What code should I add (and where) on my website to track events/identify users on my website using segment.com? - mixpanel

I want to configure segment.com properly on my site and use it to manage all other apps/tools. I already installed the segment javascript on my site and used it as the source. Now, I am pushing these to MixPanel, Facebook, Google Analytics, etc.
What code should I add if I want to track an event and/or identify a user?
For simplicity's sake, i have a landing page (site.com/landing-page) with a form. After a successful submission, it redirects to a thank you page (site.com/thank-you-page).
The default settings already track the page views, and are pushing that same event to the different tools (FB: PageView, MixPanel: Loaded a Page, etc).
But in this case, i want to track the event and capture the person's information. And i don't know what to code to add and where.
My research so far
According to this article:
The best way to track new users is in client-side javascript on the welcome page after they signup, below we’ll explain why.
So, based on that, I add the code to my thank you page. But where? Header like adding GA scripts? body tag? I can add it anywhere, but i don't know where.
Next is what code should I add?
The example from the same article above:
When a new visitor goes to their site that visitor is anonymous. As soon as the visitor connects their Facebook account, Rdio knows who they are and creates a user record.
As part of that new user record the person is assigned a userId. Let’s say the new userId is 12345. Rdio will then need to fire the following calls on the welcome page:
analytics.identify('12345',{ name:'Jake Peterson', email:'friends#segment.com'});
analytics.track('Account Created',{ authentication:'Facebook'})
This gives me two problems: track and identify.
Track Problem
I'll start with the track. Based on how I understood this, assuming the event name i want to be added is "Downloaded PDF" then I want to store the title of it as well. It should look like this, right?
analytics.track('Downloaded PDF', {
title: 'Awesome Title'
Am I correct to enclose them inside <script> tags?
The tracking of an event seems a bit easier to understand that the identify part. But would love to know if i got that part right.
Identify Problem
Here, i have two questions:
where does userId come from? Is it automatically generated? For example, inside my MixPanel account, i see them. Is that what i use?
How do i reference to the userId? or any of the other traits I want to track in my code?
Taking from the same example above:
analytics.identify('12345',{ name:'Jake Peterson', email:'friends#segment.com'});
If i add this exact code on my thank you page, every signup will be assigned those values: '12345', 'Jake Peterson', and 'friends#segment.com', right?
What code should I add to (1) assign them the right userId (2) and get the name and email traits from the form of the previous page.
Let's say i'm only collecting first name and email.
analytics.identify("userId"{ firstName:"firstName", email:"email"});
If I add this code to my thank you page, will it automatically assign the userId, firstName, email values of the form that was submitted? That's the part I don't understand. What code to add to dynamically push the correct data.
And i know i'm not even adding the Alias part for MixPanel yet, but i just want to understand this part and the rest (hopefully) will be easier to understand.


note passed in as part of CreateCheckoutRequest, but where to on the payment page or the dashboard to view them?

I am using nodeJs, and I have passed in note inside CreateCheckoutRequest, however, i am not seeing the note showing on the payment page url generated by createCheckout or the dashboard page.
My ultimate goal is our frontend can pass in the phone number as note to sqaure-connect, so that we can view the phonenumber from our dashboard once the customer completes an order
Tried to look at old transactions, since we didnt use note, didnt see any note.
const checkout = SquareConnect.CreateCheckoutRequest.constructFromObject({
idempotency_key: 'sample_key,
order: orderRequest,
redirect_url: redirect_url,
ask_for_shipping_address: true
note, // need to see it from dashboard once the user completes an order
When adding a note to a CreateCheckout request, it will end up on the tenders->note field of the associated transaction. To clarify, once the customer has paid on the checkout page, it should redirect to your web page (based on your redirect_url field that you passed to CreateCheckout originally). From there, the url will contain a parameter called transaction_id. You can then use this id to retrieve the transaction and digging into it to find the note (transaction->tenders[0]->note). In this particular use case, there will always only be one tender since Checkout doesn't allow multiple tenders.
Now, to actually answer your question: the tender note will be displayed as the main text you see when you view your transactions. So when you login to your Square Dashboard and click Transactions, in the main list, the "header" will be whatever the tender note was.

