Which version of Spark to download? - hadoop

I understand you can download Spark source code (1.5.1), or prebuilt binaries for various versions of Hadoop. As of Oct 2015, the Spark webpage http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html has prebuilt binaries against Hadoop 2.6+, 2.4+, 2.3, and 1.X.
I'm not sure what version to download.
I want to run a Spark cluster in standalone mode using AWS machines.
I will be running a 24/7 streaming process. My data will be coming from a Kafka stream. I thought about using spark-ec2, but since I already have persistent ec2 machines, I thought I might as well use them.
My understanding is that since my persistent workers need to perform checkpoint(), it needs to have access to some kind of shared file system with the master node. S3 seems like a logical choice.
This means I need to access S3, but not hdfs. I do not have Hadoop installed.
I got a pre-built Spark for Hadoop 2.6. I can run it in local mode, such as the wordcount example. However, whenever I start it up, I get this message
WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Is this a problem? Do I need hadoop?
It's not a show stopper but I want to make sure I understand the reason of this warning message. I was under the assumption that Spark doesn't need Hadoop, so why is it even showing up?

I'm not sure what version to download.
This consideration will also be guided by what existing code you are using, features you require, and bug tolerance.
I want to run a Spark cluster in standalone mode using AWS instances.
Have you considered simply running Apache Spark on Amazon EMR? See also How can I run Spark on a cluster? from Spark's FAQ, and their reference to their EC2 scripts.
This means I need to access S3, but not hdfs
One does not imply the other. You can run a Spark cluster on EC2 instances perfectly fine, and never have to access S3. While many examples are written using S3 access through the out-of-the-box S3 "fs" drivers for the Hadoop library, pay attention that there are now 3 different access methods. Configure as appropriate.
However, your choice of libraries to load will depend on where your data is. Spark can access any filesystem supported by Hadoop, from which there are several to choose.
Is your data even in files? Depending on your application, and where your data is, you may only need to use Data Frame over SQL, Cassandra, or others!
However, whenever I start it up, I get this message
WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
Is this a problem? Do I need hadoop?
Not a problem. It is telling you that it is falling back to a non-optimum implementation. Others have asked this question, too.
In general, it sounds like you don't have any application needs right now, so you don't have any dependencies. Dependencies are what would drive different configurations such as access to S3, HDFS, etc.
I can run it in local mode, such as the wordcount example.
So, you're good?
I've edited the original post
My data will be coming from a Kafka stream. ... My understanding is that .. my persistent workers need to perform checkpoint().
Yes, the Direct Kafka approach is available from Spark 1.3 on, and per that article, uses checkpoints. These require a "fault-tolerant, reliable file system (e.g., HDFS, S3, etc.)". See the Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide for your version for specific caveats.
So why [do I see the Hadoop warning message]?
The Spark download only comes with so many Hadoop client libraries. With a fully-configured Hadoop installation, there are also platform-specific native binaries for certain packages. These get used if available. To use them, augment Spark's classpath; otherwise, the loader will fallback to less performant versions.
Depending on your configuration, you may be able to take advantage of a fully configured Hadoop or HDFS installation. You mention taking advantage of your existing, persistent EC2 instances, rather than using something new. There's a tradeoff between S3 and HDFS: S3 is a new resource (more cost) but survives when your instance is offline (can take compute down and have persisted storage); however, S3 might suffer from latency compared to HDFS (you already have the machines, why not run a filesystem over them?), as well as not behave like a filesystem in all cases. This tradeoff is described by Microsoft for choosing Azure storage vs. HDFS, for example, when using HDInsight.

We're also running Spark on EC2 against S3 (via the s3n file system). We had some issue with the pre-built versions for Hadoop 2.x. Regrettably I don't remember what the issue was. But in the end we're running with the pre-built Spark for Hadoop 1.x and it works great.


Hadoop (HDFS) - file versioning

At the given time I have user file system in my application (apache CMIS).
As it's growing bigger, I'm doubting to move to hadoop (HDFS) as we need to run some statistics on it as well.
The problem:
The current file system provides versioning of the files.
When I read about hadoop - HDFS- and file versioning, I found most of the time that I have to write this (versioning) layer myself.
Is there already something available to manage versioning of files in HDFS or do I really have to write it myself (don't want to reinvent the hot water, but don't find a proper solution either).
For full details: see comments on answer(s) below
Hadoop (HDFS) doesn't support versioning of files. You can get this functionality when you combine hadoop with (amazon) S3:
Hadoop will use S3 as the filesystem (without chuncks, but recovery will be provided by S3). This solution comes with the versioning of files that S3 provides.
Hadoop will still use YARN for the distributed processing.
Versioning is not possible with HDFS.
Instead you can use Amazon S3, which provides Versioning and is also compatible with Hadoop.
HDFS supports snapshots. I think that's as close as you can get to "versioning" with HDFS.

