How to skip version in jar generated by maven-jar-plugin and clasifier - maven

I want the version to be appended to end of the jar.Right now it is building jar like ship-service-0.1-client.jar,I want it like ship-service-client-0.1.jar and i need to add it as dependency in another project.

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How to remove a a specific directory from the Maven's target directory at the end of the build?

I have a task to unpack all the jars mentioned in the pom.xml and then jar the unpacked content into one single jar. I am able to do this using the unpack-dependency goal of the dependency plugin and the jar plugin.
However, after i generate the new jar, I want to delete the folder that was created after unpacking. I am using the following code snippet in my pom.xml(Please read the comments above each plugin).
<!-- This part of the code is used to unpack all the dependencies mentioned in my pom.xml -->
<!-- This part of the code is used for creating a jar with all the contents of the "alternateLocation" directory above -->
<!-- I am using this part of the code to delete the "alternateLocation" after everything is done, but it deletes the target directory instead -->
The clean plugin is basically deleting the target directory by default.
So how can I delete the "alternateLocation" folder from the target directory at the end of the build. (I guess you can do it using the maven-antrun-plugin but i don't want to use this plugin.).
You can solved this by using the maven-assembly-plugin via the predefined descriptor jar-with-dependencies which can be done by the following:
Than you don't need supplemental configuration.

Generated sources being compiled twice

Using Eclipse Luna with m2eclipse, I have a parent Maven project (facturas_root) and two Maven modules inheriting from it (sharepoint_ws and api_sharepoint).
sharepoint_ws was to be used only to generate JAXWS classes to connect to the Sharepoint WebServices, so I downloaded the related WSDL and included those as resources of the project. At generate-sources phase, it works correctly and generates the sources in target\generated-sources\ws-consume\mypackage\.
Now, the issue is that I made api_sharepoint import the sharepoint_ws dependency, but it does not detect any class. I assumed that it was because the generated classes were not at src/main/java, so I added a plugin to copy them there. Now, the problem is that at the compile phase of sharepoint_ws, it finds twice the source file of each class and throws an error.
My pom.xml -> build
<!-- clean /src/main/java and /target/generated-sources -->
<!-- generate jaxws -->
<!-- copy sources -->
In order to try to exclude target/generated-sources I have addded this:
As stated above, I do comment the "copy" plugin, the module depending on sharepoint_ws does not have any ot its classes available; I do use it I get errors in the tune of
[ERROR] /C:/Users/s004256/workspace/facturas_root/sharepoint_ws/src/main/java/es/ssib/otic/facturas/sharepoint_ws/[34,8] duplicate class: es.ssib.otic.facturas.sharepoint_ws.DeleteList
for each generated list.
In the first place, I recommend you'd better declare target/generated-sources as a source folder, instead of copying files here and there:
This should be enough to make Maven compile the target/generated-sources/*.java and package them all in the library, and also for Eclipse to recognize target/generated-sources as a source directory (after you execute Maven/Update Project).
By the way: You should take care of binding the plugins to a phase in the correct order: If you bound all tasks to "generate-sources", you have no gurantee about in which order will they be executed. And the same goes for the "compile" phase: You have to set properly the source folders, with its inclusions and exclusions, before the compile phase.
Take a look a the Default Maven Lifecycle and try to chose different, sequential phases for your tasks.

Maven, automating the version change

Let's say I have a pom file,
which defines a version of the project to build. This value is updated automatically by our build system (jenkins).
Later on, in one of the plugins, I need to have a property, which incorporates the first two figures from the version, so that for 14.4.1-SNAPSHOT value, it would be "14.4", and for 13.12.39-SNAPSHOT value it would be "13.12".
Currently we update this value manually each month:
Ideally, I would love to have instead something like
But how would I get this ${releaseVersion} (=14.4) calculated automatically from the <version>14.4.1-SNAPSHOT</version> ?
In that case it is absolutely automated, and we do not have any manual process in place.
Is there any expressions-kind-of-language I can use in pom files, which could parse the string 14.4.1-SNAPSHOT and produce from it an 14.4 ?
You can try the mojo build-helper with parse-version for this.
Stack Overflow Question
Original Documentation
[Edit] Here's my example pom.xml:
<echo>Major: ${parsedVersion.majorVersion}</echo>
<echo>Minor: ${parsedVersion.minorVersion}</echo>
<echo>Incremental: ${parsedVersion.incrementalVersion}</echo>
<echo>Qualifier: ${parsedVersion.qualifier}</echo>
<echo>BuildNumber: ${parsedVersion.buildNumber}</echo>

unpack dependency and repack classes using maven?

I am trying to unpack a maven artifact A and repack it into a new jar file in the maven project B.
Unpacking class files from artifact A into:
works fine using this:
In the same pom I now want to generate an additional jar containing the classes just unpacked:
A new jar is created but it does not contain the classes from the:
its simply a copy of the default project jar. Any ideas?
I have tried to follow this guide:
but its not working.
I would suggest you to use the maven-shade-plugin instead.
That will make the unpack-repack in the same invocation.
You could do something like this for example:
In the sample you have <classesdirectory>, the docs have the element as <classesDirectory>. Case sensitivity matters, I think.

How to place the output jar into another folder with maven?

I'd like to place my output jar and jar-with-dependencies into another folder (not in target/ but in ../libs/).
How can I do that?
You can use the outputDirectory parameter of the maven-jar-plugin for this purpose:
But as cdegroot wrote, you should probably better not fight the maven way.
If you want to copy the artifact into a directory outside your project, solutions might be:
maven-jar-plugin and configure outputDirectory
maven-antrun-plugin and copy task
copy-maven-plugin by Evgeny Goldin
Example for the copy-maven-plugin is:
<description>Copy artifact to another directory</description>
Another way would be maven-resources-plugin (find the current version here):
I would do it this way:
<copy file="target/${project.artifactId}-exec.jar" tofile="../../docker/${project.artifactId}.jar"/>
This technique worked well for me:
I specially like the solution using maven-resources-plugin (see here) because is already included in maven, so no extra download is needed, and also is very configurable to do the copy at a specific phase of your project (see here to learn & understand about phases). And the best part of this approach is that it won't mess up any previous processes or build you had before :)
<!-- here the phase you need -->
Of course you can also use interpolated variables like ${baseDir} and other good stuff like that all over your XML. And you could use wild cards as they explain here
Maven dependency plugin is perfectly capable of copying all dependencies and just built artifact in a custom location. Following example will copy all runtime dependencies and a built artifact in a two execution phases.
While documentation of dependency plugin states in its documentation that in order to copy built artifact you have to use any phase after the package phase, that is not true if you are building jars. In that situation you can use package phase. At least in 3.3.0 version of plugin.
