Magento- Country Specific Payment Option is not showing on One Page Checkout - magento

I have COD set for a specific country and it doesn't shows up in OPC for the first time. It only appears after a full reload of the checkout page or if the customer is logged in.
Once the billing information is filled up the Ajax is called but the payment option fails to show up.
**I guess its a theme problem. So, what to do now? Is there any fix?


How to prevent user to send multiple Checkout of the same cart in Magento 2

How can I prevent user to checkout 1 cart Session using multiple tabs or multiple browser?
By default, while the last checkout step is still loading, a user can resubmit the same cart multiple times until 1 process is completed resulting to duplicate orders.
Any thoughts on this will be appreciated.
I think the problem comes from your custom module. Maybe you didn't call an ajax attribute or the loading part. By default Magento when you click on checkout button then you can't click other buttons anymore because there will be a loading section appear on the page.
To check you can disable all payment modules and use the default Magento payment method

Magento One Page Checkout Shipping Method Not Loading in Progress Bar

I am facing some problem in Magento progress bar. In this i am using Magento 1.9 on checkout page when user fill shipping & billing information then after click continue user can see Both Shipping & Billing in Progress Bar. But when user select Shipping method / Payment Method user unable to see Selected Shipping & Payment Method on Right Progress Bar.
what i did:
I already check checkout.xml and opcheckout.js
i already replace checkout.xml & opcheckout.js code with fresh downloaded magento.
Flush Cache indexing
i already test path of progress files in checkout.xml
under checkout/onepage/progress/shipping_method.phtml
$this->getCheckout()->getStepData('shipping_method', 'complete')
above syntax return null so code to show shipping method not working in progress bar.
if any one has any idea please ping me.
Please install the best firefox add-on, Firebug.
You can see,track,manipulate ajax requests and response there.
It will show you the response of the ajax requests and you can solute the problem easily.

PayPal Website Payments Standard Error

I currently have my online store set up using Magento and i’m adding my products, I’ve tried to implement the PayPal Website Payments Standard but there is an error. When the user has passed through to the checkout section, after entering all their details, they fail to submit the order. The button is pressed to confirm order and redirect to the PayPal payment stage, the button will load saying that it's submitting the information, but nothing happens, it starts processing, then never goes through to the page. I've checked that the extension for Mage_paypal is enabled and it is.
If you would like try purchasing one of the test products on at the moment, you’ll be able to see what I mean.
2 things ..
Make sure that you have index management and cache management done
Try disabling and then enabling Mage_PayPal Module[Reindex the magento database after that]

Magento 1.7 - Can't Create Invoice for Check/Money Order Sales

I have a Magento store, running on
I am unable to move orders from Pending or Processing to Complete if the payment method is Check/Money Order.
Basically, on the Create Invoice screen, clicking on the [Submit Invoice] button at the bottom of the page does nothing. No errors, no JavaScript warnings, just nothing.
I've tried 3 different browsers, and it's occuring on the live site and on my staging site.
Credit Card orders move to Complete automatically once shipped, Purchase Orders move to Complete by selecting "Capture Offline" when creating an invoice, but still the orders paid for with "Check / Money Order" elude all of my abilities to create an invoice.
Any assistance would be much appreciated.
Check payment methods you have enabled in magento admin.
I don't know if this is related to your issue or not, but I had the same issue. After looking at the page source, i saw that there was no onclick event for the submit invoice button.
What i did, which is hardly a solution, but works for me is add another button that adds the correct "onclick" when clicked. I called it "validate invoice".
edit the file /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/invoice/create/items.phtml
at line 124, right above <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('submit_button') ?>
I added:
<button onclick="$$('div .submit-button').invoke('writeAttribute','onclick','$(\'edit_form\').submit()');alert('Done');">Validate Invoice</button>
Click "Validate Invoice" button, and then you can submit the invoice.
Again, it's hardly a solution, but it definitely works for me.
What browser and OS are you using? Have had the same issue with a customers of mine, they use Explorer and window. I then tried in Chrome on a Mac and that did the trick.

Magento Checkout: Item out of stock charges customer but no order / order confirmation

I am using Magento 1.6 with the out-of-the-box one page checkout.
Upon the final submit, after the customer has reviewed their order, there seems to be a glitch: If an item has become out of stock, the customer is notified and the order seems not to be going through (no order is created and no confirmation page). However, does get the complete transaction request and charges the customer. It seems to only happen if an item has become out of stock. (Customer could be lingering to hit the submit button for quite a while.)
What can I do? Add a java script function to check upon stock on clicking submit?
Is this a known bug?
Is your system set to allow Backorders?
System > Config > Catalog > Inventory > Backorders "No Backorders".
If that is set to disallow backorders I wonder why the add-to-cart button even displays.
If you are using a custom template I might start there in troubleshooting. Switch back to a default template and see if this issue persists.