Can apache spark run without hadoop?

Are there any dependencies between Spark and Hadoop?
If not, are there any features I'll miss when I run Spark without Hadoop?
Spark is an in-memory distributed computing engine.
Hadoop is a framework for distributed storage (HDFS) and distributed processing (YARN).
Spark can run with or without Hadoop components (HDFS/YARN)
Distributed Storage:
Since Spark does not have its own distributed storage system, it has to depend on one of these storage systems for distributed computing.
S3 – Non-urgent batch jobs. S3 fits very specific use cases when data locality isn’t critical.
Cassandra – Perfect for streaming data analysis and an overkill for batch jobs.
HDFS – Great fit for batch jobs without compromising on data locality.
Distributed processing:
You can run Spark in three different modes: Standalone, YARN and Mesos
Have a look at the below SE question for a detailed explanation about both distributed storage and distributed processing.
Which cluster type should I choose for Spark?
Spark can run without Hadoop but some of its functionality relies on Hadoop's code (e.g. handling of Parquet files). We're running Spark on Mesos and S3 which was a little tricky to set up but works really well once done (you can read a summary of what needed to properly set it here).
(Edit) Note: since version 2.3.0 Spark also added native support for Kubernetes
By default , Spark does not have storage mechanism.
To store data, it needs fast and scalable file system. You can use S3 or HDFS or any other file system. Hadoop is economical option due to low cost.
Additionally if you use Tachyon, it will boost performance with Hadoop. It's highly recommended Hadoop for apache spark processing.
As per Spark documentation, Spark can run without Hadoop.
You may run it as a Standalone mode without any resource manager.
But if you want to run in multi-node setup, you need a resource manager like YARN or Mesos and a distributed file system like HDFS,S3 etc.
Yes, spark can run without hadoop. All core spark features will continue to work, but you'll miss things like easily distributing all your files (code as well as data) to all the nodes in the cluster via hdfs, etc.
Yes, you can install the Spark without the Hadoop.
That would be little tricky
You can refer arnon link to use parquet to configure on S3 as data storage.
Spark is only do processing and it uses dynamic memory to perform the task, but to store the data you need some data storage system. Here hadoop comes in role with Spark, it provide the storage for Spark.
One more reason for using Hadoop with Spark is they are open source and both can integrate with each other easily as compare to other data storage system. For other storage like S3, you should be tricky to configure it like mention in above link.
But Hadoop also have its processing unit called Mapreduce.
Want to know difference in Both?
Check this article: https://www.dezyre.com/article/hadoop-mapreduce-vs-apache-spark-who-wins-the-battle/83
I think this article will help you understand
what to use,
when to use and
how to use !!!
Yes, of course. Spark is an independent computation framework. Hadoop is a distribution storage system(HDFS) with MapReduce computation framework. Spark can get data from HDFS, as well as any other data source such as traditional database(JDBC), kafka or even local disk.
Yes, Spark can run with or without Hadoop installation for more details you can visit -https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/
Yes spark can run without Hadoop. You can install spark in your local machine with out Hadoop. But Spark lib comes with pre Haddop libraries i.e. are used while installing on your local machine.
You can run spark without hadoop but spark has dependency on hadoop win-utils. so some features may not work, also if you want to read hive tables from spark then you need hadoop.
Not good at english,Forgive me!
Use local(single node) or standalone(cluster) to run spark without Hadoop,but stills need hadoop dependencies for logging and some file process.
Windows is strongly NOT recommend to run spark!
Local mode
There are so many running mode with spark,one of it is called local will running without hadoop dependencies.
So,here is the first question:how to tell spark we want to run on local mode?
After read this official doc,i just give it a try on my linux os:
Must install java and scala,not the core content so skip it.
Download spark package
There are "without hadoop" and "hadoop integrated" 2 type of package
The most important thing is "without hadoop" do NOT mean run without hadoop but just not bundle with hadoop so you can bundle it with your custom hadoop!
Spark can run without hadoop(HDFS and YARN) but need hadoop dependency jar such as parquet/avro etc SerDe class,so strongly recommend to use "integrated" package(and you will found missing some log dependencies like log4j and slfj and other common utils class if chose "without hadoop" package but all this bundled with hadoop integrated pacakge)!
Run on local mode
Most simple way is just run shell,and you will see the welcome log
# as same as ./bin/spark-shell --master local[*]
Standalone mode
As same as blew,but different with step 3.
# Starup cluster
# if you want run on frontend
# export SPARK_NO_DAEMONIZE=true
# run this on your every worker
./sbin/start-worker.sh spark://VMS110109:7077
# Submit job or just shell
./bin/spark-shell spark://VMS110109:7077
On windows?
I kown so many people run spark on windown just for study,but here is so different on windows and really strongly NOT recommend to use windows.
The most important things is download winutils.exe from here and configure system variable HADOOP_HOME to point where winutils located.
At this moment 3.2.1 is the most latest release version of spark,but a bug is exist.You will got a exception like Illegal character in path at index 32: spark://xxxxxx:63293/D:\classe when run ./bin/spark-shell.cmd,only startup a standalone cluster then use ./bin/sparkshell.cmd or use lower version can temporary fix this.
For more detail and solution you can refer for here
No. It requires full blown Hadoop installation to start working - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-10944

