WooCommerce - checkout - AJAX billing address check error - ajax

I have a problem with WooCommerce's checkout form (WooCommerce version 2.4.7). I sell a physical object and I have guest purchases enabled (with an option to register). I skip the cart, because it's unnecessary in my case. Anyway, when I input the billing address, at the end, AJAX call to checkout/?wc-ajax=update_order_review is made and the data returned from call is as follows:
:"<table class=\ ... "}
The result is success, but the fields get emptied and the user is therefore prompted to input the address again and again ... with no success. I use the very well known Avada template and I don't really know, where to start debugging. I don't think it's the template issue.
Can anyone help?

For anyone who encountered this kind of problem, the solution seems to be to not to include the checkout.js file, which takes care of "AJAXy" stuff on Checkout page. You then have to do the input checks yourself.
The solution: Disable AJAX on checkout for WooCommerce
Have a nice day!


Shopify Plus (Prestige-Theme) - Checkout Form Validation (where can I find it?)

I try to modify the CHECKOUT FORM VALIDATION of a Shopify Plus Store (Prestige-Theme).
But I can't find the file where the validation takes place!?
I want to check the adress field if there is a number included.
If not I want to present an error
Can someone help please...

What code should I add (and where) on my website to track events/identify users on my website using segment.com?

I want to configure segment.com properly on my site and use it to manage all other apps/tools. I already installed the segment javascript on my site and used it as the source. Now, I am pushing these to MixPanel, Facebook, Google Analytics, etc.
What code should I add if I want to track an event and/or identify a user?
For simplicity's sake, i have a landing page (site.com/landing-page) with a form. After a successful submission, it redirects to a thank you page (site.com/thank-you-page).
The default settings already track the page views, and are pushing that same event to the different tools (FB: PageView, MixPanel: Loaded a Page, etc).
But in this case, i want to track the event and capture the person's information. And i don't know what to code to add and where.
My research so far
According to this article:
The best way to track new users is in client-side javascript on the welcome page after they signup, below we’ll explain why.
So, based on that, I add the code to my thank you page. But where? Header like adding GA scripts? body tag? I can add it anywhere, but i don't know where.
Next is what code should I add?
The example from the same article above:
When a new visitor goes to their site that visitor is anonymous. As soon as the visitor connects their Facebook account, Rdio knows who they are and creates a user record.
As part of that new user record the person is assigned a userId. Let’s say the new userId is 12345. Rdio will then need to fire the following calls on the welcome page:
analytics.identify('12345',{ name:'Jake Peterson', email:'friends#segment.com'});
analytics.track('Account Created',{ authentication:'Facebook'})
This gives me two problems: track and identify.
Track Problem
I'll start with the track. Based on how I understood this, assuming the event name i want to be added is "Downloaded PDF" then I want to store the title of it as well. It should look like this, right?
analytics.track('Downloaded PDF', {
title: 'Awesome Title'
Am I correct to enclose them inside <script> tags?
The tracking of an event seems a bit easier to understand that the identify part. But would love to know if i got that part right.
Identify Problem
Here, i have two questions:
where does userId come from? Is it automatically generated? For example, inside my MixPanel account, i see them. Is that what i use?
How do i reference to the userId? or any of the other traits I want to track in my code?
Taking from the same example above:
analytics.identify('12345',{ name:'Jake Peterson', email:'friends#segment.com'});
If i add this exact code on my thank you page, every signup will be assigned those values: '12345', 'Jake Peterson', and 'friends#segment.com', right?
What code should I add to (1) assign them the right userId (2) and get the name and email traits from the form of the previous page.
Let's say i'm only collecting first name and email.
analytics.identify("userId"{ firstName:"firstName", email:"email"});
If I add this code to my thank you page, will it automatically assign the userId, firstName, email values of the form that was submitted? That's the part I don't understand. What code to add to dynamically push the correct data.
And i know i'm not even adding the Alias part for MixPanel yet, but i just want to understand this part and the rest (hopefully) will be easier to understand.

Magento placing order before paypal payment

i've a problem with paypal integration in magento.
If i choose paypal standard payment and confirm order, i'm correctly redirect to paypal site for payment, but if i press back button on the browser i am redirected in /checkout/cart (that is empty) and in my backend my order was placed and in PENDING status (it's not shown in customers order list)...
This happens because the order were placed before payment processing...
In OnepageController.php saveOrderAction method i can see
* when there is redirect to third party, we don't want to save order yet.
* we will save the order in return action.
if (isset($redirectUrl)) {
$result['redirect'] = $redirectUrl;
What does it mean? It is exactly what i want "Don't want to save order yet....", unfortunatly few rows before...
$redirectUrl = $this->getOnepage()->getCheckout()->getRedirectUrl();
And the order were already placed....
I hate editing core file, but i've tried to comment the line above, but an exception shows me that order information are used inside paypal module itself (Standard.php file method getStandardCheckoutFormFields). So i can't modify core file easily....
What am I missing?
Thanks a lot and excuse me for my bad english.
You can use for this purpose PayPal express checkout. It works the way you want.
I'm dealing with exactly same problem as you were.
For now i'm thinking of rewriting onePage Model and saveOrder action in my module.
What Im thinking of is to remove part where session is cleared and make an event to observer after receive payment method response.
No idea if it'll work but well.

Increase shipping price and/or add line item for extra cost

I'm implementing a custom FedEx integration solution for a Magento site. Part of this is to add a signature requirement checkbox in the onepage checkout, and add $3 if this is checked. Unfortunately it seems that the FedEx Rate Web Service doesn't take any parameter regarding signature requirements, so I must manually add this cost to the order.
I was thinking about taking one of these two approaches, but I'm not sure will be best nor am I sure how to actually accomplish it:
Add $3 to whatever price FedEx returns
Create a new line item for this
Assuming that I have a handle on the $order, which solution would be best and how would I do it?
The code should run inside an observer method which is called by the checkout_controller_onepage_save_shipping_method event, which is triggered immediately after $this->getOnepage()->saveShippingMethod($data);. This means I can't add $3 when the FedEx API returns a result, as I won't know if the checkbox is checked until afterwards.
I came up with a solution; it's not the best but it works perfectly fine for me:
Magento fires an event when saving the shipping info. I grab the POST data and save it in the db as well as the address object.
If the checkbox has changed, have it reload that same tab instead of moving onto the payment step.
In the shipping quote, check the address object for the checkbox value. If set, add a certain amount to the quote result.

post-redirect-get with notification about update

We usually follow the convention of doing a redirect after every post, which is ideally very clean. But usually there is a requirement to give the user feedback about what has been updated.
When i do a post followed by get i wanna show the same page with the notification about the updation being done, which makes the GET very clumsy with the extra status of whats being updated. Am i missing something here?
which is ideally very clean
which makes the GET very clumsy with the extra status of whats being updated
...and that's one of the main reasons why.
Trying to pass transactional data via the session is a very bad practice.
The solution I've used is to use a front controller for sequences of forms (not a front controller for the whole site!) but in general trying to avoid the scenario where there is a sequence of forms to be posted
