Generated sources being compiled twice - maven

Using Eclipse Luna with m2eclipse, I have a parent Maven project (facturas_root) and two Maven modules inheriting from it (sharepoint_ws and api_sharepoint).
sharepoint_ws was to be used only to generate JAXWS classes to connect to the Sharepoint WebServices, so I downloaded the related WSDL and included those as resources of the project. At generate-sources phase, it works correctly and generates the sources in target\generated-sources\ws-consume\mypackage\.
Now, the issue is that I made api_sharepoint import the sharepoint_ws dependency, but it does not detect any class. I assumed that it was because the generated classes were not at src/main/java, so I added a plugin to copy them there. Now, the problem is that at the compile phase of sharepoint_ws, it finds twice the source file of each class and throws an error.
My pom.xml -> build
<!-- clean /src/main/java and /target/generated-sources -->
<!-- generate jaxws -->
<!-- copy sources -->
In order to try to exclude target/generated-sources I have addded this:
As stated above, I do comment the "copy" plugin, the module depending on sharepoint_ws does not have any ot its classes available; I do use it I get errors in the tune of
[ERROR] /C:/Users/s004256/workspace/facturas_root/sharepoint_ws/src/main/java/es/ssib/otic/facturas/sharepoint_ws/[34,8] duplicate class: es.ssib.otic.facturas.sharepoint_ws.DeleteList
for each generated list.

In the first place, I recommend you'd better declare target/generated-sources as a source folder, instead of copying files here and there:
This should be enough to make Maven compile the target/generated-sources/*.java and package them all in the library, and also for Eclipse to recognize target/generated-sources as a source directory (after you execute Maven/Update Project).
By the way: You should take care of binding the plugins to a phase in the correct order: If you bound all tasks to "generate-sources", you have no gurantee about in which order will they be executed. And the same goes for the "compile" phase: You have to set properly the source folders, with its inclusions and exclusions, before the compile phase.
Take a look a the Default Maven Lifecycle and try to chose different, sequential phases for your tasks.


Integration tests create files for the packaged jar

I'm generating spring-restdocs snippets with rest assured in my integration tests.
With maven and the failsafe plugin that defaults to the integration-test and verify phase. Problem is, that asciidoctor-maven-plugin (to generate the final HTML file out of the snippets) and maven-resources-plugin (to copy the final HTML file into the correct place) run before the integration tests in prepare-package.
With that asciidoctor naturally fails, because the snippets are not generated yet.
If I configure asciidoctor to run at post-integration-test, it succeeds, but then the finished HTML page is not in my jar, cause the jar was already created in the package phase.
So I feel like the only option is to run my integration tests already in the tests phase (probably with surefire instead of failsafe).
I could also split out the Documentation related tests from the rest of the integration tests, but I actually like to have them in the seemingly correct place.
I wonder if there is a best practice I'm ignoring?
Should integration tests never produce something to put inside the jar?
It looks to me, that integration tests in maven are meant for cross-jar tests (hence running them after package). And not like I'm using them, just for bigger tests that involve multiple parts (especially DB) all within one jar.
What I would like:
run all tests
compile documentation
package everything into the jar
Excerpt from my pom.xml
<!-- Compile API documentation -->
<!-- Package API documentation -->
The phases integration-test and verify are just the default bindings of the integration-test and the verify goal. You can bind your integration tests to the test phase, as well:
and such achieve the order you like/need.

How to skip version in jar generated by maven-jar-plugin and clasifier

I want the version to be appended to end of the jar.Right now it is building jar like ship-service-0.1-client.jar,I want it like ship-service-client-0.1.jar and i need to add it as dependency in another project.
You can use
check this related question

Compile and execute a single file to generate code before compiling all the code together

A maven project with some generated files:
my.package.R // generated from resources
When building, I would like to compile ClassThatGeneratesRFromResources, execute it (thus generating the class) and then compile everything else together.
I can make this work with modules, a reactor, and isolating ClassThatGeneratesRFromResources in its own little module. However, I wonder why my ugly, clunky solution is not working. Here is my current POM:
The result is that the initial compiler run fails, and then the code-generation run fails too (because ClassThatGeneratesRFromResources has not been compiled). Why is my compiler plugin not being triggered? How can I fix this (other than going modular)?

How to add WSDL, XSD (and possibly other files) to WAR

I have a very simple pom.xml that generates a fully working web service if deployed locally (Tomcat 7). This is its <build> section:
The reason it only works if deployed locally and not when deployed to a remote server is because the remote server cannot find the .wsdl and the .xsd files in development source directories ${basedir}/target/generated/src/main/ and they are also nowhere to be found in the WAR file.
Apparently, I am missing something in my pom.xml that would make Maven add or attach those files to the WAR.
I tried the attach-artifact goal (as quoted above) but it only copies the files to my local (development) .m2 repository, not to the WAR file.
How do I add or attach files to the actual .war file to be deployed?
I solved the mystery.
Posting the answer here in case another newbie to Maven (plus CXF?) encounters this problem:
It turns out that the attach-artifact execution is totally unneeded and is a shot in the wrong direction.
All I had to do was to add at the top of the <build> section, just before <plugins> the following:
That's all. Maven then automagically places all files in those directories in WEB-INF/classes/.

Maven - Excluding Resource from a specific artifact

I'm new to maven, and found myself stuck with something which is really bothering me.
I have a multi-module project, and my parent pom.xml contains the following plugin:
This code generates a file and places them in each of my module jar files.
I was wondering if it's possible to make this code create the file for only 2 modules out of the 3.
For example if I have modules: A, B and C.
I would like the file to be in A and B but not in C.
I hope I explained myself well enough, in case not please let me know.
Thanks in advance,
Best solution would be moving this plugin configuration to the project/build/pluginManagement element of the parent pom:
and call it at project/build/plugins in module poms:
if such refactoring of parent pom is not allowed then override plugin configuration with skip set into true or use the none phase to disable unwanted plugin calls:
