git-bash.exe: how to run single command? - windows

I am using the portable version of Git for Windows, but when I use git-bash.exe to run a single command, it looks like it does not work. Can you help me find out where is the problem?
I have a PowerShell script to call below command. But looks like it does not work. I am not able to let the new cmd window to pause to see the error log:
cmd /c "d:\git\git-bash.exe dos2unix d:\test\"
But If double click and run, then in the git-bash.exe window type
dos2unix d:\test\
then it works.

There are a few different ways to call EXEs from PowerShell. One of the best ways I've found that allows you the most control is the Start-Process cmdlet. Instead of calling a cmd.exe window try this:
Start-Process -FilePath 'd:\git\git-bash.exe' -ArgumentList 'dos2unix d:\test\'
Better yet convert that shell script into native PowerShell! :)

Anyway, I got a walkaround. In the portable git, under \usr\bin, there is a exe called dos2unix.exe, so that I can directly call dos2unix.exe from my powershell scripts, not from git-bash.exe then call dos2unix command.
cmd /c "d:\git\usr\bin\dos2unix.exe d:\test\"
With this walkaround, the problem resolved. But I still don't know why powershell calls dos2unix to parse my file does not work (I mean the file is not converted after call that command).

Another solution is use the base.exe, e.g:


command prompt auto write to log file

I have a batch file named very_good02.bat. When I run it, it will show some progress info in command prompt.
I wish to auto write a log file that consists of all this progress information with the file name I keyed (which is very_good02).
I tried to ran it like this : very_good02.bat > very_good02log.txt the process is running in background where I can't see them in command prompt.
If I understand correctly, what you are seeking is a way to "tee" the pipeline to both the console and a log file.
The tee command has been in UNIX/Linux for a long time. No such thing in Windows cmd.exe. But, PowerShell does have Tee-Object. At a PowerShell command prompt, use help Tee-Object -full for more information.
powershell -NoLogo -NoProfile "& .\very_good02.bat | Tee-Object -FilePath 'C:\src\t\very_good02.log'"
Naturally, this is easier if your whole script is in PowerShell and not in cmd script language. You don't have to use PowerShell, but that is the clearly stated direction from Microsoft.
I am reminded that this can, actually, be done in a cmd .bat file script. Not easily, but it can be done. If anyone can do it in a .bat file script, Mr. Benham can.

How to run VSCode from the command prompt

I for security reasons cannot run VSCode plainly. I have opened it in the past, but now due to specific reasons, I may only run VSCode from the command prompt. I've tried
start "path/to/file" code and start code "path/to/file"
but none work I'm on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.407]
how may I run this by going to Windows+R then 'cmd' then start/ run?
Also it would be great if I could use this for a separate user.
I'm looking for something like:
Runas /user:user\admin /savecred "C:\Program Files (x86)\vs-code.exe"
The use of start is useless if VSCode is in the environment variables.
You can use code C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\File.c for exemple.If it doesn't work, I advise you to use a vbs script instead
You also don't need to run VSCode as an administrator unless you need to edit a file in a protected folder.
Maybe not the exact answer to the question, but...
To start Visual-Studio-Code from CMD into the current folder write:
code %cd%
The environment variable cd tell VS-Code to open it with the current folder
just open a cmd terminal and type code followed by
just open a cmd terminal and type code followed by return keyborad key.
Well shoot, as it turns out that after doing some experimentation I found out that there's a way. Do this:
Simply stick this:
runas /user:Techtiger255\admin /savecred "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe"
inside of a shortcut (.lnk file)
Open your command line of choice (Powershell or Cmd) and enter the exact file path of your shortcut ex:
"C:\Users\Standard\Desktop/VSCODE.lnk" and hit go, stupidly simple really, just had to find the code.exe file path.

Get Git Shell to run command after starting

You can do
start powershell -command ls
to open PowerShell and get it to list files. I'm trying to do a similar thing with Git Shell. Currently I have
%LOCALAPPDATA\GitHub\Github.appref-ms --open-shell -command ls
which opens Git Shell, but doesn't do anything else. Is it possible to run a command after starting Git Shell in this way?
Since this hasn't been answered I'm going to offer an alternative solution of using git-bash instead of the MS application reference file.
start /b cmd /c "C:/Program Files/Git/git-bash.exe" /C/path/to/
See this question: Cant run shell script using Git Bash interface on Windows10

How to call cmd batch from within powershell script

I have
How do I run the C:\folder\tail.exe from within the C:\script\shellscript.ps1
I need to run "C:\folder\tailf.exe C:\logs\logfile.log" from within C:\script\shellscript.ps1 but without relying a seperate batch file, i need to call it directly.
Normally I do: cd C:\folder\ and then tailf.exe C:\logs\logfile.log
Inside C:\script\shellscript.ps1 I tried
start-process C:\fetchmail\tail.exe -argumentlist "C:\fetchmail\logs\fetchmail.log"
i can see a window flashing but dont know if it works, the window should stay open.
You can do what you normally do:
C:\folder\tail.exe c:\logs\logfile.log
Note that if the paths have spaces in them you have to do:
& "C:\fol der\tail.exe" "c:\log s\logfile.log"
To accomplish tail.exe running in a separate window and not having the window closed immediately, try:
cmd /k c:\folder\tail.exe c:\logs\test.log
To start tail.exe in the powershell window, try:
C:\folder\tail.exe c:\logs\logfile.log
Assuming tail.exe is Tail for Win32, this is a powershell equivalent of your command:
get-content c:\logs\logfile.log | select -last 10
In the Powershell Community Extensions there is a Get-FileTail cmdlet which is a more efficient native powershell tail equivalent.

