What's the syntax for multiple dependency injection using Spring and Scala? - spring

I'm creating a new application using Akka, Scala and Spring. However all the examples I found online show a single dependency being injected. Since the syntax is different from Java, could anyone tell me what'd it look like with multiple DI?
Spring 4 MVC with Scala
Converting a Java Spring application to Scala
Example of single DI:
class HelloWorldController #Autowired() (nameService: Name) {

I would start by simply adding parameters to the autowired argument list:
class HelloWorldController #Autowired() (service1: Foo, service2: Bar)
Unfortunately, I haven't used Spring in Scala yet, but if #Autowired is anything like Google Guice's #Inject - and it looks pretty similar - then this should be all you need in your class file.


How to implement Spring Boot service classes without using impl and using a interface as dependency as DIP principle says?

I am trying to implement a Spring Boot REST API but I was asked to use a interface as dependency but no impl, and I don't know how to achieve this. The way I implemented was to have service classes for my entities and there I would just call the repository in my methods. I would like an example of implementation like this.
I watched some youtube tutorials but they all used impl classes
Your controller should have a field of your interface type, with the injecting annotation (in spring it's #Autowired). The DI framework will do the heavy-lifting on startup and inject the correct implementation at runtime
public class MyController {
private MyInterface myInterface;
For this to work, your framework needs to recognize the concrete class. In spring you can achieve this in multiple ways - scanning package paths, xml configuration files and more.
Check the spring documentation to see which way suits you best

IntelliJ can't find Spring bean from Kotlin object

I have a Spring Boot 2 + Kotlin application opened with IntelliJ 2019.1.
In this application I annotate some Kotlin objects with #Component. Example:
object MyObject: MyInterface {
// code
I have many different implementation of MyInterface (all with Kotlin objects) and I want to inject all of them in a list in another bean. Example:
class MyComponent #Autowired constructor(private val objects: List<MyInterface>) {
// code
The code runs correctly (the beans are inject in the list objects) but IntelliJ shows an error saying:
Could not autowire. No beans of '? extends MyInterface' or 'List<? extends MyInterface>' types found.
If I change 'object' to 'class' at 'MyObject', the error disappears.
My questions are:
Is it a problem with IntelliJ?
Is it not recommended to annotate Kotlin objects with #Component?
For information, as a possible workaround while the ticket created by Николай in this answer is not treated, I'm ignoring the error/warning only where I need with #Suppress("SpringJavaInjectionPointsAutowiringInspection"). Example:
private lateinit var kotlinObjectBeans: List<MyInterface>
I hope it can help others that don't want to disable this check elsewhere.
I would recommend not to use kotlin objects with #Component or any other bean annotation.
There are two aspects and heaving a mix of them leads to lots of problems:
It might be several ApplicationContext instances in your application.
Kotlin object is related to a specific ClassLoader
It is a little bit strange to use Kotlin objects as #Component-s, because if your class knows that it will be used inside Spring-container you'll get more flexibility if you delegate to Spring the decision should this class be a singleton or not and all the other lifecycle management.
But practically I don't see any reason why it could be "not recommended" if you know what you are doing, and aware of probably bugs if your object become stateful.
So I think IDEA should support your case, and I've filled up a ticket IDEA-211826

