How to customize rules on Fiddler Alpha on Mono (Mac OS) - macos

Please note: I am working on Mac OS and I am trying to get this to work on the Alpha on Mono version of Fiddler.
More specifically, I want to edit the OnBeforeRequest function in CustomRules.js, so that I can redirect traffic to a development box for testing. Just using the AutoResponder rules is not sufficient.
I've successfully been able to get this to work on Windows. On the Windows build, we can do:
Rules -> Customize Rules (Ctrl+R)
After installing the Alpha Fiddler on my Mac, there's a Fiddler directory with an empty Scripts subdirectory, no SampleRules.js to be found.
I've spent a long time on this and am wondering if it's just a good idea to try finding another way/tool.
Thank you in advance!

Which build of Fiddler for Mono did you install specifically? Version did not include a scripting engine. The later version introduced a new scripting engine (based on C# because JScript.Net is not available on Mono).
I haven't built an OSX installer for the later build yet, but you should be able to just unzip the archive.


FireHbbtv extension by Firefox

I am learning to build a web application for Hbbtv using the Hbbtv SDK.
So for testing a sample app, I was looking for an emulator and came across FireHbbtv Extension by firefox.
However, whatever I do, it says the extension is not compatible with the version of Firefox. can any of you help with what is happening
Firehbbtv extension is abandoned, but you can install it using an old Firefox version (<52 as far I remember). Make sure the automatic updates are disabled if you want to keep the extension available.
There is another HbbTV plugin named hybridTV ( It works fine, but it is in development.
There is also a third option, using the opera (now called vewd) SDK. You can find the info and the virtual machine downloads visiting

I want to develop in Go on Windows and deploy to Google App Engine

I want to develop in the Go Language (go-lang) using Google App Engine to run my app and I use IntelliJ on Windows. How can I do this?
If you use the official installer, it is very easy to get Go up and running on Windows.
Edit: The latest Zeus beta now has support for the Go Build, Format and Run commands and also does Go initellisene (i.e. auto complete).
Edit, Jun 2012: As at the 1.7 version, there is now experimental support for windows:
The Go App-Engine development server is available for Linux and Mac only [1]. The Go language is available for Windows, but not the app-engine tools. I imagine it would be possible to port the GAE dev server to run under windows, because it just uses python, go and sqlite, but I don't think anyone has done so.
Of course you can run a linux virtual machine, or remote into a linux server to do the development. You could even edit in windows using sftp if your editor supports it.
You can find golang builds for Windows here. Golang is primarily focusing on unix-like OSs (golang devs are from bell labs), but while writing an application for appengine you won't hit any issues because you're using a Window's version. The appengine platform doesn't let you do things like manipulate files: instead you use the appengine's datastore/blobstore to store things. The main issues the Window's golang port are related to simply operating system functionality and since you won't be using any on appengine, there's no issue.
As for an IDE on Windows that has code completion, goclipse probably has the most "out of the box"; it's distributed with golang plugins and autocompletion. Golang itself is distributed with plug-ins/configs for the most popular editors (vim, emacs, sublime, etc...). You can use pretty much any popular editor with nsf's gocode for autocompletion if you want to take a little time to set things up.
The development for golang is pretty quick; I'm actually turned off from using appengine until it supports Go 1. There are some big changes between r60 and the current golang. Most libraries are keeping up to date with the quick golang development, which causes some pains using r60 golang.
There is a Windows version of the go toolset, you will have to install that from
You can start with goclipse. If you don't like Eclipse, then you can use Emacs (available from for Windows; or any editor that you like.
Go on Windows isn't fully supported yet. Another option would be to download Virtual Box; install Linux on a virtual machine and use that as your development machine.

Writing code for a Mac using Lazarus

I have done a little work on lazarus' free pascal. So when a client asked me to write an application for a mac, after the initial, "it can't be done" stage. (followed by an maybe stage) i thought about writing it using lazarus.
Question is. I have only a virtual machine running mac OSX, this means that i do not really want to develop on the mac. However, i just cannot seem to get the applications that i have written in lazarus on windows to work on the mac. I have tried the deployment using the Lazarus Wiki and the MACOS folder is empty and so when i put it on the mac it doesn't run the application.
What is the best way of doing this or am i barking up the wrong tree?
It seems you want to do cross-compiling, which is theoretically possible, but may not be practical, for the reasons mentioned by Marco above.
As an alternative, you could install XCode, FreePascal, and Lazarus on a MacOX machine. You could still do your development and some testing on Windows/Linux. When you hit a certain milestone, you can copy your source code to the Mac and compile your application to test and give to the user.
Even if it were possible to easily cross-compile, there some minor differences between platforms, so (especially if it's a GUI app), you would want to test it on an actual MacOS box before giving it to the client.
I've taken the route described by Noah - and I was incredibly surprised that after about three weeks development on Windows, it took about 10 minutes to get the application running on the Mac.
My route was to install Xcode 4.3 on an old Mac Mini running snow leopard, then install Lazarus using the fink version as described here. This took a while but was done in an evening.
Then I just copied my folder across to the Mac, opened the lpi on the Mac, compiled it. It failed so I removed a windows references, recompiled, and it was working. I was truly amazed.
What linker and assembler do you use to generate binaries? To my best knowledge the linker for recent OS X versions is not available in source.
Afaik what you want (crosscompiling to Mac) is not possible for recent versions (and I've done it for PowerPC myself in the past).
The easiest is to use the Unix "file" command on the binary to see what is generated, and make sure it reads something with "MachO" in it. Easiest is if you have a Linux install (where this command is pretty standard), but versions can be found for windows too (cygwin, mingw and 3rd party)

Compiling a Qt based NPAPI Browser Plugin on Windows

I am further developing a NPAPI Plugin in Qt. I got the source code and a precompiled windows (DLL) version of the Plugin. I added some functionality and tried to compile it using the default Build process of Qt Creator. In my edited case as well as in the original case the compiling worked perfectly well on windows and linux. The problem is, that the plugin itself is only usable on the linux machine. On Windows (XP SP3) there is an error mentioned, that my specific scriptable methods wouldn't exist. Is there a special way or toolchain for compiling on Windows? Or is there way to locate the failure?
Thanks in anticipation!
Here are some things to check and to try:
Set a breakpoint in NPP_New (you'll have to find it in QT's framework, I don't know where it is); step through until you find a problem
Make sure that NPP_GetValue is returning an NPObject on request; if not, then you definitely won't get any scripting API
Make sure that QT's framework isn't still trying to use XPCOM for scripting.

How to instal libgluezilla for MAC OS X

I am trying to run a Mono application on the Mac that has an embedded web browser control. The program runs, but now broswser is show and a message is output:
libgluezilla not found. To have webbrowser support, you need libgluezilla installed
I have searched, but have no idea how to install this. Your guidance would be appreciated.
You cannot use the embedded web browser control on Mac. Hence, there is no libgluezilla for Mac.
It worked in 2.4.2 of mono, but not with the latest patch. ( )
I am loosing patience with mono on mac platforms. Things used to work and then stop working, creating a bugzilla entry gets no responses at times.
