Scheme High Order Functions [duplicate] - scheme

I was just beginning to feel I had a vague understanding of the use of lambda in racket and scheme when I came across the following 'alternate' definitions for cons and car in SICP
(define (cons x y)
(lambda (m) (m x y)))
(define (car z)
(z (lambda (p q) p)))
(define (cdr z)
(z (lambda (p q) q)))
For the life of me I just cannot parse them.
Can anybody explain how to parse or expand these in a way that makes sense for total neophytes?

This is an interesting way to represent data: as functions. Notice that this
definition of cons returns a lambda which closes over the parameters x
and y, capturing their values inside. Also notice that the returned lambda
receives a function m as a parameter:
;creates a closure that "remembers' 2 values
(define (cons x y) (lambda (m) (m x y)))
;recieves a cons holding 2 values, returning the 0th value
(define (car z) (z (lambda (p q) p)))
;recieves a cons holding 2 values, returning the 1st value
(define (cdr z) (z (lambda (p q) q)))
In the above code z is a closure, the same that was created by cons, and in
the body of the procedure we're passing it another lambda as parameter,
remember m? it's just that! the function that it was expecting.
Understanding the above, it's easy to see how car and cdr work; let's
dissect how car, cdr is evaluated by the interpreter one step at a time:
; lets say we started with a closure `cons`, passed in to `car`
(car (cons 1 2))
; the definition of `cons` is substituted in to `(cons 1 2)` resulting in:
(car (lambda (m) (m 1 2)))
; substitute `car` with its definition
((lambda (m) (m 1 2)) (lambda (p q) p))
; replace `m` with the passed parameter
((lambda (p q) p) 1 2)
; bind 1 to `p` and 2 to `q`, return p
To summarize: cons creates a closure that "remembers' two values, car
receives that closure and passes it along a function that acts as a selector for
the zeroth value, and cdr acts as a selector for the 1st value. The key
point to understand here is that lambda acts as a
How cool is this? we only need functions to store and retrieve arbitrary data!
Nested Compositions of car & cdr are defined up to 4 deep in most LISPs. example:
(define caddr (lambda (x) (car (cdr (cdr x)))))

In my view, the definitive trick is reading the definitions from the end to the beginning, because in all three of them the free variables are always those that can be found in the lambda within the body (m, p and q). Here is an attempt to translate the code to English, from the end (bottom-right) to the beginning (top-left):
(define (cons x y)
(lambda (m) (m x y))
Whatever m is, and we suspect it is a function because it appears right next to a (, it must be applied over both x and y: this is the definition of consing x and y.
(define (car z)
(z (lambda (p q) q)))
Whatever p and q are, when something called z is applied, and z is something that accepts functions as its input, then the first one of p and q is selected: this is the definition of car.
For an example of "something that accepts functions as its input", we just need to look back to the definition of cons. So, this means car accepts cons as its input.
(car (cons 1 2)) ; looks indeed familiar and reassuring
(car (cons 1 (cons 2 '()))) ; is equivalent
(car '(1 2)) ; is also equivalent
(car z)
; if the previous two are equivalent, then z := '(1 2)
The last line means: a list is "something that accepts a function as its input".
Don't let your head spin at that moment! The list will only accept functions that can work on list elements, anyway. And this is the case precisely because we have re-defined cons the way that we have.
I think the main point from this exercise is "computation is bringing operations and data together, and it doesn't matter in which order you bring them together".

This should be easy to understand with the combinatory notation (implicitly translated to Scheme as currying functions, f x y = z ==> (define f (λ (x) (λ (y) z)))):
cons x y m = m x y
car z = z _K ; _K p q = p
cdr z = z (_K _I) ; _I x = x _K _I p q = _I q = q
so we get
car (cons x y) = cons x y _K = _K x y = x
cdr (cons x y) = cons x y (_K _I) = _K _I x y = _I y = y
so the definitions do what we expect. Easy.
In English, the cons x y value is a function that says "if you'll give me a function of two arguments I'll call it with the two arguments I hold. Let it decide what to do with them, then!".
In other words, it expects a "continuation" function, and calls it with the two arguments used in its (the "pair") creation.


