <-- probably unnecessary
path = LocalPath & AccessFileName
If (fso.FileExists(path)) Then
Set file = fso.GetFile(path)
'MsgBox(path) 'Uncommenting this line removes the error
ws.Run file.Path 'This line errors
End If

This does not make any sense. Having a MsgBox line is altering the behavior of the program!!!
I feel it is probably some weird invisible character somewhere which is getting activated when you comment the line.
Try retyping the If block without the MsgBox in between.


.VBS called by .BAT to create .zip - run silently (without interface)?

I have a .bat file which I use to back up files, which calls a .vbs and passes it two parameters, as follows:
ZipCMD.vbs "C:\Source" "C:\Destination\Data.zip"
ZipCMD.vbs contains the following code (Credit to garbb):
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
Set FS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
InputFolder = FS.GetAbsolutePathName(objArgs(0))
ZipFile = FS.GetAbsolutePathName(objArgs(1))
CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(ZipFile, True).Write "PK" & Chr(5) & Chr(6) & String(18, vbNullChar)
Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set source = objShell.NameSpace(InputFolder).Items
numfolderitems = objShell.NameSpace(InputFolder).Items.count
' wait until number of items in zip file is the same as in the folder we are zipping up
' also sometimes gets errors when getting folder object for zip file, probably because it is in use? so ignore these
On Error Resume Next
Do while True
numitemsinzip = objShell.NameSpace(ZipFile).Items.count
If Err.Number = 0 and numitemsinzip = numfolderitems Then
Exit Do
ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 then
End If
wScript.Sleep 10
On Error Goto 0
When the zipping is occurring, the usual windows 'Compressing files' interface appears, and shows the progress bar ticking along for a few minutes, before closing and disappearing.
Question: Can vbs run a compression silently (i.e. without interface)? -- I've read this article, which shows a flag, however this doesn't appear to work with copying to .zip, for some reason.
Follow-up question: If it's not possible for the .vbs which I'm using to achieve this, then is there an alternative way, which still utilises calling another file/process(?) (.vbs / .js, or other?) and feeding it the two paths from cmd?
Edit: I'm trying to achieve this without the use of third-party software (e.g. 7zip), and simply using native windows code.
Suppose I am almost 3 months late on this, but if you have powershell version 5 or later, you can simply create a powershell script:
Compress-Archive "C:\Source" "C:\Destination\Data.zip"
or from a batch file:
powershell Compress-Archive "C:\Source" "C:\Destination\Data.zip"
Also see this option

cant get local htm file to open with VB-script

Hi Im tryijng to open a local htm file ussing vb script. I have the following code which will work for standard online webpages however my target htm is found localy, and in that case senario i cant get it to work
strURL = "http://www.somesite.com"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
strURL = "file://J:\Project Phoenix\Tekenafspraak Tafelhandboek\COMPELATION WITHOUT IMAGES (MASTER)\Tekenafspraak Tafelhandboek.htm"
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
You need to put quotes around your full path name if there are spaces in it. In this case, it means adding two extra double-quotes at the beginning and end of your string.
And you shouldn't need the "file://" in the path. The Shell object will just open the htm file in your default browser automatically:
strURL = """J:\Project Phoenix\Tekenafspraak Tafelhandboek\COMPELATION WITHOUT IMAGES (MASTER)\Tekenafspraak Tafelhandboek.htm"""
Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
Quote your spaces. This is spaces 101. What will happen in your script will depend on the configuration of the computer it is run on.