data backup and recovery in hadoop 2.2.0

I am new to Hadoop and much interested in Hadoop Administration,so i tried to install Hadoop 2.2.0 in Ubuntu 12.04 as pseudo distributed mode and installed successfully and run some example jar files also ,now i am trying learn further ,trying to learn data back up and recovery part now,can anyone tell ways to take data back back up and recovery it in hadoop 2.2.0 ,and also please suggest any good books for Hadoop Adminstration and steps to learn Hadoop Adminstration.
Thanks in Advance.
There is no classic backup and recovery functionality in Hadoop. There are several reasons for this:
HDFS uses block level replication for data protection via redundancy.
HDFS scales out massively in size, and it is becoming more economic to backup to disk, rather than tape.
The size of "Big Data" doesn't lend itself to being easily backed up.
Instead of backups, Hadoop uses data replication. Internally, it creates multiple copies of each block of data (by default, 3 copies). It also has a function called 'distcp', which allows you to replicate copies of data between clusters. This is what's typically done for "backups" by most Hadoop operators.
Some companies, like Cloudera, are incorporating the distcp tool into creating a 'backup' or 'replication' service for their distribution of Hadoop. It operates against a specific directory in HDFS, and replicates it to another cluster.
If you really wanted to create a backup service for Hadoop, you can create one manually yourself. You would need some mechanism of accessing the data (NFS gateway, webFS, etc), and could then use tape libraries, VTLs, etc. to create backups.

What is the best components stack for building distributed log aggregator (like Splunk)?

I'm trying to find the best components I could use to build something similar to Splunk in order to aggregate logs from a big number of servers in computing grid. Also it should be distributed because I have gigs of logs everyday and no single machine will be able to store logs.
I'm particularly interested in something that will work with Ruby and will work on Windows and latest Solaris (yeah, I got a zoo).
I see architecture as:
Log crawler (Ruby script).
Distributed log storage.
Distributed search engine.
Lightweight front end.
Log crawler and distributed search engine are out of questions - logs will be parsed by Ruby script and ElasticSearch will be used to index log messages. Front end is also very easy to choose - Sinatra.
My main problem is distributed log storage. I looked at MongoDB, CouchDB, HDFS, Cassandra and HBase.
MongoDB was rejected because it doesn't work on Solaris.
CouchDB doesn't support sharding (smartproxy is required to make it work but this is something I don't want to even try).
Cassandra works great but it's just a disk space hog and it requires running autobalance everyday to spread the load between Cassandra nodes.
HDFS looked promising but FileSystem API is Java only and JRuby was a pain.
HBase looked like a best solution around but deploying it and monitoring is just a disaster - in order to start HBase I need to start HDFS first, check that it started without problems, then start HBase and check it also, and then start REST service and also check it.
So I'm stuck. Something tells me HDFS or HBase are the best thing to use as a log storage, but HDFS only works smoothly with Java and HBase is just a deploying/monitoring nightmare.
Can anyone share its thoughts or experience building similar systems using components I described above or with something completely different?
I'd recommend using Flume to aggregate your data into HBase. You could also use the Elastic Search Sink for Flume to keep a search index up to date in real time.
For more, see my answer to a similar question on Quora.
With regards to Java and HDFS - using a tool like BeanShell, you can interact with the HDFS store via Javascript.