dont understood lambda expression on scheme

i try to realize what this expiration, and don't get it.
( lambda (a b) (lambda (x y) (if b (+ x y a) (-x y a)))
i think,
a is a number, and b is #t or #f,
on the if statement we ask if b is true, if yes return first expression(sum 3 numbers), else the second(Subtract 3 numbers)
what i need to write on Racket to run this?
i try
(define question( lambda (a b) (lambda (x y) (if b (+ x y a) (-x y a)))))
and than
(question 5 #f)
and nothing not going well in this language.
This is not a complete answer as I don't want to do your homework for you.
First of all formatting and indenting your code is going to help you in any programming language. You almost certainly have access to an editor which will do this. Below I've done this.
So, OK, what does a form like (λ (...) ...) denote? Well, its a function which takes some arguments (the first ellipsis) and returns the value of the last form in its body (the second ellipsis), or the only form in its body in a purely functional language.
So, what does:
(λ (a b)
(λ (x y)
Denote? It's a function of two arguments, and it returns something: what is the thing it returns? Well, it's a form which looks like (λ (...) ...): you know what those forms mean already.
And finally we can fill out the last ellipsis (after correcting an error: (-x ...) is not the same as (- x ...)):
(λ (a b)
(λ (x y)
(if b
(+ x y a)
(- x y a))))
So now, how would you call this, and how would you make it do something interesting (like actually adding or subtracting some things)?
(lambda (a b) (lambda (x y) (if b (+ x y a) (- x y a))))
is a function that takes two arguments (that's what (lambda (a b) ...) says).
You can use the substitution method to discover what it produces.
Apply it to 5 and #f:
((lambda (a b) (lambda (x y) (if b (+ x y a) (- x y a)))) 5 #f)
[Replace a with 5 and b with #f in the body]:
(lambda (x y) (if #f (+ x y 5) (- x y 5)))
And this is a function that takes two numbers and produces a new number.
(Note that the #f and the 5 became fixed by the application of the outer lambda.)
It's easier to use the function if we name it (interactions from DrRacket):
> (define question (lambda (a b) (lambda (x y) (if b (+ x y a) (- x y a)))))
> (question 5 #f)
which is as expected, based on the reasoning above.
Let's name this function as well:
> (define answer (question 5 #f))
and use it:
> (answer 3 4)
or we could use it unnamed:
> ((question 5 #f) 3 4)
or you could do it all inline, but that's a horrible unreadable mess:
> (((lambda (a b) (lambda (x y) (if b (+ x y a) (- x y a)))) 5 #f) 3 4)

Scheme, higher order functions, and curried functions

I need to write a Scheme higher-order function that takes a function of two parameters as its parameter and returns a curried version of the function. I understand this much so far in terms of curried functions:
(define curriedFunction (lambda (x)
(if (positive? x)
(lambda (y z) (+ x y z))
(lambda (y z) (- x y z)))))
(display ((curriedFunction -5) 4 7))
(display "\n")
(display ((curriedFunction 5) 4 7))
If x is negative, it subtracts x y and z. If x is positive, it adds x, y, and z.
In terms of higher order functions I understand this:
(display (map (lambda (x y) (* x y)) '(1 2 3) '(3 4 5)))
And thirdly I understand this much in terms of passing functions in as arguments:
(define (function0 func x y)
(func x y))
(define myFunction (lambda (x y)
(* x y)))
(display (function0 myFunction 10 4))
In the code directly above, I understand that the function "myFunction" could have also been written as this:
(define (myFunction x y)
(* x y))
So now you know where I am at in terms of Scheme programming and syntax.
Now back to answering the question of writing a Scheme higher-order function that takes a function of two parameters as its parameter and returns a curried version of the function. How do I connect these concepts together? Thank you in advance, I truly appreciate it.
Here is a possible solution:
(define (curry f)
(lambda (x)
(lambda (y)
(f x y))))
The function curry takes the function f and returns a function with a single argument x. That function, given a value for its argument, returns another function that takes an argument y and returns the result of applying the original function f to x and y. So, for instance, (curry +) returns a curried version of +:
(((curry +) 3) 4) ; produces 7