How to run a PowerShell script

How do I run a PowerShell script?
I have a script named myscript.ps1
I have all the necessary frameworks installed
I set that execution policy thing
I have followed the instructions on this MSDN help page
and am trying to run it like so:
powershell.exe 'C:\my_path\yada_yada\run_import_script.ps1' (with or without --noexit)
which returns exactly nothing, except that the file name is output.
No error, no message, nothing. Oh, when I add -noexit, the same thing happens, but I remain within PowerShell and have to exit manually.
The .ps1 file is supposed to run a program and return the error level dependent on that program's output. But I'm quite sure I'm not even getting there yet.
What am I doing wrong?
You need to be able to run PowerShell as an administrator
You need to set your PowerShell execution policy to a permissive value or be able to bypass it
Launch Windows PowerShell as an Administrator, and wait for the PS> prompt to appear
Navigate within PowerShell to the directory where the script lives:
PS> cd C:\my_path\yada_yada\ (enter)
Execute the script:
PS> .\run_import_script.ps1 (enter)
Or: you can run the PowerShell script from the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) like this:
powershell -noexit "& ""C:\my_path\yada_yada\run_import_script.ps1""" (enter)
according to Invoking a PowerShell script from cmd.exe (or Start | Run) by Kirk Munro.
Or you could even run your PowerShell script asynchronously from your C# application.
If you are on PowerShell 2.0, use PowerShell.exe's -File parameter to invoke a script from another environment, like cmd.exe. For example:
Powershell.exe -File C:\my_path\yada_yada\run_import_script.ps1
If you want to run a script without modifying the default script execution policy, you can use the bypass switch when launching Windows PowerShell.
powershell [-noexit] -executionpolicy bypass -File <Filename>
powershell -executionpolicy bypass -File .\Test.ps1
NOTE: Here Test.ps1 is the PowerShell script.
I've had the same problem, and I tried and tried... Finally I used:
powershell.exe -noexit "& 'c:\Data\ScheduledScripts\ShutdownVM.ps1'"
And put this line in a batch-file, and this works.
If you only have PowerShell 1.0, this seems to do the trick well enough:
powershell -command - < c:\mypath\myscript.ps1
It pipes the script file to the PowerShell command line.
Pretty easy. Right click the .ps1 file in Windows and in the shell menu click on Run with PowerShell.
Open PowerShell in administrator mode
Run: set-executionpolicy unrestricted
Open a regular PowerShell window and run your script.
I found this solution following the link that was given as part of the error message: About Execution Policies
Make sure to run set-ExecutionPolicy default once you're done, or you will be exposed to security risks.
Using cmd (BAT) file:
#echo off
color 1F
C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "PrepareEnvironment.ps1"
echo Waiting seconds
timeout /t 10 /nobreak > NUL
If you need run as administrator:
Make a shortcut pointed to the command prompt (I named it
Administrative Command Prompt)
Open the shortcut's properties and go to the Compatibility tab
Under the Privilege Level section, make sure the checkbox next to "Run this program as an administrator" is checked
An easy way is to use PowerShell ISE, open script, run and invoke your script, function...
In case you want to run a PowerShell script with Windows Task Scheduler, please follow the steps below:
Create a task
Set Program/Script to Powershell.exe
Set Arguments to -File "C:\xxx.ps1"
It's from another answer, How do I execute a PowerShell script automatically using Windows task scheduler?.
If your script is named with the .ps1 extension and you're in a PowerShell window, you just run ./myscript.ps1 (assuming the file is in your working directory).
This is true for me anyway on Windows 10 with PowerShell version 5.1 anyway, and I don't think I've done anything to make it possible.
Give the path of the script, that is, path setting by cmd:
$> . c:\program file\prog.ps1
Run the entry point function of PowerShell:
For example, $> add or entry_func or main
You can run from cmd like this:
type "script_path" | powershell.exe -c -
Use the -File parameter in front of the filename. The quotes make PowerShell think it is a string of commands.
I've just found the method what Microsoft do when we right click on a ps1 script and click on "Run with PowerShell" :
"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" "-Command" "if((Get-ExecutionPolicy ) -ne 'AllSigned') { Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process Bypass }; & 'C:\Users\USERNAME\Desktop\MYSCRIPT.ps1'"
With the appropriate execution policy, you should just be able to call the file directly and Windows will associate it with PowerShell
That does not do so well with arguments. The real answer to your question is that you are missing the & to say "execute this"
powershell.exe '& C:\my_path\yada_yada\run_import_script.ps1'