Writing data to Hadoop

I need to write data in to Hadoop (HDFS) from external sources like a windows box. Right now I have been copying the data onto the namenode and using HDFS's put command to ingest it into the cluster. In my browsing of the code I didn't see an API for doing this. I am hoping someone can show me that I am wrong and there is an easy way to code external clients against HDFS.
There is an API in Java. You can use it by including the Hadoop code in your project.
The JavaDoc is quite helpful in general, but of course you have to know, what you are looking for *g *
For your particular problem, have a look at:
(this applies to the latest release, consult other JavaDocs for different versions!)
A typical call would be:
Filesystem.get(new JobConf()).create(new Path("however.file"));
Which returns you a stream you can handle with regular JavaIO.
For the problem of loading the data I needed to put into HDFS, I choose to turn the problem around.
Instead of uploading the files to HDFS from the server where they resided, I wrote a Java Map/Reduce job where the mapper read the file from the file server (in this case via https), then write it directly to HDFS (via the Java API).
The list of files is read from the input. I then have an external script that populates a file with the list of files to fetch, uploads the file into HDFS (using hadoop dfs -put), then start the map/reduce job with a decent number of mappers.
This gives me excellent transfer performance, since multiple files are read/written at the same time.
Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but hopefully helpful anyway :-).
About 2 years after my last answer, there are now two new alternatives - Hoop/HttpFS, and WebHDFS.
Regarding Hoop, it was first announced in Cloudera's blog and can be downloaded from a github repository. I have managed to get this version to talk successfully to at least Hadoop 0.20.1, it can probably talk to slightly older versions as well.
If you're running Hadoop 0.23.1 which at time of writing still is not released, Hoop is instead part of Hadoop as its own component, the HttpFS. This work was done as part of HDFS-2178. Hoop/HttpFS can be a proxy not only to HDFS, but also to other Hadoop-compatible filesystems such as Amazon S3.
Hoop/HttpFS runs as its own standalone service.
There's also WebHDFS which runs as part of the NameNode and DataNode services. It also provides a REST API which, if I understand correctly, is compatible with the HttpFS API. WebHDFS is part of Hadoop 1.0 and one of its major features is that it provides data locality - when you're making a read request, you will be redirected to the WebHDFS component on the datanode where the data resides.
Which component to choose depends a bit on your current setup and what needs you have. If you need a HTTP REST interface to HDFS now and you're running a version that does not include WebHDFS, starting with Hoop from the github repository seems like the easiest option. If you are running a version that includes WebHDFS, I would go for that unless you need some of the features Hoop has that WebHDFS lacks (access to other filesystems, bandwidth limitation, etc.)
Install Cygwin, install Hadoop locally (you just need the binary and configs that point at your NN -- no need to actually run the services), run hadoop fs -copyFromLocal /path/to/localfile /hdfs/path/
You can also use the new Cloudera desktop to upload a file via the web UI, though that might not be a good option for giant files.
There's also a WebDAV overlay for HDFS but I don't know how stable/reliable that is.
It seems there is a dedicated page now for this at http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/MountableHDFS:
These projects (enumerated below) allow HDFS to be mounted (on most
flavors of Unix) as a standard file system using the mount command.
Once mounted, the user can operate on an instance of hdfs using
standard Unix utilities such as 'ls', 'cd', 'cp', 'mkdir', 'find',
'grep', or use standard Posix libraries like open, write, read, close
from C, C++, Python, Ruby, Perl, Java, bash, etc.
Later it describes these projects
contrib/fuse-dfs is built on fuse, some C glue, libhdfs and the hadoop-dev.jar
fuse-j-hdfs is built on fuse, fuse for java, and the hadoop-dev.jar
hdfs-fuse - a google code project is very similar to contrib/fuse-dfs
webdav - hdfs exposed as a webdav resource mapR - contains a closed source hdfs compatible file system that supports read/write
NFS access
HDFS NFS Proxy - exports HDFS as NFS without use of fuse. Supports Kerberos and re-orders writes so they are written to hdfs
I haven't tried any of these, but I will update the answer soon as I have the same need as the OP
You can now also try to use Talend, which includes components for Hadoop integration.
you can try mounting HDFS on your machine(call it machine_X) where you are executing your code and machine_X should have infiniband connectivity with the HDFS Check this out, https://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/MountableHDFS
You can also use HadoopDrive (http://hadoopdrive.effisoft.eu). It's a Windows shell extension.