Link change SESSION var

I have a listing page for an e-commerce website with various items (item_list.php). This page is generated with a PHP loop and displays each item inside a <li> element. Every item is a link to the same page, called item_details.php .
When clicking on the link i want to run a script that changes a SESSION var to a certain $id (which will be excracted from the <li> itself with .innerHTML function) and then allowing the browser to move into the next page (item_details).
This is needed so i can display the proper information about each item.
I think this is possible with Ajax but I would prefer a solution that uses JS and PHP only.
(P.S.This is for a University project and im still a PHP newbie, i tried searching for an answer for a good while but couldn't find a solution)
No JS or other client-side code can set session values, so you need either an ajax call to php, or some workaround. This is not a complete answer, but something to get you thinking and hopefully going on the project again.
The obvious answer is just include it in the link and then get it in PHP from the $_GET -array, and filter it properly.
item title
If, however, there is some reason this is not a question with an obvious answer:
1.) Closest what you're after can be achieved with a callback and an ajax call. The idea is to have the actual link with a click function, returning false so the link doesn't fire at once, which also calls an ajax post request which finally will use document.location to redirect your browser.
I strongly advice against this, as this will prevent ctrl-clicks causing a flawed user experience.
Check out some code an examples here, which you could modify. You will also need an ajax.php file which will actually set the session value. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/enhanced-ecommerce#product-click
2.) Now, a perhaps slightly better approach, if you truly need to do this client-side could be to use an click handler which instead of performing an ajax call or setting session directly, would be to use jQuery to set a cookie and then access this data on the item_list.php -page.
See more information and instructions here: https://www.electrictoolbox.com/jquery-cookies/
$('product_li a).click(function(){
$.cookie("li_click_data", $(this).parent().innerhtml());
return true;
<li class="product_li">your product title</li>
And in your target php file you check for the cookie. Remember, that this cookie can be set to anything, so never ever trust user data. Test and filter it in order to make sure your code is not compromised. I don't know what you want to do with this data.
3.) Finally, as the best approach, you should look at your current code, and see if there is something you can re-engineer. Here's a quick example.
You could do the following in php to save an array of the values in the session on each page load, and then get that value provided you have some kind of id or other usable identifier for your items:
// for list_items.php
foreach($item as $i) {
// Do what you normally do, but also set an array in the session.
// Presuming you have an id or some other means (here as item_id), to identify
// an item, then you can also access this array on the item_details -page.
$_SESSION['mystic_item_data_array'][$i['item_id]] = $i['thedata'];
// For item_details.php
$item_id = // whatever means you use to identify items, get that id.
$data_you_need = $_SESSION['mystic_item_data_array'][$item_id];
All above ways are usable for small data like previous page, filters, keys and similar.
Basically, 1 and 2 (client-side) should only be used, if the data is actually generated client-side. If you have it in PHP already, then process it in php as well.
If your intention is to store actual html, then just regenerate that again on the other page and use one of the above ways to store the small data in case you need that.
I hope this gets you going and at least thinking of how to solve your project. Good luck!

Strategy for links in emails which alter state

We've got a few emails that get sent out by our ASP.NET MVC 3 application.
In one of the emails, we want to add "Did you find this helpful?" to the footer of the email.
If they click "Yes", some action needs to be taken in the database.
What approach should i take for these links?
I don't really like the idea of doing a GET (e.g when they click the link), which then adds something to the database. GET's should never update state. Is there a way i can make it do a POST instead?
I'm using ActionMailer to perform emails, if that matters.
To be clear, i'm how asking "how" to implement the MVC side of things. I know i can create an action which takes the id, etc and saves to the DB, but i'm asking about what is the correct approach from a REST-style point of view.
You can create a form and do a POST in an email but it wont work with certain mail clients. Here is a reference from 2007 that shows where it works and where it doesn't:
ETA: A POST would of course fit the REST pattern but probably not a good option in your case. Since you are presumably just incrementing a counter for helpfulness, having this URL exposed shouldn't cause much of a problem.

Designing a homework assignment for AJAX

I'm responsible for designing a homework assignment to teach a class of ~100 students about AJAX. They have a solid knowledge of CSS/xHTML, but most are new to Javascript. I don't want the assignment to require use of JQuery or any other framework.
I want them to build something with AJAX. The server side will be handled either by the course staff, or by using some external service. (Like Twitter, Google, or Facebook... what else?)
One idea I had was to ask students for an app with the following functionality:
list tweets by username, including date and "in reply to" info
find profile image by user
ability to click on "in reply to" info to see info by that user
list followers and friends by username
The point of this assignment isn't necessarily to build something new or useful, but to equip students with a solid understanding of AJAX so they can build their own apps in the future.
if you dont use a framework, you'll have to talk about going into half a dozen try catches to create the actual object in multiple browsers (or is that not a concern?). If not, I would go with the w3schools one.
I'd suggest a public API like the bing search API since it returns results in XML format.
For example, http://api.search.live.net/xml.aspx?Appid=...&query=chocolates&sources=web
to see an XML document for the query term "chocolates." You'll need to register at http://www.bing.com/developer to get an APPID but you can share it with your students.
Another possible web service is GeoNames: Geonames

Automating filling Forms

Renting houses can be nasty so I need to automate it. Please, have a look at here. If you make a mistake, all of your changes are gone. I tried to insert the values in the url like:
but it does not work. What is the problem?
Firstly, your query string is incorrect. It should be:
Secondly, in order to pre-populate the page with the results of the query string, the developer of the page would have had to added logic to extract the query string values and pre-populate the page with those values. In this case, it does not appear that they have done that.
You could try saving the page locally as HTML. Then you could modify the HTML to include your default values. You would also need to update any relative paths to point to the server as a full URL. Then you could open the page on your machine and hopefully post to the server. This assumes that they are not injecting any session or other temporary information in the page that they validate.