Spring injects dependencies in constructor without #Autowired annotation

I'm experimenting with examples from this official Spring tutorials and there is a dependency on this code:
If you look at the code on AppRunner.java class, I have 2 questions:
When server is starting, if I put a breakpoint in this class's constructor, seems like in the constructor, the GitHubLookupService is provided by spring, using the #Service bean that was configured. BUT, there was no #Autowired annotation on the constructor, so how in the world this constructor get called with the right dependency? It was supposed to be null.
Is it an automatic assumption of Spring Boot?
Does Spring see "private field + constructor argument, and it assumes it should look for an appropriate bean?
Is it Spring Framework or Spring boot?
Am I missing something?
As I remember, it was mendatory to provide default constructor to beans / service etc. How come this class (AppRunner) doesn't have a default constructor?
How does Spring knows that it should run the constructor with the argument?
Is it because it is the only constructor?
Starting with Spring 4.3, if a class, which is configured as a Spring bean, has only one constructor, the #Autowired annotation can be omitted and Spring will use that constructor and inject all necessary dependencies.
Regarding the default constructor: You either need the default constructor, a constructor with the #Autowired annotation when you have multiple constructors, or only one constructor in your class with or without the #Autowired annotation.
Read the #Autowired chapter from the official Spring documentation for more information.
Think of it this way... Suppose you have the following component:
public class FooService {
public FooService(Bar bar) { /*whatever*/ }
When Spring is scanning this class, it wants to know how it should go about constructing an instance. It's using reflection so it can get a list of all of the constructors at runtime.
In this case, it is completely unambiguous how Spring must construct this instance. There's only one constructor so there is no decision to be made, and no ambiguity at all.
If you add #Autowired here, you are not narrowing anything down, and you are not giving Spring any extra information to help make its decision - its decision is already made because there is only one candidate.
And so, as a convenience, the Spring team decided #Autowired should be optional. Since its not helping the Spring framework to make a decision, its presence is just noise.
If your component has multiple constructors then you can use #Autowired on one of them to tell Spring "use this one, not that one".

Dynamic dependency injection in jsf 2 or spring 3

I have 3 implementations of an interface, and in order to instantiate one of them I need to check a parameter from the database.
I was planning to do it with the factory pattern, but since I'm using JSF 2 dependecy injection in the rest of my application I was wondering if
there's a way to do that, is it possible to do the dependency injection dinamically?
can I indicate somehow a method or something to pick up the correct implementation at each moment?
For the backend I'm using spring core, so a way to do that with the spring context would work to.
I'm using Annotations for everything (#Autowired for Spring, #ManagedProperty for JSF).
EDIT: The project will be deployed on a Tomcat server.
I suggest you to use CDI in your JSF project, you can then use programmatic injection.
You should start with adding CDI Qualifiers to your interface implementations (you will basically create custom annotation for each implementation - tutorial). Then you can use something like
#Named //similar to ManagedBean
public Bean {
Instance<YourInterface> yourInterface;
public void someMethod() {
if(someCondition) {
InterfaceImpl impl = yourInterface.select(new SomeOfYourQualifiers()).get();
Also you you don't have to use Autowired in favour of Inject. I am also sure that there is some Spring way how to to this but I will leave that to some Spring expert here:-)
According to this answer is really possible to run CDI on Tomcat. You will also find some tutorials like this one. And Spring approach could be using AutowireCapableBeanFactor but as I say, I don't know Spring much so it's just a wild gues:-)

Am I allowed to declare a lifecycle interceptor on an interceptor?

I have my business bean defined thus:
public class MyBean implements SomeBean { ... }
And then I want my BusinessInterceptor to be configured with Spring's SpringBeanAutowiringInterceptor:
public class BusinessInterceptor {
private SomeSpringBean someSpringBean;
Is this allowed/legal? I'm getting errors (NPEs, mostly) suggesting that the fields in BusinessInterceptor have not been initialized properly.
I doubt this can work. If I understand well your scenario, you have basically two DI containers, one is Spring and the other the app. server itself. Each one manages different elements. The BusinessInterceptor is created by the app. server which is unaware of Spring -- the #Autowired bean is then not set.
( Note that Spring and EJB3 have become quite similar now. You can have the same functionalities as EJB with Spring. Spring has indeed declarative transactions, dependency injection and AOP facilities similar to EJB3 interceptors (these are the main managed features). On the other hand, EJB3 is now so lightweight that there isn't really a compelling reason to use Spring with with EJB3. See Future of enterprise Java: full stack Spring or full stack Java EE. But this does not answer the question, and is just a little digression of mine :)