File wont move to folder vbs

So im writing a script that drops a file folder then moves that file to the folder it dropped it self. Well the folder drops fine but the file wont move. Can some see whats wrong with my code? Or give me a better way to move the file. I also get no error message about trying to move the file.
Dim folder,fso,filsys,C
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)
Set wshshell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set filesys = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")
Set objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemObject")
Set c = fso.GetFile(Wscript.scriptFullname)
On Error Resume NEXT
Set objFolder = objFSO.CreateFolder("C:\55egr932ntn7mk23n124kv1053bmoss5")
If Err.Number<>0 Then
End If
WScript.Sleep 3000
C.Move ("C:\552ntn7mk23n124kv1053bmoss5\File.exe") (folder&"\File.exe")
And I have a program I use that turns the VBS into and EXE so you see the "file.exe" which really is the .VBS itself
I'm not familiar with this syntax, but the line below looks like it's expecting the folder variable to be a string.
C.Move ("C:\552ntn7mk23n124kv1053bmoss5\File.exe") (folder&"\File.exe")
Earlier in code it looks as though you're setting folder as an object.
Set folder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)
You might not get the error you mentioned in your comment if you convert folder to a string.
Another thing to try is the following code:
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.filesystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)
Alert (folder&"\File.exe")
(I'm not sure if it's "Alert" or "Msgbox" or something else.) That test will show you whether the file path makes sense. If you get an error on line 3 of that test, try converting folder to a string before your Alert (or Msgbox).

VBscript Unable to Run Shell Command

I have set up the following Sub to run shell commands quickly and easily.
This script works for the login scripts at my company without fail.
I am currently developing a script to add a large batch of users to our domain.
When I used this Sub in my new script I receive an error saying that the file cannot be found.
I have tried using the fix in this stackoverflow post, but I recieve the same error even with this code.
VBScript WScript.Shell Run() - The system cannot find the file specified
The part I find puzzling is that this sub works just fine when run from the netlogon folder of our domain controller.
What am I doing wrong?
Sub runcommand(strCommand)
Dim objWshShell, intRC
set objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
intRC = objWshShell.Run(strCommand, 0, TRUE)
call reportError(intRC,strCommand)
set objWshShell = nothing
end Sub
function reportError(intRC, command)
if intRC <> 0 then
WScript.Echo "Error Code: " & intRC
WScript.Echo "Command: " & command
end if
end function
The previous values for strCommand had no spaces and were very straightforward. Your new script is passing more complex variables to your Sub so you need additional conditional handling, as Alex K. pointed out in his Collusion (i.e., "Comment/Solution") above. Alex K.'s sample above is perfect, so, being a Point Pimp tonight, will post it as the solution:
objWshShell.Run("cmd /k echo Hello World", 1, TRUE)

VBScript Writing to Server Text File

I have created a VBScript which pulls the service tag, username, and computer name from a computer. What I need to do now is compile this information in a text document.
How it's set up is as follows:
We have an Active Directory Server, with a folder for login scripts. I have created a batch file to run this .vbs script, and the script works well so far. What I now need is for a file on the AD server, called "logging.txt", to be populated with the information that is created with the .vbs script.
This is the script I have so far:
'Get Dell Service Tag Info
set ProSet = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_BIOS")
Set ProSet1 = GetObject("winmgmts:").InstancesOf("Win32_SystemEnclosure")
For each Pro in ProSet
For each Pro1 in ProSet1
wscript.echo ServiceTag
exit for
exit for
'get username and computername, could also be asked in a batch
Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oShellEnv = oShell.Environment("Process")
sComputerName = oShellEnv("ComputerName")
sUsername = oShellEnv("username")
wscript.echo sComputerName & " " & sUsername
Thank you very much in advance!
This is what I've tried so far:
sub log (user, computer)
dim fs,f
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set f=fs.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(".\logging.csv"),8,true)
f.WriteLine now & "," & user & "," & computer
f.Close:set f=Nothing
set fs=Nothing
end sub
I feel as though you're leaving something out.. this is how to write a text file in VBS.
dim filesys, filetxt, getname, path
Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filetxt = filesys.CreateTextFile("c:\somefile.txt", True)
path = filesys.GetAbsolutePathName("c:\somefile.txt")
getname = filesys.GetFileName(path)
filetxt.WriteLine("Your text goes here.")
If filesys.FileExists(path) Then
Response.Write ("Your file, '" & getname & "', has been created.")
End If
It would probably be easiest to save the information to a local text file and upload it with the command line ftp utility from the batch script that calls your script rather than trying to invent another wheel and do it in vbscript.
You can list the command line options of ftp with:
ftp /?
I recommend setting up something like this:
ftp -s:control.txt
control.txt would contain something like:
open [hostname or address]
cd [remote directory name]
put logging.txt
