Visual Studio 2010/Resharper Plugin development - visual-studio-2010

I am having trouble tracking down information regarding extending Intellisense. It looks like creating a plugin for VS 2010 or Resharper would do the trick. However, I can't find any documentation for adding items to the intellisense dropdown.
This post got pretty close: How to extend IntelliSense items?
But I couldn't find any documentation for the interfaces or classes being used.
What I am trying to do is to read from an XML file, and add those tags as part of the results that show up in intellisense in the C# code (not in XML).

The part of the R# Plugin Development Guide concerning Code Completion (i.e., IntelliSense) is on our todo list but has not yet been written. When done, it should be available here. While we're working on that, feel free to email me dn at jetbrains dot com, and I'll try to help you out with any queries you might have.


Is there a view/widget to show details of language elements in Visual Studio?

In Eclipse, there is a view called "ABAP Element Info", which can show details about language elements such as functions, classes, etc. when they are clicked on. It will display details such as function/method signature, class/struct members, element documentation, etc. as you can see on the image below:
It is a great help for me and it's very quick to find out details of elements, but I cannot find anything like it in Visual Studio standard package (except Object Browser, but I does not show what I click on, I need to look it up). Is there any extension or something with similar functionality I could make use of? I'm using C++ desktop version if it helps. Thanks a lot for any input.
Instead of using Visual Studio, try to check if your project is fully supported and operational in Visual Studio Code.
In VSCode there are various plugins for ABAP development, including syntax highlighting which is your main concern.
Check out the following article on how to prepare your environment:

Visual Studio 2022 Project Properties UI Property Evaluation

Maybe I'm missing something really obvious, but I can't for the life of me find the information I'm looking for anywhere.
In Visual Studio 2022, when you go to the Project Properties for a .NET Core or .NET Standard project, the new UI uses property evaluation to grab certain properties with a dollar sign syntax (e.g. $(MSBuildProjectName) or $(AssemblyName)) which correspond to MSBuild properties. Immediately below these, it displays the evaluated property:
I'm trying to find out 2 things:
First, where are these properties being sourced from?
Second, is there a documented list of tags that can be used?
The only thing I was able to find that was close was this blog post by McKenna Barlow:
Any help to find this documentation is appreciated, since I have spent considerable time searching on the site without success.

Adding custom JavaScript scripts to intellisense

I am using Visual Studio 2010 with Resharper plugin and my web application is heavy on JavaScript.
By that I mean there is a lot of libraries (knockout.js, jQuery, jQuery UI - to name a few).
While intellisense works alright in C#, I'm having a hard time to start it working for JavaScript. I've tried googling and going through options, preferences and docs all through out the holidays, but seems that I'm searching for something that just isn't there.
So by example there's a class in knockout.js "ko.utils", which has methods like "ko.utils.arrayMap". My question is, how can I make intellisense (of either R# or VS) index this class and offer me methods when I type "ko.utils.", hence speeding up my development in JavaScript?
Note: Possible to get custom javascript files to have intellisense in VS 2010? this is not a duplicate I think, because it is seldom for these libraries to have a special VSDoc script here and if they had one, I still couldn't refere it globally.
You can create a ReSharper plugin to extend the code completion mechanism to provide the features you need. What you'd have to do is analyze the parsed structures yourself, derive the relevant content to be added to completion lists, and inject it when necessary.

How to extend IntelliSense items?

I would like to manually extend the IntelliSense list by various items. I want to be responsible for the action triggered by the item (i.e. code completion and tooltip info). It doesn't matter what items.
Is this possible with an VisualStudio add-in, ReSharper / DXCore or any otherg plugin?
Some of you may know FOP (feature-oriented programming). FOP would require various changes to intellisense and editor behavior.
Another interesting post.
This is definitely doable very easily by writing a ReSharper plugin.
Start by implementing ICodeCompletionItemsProvider which will provide additional IntelliSense items. The easiest way is to inherit from ItemsProviderOfSpecificContext<TContext> (with TContext being CSharpCodeCompletionContext if you're interested in C# code completion).
Your provider will add the additional items in the implementation of AddLookupItems(). You have the chance to provide a custom implementation of ILookupItem here: the Accept() method of this interface will be called when the user chooses the item in the completion popup. Here is your chance to execute the code you need.
Note that this information is for R# 6.1/7.0. I don't think it is much different in previous versions though. Obviously, you have to enable ReSharper IntelliSense instead of Visual Studio IntelliSense for this to work.
Customized intelliSense for VS2010 XML editor can be added by putting customized xsd files in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Xml\Schemas folder but I guess you are looking for something more.
You should take a look at Creating and Using IntelliSense Code Snippets and decide whether it is what you are looking for. This question on programmers.stockexchange might also be helpful. This question also seems similar which suggests CSharpIntellisensePresenter(Free).
Maybe ReSharper's Live Templates can help you (ReSharper->Live Templates...).

Snippet Designer/Editor for Visual Studio 2010

What Editors/Designers for creating Visual Studio 2010 Snippets are there?
I would like to be able to put in different replacements (ie spots where the text should be replaced). A low incidence of blocking bugs is also nice.
So far the only one I have seen is Snippet Editor 2.1. I am going to dig into it and see how it works, but I did not want to spend too much time on that app if there is a better one out there.
I like Snippet Designer by Matt Manela and chose to use it in my Extending Visual Studio course. I like the Snippet Explorer and searching snippets as well as the designer view to help you edit them, including replacements. It also gives you a nice Export as Snippet context menu item. And the code is on CodePlex if you would like to learn how it's done.
Go to the Visual Studio Gallery and search for "snippet" in the "Find" box. You should find several options (e.g. Snippet Designer, Snipper, etc.). I haven't used any of these so I can't attest to how good they may be but at least it's a start.
Hope this helps.
Resharper (not free) has it's own snippet system which is really great. I'm adding this answer because I was searching for something not realising I already had something installed (Resharper)