Computing a list containing the numbers from x to y

How can I create a method which takes two numbers and prepare a list from first number to second number. The first number is always positive and less than second number? I tried the following but the I am not sure how to have a global variable in Scheme to hold previous values.
(define preplist
(let ((temp '()))
(lambda (x y)
(cond ((= x y) (append temp (list x)))
(else (append temp (list x))
(display x)
(preplist (+ x 1) y))))))
Expected result is: (preplist 3 7) => (3 4 5 6 7)
Can some one please help to resolve this problem?
The solution for (x, y) can be computed as: put x on the front of (x+1, y). It is thus clearly recursive. Like this:
(define (preplist x y)
(if (= x y)
(list y)
(cons x (preplist (+ x 1) y))))
See, it works:
> (preplist 1 4)
(1 2 3 4)
> (preplist 5 7)
(5 6 7)
There are several mistakes in your code, for starters you don't need a global variable defined in a let for storing the result, it's enough to build the answer as you advance in the recursion. And don't use append in this case, if the solution template is followed closely, a cons will suffice for building the output list.
You should stick to the recipe for building a new list recursively; this is how the problem should be solved using that recipe, it's perhaps a bit more idiomatic like this:
(define preplist
(lambda (x y)
(cond ((> x y) ; if the exit condition is met
empty) ; then return the empty list
(else ; otherwise
(cons x ; cons the current element
(preplist (add1 x) y)))))) ; and advance the recursion
An altogether different approach would be to write a tail-recursive solution. This is more efficient because a constant amount of stack is used. It doesn't follow the design recipe as outlined above, but is somewhat more similar to the solution you had in mind - but bear in mind that this doesn't use global variables (only a named let for the iteration) and the solution is accumulated and passed around as a parameter:
(define (preplist x y)
(let loop ((i y) ; named let for iteration
(acc empty)) ; define and initialize parameters
(if (> x i) ; if exit condition is met
acc ; return accumulated value
(loop (sub1 i) ; otherwise advance recursion
(cons i acc))))) ; and add to the accumulator
Of course, as pointed by #dyoo in the comments, in a practical setting you'd use the built-in range procedure which does basically the same as the preplist procedure.

Access and change a value created with `define`

I'm making a game, and I have this:
(define b "black piece") (define w "white piece")
(define (board)
(lambda (matrix)
(list ((b w b w b w b w)
(w b w b w b w b)
(b w b w b w b w)
(w b w b w b w b)
(b w b w b w b w)
(w b w b w b w b)
(b w b w b w b w)
(w b w b w b w b)))))
board makes a list with 8 lines and 8 columns of black and white pieces.
How do I access and change elements of the board? How do I do the procedure matrix with recursion?
first a few notes:
(define f (lambda (x) l ))
is the same as
(define (f x) l ))
You however are combining them with
(define (board) (lambda (matrix) l ))
which is the same as
(define board (lambda () (lambda (matrix) l )))
The distinction is important. The first two I have listed bind f to a function that take one parameter and return l. I'm guessing this is what you want to do. In the second two, you're binding board to a function that takes no parameters and returns a function that takes 1 parameter, matrix, (which it doesn't seem to do anything with), and returns a l.
second issue, (list ((b w....) ...)) isn't going to work because it will try to evaluate (b w ...). you need to have list in the function application position for each row of your board like so (list (list b w ...) (list w b ...) ...) in order for you code to even compile.
On to your question. link-ref is included in racket/base and is used for referencing elements in a list when you know the index into the list.
(list-ref 2 (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
will return 'c. The index starts at 0. Since you have a list of lists, you will need to apply list-ref twice to retrieve a 'b or 'w.
As for changing it, well, you can't. As of r6rs, pairs (which make up lists) are immutable. The recommended way of doing things when possible is to return a new list with your change. you can use this somewhat inefficient version of list-set which returns a copy of the list with your new value at an index.
(define (list-set lis idx val)
(map (lambda (e i)
(if (= i idx) val e))
(iota (length lis))))
In this case however, I would recommend switching to a different data structure more appropriate to the task at hand since you probably want O(1) access to the elements in the board. Look into vectors which behave much like lists but are used for constant lookups and updates. there is a built in vector-ref and vector-set! operations, which you should use instead of my above function.
Incase this is part of a larger problem and you're already using lists everywhere, you can use the vector->list and list->vector functions to go back and forth. Also, you can use mutable lists but don't.
Better still is the multidimensional array library offered in srfi/25, but that might be more complicated that you want to get.
The second part of your question was how to construct the board recursively. Well, here's a version using map.
(require (lib "" "srfi"))
(define (board)
(map (lambda (x)
(map (lambda (y)
(if (odd? (+ x y)) b w))
(iota 8)))
(iota 8)))
and here's a recursive version
(define (board)
(letrec ((board-helper
(lambda (x)
(if (eq? x 8) '()
(cons (row-helper x 0) (board-helper (+ 1 x))))))
(lambda (x y)
(if (eq? y 8) '()
(cons (if (odd? (+ x y)) b w) (row-helper x (+ 1 y)))))))
(board-helper 0)))

a function that returns a procedure in scheme

You are required to define a function (lets say add-y) of one argument y that returns a procedure which takes one argument x and returns the summation of both arguments ie y and x. Using the the defined function add-y, write a procedure mul that takes two integer arguments d and e and returns their product
(define (add-y y)
(lambda (x) (+ x y)))
(define add-5 (add-y 5))
(add-5 2)
result : 7
(define (add-y y) (lambda (x) (+ x y)))
(define (mul d e)
(if (= e 0)
((add-y d) (mul d (- e 1)))))
